GBA C/C++ Programming tutorial ---Lesson 1

Gameboy Advance (GBA)


GBA has a 32 bit ARM7TDMI processor (RISC) with a cpu speed of about 16.67 MHz. It has also got its own graphics processor to support the main cpu . The gba includes a Z80 processor which is used to run games for the gameboy and gameboy color (this is not the subject of these lessons). GBA has 96Kb video memory (VRAM), 32Kb fast internal memory, and 256Kb external memory. The screen resolution is 240x160 pixels in all modes except mode 5, and can show a maximum of 32768 colors.



Graphic modes


GBA has 6 different graphics modes. Here comes a description of each of these modes, but first a brief explanation. Mode 0, 1 and 2 are called tile modes, which means these modes are built up from small squares (tiles) of 8x8 pixels that make up the background(s) in the different modes. Mode 3, 4 and 5 are bitmapped modes, which means they give the programmer the opportunity to write directly to a pixel on the screen. This can be done in two ways: by writing a 15 bit color code to the address that represents the specific pixel on the screen, or input a reference to a color stored in a palette.





Tile backgrounds are made up from tiles. Tiles are small, self made squares of 8x8 pixels size. These tiles can either be in 16 or 256 colors.


What I refer to as a tile map (see top next page) is actually a 2D table that consists of numbers that reference the tiles that we want to place at the chosen location in the table.  Tiles can be used more than once in the same tile map, and they can be turned up side down and sideways. Because of this we won’t need that many different tiles to create a background.  Tile maps can also be rotated and scaled, but not all modes have the same possibilities.





Sprite characters are animations like this smurf that you will find in most games. These characters can move freely over the screen without destroying any of the background like any other graphics would have done. This is the reason we almost always want to use sprites when programming games.


The sprites are made by hardware (the graphics processor) so we don’t need to think about what actually happens when we are using sprites. We just specify the size of the sprite, how many colors its going to have (16 or 256), if its going to be rotated, turned upside down, sideways or scaled.





Mode 0:

1        All 4 available backgrounds

2        No rotation or scaling

3        16 or 256 colors

4        Maximum 1024 tiles


Mode 1:

1        Only background 0, 1 and 2 are available

2        Background 2 supports rotation/scaling

3        256 colors

4        Maximum 256 tiles


Mode 2:

1        Only background 2 and 3 are available

2        Both backgrounds support rotation/scaling

3        256 colors

4        Maximum 256 tiles


Mode 3:

1        Only background 2 is available

2        240x160 pixels

3        32768 colors


Mode 4:

1        Only background 2 is available

2        240x160 pixels

3        Supports double buffering

4        256 different color entries from a palette made up from 32768 colors


Mode 5:

1        Only background 2 is available

2        160x128 pixels

3        Supports double buffering

4        32768 colors



How can you program the GBA ?


To be able to program the GBA you have to know C/C++ programming, and you need to have a special C compiler or assembler made for the gba cpu. Its probably easiest to use a C compiler for programming, but if you want to get the most out of the gba hardware you would be better of with the assembler. In these lectures I will only use a C compiler, and that’s what I will suggest for anyone who is new to handheld development. And by the way I haven’t heard of anyone who solely programs their games in assembler. Usually parts or functions are rewritten in assembler if they need to be very fast, but the rest of the program is written in C/C++. Nintendo is selling a C/C++ compiler, but I think it costs about $5000.  A free unofficial compiler (DevKitAdv) is available at


When you have downloaded DevKitAdv you can just unzip it to c:/.DevKitAdv  To write your code you can use notepad, and save your program as ‘myprogram.c’. Always remember to press enter after the last ‘}’ in your code or the compiler will complain.


To be able to compile the C code you have written you would need to run a  .bat file that starts the compiler.


Recipe: How to make a .bat file


1        Open notepad

2        Write this:


gcc  -o Test.elf Test.cpp  -lm

objcopy -O binary Test.elf Test.bin

3        Store this file as Make.bat



I have chosen to call my program Test.c, that is why I have the name Test in the Make.bat file. If you want to change the name of your C program to something else, you will have to change the name in the Make.bat file. Don’t use space or foreign letters in the program names or path names, this can be a problem for the compiler. Its also very important that you write the correct path to the /bin folder in DevKitAdv, or the compiler will not work.


Testing your programs (emulators)


To test your programs, the fastest and most used method is to use emulators that emulate the gba hardware. There are lots of free emulators on the internet, VisualBoyAdvance and mappy are the most used.


If you put VisualBoyAdvance in the c:/devkitadv/bin folder, and put the line (VisualBoyAdvance test.bin) at the end of the Make.bat file, your program will compile and execute every time you run Make.bat.




Lots of tools have been made for converting pictures from different picture-formats used on computers to the formats that the gba understands. These tools can be specially made for making bitmapped pictures, sprites, tiles, or even tile maps. These are some of my favorites.


3        gifs2sprites 

4        gfx2gba

5        bimbo (bitmap editor)

6        GBAMapEditor (tile map editor)


Tiles and sprites are made exactly the same way and can often use the same converter.


Transferring programs to hardware


If you have made a program/game that runs on the gba emulator its a lot more fun to se it run on real hardware than to see it on a big monitor on the computer. To accomplish this you need a flash cart


This is a flash cart.


You can connect the flash cart to a special box called a linker when you want to program it. The linker is connected to the PC and a program on the PC lets you send programs to the flash cart connected to the linker. You can then put the flash cart into your gba and see the result on your gba hardware. Some flash carts can be programmed while connected to the gba hardware, through a cable in the linker port of the gba.


A cheaper alternative is to buy an MBV II cable that is designed to transfer small programs directly into the gba memory. This cable must be connected to the linker port of the gba, and cannot be removed after you have transferred the program to the gba. This cable uses the internal memory of the gba and the biggest sized programs you can transfer with an MVB II is 256Kb (actually about 240Kb).


This is what the MBV II looks like. It connects to the parallel port on the computer, there is a micro controller inside the parallel connector, and it comes with special software to transfer programs from the computer to the gba.


Information on the internet


There is an IRC channel especially for gba development on EFnet, called #GBADEV. On this channel people are very helpful and have good knowledge of the gba hardware. Tutorials and lectures about gba programming are available online, have a look at, or PERN project at 

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devkitadv GBA开发工具 任天堂GBA官方开发包安装及开发环境的设置 Romandoo 解压安装包至某目录后,安照以下步骤操作: 一: 安装CYGWIN工具 运行CYGWIN_SETUP目录下setup.exe进行cygwin的安装 选INSTALL FROM LOCAL DIRECTORY 在SELECT INSTALL ROOT diretory 选择安装目录 next> 再NEXT 在弹出的窗口中,在Perv Curr Exp 中选Curr 点开列表栏中各项, 选 base 的 cygwin ash bash login sh-utils 选 devel 的 autoconf automake binutils gcc gdb make 选 shell下的 ash bash sh-utils 置NEW栏显示版本号,表示将其安装,而其它的工具选为skip表示跳过不安装 最后选next开始安装! (注意,我为了节省空间,我删除了许多不重要的东西,其实cygwin下有高达几百m的各式各样的工具,今后你可根据自已需要到网上下载安装去) 二、安装任天堂官方开发包 在 AGB LIBRARY3.0中点 agbsetup1安装 注意,一定要安装到c:\agb目录下,因为这是官方的默认目录,有一些例子与这个目录关连了 所以最好选这个目录 ,不然可能编不过去。否则自已设置会麻烦一点的。 修改c:\autoexec.bat 文件增加如下代码行 SET AGBDIR=C:\AGB 三、安装CYGWIN补丁 (由于刚安装完的cygwin版本并不支持arm cpu,所以需要将某些程序、库覆盖成arm相关的程序库) 将arm-thumb-elf连目录一起copy到安装好的cygwin目录的\lib\gcc-lib下 将bin-patch目录下的所有文件copy到cygwin目录的bin下面覆盖 将include patch目录下文件copy到cygwin目录的include下面 四:编绎例子程序 OK!前三步已经将我们的开发环境构好了!! 现在我们可以正式进行开发了,至于开发技术吗,在agb目录的doc下应有尽有,大家可以好好研究一下子。 下面我就介绍如何编绎代码了。 编绎也是很简单的一件事情了。 官方资料里有许多的例子,和两个游戏demo源代码。 我们就拿里面的一个具有代表性的例子编绎吧 functional_sample 在编绎之前,你必须重起你的机器,因为刚才我们修改了 autoexec.bat 而设置此时需要生效才行。(当然也有其它办法不必重起就生效,说来话长了) 好,重起之后,我们运行刚才装好的cygwin程序 进入了一个控制台窗口 这个控制台shell,命令行支持的是类式linux的指令,你可能不太了解,不过你不用担心呵 我们不需要记太多的命令指令,很简单的几句这可以了 就当是dos命令,只不过命令名称变了而已 下面是几个对应 ls 相当于dos下的dir指令 cd 相当于dos下的cd 指令 你也就需要这两个指令就搞定了,呵 行,那么我们正式开始: cd c: cd agb cd src cd samples cd functional_sample //以上几步作的就是进入c:\agb\src\samples\functional_sample目录下,和dos一样吧,呵 然后注意了,忘了提醒有关functional_sample这个例子的一个问题, 就是这个例子源代码share.c 中定义了 vu16 Cont; vu16 Trg; 但是在share.h中又申明为 extern u16 Cont; extern u16 Trg; 该编绎器检查认为是错误,所以你要改一下 将share.h文件里改成 extern vu16 Cont; extern vu16 Trg; 否则编绎报错。 好,改好share.h之后,我们输入 make 回车! 好,你可以看到现在开始正式编绎了,太爽了,官方的例子在被编绎,呵 过了几十秒编绎完成之后,就会生成了bin与elf文件 你用visualBoyAdvance打开bin文件看一看是 什么例子,哇,原来是个非常强的GBA各个功能展示,有alpha混合,有图层显示 有马塞可显示,有放大缩小,有精灵移动,旋转,字体显示,声音,有地图显示,有窗口模式。 但是需要注意的一个问题:::::: 如果你想使用gcc里面的库函数 需要在makefile里面修改一下 CFLAGS 中加入 -I"C:\cygwin\include" LDFLAGS 中加入 -lm 否则你将无法使用sin,cos,sqrt等有用的库函数 编完这个,你可以再去试试看




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