AAC bug analysis; MP4 container;

Mediainfo tool is very good,  可以查看视频的 profile codec 等等信息;





What information can I get from MediaInfo?
  • General: title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration...
  • Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate...
  • Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate...
  • Text: language of subtitle
  • Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters
What format (container) does MediaInfo support?
  • Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)...
    (Codecs: DivXXviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...)
  • Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF...
  • Subtitles: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...
What can I do with it?
  • Read many video and audio file formats
  • View information in different formats (text, sheet, tree, HTML...)
  • Customise these viewing formats
  • Export information as text, CSV, HTML...
  • Graphical Interface, Command Line, or DLL versions available
  • Integrate with MS-Windows shell (drag 'n' drop, and Context menu)
  • Internationalisation: display any language on any operating system
  • Localisation capability (but volunteers needed)



1, AAC, 规格一览 


因为"AAC"是一个大家族,他们共分为 9 种规格,以适应不同场合的需要,也正是由于 AAC 的规格(Profile)繁多,导致普通电脑用户感觉十分困扰:

  1, MPEG-2 AAC LC 低复杂度规格(Low Complexity)

  2, MPEG-2 AAC Main 主规格

  3, MPEG-2 AAC SSR 可变采样率规格(Scaleable Sample Rate)

  4, MPEG-4 AAC LC 低复杂度规格(Low Complexity),现在的手机比较常见的 MP4 文件中的音频部份就包括了该规格音频文件

  5, MPEG-4 AAC Main 主规格

  6, MPEG-4 AAC SSR 可变采样率规格(Scaleable Sample Rate)

  7, MPEG-4 AAC LTP 长时期预测规格(Long Term Predicition)

  8, MPEG-4 AAC LD 低延迟规格(Low Delay)

  9, MPEG-4 AAC HE 高效率规格(High Efficiency)

上述的规格中,主规格(Main)包含了除增益控制之外的全部功能,其音质最好,而低复杂度规格(LC)则是比较简单,没有了增益控制,但提高了编码效率,至“SSR”对“LC”规格大体是相同,但是多了增益的控制功能,另外,MPEG-4 AAC/LTP/LD/HE,都是用在低比特率下编码,特别是“HE”是有 Nero ACC 编码器支持,是近来常用的一种编码器,不过通常来说,Main 规格和 LC 规格的音质相差不大,因此目前使用最多的 AAC 规格多数是“LC”规格,因为要考虑手机目前的存储器能力未达合理水平。

MPEG-4 AAC LC (Low Complexity) 是最常用的规格,我们叫“低复杂度规格”,我们简称“LC-AAC”,这种规格在中等码率的编码效率以及音质方面,都能找到平衡点。所谓中等码率,就是指:96kbps-192kbps之间的码率。因此,如果要使用LC-AAC规格,请尽可能把码率控制在之前说的那个区间内。在这个区间内,LC-AAC 可以完全打败同码率的用LAME最高质量慢速编码模式的MP3





2, ADTS(http://honwsn.itpub.net/post/41648/497237)  http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=ADTS


syncword; 12 bslbf

ID; 1 bslbf

layer; 2 uimsbf

protection_absent; 1 bslbf

profile; 2 uimsbf

sampling_frequency_index; 4 uimsbf

private_bit; 1 bslbf

channel_configuration; 3 uimsbf

original/copy; 1 bslbf

home; 1 bslbf



copyright_identification_bit; 1 bslbf

copyright_identification_start; 1 bslbf

frame_length; 13 bslbf

adts_buffer_fullness; 11 bslbf

number_of_raw_data_blocks_in_frame; 2 uimsfb



syncword 同步字The bit string ‘1111 1111 1111’,说明一个ADTS帧的开始。

ID MPEG 标示符, 设置为1.

layer Indicates which layer is used. Set to ‘00’

protection_absent 表示是否误码校验

profile 表示使用哪个级别的AAC,profile, the MPEG-4 Audio Object Type minus 1   如01 Low Complexity(LC)--- AACLC

  • 1: AAC Main  -->>>0
  • 2: AAC LC (Low Complexity)   -->>>1
  • 3: AAC SSR (Scalable Sample Rate)   -->>>2
  • 4: AAC LTP (Long Term Prediction)   -->>>3

sampling_frequency_index 表示使用的采样率下标  sampling_frequency_index sampling frequeny [Hz]

0x0 96000

0x1 88200

0x2 64000

0x3 48000

0x4 44100

0x5 32000

0x6 24000

0x7 22050

0x8 16000

0x9 2000

0xa 11025

0xb 8000

0xc reserved

0xd reserved

0xe reserved

0xf reserved

channel_configuration 表示声道数

frame_length 一个ADTS帧的长度包括ADTS头和raw data block.

adts_buffer_fullness 0x7FF 说明是码率可变的码流


表示ADTS帧中有number_of_raw_data_blocks_in_frame + 1个AAC原始帧.

所以说number_of_raw_data_blocks_in_frame == 0 表示说ADTS帧中有一个AAC数据块并不是说没有。

LetterLength (bits)DescriptionA12syncword 0xFFF, all bits must be 1B1MPEG Version: 0 for MPEG-4, 1 for MPEG-2C2Layer: always 0D1protection absent, Warning, set to 1 if there is no CRC and 0 if there is CRCE2profile, the MPEG-4 Audio Object Type minus 1F4MPEG-4 Sampling Frequency Index (15 is forbidden)G1private stream, set to 0 when encoding, ignore when decodingH3MPEG-4 Channel Configuration (in the case of 0, the channel configuration is sent via an inband PCE)I1originality, set to 0 when encoding, ignore when decodingJ1home, set to 0 when encoding, ignore when decodingK1copyrighted stream, set to 0 when encoding, ignore when decodingL1copyright start, set to 0 when encoding, ignore when decodingM13frame length, this value must include 7 or 9 bytes of header length: FrameLength = (ProtectionAbsent == 1 ? 7 : 9) + size(AACFrame)O11Buffer fullnessP2Number of AAC frames (RDBs) in ADTS frame minus 1, for maximum compatibility always use 1 AAC frame per ADTS frameQ16CRC if protection absent is 0

Channel Configurations

These are the channel configurations:

  • 0: Defined in AOT Specifc Config
  • 1: 1 channel: front-center
  • 2: 2 channels: front-left, front-right
  • 3: 3 channels: front-center, front-left, front-right
  • 4: 4 channels: front-center, front-left, front-right, back-center
  • 5: 5 channels: front-center, front-left, front-right, back-left, back-right
  • 6: 6 channels: front-center, front-left, front-right, back-left, back-right, LFE-channel
  • 7: 8 channels: front-center, front-left, front-right, side-left, side-right, back-left, back-right, LFE-channel
  • 8-15: Reserved


Audio Object Types

MPEG-4 Audio Object Types:

  • 0: Null
  • 1: AAC Main
  • 2: AAC LC (Low Complexity)
  • 3: AAC SSR (Scalable Sample Rate)
  • 4: AAC LTP (Long Term Prediction)
  • 5: SBR (Spectral Band Replication)
  • 6: AAC Scalable
  • 7: TwinVQ
  • 8: CELP (Code Excited Linear Prediction)
  • 9: HXVC (Harmonic Vector eXcitation Coding)
  • 10: Reserved
  • 11: Reserved
  • 12: TTSI (Text-To-Speech Interface)
  • 13: Main Synthesis
  • 14: Wavetable Synthesis
  • 15: General MIDI
  • 16: Algorithmic Synthesis and Audio Effects
  • 17: ER (Error Resilient) AAC LC
  • 18: Reserved
  • 19: ER AAC LTP
  • 20: ER AAC Scalable
  • 21: ER TwinVQ
  • 22: ER BSAC (Bit-Sliced Arithmetic Coding)
  • 23: ER AAC LD (Low Delay)
  • 24: ER CELP
  • 25: ER HVXC
  • 26: ER HILN (Harmonic and Individual Lines plus Noise)
  • 27: ER Parametric
  • 28: SSC (SinuSoidal Coding)
  • 29: PS (Parametric Stereo)
  • 30: MPEG Surround
  • 31: (Escape value)
  • 32: Layer-1
  • 33: Layer-2
  • 34: Layer-3
  • 35: DST (Direct Stream Transfer)
  • 36: ALS (Audio Lossless)
  • 37: SLS (Scalable LosslesS)
  • 38: SLS non-core
  • 39: ER AAC ELD (Enhanced Low Delay)
  • 40: SMR (Symbolic Music Representation) Simple
  • 41: SMR Main
  • 42: USAC (Unified Speech and Audio Coding) (no SBR)
  • 43: SAOC (Spatial Audio Object Coding)
  • 44: LD MPEG Surround
  • 45: USAC




3,  使用工具mediainfo,  bless, and gedit 查找audio的profile 与 channel 等信息;

mediainfo 工具打开, kms2097_I_am_legend_trailer_he_aac.mp4, 然后调出16进制的具体信息, 之后全部copy到gedit里面去;

在gedit里面搜索audioObjectType, 就可以看出“

E2profile, the  MPEG-4 Audio Object Type  minus 1”

  信息,  然后,找到其16进制的位置:000060A7 ,

000060A7            AudioSpecificConfig (7 bytes)

000060A7             audioObjectType - 2 - LC (1 bytes)

000060A7              audioObjectType:                         2 (0x02)

000060A7             samplingFrequencyIndex:                   6 (0x06) - 24000

000060A8             channelConfiguration:                     6 (0x06) - Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE

000060A8             GASpecificConfig (1 bytes)

000060A8              frameLengthFlag:                         No - 1024 bytes

000060A8              dependsOnCoreCoder:                      No

000060A8              extensionFlag:                           No 

 000060A9             syncExtensionType:                        695 (0x02B7)

000060A9             extensionAudioObjectType - 5 -  (2 bytes)

000060AA              audioObjectType:                         5 (0x05)

000060AB             sbrPresentFlag:                           Yes

000060AB             extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex:          3 (0x03) - 48000

000060AB             syncExtensionType:                        1352 (0x0548)






4, mp4 container:

moov mvhd trak tkhd edts elst mdia mdhd minf stbl stsd stco co64 stts stss stsc stsz trak trak ..mdat [data] [data] [...]








5, AAC profile:



  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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