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Hardware accelerated graphics on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux 3D and 2D graphical editor integrated in IDE Powerful 3D layer containing items such as Cube, Sphere, Cone, Plane, Mesh, free Camera and Lights Mesh object have WPF mesh data format, DXScene have advanced import tool which support - GLSM,WRL,TIN,STL,SMD,Q3BSP,BSP,PLY,OCT,OBJ,OBJF,NURBS,NMF,MS3D,MDC,MD2,LWO,GTS, GLM,GLX,GLA,B3D,MD5MESH,MD5ANIM,MD3,3DS,PRJ file formats Powerful 2D vector engine like Adobe Flash or Microsoft WPF includes high quality shapes and controls like window, label, button, checkbox, textbox and more Advanced GUI engine - window, button, textbox, numberbox, memo, anglebox, list box and much much more Advanced skinning engine based on vector graphics styles. Cool exists styles - Dark, Modern, Vista. DXScene can be used to create hardware accelerated 2D applications with cool animation like CoverFlow, layer and more Easy to use time-based animation and transition effects Layered windows, Jpeg, Png, Tiff and Gif format read/write support, fast thumbnail creation Realtime mode for games and realtime simulations DXScene can be used as development tools for SCADA, GIS, CAD and KIOSK applications DB-Aware controls - TvxDBNavigator, TvxDBLabel, TvxDBTextBox and more Multilanguage engine, editor and examples Physics simulation using Newton Game Dynamics Cross-platform solution available on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux DXScene Features: Skinning Engine DXScene have full skinning engine. Now you can apply styles to all controls very easy. DXScene have cool exists styles - Dark, Modern, Vista, AIR. Design-time inplace Editor WYSIWYG design-time 3D and 2D designer and property editors Power of 3D Powerful 3D layer containing items such as Cube, Sphere, Cone, Plane, Mesh, free Camera and Lights. Mesh object have WPF mesh data format and 3DS, MD3 file export tool. 2D in 3D Powerful 2D vector engine like Adobe Flash or Microsoft WPF includes high quality shapes and controls like window, label, button, checkbox, textbox and more. Advanced GUI engine - window, button, textbox, numberbox, memo, anglebox, list box and much much more. DXScene can be used to create hardware accelerated 2D applications with cool animation like CoverFlow, layer and more. Cool Particle Engine DXScene 3 have new cool particle engine with editor. Now you can add cool effects to your DXScene's applications. Cross-Platform Solution DXScene is a native object pascal components for Delphi/C++Builder and Lazarus. Available for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux. Applications: 3D Text A compact, flexible and affordable tool that will help you create custom 3D logos and headers in minutes. Fully configurable text parameters, any output resolution, lightning-fast rendering and instant preview of the changes made to the text model. 3D Image Commander 3D Image Commander a full-featured software that allows you to create advanced thumbnails with cool 3D styles and effects. Protect your copyrights with a copyright notice. Add text comments to any image. Create images with effects like 3D perspective, 3D curving, reflection, glow, shadow, corners and stroke. model2icon model2icon converts 3D models into Windows and Mac OS X icons. You can find many models on the Internet and convert them to icons for use on your desktop, in applications and much more. With model2icon you can convert 3D model to Windows and Mac OS X Icon with a single action. It supports Windows Vista 256x256 icons with alpha channel and new Leopard 256x256 Mac OS X icons. model2icon allow to customize 3D model before converting. Support 3DS, MD3 file format.
由于lazarus中的例子lazarus\fpc\2.6.0\source\packages\fcl-web\examples\webdata\demo 用的extjs是3.4,在新的extjs4.2环境下不能运行,费了好大劲,终于搞定。期间到laz英文论坛提问,可能跟我英文差有关吧,一个回答的都没有。搞定后,主又要我进行了“ open a new issue in the bugtracker and add a diff with the changes ”。本着互助、共享的原则,整个东西放到lazarus中文社区论坛,欢迎大家不断改善源码,提高性能,并且将改善后的源码进行共享。 我的环境:winxp,lazarus1.1,fpc2.6.0,apache2.2,extjs4.2。 不要犯怵,安装配置很简单,运行这个demo一行代码都不需要编写。后面我会详细讲安装运行方法。 安装配置: 1、安装Apache。下载地址: 其他本我没试过,高本的应该可以。 我安装到了D:\apache2.2 2、下载安装Extjs4.2。下载地址: 下载后,解压缩,文件夹复制到 D:\apache2.2\htdocs\,然后改名为Ext。 3、下载附件。 原来的lazarus demo 源码未做任何修改,直接编译即可。编译之前需要安装weblaz和lazwebextra两个包。 本文附件中已经有extgrid.exe,可以直接使用。 将extgrid.exe和users.dbf复制到 apache2.2\cgi-bin 目录下。 将附件中其余文件复制到 apache2.2\htdocs\demodbf 目录下。 好了,全部配置完成。 4、启动Apache,访问:http://localhost/demodbf/extgrid-json.html
******************************************** * CodeTyphon Studio * * GENERATION II * * Changes Log File * * PilotLogic Software House * * 2008-2011 * ******************************************** ======> 4-11-2011 ver 2.30 ================================================= Note1: New CodeTyphon Installation Philosophy New "ALL in One Directory" structure Note2: New Lazarus "Building" Method: CodeTyphon Center build first Lazarus "Small IDE" and then try to build Lazarus "BIG IDE". --With this new method Lazarus Small IDE always is present... --Solve ALL makefiles problems Note3: FreeBSD 32/64 Layer is in Beta stage now --Debugging with GDB don't work, yet... -ADD pl_ACS (Win32,Win64) -ADD pl_JujiboUtils (Win32,Win64, Linux32,Linux64, FreeBSD32,FreeBSD64) -ADD pl_RichView (Win32,Win64, Linux32,Linux64, FreeBSD32,FreeBSD64) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_BGRAControls (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_Imaging (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_PowerPDF (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_RX (SVN 2-11-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 3-11-2011 Rev 33300 FreePascal 2.7.1 Source from SVN 17-09-2011 Rev 19464 ======> 01-10-2011 ver 2.20 ================================================= -ADD Support for FreeBSD 9.0 beta2 32/64 (Experimental) -ADD Support for SuSE 11.4 Linux 32/64 (With dual personality for freepascal) -ADD Support for Fedora 15 Linux 32/64 -ADD Support for Debian Linux 32/64 -ADD Support for CentOS 6.0 Linux 32/64 -ADD Support for RedHat 6 Linux 32/64 -ADD Support for Mint 11 Linux 32/64 -Update all Linux/FreeBSD/Unix scripts -Changed linux freepascal and lazarus folders structure -Changed linux freepascal links to executables names (fpc32 and fpc64) -Changed linux lazarus links to executables names -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 9-9-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 20-9-2011) -Update pl_RX (SVN 9-9-2011) -Update pl_WST (SVN 11-9-2011) -Update pl_BGRAControls (SVN 25-9-2011) -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 9-9-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 25-9-2011) -Rename/Update pl_KambiEngine to pl_Castle (SVN 20-9-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 25-09-2011 Rev 32573 FreePascal 2.7.1 Source from SVN 17-09-2011 Rev 19078 ======> 25-8-2011 ver 2.10 ================================================= Maintenance Release -Rollback to GDB ver 7.0.50 for Win32/64 GDB Ver 7.3.50 exists to CodeTyphon\binGDB\xnewGDB for testing... -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 24-8-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 24-8-2011) -Fix some CodeOcean samples NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 19-08-2011 Rev 32047 FreePascal 2.7.1 Source from SVN 19-08-2011 Rev 18872 ======> 23-8-2011 ver 2.00 ================================================= -Update CodeTyphon Center -fixed Show/Hide Component palette to Lazarus IDE -Update GDB for Win32 to Version 7.3.50 10-5-2011 -Update GDB for Win64 to Version 7.3.50 10-5-2011 -ADD pl_KControls (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_Orpheus (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_LazBarcodes (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_Jvcl (partial) (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_CHelper (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_WST (Web Service Toolkit) (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_RX (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_ZMSQL (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 26-7-2011) -Update pl_BGRAControls (SVN 18-7-2011) -Update pl_Imaging (SVN 14-7-2011) -Update pl_UIB (SVN 26-7-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 26-7-2011) -Update pl_OpenWire (SVN 02-8-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 02-8-2011) -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 08-8-2011) -Update pl_Box2D (SVN 09-8-2011) -Update pl_PasDoc (SVN 09-2-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 19-08-2011 Rev 32037 FreePascal 2.7.1 Source from SVN 19-08-2011 Rev 18246 ======================================================= ======================================================= END OF CodeTyphon GENERATION I ======================================================= ======================================================= ======> 07-07-2011 ver 1.80 ================================================= -Some Fixes for pl_Indy and Wince (woma1 user) -Update pl_ExSystem (new TplTimer component) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 05-6-2011) -Update pl_OpenWire (SVN 17-6-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 05-6-2011) -Update pl_Synapse (SVN 01-6-2011) -Update pl_UIB (SVN 28-6-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 03-7-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 03-7-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 05-7-2011) -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 05-7-2011) -ADD pl_OpenGL, (Under modification/experimental) -ADD pl_Box2D, (Under modification/experimental) -ADD pl_Graphics32EXT, Extensions for Graphics32 (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) -ADD pl_Cindy (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) -ADD pl_BGRAueControls (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) -ADD pl_PascalScript (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 07-07-2011 Rev 31589 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 19-05-2011 Rev 17759 ======> 22-May-2011 ver 1.70 ================================================= -ADD pl_Graphics32VPR ,Vectorial Polygon Rasterizer for Graphics32 (Win32, Win64, WinCE) -ADD pl_BGRAcontrols ,Visual Components for pl_BGRAbitmap library (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) -ADD pl_pl_ZenGLD3D ,ZenGL library for DirectX (Win32, Win64) -Rename/Update pl_mooncomp to pl_GeoGIScomp (Win32, Win64, WinCE, Linux32, Linux64) -Update/Fix pl_freefpider -Update pl_Synapse (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 22-5-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_FortesReport (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_OpenWire (SVN 20-5-2011) -Port pl_Graphics32 to WinCE -Port pl_Synapse to WinCE -Port pl_lNet to WinCE -Port pl_Indy to WinCE -Port pl_VisualPlanIt to WinCE -Port pl_APE to WinCE -Port pl_DCP to WinCE -Port pl_FreeSpider to WinCE -Port pl_PowerPDF to WinCE -Port pl_OpenWire to WinCE -Port pl_GLScene to Linux32 and Linux64 (Manual installation to Lazarus IDE for Linux) -Port pl_KambiEngine to Linux32 and Linux64 (Manual installation to Lazarus IDE for Linux) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 22-05-2011 Rev 30845 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 19-05-2011 Rev 17500 ======> 19-Apr-2011 ver 1.60 ================================================= -ADD pl_UIB -ADD pl_OpenWire -ADD pl_FortesReport -ADD pl_PowerPDF -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 18-4-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 18-4-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 17-4-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 17-4-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 17-3-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 17-4-2011) -Fix arm-linux Cross-Element compilation problem NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 18-04-2011 Rev 30371 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 01-04-2011 Rev 17212 ======> 16-Mar-2011 ver 1.50 ================================================= -ADD Cross Build Targets: - armeb-Linux (freepascal only) -ADD pl_LNetComp samples to CodeOcean -ADD more pl_GLScene samples to CodeOcean -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 16-3-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 16-3-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 16-3-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 16-3-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 16-3-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 16-03-2011 Rev 29875 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 06-03-2011 Rev 17141 ======> 24-Feb-2011 ver 1.40 ================================================= -ADD TodoListLaz -ADD pl_glscene_winonly -ADD pl_AsphyreSphinx -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 24-2-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 24-2-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 24-2-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 24-2-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 24-01-2011 Rev 29208 (Plus) FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 24-02-2011 Rev 16995 ======> 10-Feb-2011 ver 1.30 ================================================= -ADD pl_ExDesign -ADD pl_ExSystem -ADD pl_freespider -ADD pl_TitanScript -ADD pl_Moon -ADD pl_SynapseVS -ADD pl_KambiEngine -ADD pl_BGRAbitmap -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 08-2-2011) -Update pl_Synapse (SVN 08-2-2011) -Update pl_PasDoc (SVN 08-2-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 08-2-2011) -Update CodeOcean "Clean" procedure for Windows -ADD CodeOcean "Clean" procedure for Linux -Update Cross Build Targets: - arm-Wince - arm-Linux - arm-Embedded (freepascal only) - arm-gba (freepascal only) - arm-nds (freepascal only) - i386-FreeBSD - i386-Haiku (freepascal only) - i386-Linux - i386-Solaris (freepascal only) - powerpc-Linux - powerpc64-Linux - sparc-Solaris (freepascal only) - x86_64-Linux - x86_64-FreeBSD - x86_64-Win64 NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 24-01-2011 Rev 29188 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 09-02-2011 Rev 16899 ======> 07-Dec-2010 ver 1.20 ================================================= -Update Win 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 9.20 -Update UPX to Version 3.07 08-Sept-2010 (Win32, Win64, Linux32 and Linux64) -Update pl_ZeosDBO to ver 6.6.6 -Update pl_VirtualTrees to ver 4.8.6 from SVN (with new CodeOcean samples) -Update pl_Graphics32 SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_lclextensions SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_Imaging SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_PasDoc SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_Synapse SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_ZenGL SVN 07-12-2010 (with CodeOcean samples) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.29 Source from SVN 07-12-2010 Rev 28643 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 07-12-2010 Rev 16508 ======> 18-08-2010 ver 1.10 ================================================= -Update Graphics32 -Update Win 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 9.15 NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.29 Source from SVN 18-08-2010 Rev 27130 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 18-08-2010 Rev 15838 ======> 18-05-2010 ver 1.000 ================================================= -Update NotePad2 tool to v4.1.24 -Update UPX to Version 3.05 27-4-2010 (Win32, Win64, Linux32 and Linux64) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.29 Source from SVN 18-05-2010 Rev 25499 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 18-05-2010 Rev 15292 ======> 28-02-2010 ver 0.999 ================================================= -Update CTC UPX tool -Update CTC Srtip tool -Update GDB for Win32 to Version 7.0.50 SVN 24-12-2009 -Update GDB for Win64 to Version 7.0.50 SVN 24-12-2009 NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.29 Source from SVN 16-02-2010 Rev 23716 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 28-02-2010 Rev 14958 ======> 26-12-2009 ver 0.998 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Update Windows Setup.bat file -(Cosmic) New Lazarus Settings philosophy Lazarus32 now store settings to C:\lazarus\bin32\settings Lazarus64 now store settings to C:\lazarus\bin64\settings -Update/Fix Batch files for New Lazarus Settings philosophy <> -Add Tools Tab to CTC -Add Single Viewer tool to CTC -Update Win 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 9.10 NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 25-12-2009 Revision 23289 FPC Source from SVN 18-11-2009 ======> 19-11-2009 ver 0.994 ================================================= -Start FreePascal Modifications session (MOD) at CodeTyphon\binMOD\pp\ folder -Add Cross Build Target: - i386-solaris (freepascal only) -Update Linux System Install Script to support Ubuntu 9.10 32/64 -Update UPX to Version 3.04 27-10-2009 for Win32, Linux32 and Linux64 -Update Binutils for Win32 to Version 2.19.1 03-02-2009 -Update Binutils for Win64 to Version SVN 15-03-2009 -Update GDB for Win32 to Version 7.0.2 12-10-2009 -Update GDB for Win64 to Version 7.0.50 27-10-2009 -Update GNU Make for Win32 to Version 3.8.1 14-9-2009 -Update GNU Make for Win64 to Version 3.8.1 26-10-2009 -Fix Linux 32/64 permission problems (again ?) -Fix jcf2.lpk problems NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 19-11-2009 FPC Source from SVN 02-10-2009 ======> 03-10-2009 ver 0.988 ================================================= -(Cosmic) CodeTyphon Start use FreePascal 2.5.1 -(Cosmic) CodeTyphon Start use Lazarus 0.9.29 beta -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 9.07 -Update/Fix Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 2-10-2009 FPC Source from SVN 2-10-2009 ======> 09-08-2009 ver 0.966 ================================================= -Update Lazarus IDE Icons/Look -Update Cross Build Targets: - arm-Wince - arm-Linux - arm-Embedded (freepascal only) - arm-gba (freepascal only) - arm-nds (freepascal only) - i386-Win32 - i386-Linux - i386-FreeBSD - i386-Haiku (freepascal only) - x86_64-Win64 - x86_64-Linux - x86_64-FreeBSD - powerpc-Linux - powerpc64-Linux (freepascal only) - sparc-Linux - sparc-Solaris (freepascal only) -Update CodeTyphon Cross-Build session -Update pl_VisualPlanItcomp.lpk. ADD TVpFlexDataStore component -Update pl_INet.pkg to SVN_4_8_2009 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update help files -Update Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from : SVN 07-08-2009 FreePascal Source from: SVN 03-08-2009 ======> 22-07-2009 ver 0.944 ================================================= -Fix IDE Page Select button -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_ExControls.lpk ver 1.0 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) with 10 samples pl_ExSystem.lpk Ver 1.0 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update pl_Shapespak.lpk to ver 1.1 -Update help files -Update Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from : SVN 22-07-2009 FreePascal Source from: SVN 05-07-2009 ======> 08-07-2009 ver 0.933 ================================================= -(Cosmic) We start CodeOcean part of CodeTyphon, with a lot pascal free project samples and pascal free code. -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : TurboPowerIProDsgn.lpk (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) lazopenglcontext.lpk (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) with 10 samples pl_PAPPE.lpk 3D Physics Engine (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) with 5 samples pl_Win_DirectX.lpk (win32,Win64) with 31 samples -Update pl_INet.pkg to SVN_20_6_2009 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update pl_zeosdbocomp.pkg to version 6.6.5 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update pl_GLScene.pkg to version (win32,win64,Linux32) -Fix ln_xCodeTyphon_Remove_FPC Batch file -Update help files -Update Batch files -Cleaup CodeTyphon Directories NOTE: Lazarus Source from : SVN 08-07-2009 FreePascal Source from: SVN 05-07-2009 ======> 08-06-2009 ver 0.922 ================================================= -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_GLScene.lpk (OpenGL 3D Components with 30 samples) pl_AGGPas.lpk (2D Graph library with 30 samples) These packages are for Win32 and linux32 you must give your help to make win64 and linux64 ports.. -Small fixes to pl_indycomp.lpk -Add Packages tab to CodeTyphon Center -Update help files -Update/Fix Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 08-06-2009 FPC Source from SVN 20-05-2009 ======> 10-05-2009 ver 0.910 ================================================= -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_Win_MIDI.lpk ver 1.0.0 Beta (Windows 32/64bit MIDI Components) -Update/Fix pl_INetcomp.lpk source from svn -Update GoRC.exe 32/64-bit resource compiler to ver 0.90.4 NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 07-05-2009 FPC Source from SVN 10-05-2009 ======> 05-04-2009 ver 0.900 ================================================= -(Cosmic) ADD Crossbuild arm-linux element to FreePascal and Lazarus -(Cosmic) ADD all_Demos Directory to hold all CodeTyphon Demos Apllications -ADD Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_APElib.lpk ver 1.00 (APE 2D Physics Engine) -Update pl_VisualPlanItcomp.lpk source -Update pl_INetcomp.lpk source -Fix pl_Shapespak.lpk -Update Help System NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 04-04-2009 FPC Source from SVN 04-04-2009 ======> 15-03-2009 ver 0.899 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Add Debian base linux with LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) 32/64bit to CodeTyphon Host OS List -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_VisualPlanItcomp.lpk ver 1.03 (TurboPower Visual PlanIt) pl_indycomp.lpk ver (Internet Direct) ->All For Win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64 -Fix Linux permission problems -Update/Fix Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 15-03-2009 FPC Source from SVN 15-03-2009 ======> 15-02-2009 ver 0.888 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Add Windows 7 (Beta) 32/64bit to CodeTyphon Host OS List -Add "Select Component Page" button (with dropdown list) to Extent-IDE -Add more Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : jcf2.lpk ver 2.4.2 (JEDI Code Format IDE Plugin for Lazarus) WebLaz.lpk ver 1.0 pl_Shapespak.lpk ver 1.0.0 pl_INetcomp.lpk ver 1.0.0 (Lightweight Networking Library) pl_dcpcomp ver 2.0.3 Beta (DCPcrypt Cryptographic Component Library) pl_extentideman.lpk ver 1.0.0 (Lazarus Extent-IDE managers for docking Source code Window, Messages Window, Object Inspector Window) ->All For Win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64 -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 4.65 -Update/Fix Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 15-02-2009 FPC Source from SVN 15-02-2009 ======> 29-01-2009 ver 0.855 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Split Scripts files to "ScriptsWin" and "ScriptsLin" directories -(Cosmic) Add FPC Win32 "Cross Compiler Building" sessions -(Cosmic) Add Lazarus Win32 "Cross Compiler Building" sessions -Add ZeosBBO 6.6.4 Components to Lazarus Extent-IDE (works ok to Win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Add "User" Lazarus Setting Functions -New "Directories" Page -Update "Status" Page -Update/Fix Batch files -Update/Fix All Tools -Fix Linux 64 Identification method NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 29-01-2009 FPC Source from SVN 29-01-2009 ======> 13-01-2009 ver 0.822 ================================================= -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 4.64 -Update GoRC.exe 32/64-bit resource compiler to ver 0.90.3f -Add VirtualTrees 4.1 Components to Lazarus Extent-IDE (works ok to Win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update/Fix Batch files -Temporary remove jcfidelazarus.lpk from ExtentIDE, because give errors to others Packages installation. NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 13-01-2009 FPC Source from SVN 13-01-2009 ======> 02-01-2009 ver 0.810 ================================================= -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 4.63 -Add Double Editor Tools -Fix Setup Error for Windows XP ======> 30-12-2008 ver 0.788 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Lazarus Default Build with option "BigIDE" and Packages: TAChartLazarusPkg RunTimeTypeInfoControls TurboPowerIPro cgiLaz CGILazIDE H2PasWizard lazthread lazdaemon ProjTemplates fpcunitide Printer4Lazarus printers4lazide DBFLaz SQLDBLaz MemDSLaz SDFLaz lazreport lazdbexport -(Cosmic) CodeTyphon can now "build" Cross FreePascal for "Host Win32" and "Targets": arm-Wince x86-64-Win64 i386-linux x86-64-linux i386-FreeBSD x86-64-FreeBSD -Update/Fix Bach files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 30-12-2008 FPC Source from SVN 30-12-2008 ======> 16-12-2008 ver 0.777 ================================================= -Update mingw Win64 utils to ver 23-11-2008 -Update mingw Win32 utils to ver 2.19 (12-12-2008) -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 4.62 NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 14-12-2008 FPC Source from SVN 14-12-2008 ======> 30-11-2008 ver 0.755 ================================================= -Update/Fix Bach files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 30-11-2008 FPC Source from SVN 30-11-2008 ======> 15-11-2008 ver 0.744 ================================================= -Rename executable for Linux 32bit (CodeTyphon_ln32.exe -> CodeTyphon_ln32.ex) -Rename executable for Linux 64bit (CodeTyphon_ln64.exe -> CodeTyphon_ln64.ex) -Add support for Ubuntu 8.10 ======> 09-11-2008 ver 0.737 ================================================= (Cosmic) -Add Executable for Linux 32bit (CodeTyphon_ln32.exe) (Cosmic) -Add Executable for Linux 64bit (CodeTyphon_ln64.exe) (Cosmic) -Add Executable for Windows 32bit (CodeTyphon_win32.exe) (Cosmic) -Add Executable for Windows 64bit (CodeTyphon_win64.exe) (Cosmic) -Add Base Setup System with batch files (setup.bat and -Add help folder -Update/Fix Bach files -Update/Fix All Tools NOTE: The Main Building System for FPC/Lazarus is now stable... (Cross Building Sub-Systems are NOT stable yet..) ======> 2-11-2008 ver 0.672 ================================================= -Add Support for Windows XP Pro (test SP3) -Update/Fix Bach files ======> 27-10-2008 ver 0.641 ================================================= -Add Support for Linux 32 bit (test on Ubuntu 32bit 8.04.1) -Add Support for Linux 64 bit (test on Ubuntu 64bit 8.04.1) -Add Support for Windows 32 bit (test on Vista 32bit Ultimate SP1) -Add Support for Windows 64 bit (test on Vista 64bit Ultimate SP1) -Update Settings Editor Tool -Update/Fix some Bach files ======> 23-10-2008 ver 0.610 ================================================= -Add Strip Tool -Add UPX Tool -Add Settings Editor Tool ======> 20-10-2008 ver 0.566 ================================================= -First Release




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