源代码安装paddlepaddle 到云计算机——感谢百度云和人工智能项目paddlepaddle

Paddlepaddle 源代码安装,



1, 下载源代码,


用git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle,


clone or downlaod, 下来菜单选择 DOWNLOAD zip 即可下载压缩包paddle-develop.zip.

然后unzip 解压即可。


cd Paddle

mkdir build
cd build


PaddlePaddle Compile Dependencies¶Dependency    Version    Description
CMake    >=3.5    
GCC    4.8.2    Recommend devtools2 for CentOS
Python    2.7.x    Need libpython2.7.so
pip    >=9.0    
SWIG    >=2.0    
Go    >=1.8    Optional


这些软件可以在debian 或者ubuntu 中用 apt-get install 或者 synaptic 中搜索软件进行安装。



pip 是python-pip 的一个软件安装包,可以通过pip upgrade 进行升级到pip 9.


go 在 在debian 或者ubuntu 中用 名称为golang,

是google的go 语言,估计是谷歌挖了python的创世者,然后把python的所有应用移植过去的,


分明是将开源的智慧结晶私有化, 我们会继续捍卫开源,虽然我们势单力薄,单更多中国人会的, 全球爱好者都会的。





PaddlePaddle supports MKL andOpenBlAS as BLAS library。By default it uses MKL.If you are using MKL and your machine supports AVX2, MKL-DNN will also be downloadedand used, for more details .

If you choose not to use MKL, then OpenBlAS will be used.


这里我尝试了intel MKL 和 MKL DNN 最后安装到了60%多无法进行了,
还有就是intel 的 MKL安装完成后, 其空间为4G 左右,我的云端计算机很小,
其MKL不支持普通的i386之类的CPU, 所以为只好放弃了。

后来尝试用OpenBLAS, 一开始有一个问题,

make 编译的时候,出现一个错误,且一直没有解决, trmm 错误, 然后网上搜索了一个,

执行编译的时候,make BINARY=32



ulimit -a


free -m





记得,十多年前买的两本书,一本事厚厚的 Artificial Intelligent,

一本是 Pattern  Classification ,

   原书名:Pattern Classification,Second Edition
    原出版社: John Wiley & sons,Inc.

    作者: (美)Richard O.Duda,Peter E.Hart,David G.Stork   
    丛书名: 经典原版书库
    出版日期:2004 年2月



    原书名:Artificial Intelligence : Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving (5th Edition)
    原出版社: Addison Wesley

    作者: George Luger   
    丛书名: 英文原版系列图书
    出版社:Addison Wesley
    出版日期:2004 年9月




c也怎么了解, 看了 Lisp 和PROLOG的一些suduku 案例,


看看 ctest 测试所有百度paddlepaddle的软件包,可以看到有数以百计的软件,大多是开源在支撑着。

      Start   1: serialization_test
  1/271 Test   #1: serialization_test ..........................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start   2: parameter_optimizer_test
  2/271 Test   #2: parameter_optimizer_test ....................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start   3: Im2ColTest
  3/271 Test   #3: Im2ColTest ..................................   Passed    4.72 sec
        Start   4: GemmConvOpTest
  4/271 Test   #4: GemmConvOpTest ..............................   Passed    0.63 sec
        Start   5: DepthwiseConvOpTest
  5/271 Test   #5: DepthwiseConvOpTest .........................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start   6: test_Thread
  6/271 Test   #6: test_Thread .................................***Exception: Other  0.30 sec
        Start   7: test_StringUtils
  7/271 Test   #7: test_StringUtils ............................   Passed    0.37 sec
        Start   8: test_CustomStackTrace
  8/271 Test   #8: test_CustomStackTrace .......................   Passed   20.07 sec
        Start   9: test_ThreadBarrier
  9/271 Test   #9: test_ThreadBarrier ..........................***Exception: Other  0.24 sec
        Start  10: test_SpinLock
 10/271 Test  #10: test_SpinLock ...............................***Exception: Other  0.24 sec
        Start  11: test_SIMDFlags
 11/271 Test  #11: test_SIMDFlags ..............................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  12: test_Error
 12/271 Test  #12: test_Error ..................................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  13: test_CustomStackTracePrint
 13/271 Test  #13: test_CustomStackTracePrint ..................   Passed    0.33 sec
        Start  14: test_ExecViaCpu
 14/271 Test  #14: test_ExecViaCpu .............................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  15: test_SIMDFunctions
 15/271 Test  #15: test_SIMDFunctions ..........................   Passed    0.06 sec
        Start  16: test_TrainingAlgorithm
 16/271 Test  #16: test_TrainingAlgorithm ......................   Passed    7.83 sec
        Start  17: test_RowBuffer
 17/271 Test  #17: test_RowBuffer ..............................   Passed    0.20 sec
        Start  18: test_SparseMatrix
 18/271 Test  #18: test_SparseMatrix ...........................   Passed    0.06 sec
        Start  19: test_matrixCompare
 19/271 Test  #19: test_matrixCompare ..........................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  20: test_sparseMatrixCompare
 20/271 Test  #20: test_sparseMatrixCompare ....................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  21: test_perturbation
 21/271 Test  #21: test_perturbation ...........................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  22: test_CpuGpuVector
 22/271 Test  #22: test_CpuGpuVector ...........................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  23: test_Allocator
 23/271 Test  #23: test_Allocator ..............................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  24: test_Tensor
 24/271 Test  #24: test_Tensor .................................***Failed   11.31 sec
        Start  25: test_lazyAssign
 25/271 Test  #25: test_lazyAssign .............................   Passed    3.02 sec
        Start  26: test_FPException
 26/271 Test  #26: test_FPException ............................   Passed    0.06 sec
        Start  27: test_GpuProfiler
 27/271 Test  #27: test_GpuProfiler ............................   Passed    0.05 sec
        Start  28: test_BaseMatrix
 28/271 Test  #28: test_BaseMatrix .............................   Passed    0.05 sec
        Start  29: test_Matrix
 29/271 Test  #29: test_Matrix .................................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  30: test_float16
 30/271 Test  #30: test_float16 ................................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  31: test_LinearChainCRF
 31/271 Test  #31: test_LinearChainCRF .........................   Passed    0.67 sec
        Start  32: test_RecurrentLayer
 32/271 Test  #32: test_RecurrentLayer .........................   Passed    0.06 sec
        Start  33: test_MultinomialSampler
 33/271 Test  #33: test_MultinomialSampler .....................   Passed    1.86 sec
        Start  34: test_LayerGrad
 34/271 Test  #34: test_LayerGrad ..............................   Passed    4.68 sec
        Start  35: test_CRFLayerGrad
 35/271 Test  #35: test_CRFLayerGrad ...........................   Passed    2.12 sec
        Start  36: test_CrossEntropyOverBeamGrad
 36/271 Test  #36: test_CrossEntropyOverBeamGrad ...............   Passed    0.08 sec
        Start  37: test_SeqSliceLayerGrad
 37/271 Test  #37: test_SeqSliceLayerGrad ......................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  38: test_ActivationGrad
 38/271 Test  #38: test_ActivationGrad .........................   Passed    0.05 sec
        Start  39: test_ConvTrans
 39/271 Test  #39: test_ConvTrans ..............................   Passed    0.07 sec
        Start  40: test_PriorBox
 40/271 Test  #40: test_PriorBox ...............................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  41: test_DetectionOutput
 41/271 Test  #41: test_DetectionOutput ........................   Passed    0.05 sec
        Start  42: test_ConvUnify
 42/271 Test  #42: test_ConvUnify ..............................   Passed    0.05 sec
        Start  43: test_BatchNorm
 43/271 Test  #43: test_BatchNorm ..............................   Passed    0.27 sec
        Start  44: test_KmaxSeqScore
 44/271 Test  #44: test_KmaxSeqScore ...........................   Passed    0.15 sec
        Start  45: test_Expand
 45/271 Test  #45: test_Expand .................................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  46: test_MaxPoolingWithMaskOutput
 46/271 Test  #46: test_MaxPoolingWithMaskOutput ...............   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  47: test_PyDataProvider2
 47/271 Test  #47: test_PyDataProvider2 ........................***Failed   16.28 sec
        Start  48: test_PyDataProvider
 48/271 Test  #48: test_PyDataProvider .........................   Passed    0.13 sec
        Start  49: test_CompareTwoNets
 49/271 Test  #49: test_CompareTwoNets .........................   Passed    0.60 sec
        Start  50: test_RecurrentGradientMachine
 50/271 Test  #50: test_RecurrentGradientMachine ...............   Passed    3.38 sec
        Start  51: test_WarpCTCLayer
 51/271 Test  #51: test_WarpCTCLayer ...........................   Passed    0.06 sec
        Start  52: test_Evaluator
 52/271 Test  #52: test_Evaluator ..............................   Passed    1.37 sec
        Start  53: test_NetworkCompare
 53/271 Test  #53: test_NetworkCompare .........................   Passed    2.02 sec

 54/271 Test  #54: test_CompareSparse ..........................   Passed   72.80 sec
        Start  55: test_common
 55/271 Test  #55: test_common .................................   Passed    0.30 sec
        Start  56: test_argument
 56/271 Test  #56: test_argument ...............................   Passed    0.05 sec
        Start  57: socket_test
 57/271 Test  #57: socket_test .................................   Passed   12.26 sec
        Start  58: test_ProtoServer
 58/271 Test  #58: test_ProtoServer ............................   Passed    9.11 sec
        Start  59: test_ParameterServer2
 59/271 Test  #59: test_ParameterServer2 .......................***Failed   84.94 sec
        Start  60: test_Compare
 60/271 Test  #60: test_Compare ................................   Passed    0.07 sec
        Start  61: test_PyDataProviderWrapper
 61/271 Test  #61: test_PyDataProviderWrapper ..................   Passed    0.65 sec
        Start  62: test_recurrent_machine_generation
 62/271 Test  #62: test_recurrent_machine_generation ...........   Passed    0.50 sec
        Start  63: test_Trainer
 63/271 Test  #63: test_Trainer ................................   Passed    0.36 sec
        Start  64: test_TrainerOnePass
 64/271 Test  #64: test_TrainerOnePass .........................***Failed   24.35 sec
        Start  65: test_config_parser
 65/271 Test  #65: test_config_parser ..........................   Passed    0.26 sec
        Start  66: stringpiece_test
 66/271 Test  #66: stringpiece_test ............................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  67: stringprintf_test
 67/271 Test  #67: stringprintf_test ...........................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  68: to_string_test
 68/271 Test  #68: to_string_test ..............................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  69: memory_test
 69/271 Test  #69: memory_test .................................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  70: system_allocator_test
 70/271 Test  #70: system_allocator_test .......................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  71: enforce_test
 71/271 Test  #71: enforce_test ................................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  72: cpu_info_test
 72/271 Test  #72: cpu_info_test ...............................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  73: place_test
 73/271 Test  #73: place_test ..................................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  74: ddim_test
 74/271 Test  #74: ddim_test ...................................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  75: tensor_test
 75/271 Test  #75: tensor_test .................................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  76: tensor_util_test
 76/271 Test  #76: tensor_util_test ............................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  77: eigen_test
 77/271 Test  #77: eigen_test ..................................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  78: lod_tensor_test
 78/271 Test  #78: lod_tensor_test .............................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  79: variable_test
 79/271 Test  #79: variable_test ...............................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  80: scope_test
 80/271 Test  #80: scope_test ..................................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  81: program_desc_test
 81/271 Test  #81: program_desc_test ...........................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  82: op_proto_maker_test
 82/271 Test  #82: op_proto_maker_test .........................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  83: operator_test
 83/271 Test  #83: operator_test ...............................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  84: op_registry_test
 84/271 Test  #84: op_registry_test ............................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  85: backward_test
 85/271 Test  #85: backward_test ...............................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  86: prune_test
 86/271 Test  #86: prune_test ..................................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  87: var_type_inference_test
 87/271 Test  #87: var_type_inference_test .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  88: selected_rows_test
 88/271 Test  #88: selected_rows_test ..........................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  89: gather_test
 89/271 Test  #89: gather_test .................................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  90: net_op_test
 90/271 Test  #90: net_op_test .................................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  91: scatter_test
 91/271 Test  #91: scatter_test ................................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  92: beam_search_decode_op_test

 92/271 Test  #92: beam_search_decode_op_test ..................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  93: strided_memcpy_test
 93/271 Test  #93: strided_memcpy_test .........................   Passed    0.01 sec
        Start  94: save_load_op_test
 94/271 Test  #94: save_load_op_test ...........................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  95: math_function_test
 95/271 Test  #95: math_function_test ..........................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  96: selected_rows_functor_test
 96/271 Test  #96: selected_rows_functor_test ..................   Passed    0.04 sec
        Start  97: im2col_test
 97/271 Test  #97: im2col_test .................................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  98: vol2col_test
 98/271 Test  #98: vol2col_test ................................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start  99: testTrain
 99/271 Test  #99: testTrain ...................................***Exception: Numerical  5.34 sec
        Start 100: testMatrix
100/271 Test #100: testMatrix ..................................***Exception: Numerical  0.51 sec
        Start 101: testVector
101/271 Test #101: testVector ..................................***Exception: Numerical  0.53 sec
        Start 102: testTrainer
102/271 Test #102: testTrainer .................................   Passed    9.82 sec
        Start 103: testArguments
103/271 Test #103: testArguments ...............................***Exception: Numerical  0.55 sec
        Start 104: testGradientMachine
104/271 Test #104: testGradientMachine .........................***Exception: Numerical  0.51 sec
        Start 105: layers_test
105/271 Test #105: layers_test .................................   Passed    0.24 sec
        Start 106: test_reset_hook
106/271 Test #106: test_reset_hook .............................   Passed    0.27 sec
        Start 107: test_layerHelpers
107/271 Test #107: test_layerHelpers ...........................   Passed   27.10 sec
        Start 108: test_op
108/271 Test #108: test_op .....................................   Passed    1.40 sec
        Start 109: test_image
109/271 Test #109: test_image ..................................   Passed    0.96 sec
        Start 110: test_layer
110/271 Test #110: test_layer ..................................   Passed    1.03 sec
        Start 111: test_topology
111/271 Test #111: test_topology ...............................   Passed    0.91 sec
        Start 112: test_rnn_layer
112/271 Test #112: test_rnn_layer ..............................   Passed    1.07 sec
        Start 113: test_parameters
113/271 Test #113: test_parameters .............................   Passed    1.18 sec
        Start 114: test_data_feeder
114/271 Test #114: test_data_feeder ............................   Passed    1.16 sec
        Start 115: test_paramconf_order

115/271 Test #115: test_paramconf_order ........................   Passed  115.40 sec
        Start 116: creator_test
116/271 Test #116: creator_test ................................***Failed    1.08 sec
        Start 117: decorator_test
117/271 Test #117: decorator_test ..............................   Passed    3.05 sec
        Start 118: test_ploter
118/271 Test #118: test_ploter .................................***Failed    2.82 sec
        Start 119: test_operator
119/271 Test #119: test_operator ...............................   Passed    1.21 sec
        Start 120: test_fill_constant_batch_size_like_op
120/271 Test #120: test_fill_constant_batch_size_like_op .......   Passed    1.17 sec
        Start 121: test_infer_shape
121/271 Test #121: test_infer_shape ............................   Passed    1.01 sec
        Start 122: test_dyn_rnn
122/271 Test #122: test_dyn_rnn ................................   Passed  100.04 sec
        Start 123: test_parameter
123/271 Test #123: test_parameter ..............................   Passed    1.17 sec
        Start 124: test_softmax_op
124/271 Test #124: test_softmax_op .............................   Passed    1.35 sec
        Start 125: test_compare_op
125/271 Test #125: test_compare_op .............................   Passed    1.32 sec
        Start 126: test_lod_array_length_op
126/271 Test #126: test_lod_array_length_op ....................   Passed    1.23 sec
        Start 127: test_sgd_op
127/271 Test #127: test_sgd_op .................................   Passed    1.24 sec
        Start 128: test_seq_concat_op
128/271 Test #128: test_seq_concat_op ..........................   Passed    1.30 sec
        Start 129: test_reduce_op
129/271 Test #129: test_reduce_op ..............................   Passed    1.34 sec
        Start 130: test_optimizer
130/271 Test #130: test_optimizer ..............................   Passed    1.01 sec
        Start 131: test_shrink_rnn_memory
131/271 Test #131: test_shrink_rnn_memory ......................   Passed    1.00 sec
        Start 132: test_logical_op
132/271 Test #132: test_logical_op .............................   Passed    1.17 sec
        Start 133: test_top_k_op
133/271 Test #133: test_top_k_op ...............................   Passed    1.21 sec
        Start 134: test_lod_reset_op
134/271 Test #134: test_lod_reset_op ...........................   Passed    1.35 sec
        Start 135: test_conv3d_op
135/271 Test #135: test_conv3d_op ..............................   Passed    5.29 sec
        Start 136: test_lstm_op
136/271 Test #136: test_lstm_op ................................   Passed    5.91 sec
        Start 137: test_linear_chain_crf_op
137/271 Test #137: test_linear_chain_crf_op ....................   Passed    1.32 sec
        Start 138: test_conv_shift_op
138/271 Test #138: test_conv_shift_op ..........................   Passed    1.27 sec
        Start 139: test_lod_rank_table
139/271 Test #139: test_lod_rank_table .........................   Passed    1.04 sec
        Start 140: test_auc_op
140/271 Test #140: test_auc_op .................................***Failed    1.29 sec
        Start 141: test_smooth_l1_loss_op
141/271 Test #141: test_smooth_l1_loss_op ......................   Passed    1.39 sec
        Start 142: test_expand_op
142/271 Test #142: test_expand_op ..............................   Passed    1.45 sec
        Start 143: test_squared_l2_norm_op
143/271 Test #143: test_squared_l2_norm_op .....................   Passed    1.25 sec
        Start 144: test_chunk_eval_op
144/271 Test #144: test_chunk_eval_op ..........................   Passed    1.24 sec
        Start 145: test_scatter_op
145/271 Test #145: test_scatter_op .............................   Passed    1.16 sec
        Start 146: test_lod_tensor_array_ops
146/271 Test #146: test_lod_tensor_array_ops ...................   Passed    1.09 sec
        Start 147: test_recurrent_op
147/271 Test #147: test_recurrent_op ...........................   Passed    1.07 sec
        Start 148: test_lstm_unit_op
148/271 Test #148: test_lstm_unit_op ...........................   Passed    1.42 sec
        Start 149: test_pad_op
149/271 Test #149: test_pad_op .................................   Passed    1.26 sec
        Start 150: test_log_loss_op
150/271 Test #150: test_log_loss_op ............................   Passed    1.16 sec
        Start 151: test_momentum_op
151/271 Test #151: test_momentum_op ............................   Passed    1.17 sec
        Start 152: test_uniform_random_op
152/271 Test #152: test_uniform_random_op ......................   Passed    1.13 sec
        Start 153: test_adam_op
153/271 Test #153: test_adam_op ................................   Passed    1.27 sec
        Start 154: test_gather_op
154/271 Test #154: test_gather_op ..............................   Passed    1.30 sec
        Start 155: test_sum_op
155/271 Test #155: test_sum_op .................................   Passed    1.37 sec
        Start 156: test_split_and_merge_lod_tensor_op
156/271 Test #156: test_split_and_merge_lod_tensor_op ..........   Passed    1.10 sec
        Start 157: test_hinge_loss_op
157/271 Test #157: test_hinge_loss_op ..........................   Passed    1.35 sec
        Start 158: test_huber_loss_op
158/271 Test #158: test_huber_loss_op ..........................   Passed    1.22 sec
        Start 159: test_adamax_op
159/271 Test #159: test_adamax_op ..............................   Passed    1.27 sec
        Start 160: test_proximal_gd_op
160/271 Test #160: test_proximal_gd_op .........................   Passed    1.14 sec
        Start 161: test_unpool_op
161/271 Test #161: test_unpool_op ..............................   Passed    1.23 sec
        Start 162: test_softmax_with_cross_entropy_op
162/271 Test #162: test_softmax_with_cross_entropy_op ..........   Passed    1.36 sec
        Start 163: test_profiler
163/271 Test #163: test_profiler ...............................   Passed    1.07 sec
        Start 164: test_default_scope_funcs
164/271 Test #164: test_default_scope_funcs ....................   Passed    0.98 sec
        Start 165: test_conv2d_op
165/271 Test #165: test_conv2d_op ..............................   Passed    2.75 sec
        Start 166: test_mnist_if_else_op
166/271 Test #166: test_mnist_if_else_op .......................   Passed    7.18 sec
        Start 167: test_activation_op
167/271 Test #167: test_activation_op ..........................   Passed    1.62 sec
        Start 168: test_positive_negative_pair_op
168/271 Test #168: test_positive_negative_pair_op ..............   Passed    1.38 sec
        Start 169: test_pool3d_op
169/271 Test #169: test_pool3d_op ..............................   Passed    3.89 sec
        Start 170: test_seq_pool
170/271 Test #170: test_seq_pool ...............................   Passed    2.17 sec
        Start 171: test_sequence_slice_op
171/271 Test #171: test_sequence_slice_op ......................   Passed    1.53 sec
        Start 172: test_clip_by_norm_op
172/271 Test #172: test_clip_by_norm_op ........................   Passed    1.12 sec
        Start 173: test_maxout_op
173/271 Test #173: test_maxout_op ..............................   Passed    1.71 sec
        Start 174: test_prelu_op
174/271 Test #174: test_prelu_op ...............................   Passed    1.11 sec
        Start 175: test_precision_recall_op
175/271 Test #175: test_precision_recall_op ....................   Passed    1.13 sec
        Start 176: test_program
176/271 Test #176: test_program ................................   Passed    0.94 sec
        Start 177: test_sign_op
177/271 Test #177: test_sign_op ................................   Passed    1.12 sec
        Start 178: test_sequence_softmax_op
178/271 Test #178: test_sequence_softmax_op ....................   Passed    1.16 sec
        Start 179: test_beam_search_decode_op
179/271 Test #179: test_beam_search_decode_op ..................   Passed    1.12 sec
        Start 180: test_transpose_op
180/271 Test #180: test_transpose_op ...........................   Passed    1.48 sec
        Start 181: test_adagrad_op
181/271 Test #181: test_adagrad_op .............................   Passed    1.13 sec
        Start 182: test_conv2d_transpose_op
182/271 Test #182: test_conv2d_transpose_op ....................   Passed    1.86 sec
        Start 183: test_proximal_adagrad_op
183/271 Test #183: test_proximal_adagrad_op ....................   Passed    1.10 sec
        Start 184: test_is_empty_op
184/271 Test #184: test_is_empty_op ............................   Passed    1.14 sec
        Start 185: test_pool2d_op
185/271 Test #185: test_pool2d_op ..............................   Passed    1.50 sec
        Start 186: test_split_op
186/271 Test #186: test_split_op ...............................   Passed    1.28 sec
        Start 187: test_exception
187/271 Test #187: test_exception ..............................   Passed    1.00 sec
        Start 188: test_framework_debug_str
188/271 Test #188: test_framework_debug_str ....................   Passed    0.94 sec
        Start 189: test_while_op
189/271 Test #189: test_while_op ...............................   Passed    0.96 sec
        Start 190: test_seq_expand
190/271 Test #190: test_seq_expand .............................   Passed    1.11 sec
        Start 191: test_batch_norm_op
191/271 Test #191: test_batch_norm_op ..........................   Passed    1.11 sec
        Start 192: test_executor_and_mul
192/271 Test #192: test_executor_and_mul .......................   Passed    1.04 sec
        Start 193: test_accuracy_op
193/271 Test #193: test_accuracy_op ............................***Failed    1.21 sec
        Start 194: test_rank_loss_op
194/271 Test #194: test_rank_loss_op ...........................   Passed    1.10 sec
        Start 195: test_elementwise_sub_op
195/271 Test #195: test_elementwise_sub_op .....................   Passed    1.28 sec
        Start 196: test_decayed_adagrad_op
196/271 Test #196: test_decayed_adagrad_op .....................   Passed    1.14 sec
        Start 197: test_matmul_op
197/271 Test #197: test_matmul_op ..............................   Passed    1.79 sec
        Start 198: test_elementwise_add_op
198/271 Test #198: test_elementwise_add_op .....................   Passed    1.44 sec
        Start 199: test_elementwise_mul_op
199/271 Test #199: test_elementwise_mul_op .....................   Passed    1.42 sec
        Start 200: test_scale_op
200/271 Test #200: test_scale_op ...............................   Passed    1.19 sec
        Start 201: test_variable
201/271 Test #201: test_variable ...............................   Passed    0.95 sec
        Start 202: test_regularizer
202/271 Test #202: test_regularizer ............................   Passed    0.97 sec
        Start 203: test_clip_op
203/271 Test #203: test_clip_op ................................   Passed    1.44 sec
        Start 204: test_gru_unit_op
204/271 Test #204: test_gru_unit_op ............................   Passed    1.47 sec
        Start 205: test_fill_constant_op
205/271 Test #205: test_fill_constant_op .......................   Passed    1.12 sec
        Start 206: test_tensor
206/271 Test #206: test_tensor .................................   Passed    1.04 sec
        Start 207: test_beam_search_op
207/271 Test #207: test_beam_search_op .........................   Passed    1.10 sec
        Start 208: test_rnn_memory_helper_op
208/271 Test #208: test_rnn_memory_helper_op ...................   Passed    0.98 sec
        Start 209: test_net
209/271 Test #209: test_net ....................................   Passed    1.12 sec
        Start 210: test_modified_huber_loss_op
210/271 Test #210: test_modified_huber_loss_op .................   Passed    1.19 sec
        Start 211: test_feed_fetch_method
211/271 Test #211: test_feed_fetch_method ......................   Passed    1.02 sec
        Start 212: test_selected_rows
212/271 Test #212: test_selected_rows ..........................   Passed    1.05 sec
        Start 213: test_reshape_op
213/271 Test #213: test_reshape_op .............................   Passed    1.16 sec
        Start 214: test_margin_rank_loss_op
214/271 Test #214: test_margin_rank_loss_op ....................   Passed    1.17 sec
        Start 215: test_ftrl_op
215/271 Test #215: test_ftrl_op ................................   Passed    1.12 sec
        Start 216: test_assign_op
216/271 Test #216: test_assign_op ..............................   Passed    1.22 sec
        Start 217: test_operator_desc
217/271 Test #217: test_operator_desc ..........................   Passed    1.01 sec
        Start 218: test_cross_entropy_op
218/271 Test #218: test_cross_entropy_op .......................   Passed    1.23 sec
        Start 219: test_conv3d_transpose_op
219/271 Test #219: test_conv3d_transpose_op ....................   Passed    7.42 sec
        Start 220: test_image_classification_layer
220/271 Test #220: test_image_classification_layer .............   Passed    1.13 sec
        Start 221: test_data_feeder
221/271 Test #221: test_data_feeder ............................   Passed    1.09 sec
        Start 222: test_conditional_block
222/271 Test #222: test_conditional_block ......................   Passed    1.05 sec
        Start 223: test_lod_tensor_array
223/271 Test #223: test_lod_tensor_array .......................   Passed    0.99 sec
        Start 224: test_gaussian_random_op
224/271 Test #224: test_gaussian_random_op .....................   Passed    1.17 sec
        Start 225: test_seq_conv
225/271 Test #225: test_seq_conv ...............................   Passed    3.69 sec
        Start 226: test_array_read_write_op
226/271 Test #226: test_array_read_write_op ....................   Passed    1.06 sec
        Start 227: test_fill_zeros_like_op
227/271 Test #227: test_fill_zeros_like_op .....................   Passed    1.23 sec
        Start 228: test_crop_op
228/271 Test #228: test_crop_op ................................   Passed    1.99 sec
        Start 229: test_pool_max_op
229/271 Test #229: test_pool_max_op ............................   Passed    1.32 sec
        Start 230: test_squared_l2_distance_op
230/271 Test #230: test_squared_l2_distance_op .................   Passed    1.25 sec
        Start 231: test_gru_op
231/271 Test #231: test_gru_op .................................   Passed    1.36 sec
        Start 232: test_cast_op
232/271 Test #232: test_cast_op ................................   Passed    1.36 sec
        Start 233: test_nce
233/271 Test #233: test_nce ....................................***Failed    1.32 sec
        Start 234: test_create_op_doc_string
234/271 Test #234: test_create_op_doc_string ...................   Passed    1.04 sec
        Start 235: test_elementwise_div_op
235/271 Test #235: test_elementwise_div_op .....................   Passed    1.53 sec
        Start 236: test_l1_norm_op
236/271 Test #236: test_l1_norm_op .............................   Passed    1.26 sec
        Start 237: test_lookup_table_op
237/271 Test #237: test_lookup_table_op ........................   Passed    1.44 sec
        Start 238: test_crf_decoding_op
238/271 Test #238: test_crf_decoding_op ........................   Passed    1.22 sec
        Start 239: test_sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_op
239/271 Test #239: test_sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_op ...   Passed    1.72 sec
        Start 240: test_protobuf_descs
240/271 Test #240: test_protobuf_descs .........................   Passed    1.11 sec
        Start 241: test_inference_model_io
241/271 Test #241: test_inference_model_io .....................   Passed    1.13 sec
        Start 242: test_dropout_op
242/271 Test #242: test_dropout_op .............................   Passed    3.26 sec
        Start 243: test_concat_op
243/271 Test #243: test_concat_op ..............................   Passed    1.14 sec
        Start 244: test_op_support_gpu
244/271 Test #244: test_op_support_gpu .........................   Passed    1.00 sec
        Start 245: test_rmsprop_op
245/271 Test #245: test_rmsprop_op .............................   Passed    1.40 sec
        Start 246: test_multiplex_op
246/271 Test #246: test_multiplex_op ...........................   Passed    1.26 sec
        Start 247: test_cond_op
247/271 Test #247: test_cond_op ................................   Passed    1.08 sec
        Start 248: test_protobuf
248/271 Test #248: test_protobuf ...............................   Passed    0.94 sec
        Start 249: test_lrn_op
249/271 Test #249: test_lrn_op .................................   Passed    1.18 sec
        Start 250: test_initializer
250/271 Test #250: test_initializer ............................   Passed    0.95 sec
        Start 251: test_adadelta_op
251/271 Test #251: test_adadelta_op ............................   Passed    1.14 sec
        Start 252: test_mul_op
252/271 Test #252: test_mul_op .................................   Passed   27.43 sec
        Start 253: test_mean_op
253/271 Test #253: test_mean_op ................................   Passed    1.42 sec
        Start 254: test_cos_sim_op
254/271 Test #254: test_cos_sim_op .............................   Passed    1.44 sec
        Start 255: test_bilinear_tensor_product_op
255/271 Test #255: test_bilinear_tensor_product_op .............   Passed    1.22 sec
        Start 256: test_scope
256/271 Test #256: test_scope ..................................   Passed    1.31 sec
        Start 257: test_layers
257/271 Test #257: test_layers .................................   Passed    1.25 sec
        Start 258: test_minus_op
258/271 Test #258: test_minus_op ...............................   Passed    2.03 sec
        Start 259: test_roi_pool_op
259/271 Test #259: test_roi_pool_op ............................   Passed    1.29 sec
        Start 260: test_image_classification_train_resnet

260/271 Test #260: test_image_classification_train_resnet ......***Failed  7546.14 sec
        Start 261: test_image_classification_train_vgg
261/271 Test #261: test_image_classification_train_vgg .........***Failed    8.85 sec
        Start 262: test_recommender_system
262/271 Test #262: test_recommender_system .....................   Passed    6.19 sec
        Start 263: test_fit_a_line
263/271 Test #263: test_fit_a_line .............................   Passed    4.94 sec
        Start 264: test_recognize_digits_conv
264/271 Test #264: test_recognize_digits_conv ..................   Passed   62.38 sec
        Start 265: test_understand_sentiment_lstm
265/271 Test #265: test_understand_sentiment_lstm ..............   Passed   44.34 sec
        Start 266: test_understand_sentiment_dynamic_lstm
266/271 Test #266: test_understand_sentiment_dynamic_lstm ......***Failed   34.09 sec
        Start 267: test_understand_sentiment_conv
267/271 Test #267: test_understand_sentiment_conv ..............   Passed   42.86 sec
        Start 268: test_recognize_digits_mlp
268/271 Test #268: test_recognize_digits_mlp ...................   Passed   56.08 sec
        Start 269: test_machine_translation
269/271 Test #269: test_machine_translation ....................   Passed   11.13 sec
        Start 270: test_word2vec
270/271 Test #270: test_word2vec ...............................   Passed   12.26 sec
        Start 271: test_label_semantic_roles
271/271 Test #271: test_label_semantic_roles ...................   Passed   23.45 sec

93% tests passed, 20 tests failed out of 271

Total Test time (real) = 8480.87 sec

The following tests FAILED:
      6 - test_Thread (OTHER_FAULT)
      9 - test_ThreadBarrier (OTHER_FAULT)
     10 - test_SpinLock (OTHER_FAULT)
     24 - test_Tensor (Failed)
     47 - test_PyDataProvider2 (Failed)
     59 - test_ParameterServer2 (Failed)
     64 - test_TrainerOnePass (Failed)
     99 - testTrain (NUMERICAL)
    100 - testMatrix (NUMERICAL)
    101 - testVector (NUMERICAL)
    103 - testArguments (NUMERICAL)
    104 - testGradientMachine (NUMERICAL)
    116 - creator_test (Failed)
    118 - test_ploter (Failed)
    140 - test_auc_op (Failed)
    193 - test_accuracy_op (Failed)
    233 - test_nce (Failed)
    260 - test_image_classification_train_resnet (Failed)
    261 - test_image_classification_train_vgg (Failed)
    266 - test_understand_sentiment_dynamic_lstm (Failed)
Errors while running CTest

PaddlePaddle (PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning 并行分布式深度学习)是百度研发的深度学习平台,具有易用,高效,灵活和可伸缩等特点,为百度内部多项产品提供深度学习算法支持。 飞桨(PaddlePaddle)是目前国内唯一自主研发、开源开放、功能完备的产业级深度学习平台,集深度学习核心框架、基础模型库、端到端开发套件、工具组件和服务平台于一体。飞桨源于产业实践,致力于与产业深入融合,提供了领先的深度学习&机器学习任务开发、训练、部署能力,加速企业从算法研发到产业落地的过程。目前飞桨已广泛应用于工业、农业、服务业等,服务150多万开发者,与合作伙伴一起帮助越来越多的行业完成AI赋能。 四大领先技术 1、开发便捷的产业级深度学习框架 飞桨深度学习框架采用基于编程逻辑的组网范式,对于普通开发者而言更容易上手,符合他们的开发习惯。同时支持声明式和命令式编程,兼具开发的灵活性和高性能。网络结构自动设计,模型效果超越人类专家。 2、支持超大规模深度学习模型的训练 飞桨突破了超大规模深度学习模型训练技术,实现了支持千亿特征、万亿参数、数百节点的开源大规模训练平台,攻克了超大规模深度学习模型的在线学习难题,实现了万亿规模参数模型的实时更新。  3、多端多平台部署的高性能推理引擎 飞桨不仅兼容其他开源框架训练的模型,还可以轻松地部署到不同架构的平台设备上。同时,飞桨的推理速度也是全面领先的。尤其经过了跟华为麒麟NPU的软硬一体优化,使得飞桨在NPU上的推理速度进一步突破。 4、面向产业应用,开源开放覆盖多领域的工业级模型库。 飞桨官方支持100多个经过产业实践长期打磨的主流模型,其中包括在国际竞赛中夺得冠军的模型;同时开源开放200多个预训练模型,助力快速的产业应用。




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