17.3. Process & Task Reports

You can access to the reports accessing Process Reports and Task Reports main menu:
reports menu
17.3.1. Process Reports

The jBPM Process Process Reports is an specific use case of a dashboard feed from data coming from a relational database via SQL queries. In this case, the database tables consumed are: processinstancelog and bamtasksummary both belonging to the jBPM engine.

Every time the jBPM runtime updates the information stored into such tables the data becomes automatically available to the dashboard indicators. The following picture shows the main screen that users get when navigating to the Process Reports.
ProcessReports header
Figure 227. Process Reports header
ProcessReports dashboardView
Figure 228. Process Reports dashboard view

Notice, those are generic metrics not tied to any specific business process. Nonetheless, it’s worth to mention that it would be very easy for customers to modify, extend or adapt this generic dashboard for custom needs. A customer could take the jBPM Process Reports as the base template for building a custom dashboard which mixes data coming from the jBPM engine plus data coming from its own business domain.

To filter through the data users can click on the charts in order to select, for instance, a given process, a given status, etc…​ Every time a filter is applied, all the indicators are automatically updated and synced according to the criteria set. The next picture shows, for instance, what happens when both the process Sales and the status Active are selected.
ProcessReports filtered
Figure 229. Active Process Filter

Using the built-in filter features is a good way to select the process instances the users want to look into. Additionally, at any time, no matter whether there is any active filter or not, users can also navigate to the actual list of instances the dashboard indicators are showing. The View table link at the top right side on the screen can be used to display those process instances details. Once clicked, the view is switched to the screen shown in the next picture:
ProcessReports tableView
Figure 230. Process Reports table view

From this view, users can access to process instances details just clicking on the desired row as well.
ProcessReports instanceDetails
Figure 231. Process Instance Details

Notice this is a read only view, just for monitoring purposes. After identifying a target process instance the next step is to use the jBPM Process Instance Console in case the user needs to manage such process instance.
17.3.2. Task Reports

The task reports section only contains indicators related to tasks. It basically provides the same features introduced above for process instances (filters, show instances, get details), this time related to tasks instead of process though.

The following picture shows the Task reports header that users get when navigating to the Task Reports.
TaskReports header
Figure 232. Task reports header
TaskReports dashboardView
Figure 233. Task Reports dashboard view
TaskReports tableView
Figure 234. Task Reports table view
TaskReports taskDetail
Figure 235. Task details view

To sum up, the jBPM Process & Task Reports let users:

To monitor their process and tasks

To apply the proper filters in order quickly identify problematic instances

To get the required information about a given instance in order to be able to fix any unexpected issue




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