Where to Start? 如何开始 Creating Believable Visuals 系列1

Where to Start? 如何开始


Before we start to explore rendering inside Unity, we first need to get our assets into a format suitable for our eventual intent. Setting up a proper workflow from your Digital Content Creation tool into Unity is critical. While we won’t go through the export steps in the multitude of DCC tools available, there are a few things that we need to consider:

Scale and units

Scale and your unit of measurement play a very important role in a believable scene. In many “real world” setups, it is recommended to assume 1 Unity unit = 1 meter (100cm) as many physics systems assume this unit size.
缩放和你的单位在一个可信的场景中扮演着非常重要的角色。在许多“真实世界”设置中,建议假设1个单位= 1米(100厘米),因为许多物理系统都假设这个单位的大小。

Unit translation DCC 3D software to Unity

To maintain consistencies between DCC 3D software and Unity it’s always a good idea to validate imported object scale and size. DCC 3D software such as 3ds Max/Maya/Blender/Houdini,etc have units settings and have scale settings in the FBX export configuration (consult each software manual to configure). In general setting these tools to work in cm and export FBX at automatic scale will match the scale in Unity import properly. However it’s always reassuring to confirm it matches whenever starting a project.
为了保持DCC 3D软件和Unity之间的一致性,验证导入对象的缩放和大小总是一个好主意。DCC 3D软件,如3ds Max/Maya/Blender/Houdini等,在FBX导出配置中有单元设置和缩放设置(请参阅每个软件手册进行配置)。一般情况下,将这些工具设置为在cm中工作,并自动按比例导出FBX,将与在Unity导入中正确匹配。然而,无论什么时候开始一个项目,确认它匹配总是令人放心的。

A quick test to validate your export settings would be to create a simple 1x1x1m cube in your DCC 3D software. This can then be imported into Unity. The default Unity Cube (GameObject > 3D Object > Cube) is 1x1x1m and is therefore a useful scale reference to compare with your imported model.
验证导出设置的一个快速测试是在DCC 3D软件中创建一个简单的1x1x1m立方体。然后可以导入到Unity中。默认的Unity Cube (GameObject > 3D Object > Cube)是1x1x1m,因此是与导入模型进行比较的一个有用的比例尺参考。
These cubes should look identical when scale is set to 1,1,1 in the Transform component within the Unity Inspector.

NOTES: - Maya and 3DsMax can override your default unit depending on the last opened file. - Be aware that 3D Software can display different unit in the workspace while having different settings in their “internal unit”. This might cause some confusion.
注:- Maya和3DsMax可以覆盖您的默认单位取决于最后打开的文件。-请注意,3D软件可以显示不同的单位在工作空间,而有不同的设置在他们的“内部单位”。这可能会引起一些混乱。
Shown example is from 3ds Max. 显示的例子来自3ds Max。

Point of reference scale model.

When blocking out a Scene with placeholders or sketching geometry, having a point of reference scale model can be helpful. Depending on what Scene you’re making, choose a point of reference scale model that is relatable for the Scene. In the Spotlight Tunnel Sample Scene case, a common park bench was chosen. This doesn’t mean the Scene has to be exactly the same proportions as real life, instead it allows consistencies of scale to be relative between objects even if the Scene is intended to have exaggerated proportions.
Texture output and channels

In the same way that Unity expects consistent unit translation between 3D software and Unity, the information inside a texture needs to contain the correct information to give a proper result when added to a material.

Example of presets configuration for Substance Painter to output textures to be used with Unity Standard Opaque material.
以下为Substance Painter 的预设配置的例子,以输出纹理供Unity 标准不透明材质使用。
Texture assignment in Unity Standard Material:

  • $textureSet_Albedo: assigned to Albedo Slot. 赋值给Albedo
  • $textureSet_MetallicAOGloss: assigned to Metallic and Occlusion, smoothness Source set to Metallic Alpha.
  • $textureSet_Normal: assigned to Normal Map Slot. 赋值给法线

NOTE: Packing multiple channels to a single texture such as the Metallic, AO, Gloss saves texture memory compared to exporting Ambient Occlusion (AO) as separate texture. This is the typical way of working with Unity Standard material.
注意:与将环境遮挡(AO)作为单独纹理导出相比,将多个通道打包到单个纹理(如metal, AO, Gloss)可以节省纹理内存。这是使用Unity标准材质的典型方法。

Texture authoring software such as Photoshop and Substance Painter will output consistent and predictable textures with proper configuration. There are however some cases where content creators can get mixed up mainly dealing with alpha channel.
纹理创作软件,如Photoshop和Substance Painter将输出一致和可预测的纹理与适当的配置。然而,在某些情况下,内容创建者可能主要在处理alpha通道会混淆。

The example below shows “transparency” in a PNG can be confusing to author in Photoshop because of its native way in dealing with PNG Alpha without external plugin. In this case an uncompressed 32 Bits TGA with a dedicated Alpha Channel might be a better option, assuming source texture file size is not an issue.
下面的例子展示了PNG中的“透明度”,对于Photoshop中的作者来说可能会感到困惑,因为PNG Alpha在没有外部插件的情况下使用的是原生方式。在这种情况下,带有专用Alpha通道的未压缩32位TGA可能是更好的选择,假设源纹理文件大小不是问题。
Photoshop authored “transparent” PNG above has alpha coming through as a black value, while the TGA with dedicated Alpha Channel shows expected value. When each texture assigned to Standard material that reads alpha channel as smoothness, the result is the unexpectedly inverted smoothness in the material with PNG textures while the material with TGA texture displays expected results as shown above.

Normal map direction.

Unity reads tangent space normal maps with the following interpretation: Red channel X+ as “Right”, Green channel Y+ as “Up”(OpenGL style).

For example, 3ds Max “Render to Texture” normal map output Green Channel Y+ as “Down” by default. This will cause inverted surface direction along the Y axis and create invalid results when lit.
例如,3ds Max“渲染到纹理”法线贴图输出绿色通道Y+默认为“向下”。这将导致沿Y轴反向的表面方向,并在光照时创建无效的结果。
To validate normal map direction, create a simple plane with concave bevel (middle picture on the example above) and bake it to a flat plane. Then assigned the baked normal map into a plane in Unity with identifiable light direction and see if any of the axis are inverted. Refer to your Digital Content Creation software manual for proper axis settings.

内容概要:这篇文档详尽介绍了现代电力系统三大计算,即潮流计算、短路计算和稳定计算的相关理论和方法,并针对电气工程专业的本科生提供了具体的MATLAB和PCAD编程实现指导。本书籍从基础概念、公式推导入手,逐步深入到各种类型的计算算法,如牛顿—拉夫逊法、P-Q解耦法及前推回推法潮流计算等,同时也讲解了如何应对电力系统故障和暂态稳定问题,最后还探讨了一些前沿问题,像电力系统电压调整计算和含新能源电力系统的潮流计算。此外,该书籍提供了丰富的附录资料及实际案例分析,辅助教学与自学。 适合人群:本书籍面向‘电气工程及其自动化’、‘智能电网信息工程’和‘电气工程与智能控制’专业的高年级本科生,尤其适合对该领域理论和技术有深入探究愿望的学习者及从事相关工作的研究人员。 使用场景及目标:①作为大学专业课程的学习参考资料,尤其是《电力系统综合实践》及相关课程;②提供理论依据与实践指南,指导电力工程技术人员解决现实中的问题;③协助科研工作者深入了解电力系统的运作机制及其优化措施。 其他说明:书籍内包含详细的程序流程图和大量算例解析,有助于读者掌握电力系统的各项技能。此外,还包括针对最新发展领域的介绍,例如风电场并入电网及经济调度计算。通过该书籍可以培养学生的计算编程能力和解决实际问题能力,并为未来职业发展奠定坚实基础。




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