
此文转自臺大資工系暨研究所Yung-Yu Chuang教授的教学资源


Bilateral filters

  • Bilateral Filtering: Theory and Applications, S. Paris, P.Kornprobst, J. Tumblin and F. Durand, Fundations adn Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, 2009.
  • A Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter Using a Signal Processing Approach, S. Paris and F. Durand, IJCV, 2009.
  • Real-Time Edge-Aware Image Processing with the Bilateral Grid, J.
    Chen, S. Paris, F. Durand SIGGRAPH 2007.
  • Real-Time O(1) Bilateral Filtering, Q. Yang, K.-H. Tan, N. Ahuja,
    CVPR 2009.
  • Gaussian KD-Trees for Fast High-Dimensional iltering, . Adams, N.
    Gelfand, J. Dolson, M. Levoy SIGGRAPH 2009.

Edge aware filters

  • Edge-Preserving Decompositions for Multi-Scale Tone and Detail Manipulation, Z. Farbman, R. Fattal, D. Lischinski, R. Szeliski,SIGGRAPH 2008.
  • Edge-Avoiding Wavelets and Their Applications, R. Fattal, SIGGRAPH 2009.
  • Edge-Preserving Multiscale Image Decomposition Based on Local Extrema, K.Subr, C. Soler, F. Durand, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009.
  • Diffusion Maps for Edge-Aware Image Editing, Z. Farbman, R. Fattal, D. Lischinski, SIGGRAPH Asia 2010.
  • Domain Transform for Edge-Aware Image and Video Processing, E. Gastal, M. Oliveira, SIGGRAPH 2011.
  • Local Laplacian Filters: Edge-Aware Image Processing with a Laplacian Pyramid, S. Paris, S. Hasinoff, J. Kautz, SIGGRAPH 2011.
  • Image smoothing via L0 Gradient Minimization, L. Xu, C. Lu, Y. Xu, J. Jia SIGGRAPH Asia 2011
  • SVM for Edge-Preserving Filtering, Q. Yang, L. Wang, N. Ahuja CVPR 2010.
  • Guided Image Filtering, K. He, J. Sun, X. Tang, ECCV 2010.
  • Geodesic Image and Video Editing, A. Criminisi, T. Sharp, C. Rother, P. Perez ACM TOG 2010.

Graph cut

  • Graph Cuts in Vision and Graphics: Theories and Applications, Y. Boykov, O. Veksler, In Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision.
  • Interactive Digital Photomontage, A. Agarwala, M. Dontcheva, M. Agrawala, S. Drucker, A. Colburn, B. Curless, D. Salesin, M. Cohen, ACM SIGGAPH 2004.

Gradient domain processing

  • Poisson Image Editing, P. Perez, M. Gangnet, A. Blake, SIGGAPH 2003
  • Drag and Drop Pasting, J. Jia, J. Sun, C.-K. Tang, H.-Y. Shum, SIGGAPH 2006
  • Efficient Gradient-Domain Compositing Using Quadtrees, A. Agarwala SIGGRAPH 2007
  • Real-Time Gradient-Domain Painting, J. McCann, N. Pollard SIGGRAPH 2008
  • A GPU Laplacian Solver for Diffusion Curves and Poisson Image Editing, S. Jeschke, D. Cline, P. Wonka SIGGRAPH Asia 2009
  • GradientShop: A Gradient-Domain Optimization Framework for Image and Video Filtering, P. Bhat, C. L. Zitnick, M. Cohen, B. Curless ACM TOG 2010
  • Coordinates for Instant Image Cloning, Z. Farbman, G. Hoffer, Y. Lipman, D. Cohen-Or, D. Lischinski SIGGAPH 2009
  • Convolution Pyramids, Z. Farbman, R. Fattal, D. Lischinski SIGGRAPH Asia 2011

Video stabilization

  • Full-Frame Video Stabilization with Motion Inpainting, Y. Matsushita, E. Ofek, W. Ge, X. Tang, H.-Y. Shum, PAMI 2006
  • Re-Cinematography: Improving the Camerawork of Casual Video, M. Gleicher, F. Liu, ACM TOMCCAP 2008
  • Content-Preserving Warps for 3D Video Stabilization, F. Liu, M. Gleicher, H. Jin, A. Agarwala, SIGGRAPH 2009
  • Video Stabilization using Robust Feature Trajectories, K.-Y. Lee, Y.-Y. Chuang, B.-Y. Chen, M. Ouhyoung, ICCV 2009
  • Subspace Video Stabilization, F. Liu, M. Gleicher, J. Wang, H. Jin, A. Agarwala, ACM TOG 2011
  • Auto-Directed Video Stabilization with Robust L1 Optimal Camera Paths, M. Grundmann, V. Kwatra, I. Essa, CVPR 2011

Image deblurring

Translational invariant kernels
  • Removing Camera Shake from a Single Photograph, R. Fergus, B. Singh, A. Hertzmann, S. Roweis, W. Freeman, SIGGRAPH 2006.
  • Blind Motion Deblurring Using Image Statistics, A. Levin, NIPS 2006.
  • Image Deblurring with Blurred/Noisy Image Pairs, L. Yuan, J. sun, L. Quan, H.-Y. Shum, SIGGRAPH 2007.
  • Progressive Inter-scale and Intra-scale Non-blind Image Deconvolution, L. Yuan, J. sun, L. Quan, H.-Y. Shum,. SIGGRAPH 2008.
  • High-Quality Motion Deblurring from a Single Image, Q. Shan, J. Jia, A. Agarwala, SIGGRAPH 2008.
  • Fast Motion Deblurring, S. Cho, S. Lee, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009.
  • Coded Exposure Photography: Motion Deblurring using Fluttered Shutter, R. Raskar, A. Agrawal, J. Tumblin, SIGGRAPH 2006.
  • Invertible Motion Blur in Video, A. Agrawal, Y. Xu, R. Raskar, SIGGRAPH 2009.
  • Understanding and evaluating blind deconvolution algorithms, A. Levin, Y. Weiss, F. Durand, W. T. Freeman, CVPR 2009.
  • Blur kernel estimation using the Radon Transform, T. S. Cho, S. Paris, B. Horn, W. Freeman, CVPR 2011.
Spatially varying kernels
  • Non-uniform Deblurring for Shaken Images, O. Whyte, J. Sivic, A. Zisserman, J. Ponce, CVPR 2010.
  • Image Deblurring using Inertial Measurement Sensors, N. Joshi, S. B. Kang, C. L. Zitnick, R. Szeliski, SIGGRAPH 2010.
  • Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions, A. Gupta, N. Joshi, L. Zitnick, M. Cohen, B. Curless, ECCV 2010.

high dynamic range imaging

  • Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs, Paul E. Debevec, Jitendra Malik, SIGGRAPH 1997.
  • Radiometric Self Calibration, Tomoo Mitsunaga, Shree Nayar, CVPR 1999.
  • Estimation-Theoretic Approach to Dynamic Range Enhancement using Multiple Exposures, Mark Robertson, Sean Borman, Robert Stevenson, Journal of Electronic Imaging 2003.
  • Fast Robust Image Registration for Compositing High Dynamic Range Photographs from Hand-held Exposures, G. Ward, jgt 2003.
  • LCIS: A Boundary Hierarchy for Detail-Preserving Contrast Reduction, Jack Tumblin, Greg Turk, SIGGRAPH 1999.
  • Gradient Domain High Dynamic Range Compression, Raanan Fattal, Dani Lischinski, Michael Werman, SIGGRAPH 2002.
  • Fast Bilateral Filtering for the Display of High Dynamic Range Images, Fredo Durand, Julie Dorsey, SIGGRAPH 2002.
  • Photographics Tone Reproduction for Digital Images, Erik Reinhard, Michael Stark, Peter Shirley, Jim Ferwerda, SIGGRAPH 2002.
  • Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators using a High Dynamic Range Display, Patrick Ledda, Alan Chalmers, Tom Troscianko, Helge Seetzen, SIGGRAPH 2005.
  • Evaluating HDR Rendering Algorithms, Jiangtao Kuang, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Changmeng Liu, Garrett Johnson, Mark Fairchild, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2007.


  • Fast and Robust Multiframe Super Resolution, S. Farsiu, M. Robinson, M. Elad, P. Milanfar, IEEE TIP 2004
  • Example-based Super-resolution, W. Freeman, T. Jones, E. Pasztor, IEEE CG&A 2002
  • Super-resolution from a Single Image, D. Glasner, S. Bagon, M. Irani, ICCV 2009
  • Image and Video Upscaling from Local Self-Examples, Gilad Freeman, Raanan Fattal, TOG 2011 [slides]
  • Image Upsampling via Imposed Edge Statistics, R. Fattal, SIGGRAPH 2007
  • Image Super-resolution via Sparse Representation, J. Yang, J. Wright, T. Huang, Y. Ma, IEEE TIP 2010

media retargeting

Discrete appraoches
  • Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing, S. Avidan, A. Shamir, SIGGRAPH 2007
  • Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting, M. Rubinstein, A. Shamir, S. Avidan, SIGGRAPH 2008
  • Summarizing Visual Data Using Bidirectional Similarity, D. Simakov, Y. Caspi, E. Shechtman, M. Irani, CVPR 2008
Continuous appraoches
  • Non-homogeneous Content-driven Video-retargeting, L. Wolf, M. Guttmann, D. Cohen-Or, ICCV 2007
  • Optimized Scale-and-Stretch for Image Resizing, Y.-S. Wang, C.-L. Tai, O. Sorkine, T.-Y. Lee, SIGGRAPH Asia 2008
  • A Shape Preserving Approach for Image Resizing, G.-X. Zhang, M.-M. Cheng, S.-M. Hu, R. Martin, Pacific Graphics 2009
  • Compressibility-Aware Media Retargeting with Structure Preserving, S.-F. Wang, S.-H. Lai, TIP 2011
Hybrid appraoches
  • Multi Operator Media Retargeting, M. Rubinstein, A. Shamir, S. Avidan, SIGGRAPH 2009
  • Optimized Image Resizing Using Seam Carving and Scaling, W. Dong, N. Zhou, J.-C. Paul, X. Zhang, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009
  • Resizing by Symmetry-Summarization, H. Wu, Y.-S. Wang, K.-C. Feng, T.-T. Wang, T.-Y. Lee, P.-A. Heng, SIGGRAPH Asia 2010
  • A comparative study of image retargeting, M. Rubinstein, D. Gutierrez, O. Sorkine, A. Shamir, SIGGRAPH Asia 2010
Video retargeting
  • Non-homogeneous Content-driven Video-retargeting, L. Wolf, M. Guttmann, D. Cohen-Or, ICCV 2007
  • Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting, M. Rubinstein, A. Shamir, S. Avidan, SIGGRAPH 2008
  • A system for Reatrgeting of Streaming Video, P. Krahenbuhl, M. Lang, A. Hornung, M. Gross, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009
  • Motion-Aware Temporal Coherence for Video Resizing, Y.-S. Wang, H. Fu, O. Sorkine, T.-Y. Lee, H.-P. Seidel, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009
  • Warp Propagation for Video Resizing, Y. Niu, F. Liu, X. Li, M. Gleicher, CVPR 2010
  • Motion-based Video Retargeting with Optimized Crop-and-Warp, Y.-S. Wang, H.-C. Lin, O. Sorkine, T.-Y. Lee, SIGGRAPH 2010
  • Scalable and Coherent Video Resizing with Per-Frame Optimization, Y.-S. Wang, J.-H. Hsiao, O. Sorkine, T.-Y. Lee, SIGGRAPH 2011

Image editing

Stroke-based editing
  • Colorization using Optimization, A. Levin, D. Lischinski, Y. Weiss, SIGGRAPH 2004
  • Interactive Local Adjustment of Tonal Values, D. Lischinski, Z. Farbman, M. Uyttendaele, R. Szeliski, SIGGRAPH 2006
  • AppProp: All-Pairs Appearance-Space Edit Propagation, X. An, F. Pellacini, SIGGRAPH 2008
  • Efficient Affinity-based Edit Propagation using K-D Tree, K. Xu, Y. Li, T. Ju, S.-N. Hu, T.-Q. Liu, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009
Patch-based editing
  • Summarizing Visual Data Using Bidirectional Similarity, D. Simakov, Y. Caspi, E. Shechtman, M. Irani, CVPR 2008
  • The patch transform and its applications to image editing, T. S. Cho, M. Butman, S. Avidan, W. Freeman, CVPR 2008
  • Shift-Map Image Editing, Y. Pritch, E. Kav-Venaki, S. Peleg, ICCV 2009
  • PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing, C. Barnes, E. Shechtmanm, A. Finkelstein, D. Goldman, SIGGRAPH 2009
  • The Generalized PatchMatch Correspondence Algorithm, C. Barnes, E. Shechtmanm, D. Goldman, A. Finkelstein, ECCV 2010
  • Non-Rigid Dense Correspondence with Applications for Image Enhancement, Y. HaCohen, E. Shechtmanm, D. Goldman, D. Lischinski, SIGGRAPH 2011
  • Coherency Sensitive Hashing, S. Korman, S. Avidan, ICCV 2011
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