cocos2dx C++使用rapidxml读取XML配置文件



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    <!-- Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines. -->
    <dimen name="activity_horizontal_margin">16dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="activity_vertical_margin">16dp</dimen>

    <!-- string -->
    <string name="app_name">AndroidBitmap</string>
    <string name="hello_world">Hello world!</string>
    <string name="action_settings">Settings</string>

    <!-- color -->
    <color name="comm_head_back">#f7514b</color>
    <color name="comm_title_text">#FFFFFF</color>
    <color name="bottom_hong">#f85d58</color>
    <color name="bottom_qian">#929292</color>
    <color name="black">#000000</color>
    <color name="comm_back_ground">#B2B2B2</color>
    <color name="comm_back_shaixuan">#F4F4F4</color>
    <color name="comm_line_color">#B2B2B2</color>
    <color name="com_title_1">#b1b1b1</color>
    <color name="com_title_2">#007aff</color>

    <!-- position -->
    <position name="position1">12,23</position>
    <position name="position2">12,23</position>

    <!-- colorint -->
    <colorint name="ccc31">123,343,344</colorint>

    <!-- colordouble -->
    <colordouble name="ccc33">0.2,0.5,0.7</colordouble>

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创建读取配置文件的工具类,使用了rapidxml进行解析的 ,cocos2dx没有自带rapidxml,这里下载:





#include "rapidxml.hpp"
//#include "rapidxml_iterators.hpp"
#include "rapidxml_print.hpp"
#include "rapidxml_utils.hpp"

#include <map>  

using namespace std;
using namespace rapidxml;

template <typename T>
class PointXML
    PointXML(const T x, const T y)
        this->x = x;
        this->y = y;

    T x;
    T y;

template <typename T>
class PointColorXML
    PointColorXML(const T r, const T g, const T b)
        this->r = r;
        this->g = g;
        this->b = b;

    T r;
    T g;
    T b;

class GlobalParameter
private :
    static GlobalParameter* m_GlobalParameter;
    void load();
    map<string, string> m_mapColor;
    map<string, string> m_mapDimen;
    map<string, string> m_mapString;
    map<string, PointXML<double>> m_mapPosition;
    map<string, PointColorXML<int>> m_mapColorint;
    map<string, PointColorXML<double>> m_mapColordouble;

    std::vector<std::string> split(std::string str, std::string pattern);
    static GlobalParameter* getInstance();
    string getColor(string name);
    string getDimen(string name);
    string getString(string name);
    PointXML<double> getPosition(string name);
    PointColorXML<int> getColorint(string name);
    PointColorXML<double> getColordouble(string name);

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#include "GlobalParameter.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

GlobalParameter* GlobalParameter::m_GlobalParameter = NULL;


GlobalParameter* GlobalParameter::getInstance()
    if (m_GlobalParameter == NULL)  //判断是否第一次调用  
        m_GlobalParameter = new GlobalParameter();

    return m_GlobalParameter;

string GlobalParameter::getColor(string name)
    map<string, string >::iterator iteratorl= m_mapColor.find(name);

    if (iteratorl == m_mapColor.end())
        return "";
        return m_mapColor.find(name)->second;

string GlobalParameter::getDimen(string name)
    map<string, string >::iterator iteratorl = m_mapDimen.find(name);

    if (iteratorl == m_mapDimen.end())
        return "";
        return m_mapDimen.find(name)->second;

string GlobalParameter::getString(string name)
    map<string, string >::iterator iteratorl = m_mapString.find(name);

    if (iteratorl == m_mapString.end())
        return "";
        return m_mapString.find(name)->second;

PointXML<double> GlobalParameter::getPosition(string name)
    map<string, PointXML<double> >::iterator iteratorl = m_mapPosition.find(name);

    if (iteratorl == m_mapPosition.end())
        return PointXML<double>(0, 0);
        return m_mapPosition.find(name)->second;

PointColorXML<int> GlobalParameter::getColorint(string name)
    map<string, PointColorXML<int> >::iterator iteratorl = m_mapColorint.find(name);

    if (iteratorl == m_mapColorint.end())
        return PointColorXML<int>(0, 0,0);
        return m_mapColorint.find(name)->second;

PointColorXML<double> GlobalParameter::getColordouble(string name)
    map<string, PointColorXML<double> >::iterator iteratorl = m_mapColordouble.find(name);

    if (iteratorl == m_mapColordouble.end())
        return PointColorXML<double>(0, 0, 0);
        return m_mapColordouble.find(name)->second;

void GlobalParameter::load()
    file<> fdoc("E://demo.xml");
    xml_document<> doc;           // character type defaults to char

    try {
        doc.parse<0>(;  //会改变参数的内容,tmpbuf的生命周期必须到解析完  
    catch (rapidxml::parse_error &e) {

    xml_node<>* root = doc.first_node();
    xml_node<>* message = root->first_node();

    for (; message; message = message->next_sibling())
        if (message->value_size() != NULL)
            string s = message->name();
            if ( s == "dimen")
                xml_attribute<>* att = message->first_attribute("name");
                m_mapDimen.insert(pair<string, string>(att->value(), message->value()));
            else if (s == "string")
                xml_attribute<>* att = message->first_attribute("name");
                m_mapString.insert(pair<string, string>(att->value(), message->value()));
            else if (s == "color")
                xml_attribute<>* att = message->first_attribute("name");
                m_mapColor.insert(pair<string, string>(att->value(), message->value()));
            else if (s == "position")
                xml_attribute<>* att = message->first_attribute("name");
                string value = message->value();
                std::vector<std::string> ve = split(value, ",");
                PointXML<double> p;
                if (ve.size() < 2)
                    if (ve.size() == 1)
                        p.x = atof(ve[0].data());
                        p.y = 0;
                        p.x = 0;
                        p.y = 0;
                    p.x = atof(ve[0].data());
                    p.y = atof(ve[1].data());

                m_mapPosition.insert(pair<string, PointXML<double>>(att->value(), p));
            else if (s == "colorint")
                xml_attribute<>* att = message->first_attribute("name");
                string value = message->value();
                std::vector<std::string> ve = split(value, ",");
                PointColorXML<int> p;
                if (ve.size() < 3)
                    p.r = 0;
                    p.g = 0;
                    p.b = 0;
                    p.r = atoi(ve[0].data());
                    p.g = atoi(ve[1].data());
                    p.b = atoi(ve[2].data());

                m_mapColorint.insert(pair<string, PointColorXML<int>>(att->value(), p));
            else if (s == "colordouble")
                xml_attribute<>* att = message->first_attribute("name");
                string value = message->value();
                std::vector<std::string> ve = split(value, ",");
                PointColorXML<double> p;
                if (ve.size() < 3)
                    p.r = 0;
                    p.g = 0;
                    p.b = 0;
                    p.r = atof(ve[0].data());
                    p.g = atof(ve[1].data());
                    p.b = atof(ve[2].data());

                m_mapColordouble.insert(pair<string, PointColorXML<double>>(att->value(), p));

std::vector<std::string> GlobalParameter::split(std::string str, std::string pattern)
    std::string::size_type pos;
    std::vector<std::string> result;
    str += pattern;//扩展字符串以方便操作
    int size=str.size();

    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
        pos = str.find(pattern, i);
            std::string s = str.substr(i, pos - i);
            i = pos + pattern.size() - 1;
    return result;
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GlobalParameter* m_Globalparameter = GlobalParameter::getInstance();
    cout << m_Globalparameter->getColor("comm_head_back") << endl;
    cout << m_Globalparameter->getString("app_name") << endl;
    cout << m_Globalparameter->getDimen("activity_horizontal_margin") << endl;
    PointXML<double> p = m_Globalparameter->getPosition("position1");
    cout << p.x << "----" << p.y << endl;
    PointColorXML<int> pi = m_Globalparameter->getColorint("ccc31");
    cout << pi.r << "----" << pi.g << "---------" << pi.b << endl;
    PointColorXML<double> pd = m_Globalparameter->getColordouble("ccc33");
    cout << pd.r << "----" << pd.g << "---------" << pd.b << endl;
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


