C++ Stream I/O

C++ Stream I/O

  1. Stream Input/Output
  2. Stream I/O Applications
  3. Stream Output Concept
  4. Stream Input Concept
  5. Using C++ Objects
  6. Standard Output Stream
  7. Standard Output Stream, Cont.
  8. Formatted Output
  9. Standard Input Stream
  10. Standard Input Stream, Cont.
  11. Formatted Input
  12. Unformatted I/O Example
  13. What is EOF?
  14. Unformatted I/O Summary
  15. Formatted I/O
  16. Floating-point Precision
  17. Floating-point Manipulators
  18. Floating-point Example
  19. C++ String
  20. Line-based Input, std::getline
  21. String Stream
  22. Low-level I/O using String Stream
  23. Field Width
  24. Fill Character
  25. Field Alignment
  26. Alignment of Numeric Fields
  27. Scientific Notation
  28. Normalized Scientific Notation
  29. More Manipulator Examples
  30. Manipulators for Integer Data Types
  31. cin interpretation of 0 and 0x prefixes
  32. Manipulators for Floating-point Data Types
  33. C++ Standard Library Objects
  34. Stream Functionality

1. Stream Input/Output

  • Standard Output coutcerr

  • Standard Input cin

  • Formatting

  • Error handling

  • File I/O (later)


2. Stream I/O Applications

  • network communication

  • encryption

  • data compression

  • persistent storage of objects

  • character-oriented input and output


3. Stream Output Concept

  •   hardware monitor

        std::cout << "HELLO";
        std::cout << '\n';
        std::cout << 123;
  • Output stream buffer:


4. Stream Input Concept

  • Input stream buffer:


      hardware keyboard



        int one;
        int two;
        std::cin >> one;
        std::cin >> two;

5. Using C++ Objects

  • Objects are C++ variables of user-defined types. They are declared as

        typename object_name;
  • For example, if Shape3D is a user-defined type, then we could try

        Shape3D widget;               // create object named "widget"
        widget.display( parameters ); // call member function with parameters
        widget.reset( );              // call member function without parameters
  • Dot-notation is used to access functions built into objects.

  • Alternatively, some objects may allow use of arithmetic operators. For example,

        std::cout << widget;          // display widget on console output device


6. Standard Output Stream

        typename      object name
        ------------  -----------
        std::ostream  std::cout;  // cout is a predefined object
  • Usage example:

        #include <iostream> // C++ standard library header
        using std::cout;    // cout declared inside std namespace
        int main()
            int x = 65;
            cout << x;      // display value of number 65
            cout.put( x );  // display character 'A'
            return 0;
        /* This program prints:


7. Standard Output Stream, Cont.

  • std::cout is a pre-defined object

  • We need to

        #include <iostream>

    to bring std::cout into our program

  • std::cout is attached to the standard output device, which can be console display, file, or printer.

  • I/O redirection to file or printer is made easy:

    CMD> myprogram > myfile.txt

    The above command sends standard output to myfile.txt


8. Formatted Output

  • C++ data types have OS- and hardware-specific internal representations...

    • ...If we display a numeric value using formatted output, its value is properly converted to a corresponding sequence of characters.

    • ...If we display a bool, we could convert its value to words "true" or "false".

  • Formatted Output handles value-to-text conversions for us:



  • For example,

    #include <iomanip>
    #include <iostream>
    using std::cout;
    using std::boolalpha;
    int main( )
         int i = 789;
         double d = 0.5;
         bool b = true;
         cout << i;
         cout << ';';
         cout << d;
         cout << ';';
         cout << boolalpha << b;
         return 0;
    /* Program output:

9. Standard Input Stream

        typename      object name
        ------------  -----------
        std::istream  std::cin;    // cin is a predefined object
  • Usage:

        // formatted input of C++ variables
        int x;
        cin >> x;
        // unformatted input of single characters
        char x = cin.get( );
        // line-based input of text strings
        string text;
        getline( cin, text );


10. Standard Input Stream, Cont.

  • std::cin is a pre-defined object

  • We need to have

        #include <iostream>

    to bring std::cin into our program

  • std::cin is attached to a standard input device

  • Example of I/O redirection from file or another device:

        CMD> myprogram < myfile.txt

    The above command gets standard input from myfile.txt


11. Formatted Input

  • Formatted input means

    1. reading expected type and format

    2. automatic whitespace processing

            #include <iostream>
            int main( )
                int one;
                int two;
                std::cout << "Please enter two integers: ";
                std::cin >> one >> two;
                return 0;


12. Unformatted I/O Example

  • Unformatted input means

    1. reading individual characters

    2. discovering data type and format as you read

            #include <iostream>
            int main()
                int onechar; // using int because char cannot represent EOF
                while ( ( onechar = std::cin.get() ) != EOF ) {
                    std::cout.put( onechar );
                return 0;


13. What is EOF?

  • Acronym EOF stands for condition known as end of file.

  • When reading from a file, the condition occurs naturally at the end of file.

  • To keep things consistent, the condition is also triggered when user enters

        CTRL+Z (on Windows machine)
        CTRL+D (on Unix machine)

    on the keyboard.

  • EOF is a symbol that becomes defined after

        #include <iostream>


14. Unformatted I/O Summary

  • Unformatted is typically viewed as

    • low-level I/O

    • highest efficiency

    • individual character processing

  • Input normally finishes at end-of-file marker, EOF

  • Input proceeds regardless of multiple lines of text

  • Input has no automatic whitespace recognition

    // Unformatted output
    std::ostream std::cout;     // predefined
    cout.put( c );              // single byte
    cout.write( array, count ); // array of bytes
    // Unformatted input
    std::istream std::cin;      // predefined
    c = cin.get( );             // single byte
    cin.read( array, count );   // array of bytes

15. Formatted I/O

  • Floating-point values by default use fixed-point notation:

        #include <iostream>
        int main()
          const double PI = 3.1415926;
          std::cout << PI << '\n';
          return 0;
        Output: 3.14159


16. Floating-point Precision

  • Floating-point values are printed with exact fraction part, as specified by the precision.

  • In default notation format, the precision specifies max number of meaningful digits to display both before and after the decimal point.

  • The default precision is 6 digits.

  • This means that the value is rounded to the best approximation while using 6 digits.

  • If necessary, the default format may change to scientific notation to preserve most accurate representation.

  • Precision can be changed by calling precision( ) member function of the stream to improve data accuracy:

    #include <iostream>
    void main()
      const double PI = 3.1415926;
      std::cout.precision( 7 );
      std::cout << PI << '\n';
    Output: 3.141593

17. Floating-point Manipulators

  • There are three possible ways to format floating point values:

        cout << value // default
        cout << fixed << value
        cout << scientific << value
  • In fixed and scientific notations precision specifies exactly how many digits to display after the decimal point, even if they are trailing decimal zeros.


18. Floating-point Example

        #include <iostream>
        using namespace std;
        int main()
            const double PI = 3.1415926;
            cout.precision( 7 );
            cout << fixed << "fixed format: " << PI << '\n';
            cout << scientific << "scientific format: " << PI << '\n';
            // back to default format:
            cout.unsetf( ios_base::fixed );
            cout.unsetf( ios_base::scientific );
            cout << "default format: " << PI << '\n';
            return 0;
        fixed format: 3.1415926
        scientific format: 3.1415926e+000
        default format: 3.141593


19. C++ String

  • std::string stores and manipulates text data

  • Add

        #include <string>

    to bring std::string type into our program

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        int qty;
        string units;
        // Formatted input of text:
        cout << "Qty and units: ";
        cin >> qty;
        cin >> units;
        cout << "You entered: ";
        cout << qty;
        cout << ' ';
        cout << units;
        cout << '\n';
        return 0;

20. Line-based Input, std::getline

        #include <iostream>
        #include <string>
        using namespace std;
        int main()
            string text_line;
            // Line-based input of text:
            cout << "Type something: ";
            getline( cin, text_line );
            cout << "You typed: ";
            cout << text_line;
            cout << '\n';
            return 0;


21. String Stream

        #include <cassert>
        #include <string> 
        #include <sstream> 
        int main()
            const double PI = 3.1415926;
            double value;
            std::stringstream  buffer;  // text buffer
            buffer.precision( 8 );      // increase default precision (*)
            buffer << PI;               // formatted output  
            buffer >> value;            // formatted input
            assert( PI == value );
            std::string text; 
            text = buffer.str( );  // returns std::string  
            buffer.str( "" );      // clear buffer  
            return 0;

    (*) try commenting out precision change and see what happens


22. Low-level I/O using String Stream

        #include <cassert>
        #include <iostream>
        #include <sstream>
        using namespace std;
        int main()
            stringstream buffer;
            int onechar; // because char cannot represent EOF
            cout << "Enter some text: ";
            while ( ( onechar = cin.get() ) != EOF ) {
                if ( onechar == '\n' ) {
                    break; // exit loop at the end of the line
                } else if ( isalpha( onechar ) ) {
                    buffer << "alpha: " << char( onechar ) << '\t' << onechar <<'\n';
                } else if ( isdigit( onechar ) ) {
                    buffer << "digit: " << char( onechar ) << '\t' << onechar <<'\n';
                } else {
                    buffer << "other: " << char( onechar ) << '\t' << onechar <<'\n';
            cout << buffer.str() << '\n'; // str() returns string
            return 0;


23. Field Width

  • Manipulator std::setw( n ) determines minimum output width n.

  • Requires header

        #include <iomanip>
  • If output is shorter than the field width n, the output is padded with fill characters.

        #include <iostream>
        #include <iomanip>
        using namespace std;
        int main () {
            cout << setw( 40 ) << "Hello";
            return 0;


24. Fill Character

  • Fill character can be changed by setfill manipulator:

        #include <iostream>
        #include <iomanip>
        using namespace std;
        int main () {
            cout << setfill( '?' ) << setw( 40 ) << "Hello";
            return 0;


25. Field Alignment

  • left appends fill characters at the end.

  • right inserts fill characters at the beginning.

        #include <iostream>
        #include <iomanip>
        using namespace std;
        int main () {
            cout << left << setfill( '?' ) << setw( 40 ) << "Hello";
            return 0;


26. Alignment of Numeric Fields

  • Adjusting numeric fields:

        #include <iostream>
        #include <iomanip>
        using namespace std;
        int main() {
          int x = -1234;
          cout << setw( 10 ) << internal << x << '\n';
          cout << setw( 10 ) << left     << x << '\n';
          cout << setw( 10 ) << right    << x << '\n';
          return 0;
        -     1234


27. Scientific Notation

  • Scientific notation (exponential notation) adjusts specified decimal point to the left or to the right according to the specified value of exponent e.

  • The e-suffix represents times ten raised to the power. For example,

            1e-2 ==   0.01 == 1×10-2
            1e-1 ==   0.10 == 1×10-1
            1e-0 ==   1.00 == 1×100
            1e+0 ==   1.00 == 1×100
            1e+1 ==  10.00 == 1×101
            1e+2 == 100.00 == 1×102


28. Normalized Scientific Notation

  • Normalized scientific notation expects absolute part A(*) of the number A×10b to be in the range

    • 1 <= A < 10

  • Try the following program to convert numbers from scientific notation to ordinary decimal notation:

        #include <iostream>
        #include <iomanip>
        using namespace std;
        int main() {
            for (;;) {
                double dbl;
                cin >> dbl;
                cout << setw( 14 ) << showpoint << dbl << '\n';
            return 0;
  • ________________

      (*) the absolute part A is also known as mantissa.


29. More Manipulator Examples

    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
    /*         5600 */ cout << setw( 14 )               << 56e2 << '\n';
    /*      5600.00 */ cout << setw( 14 ) << showpoint  << 56e+2 << '\n';
    /*2.345678e+002 */ cout << setw( 14 ) << scientific << 234.5678 << '\n';
    /*          255 */ cout << setw( 14 )               << 255 << '\n';
    /*           ff */ cout << setw( 14 ) << hex        << 255 << '\n'; 
    /*          377 */ cout << setw( 14 ) << oct        << 255 << '\n';
    /*            1 */ cout << setw( 14 )               << true << '\n';
    /*         true */ cout << setw( 14 ) << boolalpha  << true << '\n';
    /*  1234.567890 */ cout << setw( 14 ) << fixed      << 1234.56789 << '\n';
    /*     1234.568 */ cout << setw( 14 ) << fixed << setprecision(3) << 1234.56789 << '\n';
        return 0;


30. Manipulators for Integer Data Types

  • The following are integer output manipulators:

    • boolalpha: use symbolic representation of true and false when inserting or extracting bool values. By default, bool values inserted and extracted as numeric values1 and 0.

    • dec: insert or extract integer values in decimal (base 10) format.

    • hex: insert or extract integer values in hexadecimal (base 16) format, such as "0xFF" or simply "FF".

    • oct: insert or extract integer values in octal format, e.g. "077"

    • showbase: insert a prefix that reveals the base of an integer value.

    • noshowbase: reverse back to baseless integer output format.

  • Note: the above manipulators are sticky: they persist until another manipulator is applied.

  • The data type manipulators can be applied to both input and output streams.


31. cin interpretation of 0 and 0x prefixes

        cin.unsetf( ios::dec ); // Interpret 0 and 0x as hexadecimal and octal prefixes
        cin.unsetf( ios::oct ); // Ignore octal prefix, interpret 077 as decimal 77
        cin.unsetf( ios::dec );
        cin.setf( ios::oct );   // All integers now expected to be octal base
        cin.unsetf( ios::dec );
        cin.setf( ios::hex );   // All integers now expected to be base-16:
  • Sample program cin_setf.cpp ( download ) illustrates integer base/prefix manipulation and rudimentary format-related error recovery.

  • See also  cin.setf()  and  cin.unsetf()  documentation.


32. Manipulators for Floating-point Data Types

  • showpoint: insert a decimal point unconditionally in a generated floating-point field.

  • fixed: insert floating-point values in fixed-point format. For example,

    • default format for 1234.56789 is 1234.57,

    • fixed makes it 1234.56789.

  • scientific: insert floating-point values in scientific format with an exponent field. For example,

    • default format for 1234.56789 is 1234.567,

    • scientific makes it 1.234568e+03.


  • Note: the above manipulators are sticky: they persist until another manipulator is applied.


33. C++ Standard Library Objects

        typename           object name
        ------------       -----------
        std::ostream       std::cout; // predefined object
        std::istream       std::cin;  // predefined object
        std::string        text;      // text data
        std::stringstream  buffer;    // text buffer


34. Stream Functionality





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