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原创 poj Arbitrage(Floyd||spfa)

ArbitrageDescriptionArbitrage is the use of discrepancies in currency exchange rates to transform one unit of a currency into more than one unit of the same currency. For example, suppose th

2017-01-22 17:03:22 469

原创 poj Cow Contest(传递闭包)

Cow ContestDescriptionN (1 ≤ N ≤ 100) cows, conveniently numbered 1..N, are participating in a programming contest. As we all know, some cows code better than others. Each cow has a certain

2017-01-18 15:10:43 499

原创 poj Wormholes(Bellman_ford寻找负权环)

WormholesDescriptionWhile exploring his many farms, Farmer John has discovered a number of amazing wormholes. A wormhole is very peculiar because it is a one-way path that delivers you to it

2017-01-17 19:23:32 781

原创 poj Currency Exchange(Bellman_ford变形)

Currency ExchangeDescriptionSeveral currency exchange points are working in our city. Let us suppose that each point specializes in two particular currencies and performs exchange operations

2017-01-17 16:07:28 572

原创 poj Frogger(Dijkstra,Floyd,Spfa)

FroggerDescriptionFreddy Frog is sitting on a stone in the middle of a lake. Suddenly he notices Fiona Frog who is sitting on another stone. He plans to visit her, but since the water is dir

2017-01-16 14:37:20 505

原创 poj Heavy Transportation(dijkstra,spfa)

Heavy TransportationDescriptionBackground Hugo Heavy is happy. After the breakdown of the Cargolifter project he can now expand business. But he needs a clever man who tells him whether th

2017-01-15 17:47:33 547

原创 poj Til the Cows Come Home(dijkstra,bellman_ford,spfa)

Til the Cows Come HomeDescriptionBessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the morning milking. Bessie ne

2017-01-14 16:17:22 469

原创 hdu Eddy's research II(递推,找规律,打表)

Eddy's research IIProblem DescriptionAs is known, Ackermann function plays an important role in the sphere of theoretical computer science. However, in the other hand, the dramatic fast in

2017-01-12 19:09:16 426

原创 hdu Pascal's Travels(DP)

Pascal's TravelsProblem DescriptionAn n x n game board is populated with integers, one nonnegative integer per square. The goal is to travel along any legitimate path from the upper left c

2017-01-12 16:09:30 390

原创 hdu FatMouse's Speed(DP)(打印路径)

FatMouse's SpeedProblem DescriptionFatMouse believes that the fatter a mouse is, the faster it runs. To disprove this, you want to take the data on a collection of mice and put as large

2017-01-12 11:06:30 435

原创 poj Function Run Fun(DP)(记忆化搜索)

Function Run FunDescriptionWe all love recursion! Don't we? Consider a three-parameter recursive function w(a, b, c): if a 1 if a > 20 or b > 20 or c > 20, then w(a, b, c) retu

2017-01-12 09:03:12 487

原创 hdu Employment Planning(DP)

Employment PlanningProblem DescriptionA project manager wants to determine the number of the workers needed in every month. He does know the minimal number of the workers needed in each mo

2017-01-11 20:35:29 641 3

原创 hdu I NEED A OFFER!(DP)

I NEED A OFFER!Problem DescriptionSpeakless很早就想出国,现在他已经考完了所有需要的考试,准备了所有要准备的材料,于是,便需要去申请学校了。要申请国外的任何大学,你都要交纳一定的申请费用,这可是很惊人的。Speakless没有多少钱,总共只攒了n万美元。他将在m个学校中选择若干的(当然要在他的经济承受范围内)。每个学校都有不同的申请

2017-01-11 16:18:31 439

原创 hdu Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping!(DP)

Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping!Problem DescriptionNowadays, a kind of chess game called “Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping!” is very popular in HDU. Maybe you are a good boy, and know littl

2017-01-11 14:18:37 493

原创 hdu Monkey and Banana(DP)

Monkey and BananaProblem DescriptionA group of researchers are designing an experiment to test the IQ of a monkey. They will hang a banana at the roof of a building, and at the mean time,

2017-01-11 09:29:54 537

原创 hdu Humble Numbers(打表)

Humble NumbersProblem DescriptionA number whose only prime factors are 2,3,5 or 7 is called a humble number. The sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25,

2017-01-10 19:48:00 532

原创 hdu Max Sum

Max SumProblem DescriptionGiven a sequence a[1],a[2],a[3]......a[n], your job is to calculate the max sum of a sub-sequence. For example, given (6,-1,5,4,-7), the max sum in this sequence

2017-01-10 14:07:04 356

原创 poj Children of the Candy Corn(BFS+DFS)

Children of the Candy CornDescriptionThe cornfield maze is a popular Halloween treat. Visitors are shown the entrance and must wander through the maze facing zombies, chainsaw-wielding psych

2017-01-09 17:12:10 513

原创 hdu 诡异的楼梯(BFS)

诡异的楼梯Problem DescriptionHogwarts正式开学以后,Harry发现在Hogwarts里,某些楼梯并不是静止不动的,相反,他们每隔一分钟就变动一次方向. 比如下面的例子里,一开始楼梯在竖直方向,一分钟以后它移动到了水平方向,再过一分钟它又回到了竖直方向.Harry发现对他来说很难找到能使得他最快到达目的地的路线,这时Ron(Harry最好的朋友)

2017-01-09 11:08:24 2002

原创 hdu 下沙小面的(2)(DFS)

下沙小面的(2)Problem Description前文再续,书接上一题。话说当上小面的司机的Lele在施行他的那一套拉客法则以后,由于走的路线太长,油费又贵,不久便亏本了。(真可怜~)于是他又想了一个拉客的办法。对于每一次拉客活动,他一次性把乘客都拉上车(当然也不会超过7个,因为位置只有7个)。然后,Lele计算出一条路线(出于某些目的,Lele只把车上乘客的目

2017-01-08 20:37:06 421

原创 hdu Fire Net(DFS)

Fire NetProblem DescriptionSuppose that we have a square city with straight streets. A map of a city is a square board with n rows and n columns, each representing a street or a piece of w

2017-01-08 15:58:15 471

原创 hdu Nightmare(BFS||DFS)(不标记的剪枝)

NightmareProblem DescriptionIgnatius had a nightmare last night. He found himself in a labyrinth with a time bomb on him. The labyrinth has an exit, Ignatius should get out of the labyrint

2017-01-08 15:10:33 405

原创 poj A Knight's Journey(DFS)(字典序)

A Knight's JourneyDescriptionBackground The knight is getting bored of seeing the same black and white squares again and again and has decided to make a journey around the world. Wheneve

2017-01-06 20:43:52 609

原创 poj 滑雪(DFS)||(DP+递归)

滑雪DescriptionMichael喜欢滑雪百这并不奇怪, 因为滑雪的确很刺激。可是为了获得速度,滑的区域必须向下倾斜,而且当你滑到坡底,你不得不再次走上坡或者等待升降机来载你。Michael想知道载一个区域中最长底滑坡。区域由一个二维数组给出。数组的每个数字代表点的高度。下面是一个例子  1 2 3 4 516 17 18 19 615 24 25 20

2017-01-05 21:30:47 2612 2

原创 hdu 非常可乐(BFS)(模拟)

非常可乐Problem Description大家一定觉的运动以后喝可乐是一件很惬意的事情,但是seeyou却不这么认为。因为每次当seeyou买了可乐以后,阿牛就要求和seeyou一起分享这一瓶可乐,而且一定要喝的和seeyou一样多。但seeyou的手中只有两个杯子,它们的容量分别是N 毫升和M 毫升 可乐的体积为S (S Input三个

2017-01-05 15:42:58 590

原创 poj Pots(BFS)(路径记录)(模拟)

PotsDescriptionYou are given two pots, having the volume of A and B liters respectively. The following operations can be performed:FILL(i)        fill the pot i (1 ≤ i ≤ 2) from the tap;

2017-01-05 10:56:35 584

原创 UVA Fire!(两点BFS)


2017-01-04 20:09:58 533

原创 FZU Fire Game(两点BFS)

Fire GameFat brother and Maze are playing a kind of special (hentai) game on an N*M board (N rows, M columns). At the beginning, each grid of this board is consisting of grass or just empty and

2017-01-03 17:00:38 1357 2





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