openal教程(二) 循环和消退 希望你觉得上一章有用,这一章将更容易。 #include <conio.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <al/al.h> #include <al/alc.h> #include <al/alu.h> #include <al/alut.c> // 存储声音数据. ALuint Buffer; // 用于播放声音. ALuint Source; // 源声音的位置. ALfloat SourcePos[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // 源声音的速度. ALfloat SourceVel[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.1 }; // 听者的位置. ALfloat ListenerPos[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // 听者的速度 ALfloat ListenerVel[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // 听者的方向 (first 3 elements are "at", second 3 are "up") ALfloat ListenerOri[] = { 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; 这一章与上一章唯一的不同是源速度的改变,他的‘Z’现在是0.1. ALboolean LoadALData() { // 载入变量 ALenum format; ALsizei size; ALvoid* data; ALsizei freq; ALboolean loop; // 载入WAV数据. alGenBuffers(1, &Buffer); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return AL_FALSE; alutLoadWAVFile("wavdata/Footsteps.wav", &format, &data, &size, &freq, &loop); alBufferData(Buffer, format, data, size, freq); alutUnloadWAV(format, data, size, freq); // 捆绑源 alGenSources(1, &Source); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return AL_FALSE; alSourcei (Source, AL_BUFFER, Buffer ); alSourcef (Source, AL_PITCH, 1.0f ); alSourcef (Source, AL_GAIN, 1.0f ); alSourcefv(Source, AL_POSITION, SourcePos); alSourcefv(Source, AL_VELOCITY, SourceVel); alSourcei (Source, AL_LOOPING, AL_TRUE ); // 做错误检测并返回 if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return AL_FALSE; return AL_TRUE; } 在这一节中有两处改变,首先是导入“FOOTSTES。WAV”,设置源‘AL_LOOPING’ 为‘AL_TRUE’。这意味着源播放直到停止时结束。他将不断的循环播放。 void SetListenervalues() { alListenerfv(AL_POSITION, ListenerPos); alListenerfv(AL_VELOCITY, ListenerVel); alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, ListenerOri); } void KillALData() { alDeleteBuffers(1, &Buffer); alDeleteSources(1, &Source); alutExit(); } 这里没有改变。 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // 初始OPENAL并清错误字节 alutInit(NULL,0); alGetError(); // 载入WAV数据. if (LoadALData() == AL_FALSE) return 0; SetListenervalues(); // 设置退出函数. atexit(KillALData); // 开始源的播放. alSourcePlay(Source); //循环 ALint time = 0; ALint elapse = 0; while (!kbhit()) { elapse += clock() - time; time += elapse; if (elapse > 50) { elapse = 0; SourcePos[0] += SourceVel[0]; SourcePos[1] += SourceVel[1]; SourcePos[2] += SourceVel[2]; alSourcefv(Source, AL_POSITION, SourcePos); } } return 0; } 这里唯一的改变是增加了一个循环。他将代替播放和停止按钮。 We do this by slowly incrementing the position by it's velocity over time. The time is sampled by checking the system clock which gives us a tick count. It shouldn't be necessary to change this, but if the audio clip fades too fast you might want to change 50 to some higher n umber. Pressing any key will end the loop 如果大家有什么问题,请告诉我 |