



三台矿机配置  跑lotus和miner

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2678 v3 @ 2.50GHz  12核 48线程  内存512G  固态 3.7T  GeForce RTX 2080 Ti  跑worker

AMD EPYC 7302P 16-Core Processor 1493.855MHz  16核 32线程   内存 512G  GeForce RTX 3080 10GB / 20GB 跑worker

AMD EPYC 7302P 16-Core Processor 1495.807MHz  16核 32线程  内存 512G  GeForce RTX 3080 10GB / 20GB


export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
export FIL_PROOFS_PARAMETER_CACHE=/var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
export FIL_PROOFS_PARENT_CACHE=/var/tmp/filecoin-parents
export RUST_BACKTRACE=full
export RUST_LOG=debug
export LOTUS_PATH=/date/lotus
export LOTUS_MINER_PATH=/date/miner
export FULLNODE_API_INFO=lotus-dir-token:/ip4/
export MINER_API_INFO=lotus-miner-dir-token:/ip4/

127 lotus命令创建一个钱包:

lotus wallet new bls

# 钱包余额:0.712 FIL

代码实现: chain/wallet/wallet.go

// chain/wallet/wallet.go
func (w *LocalWallet) WalletNew(ctx context.Context, typ types.KeyType) (address.Address, error) {

	k, err := GenerateKey(typ)
	if err != nil {
		return address.Undef, err

	if err := w.keystore.Put(KNamePrefix+k.Address.String(), k.KeyInfo); err != nil {
		return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("saving to keystore: %w", err)
	w.keys[k.Address] = k

	_, err = w.keystore.Get(KDefault)
	if err != nil {
		if !xerrors.Is(err, types.ErrKeyInfoNotFound) {
			return address.Undef, err

		if err := w.keystore.Put(KDefault, k.KeyInfo); err != nil {
			return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to set new key as default: %w", err)

	return k.Address, nil

127 用钱包地址 f3qimpukscd75m5mdjfabcjsmkeirfnimvgz6fzfbh3kpwqmgcxdfingttdkke6lb2nghr3ousdp674tohk76a 创建矿工:

lotus-miner init --owner=f3qimpukscd75m5mdjfabcjsmkeirfnimvgz6fzfbh3kpwqmgcxdfingttdkke6lb2nghr3ousdp674tohk76a --sector-size=32GiB

2020-11-24T15:45:56.238+0800    INFO    main    lotus-storage-miner/init.go:702 Pushed CreateMiner message: bafy2bzacebsgthptjsg7rqu6gsqqsmtvq6d5wyitvfymvcawwkotfmphi5cts
2020-11-24T15:45:56.238+0800    INFO    main    lotus-storage-miner/init.go:703 Waiting for confirmation
2020-11-24T15:49:30.347+0800    INFO    main    lotus-storage-miner/init.go:719 New miners address is: f085415 (f2o6qs6shb52v5t4ejwsnkx5j6i7h7lworwf7xvua)
2020-11-24T15:49:30.347+0800    INFO    main    lotus-storage-miner/init.go:533 Created new miner: f085415
2020-11-24T15:49:30.351+0800    INFO    main    lotus-storage-miner/init.go:266 Miner successfully created, you can now start it with 'lotus-miner run'


var initCmd = &cli.Command{
	Name:  "init",
	Usage: "Initialize a lotus miner repo",
	Flags: []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "actor",
			Usage: "specify the address of an already created miner actor",
			Name:   "genesis-miner",
			Usage:  "enable genesis mining (DON'T USE ON BOOTSTRAPPED NETWORK)",
			Hidden: true,
			Name:  "create-worker-key",
			Usage: "create separate worker key",
			Name:    "worker",
			Aliases: []string{"w"},
			Usage:   "worker key to use (overrides --create-worker-key)",
			Name:    "owner",
			Aliases: []string{"o"},
			Usage:   "owner key to use",
			Name:  "sector-size",
			Usage: "specify sector size to use",
			Value: units.BytesSize(float64(policy.GetDefaultSectorSize())),
			Name:  "pre-sealed-sectors",
			Usage: "specify set of presealed sectors for starting as a genesis miner",
			Name:  "pre-sealed-metadata",
			Usage: "specify the metadata file for the presealed sectors",
			Name:  "nosync",
			Usage: "don't check full-node sync status",
			Name:  "symlink-imported-sectors",
			Usage: "attempt to symlink to presealed sectors instead of copying them into place",
			Name:  "no-local-storage",
			Usage: "don't use storageminer repo for sector storage",
			Name:  "gas-premium",
			Usage: "set gas premium for initialization messages in AttoFIL",
			Value: "0",
			Name:  "from",
			Usage: "select which address to send actor creation message from",
	Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
	Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
		log.Info("Initializing lotus miner")

		sectorSizeInt, err := units.RAMInBytes(cctx.String("sector-size"))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		ssize := abi.SectorSize(sectorSizeInt)

		gasPrice, err := types.BigFromString(cctx.String("gas-premium"))
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse gas-price flag: %s", err)

		symlink := cctx.Bool("symlink-imported-sectors")
		if symlink {
			log.Info("will attempt to symlink to imported sectors")

		ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)

		log.Info("Checking proof parameters")

		if err := paramfetch.GetParams(ctx, build.ParametersJSON(), uint64(ssize)); err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("fetching proof parameters: %w", err)

		log.Info("Trying to connect to full node RPC")

		api, closer, err := lcli.GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) // TODO: consider storing full node address in config
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer closer()

		log.Info("Checking full node sync status")

		if !cctx.Bool("genesis-miner") && !cctx.Bool("nosync") {
			if err := lcli.SyncWait(ctx, api, false); err != nil {
				return xerrors.Errorf("sync wait: %w", err)

		log.Info("Checking if repo exists")

		repoPath := cctx.String(FlagMinerRepo)
		r, err := repo.NewFS(repoPath)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		ok, err := r.Exists()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if ok {
			return xerrors.Errorf("repo at '%s' is already initialized", cctx.String(FlagMinerRepo))

		log.Info("Checking full node version")

		v, err := api.Version(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if !v.APIVersion.EqMajorMinor(build.FullAPIVersion) {
			return xerrors.Errorf("Remote API version didn't match (expected %s, remote %s)", build.FullAPIVersion, v.APIVersion)

		log.Info("Initializing repo")

		if err := r.Init(repo.StorageMiner); err != nil {
			return err

			lr, err := r.Lock(repo.StorageMiner)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			var localPaths []stores.LocalPath

			if pssb := cctx.StringSlice("pre-sealed-sectors"); len(pssb) != 0 {
				log.Infof("Setting up storage config with presealed sectors: %v", pssb)

				for _, psp := range pssb {
					psp, err := homedir.Expand(psp)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					localPaths = append(localPaths, stores.LocalPath{
						Path: psp,

			if !cctx.Bool("no-local-storage") {
				b, err := json.MarshalIndent(&stores.LocalStorageMeta{
					ID:       stores.ID(uuid.New().String()),
					Weight:   10,
					CanSeal:  true,
					CanStore: true,
				}, "", "  ")
				if err != nil {
					return xerrors.Errorf("marshaling storage config: %w", err)

				if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(lr.Path(), "sectorstore.json"), b, 0644); err != nil {
					return xerrors.Errorf("persisting storage metadata (%s): %w", filepath.Join(lr.Path(), "sectorstore.json"), err)

				localPaths = append(localPaths, stores.LocalPath{
					Path: lr.Path(),

			if err := lr.SetStorage(func(sc *stores.StorageConfig) {
				sc.StoragePaths = append(sc.StoragePaths, localPaths...)
			}); err != nil {
				return xerrors.Errorf("set storage config: %w", err)

			if err := lr.Close(); err != nil {
				return err

		if err := storageMinerInit(ctx, cctx, api, r, ssize, gasPrice); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to initialize lotus-miner: %+v", err)
			path, err := homedir.Expand(repoPath)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			log.Infof("Cleaning up %s after attempt...", path)
			if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Failed to clean up failed storage repo: %s", err)
			return xerrors.Errorf("Storage-miner init failed")

		// TODO: Point to setting storage price, maybe do it interactively or something
		log.Info("Miner successfully created, you can now start it with 'lotus-miner run'")

		return nil

查看飞狐浏览器:搜索地址 f3qimpukscd75m5mdjfabcjsmkeirfnimvgz6fzfbh3kpwqmgcxdfingttdkke6lb2nghr3ousdp674tohk76a

发现创建新矿工会消耗这个地址一点点矿工费:0.712 - 0.000002344188202536 - 0.000000002099831168 = 0.711997653711966

后来又转入两个Fil,新余额为 2.711997653711966

 127 启动 miner

nohup lotus-miner run > /root/miner.log &


var runCmd = &cli.Command{
	Name:  "run",
	Usage: "Start a lotus miner process",
	Flags: []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "miner-api",
			Usage: "2345",
			Name:  "enable-gpu-proving",
			Usage: "enable use of GPU for mining operations",
			Value: true,
			Name:  "nosync",
			Usage: "don't check full-node sync status",
			Name:  "manage-fdlimit",
			Usage: "manage open file limit",
			Value: true,
	Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
		if !cctx.Bool("enable-gpu-proving") {
			err := os.Setenv("BELLMAN_NO_GPU", "true")
			if err != nil {
				return err

		nodeApi, ncloser, err := lcli.GetFullNodeAPI(cctx)
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("getting full node api: %w", err)
		defer ncloser()
		ctx := lcli.DaemonContext(cctx)

		// Register all metric views
		if err := view.Register(
		); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Cannot register the view: %v", err)

		v, err := nodeApi.Version(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if cctx.Bool("manage-fdlimit") {
			if _, _, err := ulimit.ManageFdLimit(); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("setting file descriptor limit: %s", err)

		if v.APIVersion != build.FullAPIVersion {
			return xerrors.Errorf("lotus-daemon API version doesn't match: expected: %s", api.Version{APIVersion: build.FullAPIVersion})

		log.Info("Checking full node sync status")

		if !cctx.Bool("nosync") {
			if err := lcli.SyncWait(ctx, nodeApi, false); err != nil {
				return xerrors.Errorf("sync wait: %w", err)

		minerRepoPath := cctx.String(FlagMinerRepo)
		r, err := repo.NewFS(minerRepoPath)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		ok, err := r.Exists()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if !ok {
			return xerrors.Errorf("repo at '%s' is not initialized, run 'lotus-miner init' to set it up", minerRepoPath)

		shutdownChan := make(chan struct{})

		var minerapi api.StorageMiner
		stop, err := node.New(ctx,
			node.Override(new(dtypes.ShutdownChan), shutdownChan),

			node.ApplyIf(func(s *node.Settings) bool { return cctx.IsSet("miner-api") },
				node.Override(new(dtypes.APIEndpoint), func() (dtypes.APIEndpoint, error) {
					return multiaddr.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/" + cctx.String("miner-api"))
			node.Override(new(api.FullNode), nodeApi),
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("creating node: %w", err)

		endpoint, err := r.APIEndpoint()
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("getting API endpoint: %w", err)

		// Bootstrap with full node
		remoteAddrs, err := nodeApi.NetAddrsListen(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("getting full node libp2p address: %w", err)

		if err := minerapi.NetConnect(ctx, remoteAddrs); err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("connecting to full node (libp2p): %w", err)

		log.Infof("Remote version %s", v)

		lst, err := manet.Listen(endpoint)
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("could not listen: %w", err)

		mux := mux.NewRouter()

		rpcServer := jsonrpc.NewServer()
		rpcServer.Register("Filecoin", apistruct.PermissionedStorMinerAPI(metrics.MetricedStorMinerAPI(minerapi)))

		mux.Handle("/rpc/v0", rpcServer)
		mux.PathPrefix("/").Handler(http.DefaultServeMux) // pprof

		ah := &auth.Handler{
			Verify: minerapi.AuthVerify,
			Next:   mux.ServeHTTP,

		srv := &http.Server{
			Handler: ah,
			BaseContext: func(listener net.Listener) context.Context {
				ctx, _ := tag.New(context.Background(), tag.Upsert(metrics.APIInterface, "lotus-miner"))
				return ctx

		sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
		go func() {
			select {
			case sig := <-sigChan:
				log.Warnw("received shutdown", "signal", sig)
			case <-shutdownChan:
				log.Warn("received shutdown")

			log.Warn("Shutting down...")
			if err := stop(context.TODO()); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("graceful shutting down failed: %s", err)
			if err := srv.Shutdown(context.TODO()); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("shutting down RPC server failed: %s", err)
			log.Warn("Graceful shutdown successful")
		signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT)

		return srv.Serve(manet.NetListener(lst))

lotus-miner 配置文件 /date/miner/config.toml

# Default config:
  ListenAddress = "/ip4/"
  RemoteListenAddress = ""
#  Timeout = "30s"
  ListenAddresses = ["/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/42991"]
  AnnounceAddresses = ["/ip4/"]
#  NoAnnounceAddresses = []
#  ConnMgrLow = 150
#  ConnMgrHigh = 180
#  ConnMgrGrace = "20s"
#  Bootstrapper = false
#  RemoteTracer = "/dns4/"
#  ConsiderOnlineStorageDeals = true
#  ConsiderOfflineStorageDeals = true
#  ConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals = true
#  ConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals = true
#  PieceCidBlocklist = []
#  ExpectedSealDuration = "24h0m0s"
#  Filter = ""
#  RetrievalFilter = ""
#  MaxWaitDealsSectors = 2
#  MaxSealingSectors = 0
#  MaxSealingSectorsForDeals = 0
#  WaitDealsDelay = "6h0m0s"
#  ParallelFetchLimit = 10
  AllowAddPiece = false
  AllowPreCommit1 = false
  AllowPreCommit2 = false
  AllowCommit = false
  AllowUnseal = false
  AllowMyScheduler = false
#  MaxPreCommitGasFee = "0.025 FIL"
#  MaxCommitGasFee = "0.05 FIL"
#  MaxWindowPoStGasFee = "5 FIL"
#  MaxPublishDealsFee = "0.05 FIL"
#  MaxMarketBalanceAddFee = "0.007 FIL"




lotus-miner stop
nohup lotus-miner run > /root/miner.log &

worker 112 环境变量:token是假的 

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
export FIL_PROOFS_PARAMETER_CACHE=/var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
export FIL_PROOFS_PARENT_CACHE=/var/tmp/filecoin-parents
export RUST_BACKTRACE=full
export RUST_LOG=debug
export MINER_API_INFO=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5c.eyJBb6WyJyZWFkIiwid3JpdGUiLCJzaWduIiwiYWRtaW4iXX0.G-wQuid3bXGnCBYE6dgo5ixki_Sp0xFItCXk:/ip4/

启动 112上的worker 脚本

source /etc/profile
nohup env FIL_PROOFS_USE_GPU_COLUMN_BUILDER=1 FIL_PROOFS_USE_GPU_TREE_BUILDER=1 GPU_DEVICE_ORDINAL=0 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 FIL_PROOFS_USE_MULTICORE_SDR=1 taskset -c 0,1,2,3 lotus-worker --worker-repo=/worker/worker2345 --miner-repo=/data/miner  run --listen= --addpiece=true --precommit1=true --precommit2=true --commit=true --parallel-fetch-limit=2 >> /root/worker2345.log 2>&1 &

第一次查看lotus-miner info

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner info
Full node: [sync ok]
Miner: f085415
Sector Size: 32 GiB
Byte Power:   0 B / 1.053 EiB (0.0000%)
Actual Power: 0  / 1.05 Ei (0.0000%)
        Committed: 0 B
        Proving: 0 B
Below minimum power threshold, no blocks will be won
Deals: 0, 0 B
        Active: 0, 0 B (Verified: 0, 0 B)

Miner Balance: 0 FIL
        PreCommit:   0 FIL
        Pledge:      0 FIL
        Vesting:     0 FIL
        Available:   0 FIL
Worker Balance: 2.711997653711966296 FIL
Market (Escrow):  0 FIL
Market (Locked):  0 FIL

Expected Seal Duration: 24h0m0s

        Total: 0


var infoCmd = &cli.Command{
	Name:  "info",
	Usage: "Print miner info",
	Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
	Flags: []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "hide-sectors-info",
			Usage: "hide sectors info",
	Action: infoCmdAct,

func infoCmdAct(cctx *cli.Context) error {
	color.NoColor = !cctx.Bool("color")

	nodeApi, closer, err := lcli.GetStorageMinerAPI(cctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer closer()

	api, acloser, err := lcli.GetFullNodeAPI(cctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer acloser()

	ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)

	fmt.Print("Full node: ")

	head, err := api.ChainHead(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	switch {
	case time.Now().Unix()-int64(head.MinTimestamp()) < int64(build.BlockDelaySecs*3/2): // within 1.5 epochs
		fmt.Printf("[%s]", color.GreenString("sync ok"))
	case time.Now().Unix()-int64(head.MinTimestamp()) < int64(build.BlockDelaySecs*5): // within 5 epochs
		fmt.Printf("[%s]", color.YellowString("sync slow (%s behind)", time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(int64(head.MinTimestamp()), 0)).Truncate(time.Second)))
		fmt.Printf("[%s]", color.RedString("sync behind! (%s behind)", time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(int64(head.MinTimestamp()), 0)).Truncate(time.Second)))


	maddr, err := getActorAddress(ctx, nodeApi, cctx.String("actor"))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	mact, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	tbs := bufbstore.NewTieredBstore(apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api), blockstore.NewTemporary())
	mas, err := miner.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(tbs)), mact)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Printf("Miner: %s\n", color.BlueString("%s", maddr))

	// Sector size
	mi, err := api.StateMinerInfo(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Printf("Sector Size: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize))))

	pow, err := api.StateMinerPower(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	rpercI := types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(pow.MinerPower.RawBytePower, types.NewInt(1000000)), pow.TotalPower.RawBytePower)
	qpercI := types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(pow.MinerPower.QualityAdjPower, types.NewInt(1000000)), pow.TotalPower.QualityAdjPower)

	fmt.Printf("Byte Power:   %s / %s (%0.4f%%)\n",

	fmt.Printf("Actual Power: %s / %s (%0.4f%%)\n",

	secCounts, err := api.StateMinerSectorCount(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	proving := secCounts.Active + secCounts.Faulty
	nfaults := secCounts.Faulty
	fmt.Printf("\tCommitted: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(secCounts.Live), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))))
	if nfaults == 0 {
		fmt.Printf("\tProving: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(proving), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))))
	} else {
		var faultyPercentage float64
		if secCounts.Live != 0 {
			faultyPercentage = float64(10000*nfaults/secCounts.Live) / 100.
		fmt.Printf("\tProving: %s (%s Faulty, %.2f%%)\n",
			types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(proving), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))),
			types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(nfaults), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))),

	if !pow.HasMinPower {
		fmt.Print("Below minimum power threshold, no blocks will be won")
	} else {
		expWinChance := float64(types.BigMul(qpercI, types.NewInt(build.BlocksPerEpoch)).Int64()) / 1000000
		if expWinChance > 0 {
			if expWinChance > 1 {
				expWinChance = 1
			winRate := time.Duration(float64(time.Second*time.Duration(build.BlockDelaySecs)) / expWinChance)
			winPerDay := float64(time.Hour*24) / float64(winRate)

			fmt.Print("Expected block win rate: ")
			color.Blue("%.4f/day (every %s)", winPerDay, winRate.Truncate(time.Second))


	deals, err := nodeApi.MarketListIncompleteDeals(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var nactiveDeals, nVerifDeals, ndeals uint64
	var activeDealBytes, activeVerifDealBytes, dealBytes abi.PaddedPieceSize
	for _, deal := range deals {
		dealBytes += deal.Proposal.PieceSize

		if deal.State == storagemarket.StorageDealActive {
			activeDealBytes += deal.Proposal.PieceSize

			if deal.Proposal.VerifiedDeal {
				activeVerifDealBytes += deal.Proposal.PieceSize

	fmt.Printf("Deals: %d, %s\n", ndeals, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(dealBytes))))
	fmt.Printf("\tActive: %d, %s (Verified: %d, %s)\n", nactiveDeals, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(activeDealBytes))), nVerifDeals, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(activeVerifDealBytes))))

	// NOTE: there's no need to unlock anything here. Funds only
	// vest on deadline boundaries, and they're unlocked by cron.
	lockedFunds, err := mas.LockedFunds()
	if err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf("getting locked funds: %w", err)
	availBalance, err := mas.AvailableBalance(mact.Balance)
	if err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf("getting available balance: %w", err)
	fmt.Printf("Miner Balance: %s\n", color.YellowString("%s", types.FIL(mact.Balance)))
	fmt.Printf("\tPreCommit:   %s\n", types.FIL(lockedFunds.PreCommitDeposits))
	fmt.Printf("\tPledge:      %s\n", types.FIL(lockedFunds.InitialPledgeRequirement))
	fmt.Printf("\tVesting:     %s\n", types.FIL(lockedFunds.VestingFunds))
	color.Green("\tAvailable:   %s", types.FIL(availBalance))
	wb, err := api.WalletBalance(ctx, mi.Worker)
	if err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf("getting worker balance: %w", err)
	color.Cyan("Worker Balance: %s", types.FIL(wb))

	mb, err := api.StateMarketBalance(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
	if err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf("getting market balance: %w", err)
	fmt.Printf("Market (Escrow):  %s\n", types.FIL(mb.Escrow))
	fmt.Printf("Market (Locked):  %s\n", types.FIL(mb.Locked))


	sealdur, err := nodeApi.SectorGetExpectedSealDuration(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Printf("Expected Seal Duration: %s\n\n", sealdur)

	if !cctx.Bool("hide-sectors-info") {
		err = sectorsInfo(ctx, nodeApi)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// TODO: grab actr state / info
	//  * Sealed sectors (count / bytes)
	//  * Power
	return nil


root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner storage list
        [####                                              ] 370 GiB/3.637 TiB 9%
        Unsealed: 0; Sealed: 0; Caches: 0; Reserved: 0 B
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal Store
        Local: /date/miner

        [                                                  ] 3.743 GiB/3.637 TiB 0%
        Unsealed: 0; Sealed: 0; Caches: 0; Reserved: 0 B
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal 
        URL: (latency: 1.4ms)

woker 113 环境变量 token是假的

export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export FIL_PROOFS_PARAMETER_CACHE=/var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
export FIL_PROOFS_PARENT_CACHE=/var/tmp/filecoin-parents
export RUST_BACKTRACE=full
export RUST_LOG=debug
export MINER_API_INFO=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5c.eyJBb6WyJyZWFkIiwid3JpdGUiLCJzaWduIiwiYWRtaW4iXX0.G-wQuid3bXGnCBYE6dgo5ixki_Sp0xFItCXk:/ip4/

启动113上worker 脚本 

source /etc/profile
nohup env FIL_PROOFS_USE_GPU_COLUMN_BUILDER=1 FIL_PROOFS_USE_GPU_TREE_BUILDER=1 GPU_DEVICE_ORDINAL=0 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 FIL_PROOFS_USE_MULTICORE_SDR=1 taskset -c 0,1,2,3 lotus-worker --worker-repo=/worker/worker2345 --miner-repo=/data/miner  run --listen= --addpiece=true --precommit1=true --precommit2=true --commit=true --parallel-fetch-limit=2 >> /root/worker2345.log 2>&1 &


root@lotus_112:~# tail -f worker2345.log 
2020-11-24T17:12:19.907+0800    INFO    badger  v2@v2.2007.2/levels.go:183      All 0 tables opened in 0s

2020-11-24T17:12:19.907+0800    INFO    badger  v2@v2.2007.2/value.go:1158      Replaying file id: 0 at offset: 0

2020-11-24T17:12:19.907+0800    INFO    badger  v2@v2.2007.2/value.go:1178      Replay took: 3.106µs

2020-11-24T17:12:19.907+0800    INFO    main    lotus-seal-worker/main.go:390   Opening local storage; connecting to master
2020-11-24T17:12:19.909+0800    INFO    main    lotus-seal-worker/main.go:441   Setting up control endpoint at
2020-11-24T17:12:19.911+0800    INFO    main    lotus-seal-worker/main.go:544   Making sure no local tasks are running
2020-11-24T17:12:20.922+0800    INFO    main    lotus-seal-worker/main.go:567   Worker registered successfully, waiting for tasks
2020-11-24T17:44:47.829+0800    INFO    badger  v2@v2.2007.2/levels.go:183      All 0 tables opened in 0s

2020-11-24T17:44:47.829+0800    INFO    badger  v2@v2.2007.2/value.go:1158      Replaying file id: 0 at offset: 0

2020-11-24T17:44:47.829+0800    INFO    badger  v2@v2.2007.2/value.go:1178      Replay took: 1.122µs

2020-11-24T17:44:47.829+0800    INFO    main    lotus-seal-worker/main.go:390   Opening local storage; connecting to master
2020-11-24T17:44:47.830+0800    INFO    main    lotus-seal-worker/main.go:441   Setting up control endpoint at
2020-11-24T17:44:47.831+0800    INFO    main    lotus-seal-worker/main.go:544   Making sure no local tasks are running
2020-11-24T17:44:48.703+0800    INFO    main    lotus-seal-worker/main.go:567   Worker registered successfully, waiting for tasks

127上查看存储  lotus-miner storage list

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner storage list
        [####                                              ] 370.1 GiB/3.637 TiB 9%
        Unsealed: 0; Sealed: 0; Caches: 0; Reserved: 0 B
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal Store
        Local: /date/miner

        [                                                  ] 3.743 GiB/3.637 TiB 0%
        Unsealed: 0; Sealed: 0; Caches: 0; Reserved: 0 B
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal 
        URL: (latency: 1.7ms)

        [######                                            ] 449.4 GiB/3.491 TiB 12%
        Unsealed: 0; Sealed: 0; Caches: 0; Reserved: 0 B
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal 
        URL: (latency: 1.8ms)

        Error: fsstat: path not found:

127 上操作 压两个扇区的任务

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner sectors pledge
root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner sectors pledge


func (m *Sealing) PledgeSector() error {
	cfg, err := m.getConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return xerrors.Errorf("getting config: %w", err)

	if cfg.MaxSealingSectors > 0 {
		if m.stats.curSealing() > cfg.MaxSealingSectors {
			return xerrors.Errorf("too many sectors sealing (curSealing: %d, max: %d)", m.stats.curSealing(), cfg.MaxSealingSectors)

	go func() {
		ctx := context.TODO() // we can't use the context from command which invokes
		// this, as we run everything here async, and it's cancelled when the
		// command exits 我们无法在调用此命令的命令中使用上下文,因为我们在此处异步运行所有内容,并且在命令退出时被取消

		size := abi.PaddedPieceSize(m.sealer.SectorSize()).Unpadded()

		log.Info("==========[PledgeSector] size = ",size) //add by ck
		sid, err :=
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("%+v", err)

		log.Info("==========[PledgeSector] sid = ",sid) //add by ck

		err = m.sealer.NewSector(ctx, m.minerSector(sid))
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("%+v", err)

		pieces, err := m.pledgeSector(ctx, m.minerSector(sid), []abi.UnpaddedPieceSize{}, size)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("%+v", err)

		ps := make([]Piece, len(pieces))
		for idx := range ps {
			log.Info("==========[PledgeSector] piece = ",pieces[idx])
			ps[idx] = Piece{
				Piece:    pieces[idx],
				DealInfo: nil,

		if err := m.newSectorCC(sid, ps); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("%+v", err)
	return nil


2020-11-24T17:51:11.173+0800    WARN    advmgr  sector-storage/manager.go:321   stub NewSector
2020-11-24T17:51:11.173+0800    INFO    sectors storage-sealing/garbage.go:17   Pledge {{85415 0} 3}, contains []
2020-11-24T17:51:11.173+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 1 queued; 6 open windows
2020-11-24T17:51:11.177+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m26.023760511s
2020-11-24T17:51:11.179+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m26.026578043s
2020-11-24T17:51:11.182+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m26.029550835s
2020-11-24T17:51:11.185+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m26.032076989s
2020-11-24T17:51:11.185+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-24T17:51:11.185+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: [[4 5 2 3]]
2020-11-24T17:51:11.185+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:785     SCHED try assign sqi:0 sector 0 to window 4
2020-11-24T17:51:11.185+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:792     SCHED ASSIGNED sqi:0 sector 0 task seal/v0/addpiece to window 4
2020-11-24T17:51:11.185+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:367      assign worker sector 0
2020-11-24T17:51:11.185+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 6 open windows
2020-11-24T17:51:11.185+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-24T17:51:11.185+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []
2020-11-24T17:51:11.186+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:277      task done       {"workerid": [112,42,183,4,144,29,78,27,185,105,58,147,136,215,69,77]}
2020-11-24T17:51:11.186+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 6 open windows
2020-11-24T17:51:11.187+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-24T17:51:11.187+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []
2020-11-24T17:51:11.187+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m26.03462603s
2020-11-24T17:51:12.974+0800    WARN    advmgr  sector-storage/manager.go:321   stub NewSector
2020-11-24T17:51:12.974+0800    INFO    sectors storage-sealing/garbage.go:17   Pledge {{85415 1} 3}, contains []
2020-11-24T17:51:12.974+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 1 queued; 6 open windows
2020-11-24T17:51:12.977+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m27.82367263s
2020-11-24T17:51:12.979+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m27.826478426s
2020-11-24T17:51:12.982+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m27.829134707s
2020-11-24T17:51:12.984+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m27.831270844s
2020-11-24T17:51:12.984+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-24T17:51:12.984+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: [[2 3 4 5]]
2020-11-24T17:51:12.984+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:785     SCHED try assign sqi:0 sector 1 to window 2
2020-11-24T17:51:12.984+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:792     SCHED ASSIGNED sqi:0 sector 1 task seal/v0/addpiece to window 2
2020-11-24T17:51:12.984+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:367      assign worker sector 1
2020-11-24T17:51:12.984+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 6 open windows
2020-11-24T17:51:12.985+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-24T17:51:12.985+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []
2020-11-24T17:51:12.986+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:277      task done       {"workerid": [143,37,18,255,95,106,70,69,170,79,127,28,128,165,71,96]}
2020-11-24T17:51:12.986+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 6 open windows
2020-11-24T17:51:12.986+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-24T17:51:12.986+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []
2020-11-24T17:51:12.987+0800    DEBUG   stores  stores/index.go:397     not allocating on aa7e143a-33f4-4337-8b4f-85b6d41a4675, didn't receive heartbeats for 8m27.833797003s
2020-11-24T17:52:00.244+0800    INFO    rpc     go-jsonrpc@v0.1.2-0.20201008195726-68c6a2704e49/client.go:346   rpc output message buffer       {"n": 2}
2020-11-24T17:52:00.245+0800    INFO    rpc     go-jsonrpc@v0.1.2-0.20201008195726-68c6a2704e49/client.go:346   rpc output message buffer       {"n": 2}

127查看miner info,还没发现扇区

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner info
Full node: [sync ok]
Miner: f085415
Sector Size: 32 GiB
Byte Power:   0 B / 1.054 EiB (0.0000%)
Actual Power: 0  / 1.05 Ei (0.0000%)
        Committed: 0 B
        Proving: 0 B
Below minimum power threshold, no blocks will be won
Deals: 0, 0 B
        Active: 0, 0 B (Verified: 0, 0 B)

Miner Balance: 0 FIL
        PreCommit:   0 FIL
        Pledge:      0 FIL
        Vesting:     0 FIL
        Available:   0 FIL
Worker Balance: 2.711997653711966296 FIL
Market (Escrow):  0 FIL
Market (Locked):  0 FIL

Expected Seal Duration: 24h0m0s

        Total: 0

127 上查看任务  

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner sealing jobs
ID        Sector  Worker    Hostname   Task  State    Time
2787cb98  0       702ab704  lotus_113  AP    running  3m17s
52b5899e  1       8f2512ff  lotus_112  AP    running  3m15.2s


var sealingJobsCmd = &cli.Command{
	Name:  "jobs",
	Usage: "list workers",
	Flags: []cli.Flag{
		&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "color"},
	Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
		color.NoColor = !cctx.Bool("color")

		nodeApi, closer, err := lcli.GetStorageMinerAPI(cctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer closer()

		ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)

		jobs, err := nodeApi.WorkerJobs(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("getting worker jobs: %w", err)

		type line struct {
			wid uuid.UUID

		lines := make([]line, 0)

		for wid, jobs := range jobs {
			for _, job := range jobs {
				lines = append(lines, line{
					WorkerJob: job,
					wid:       wid,

		// oldest first
		sort.Slice(lines, func(i, j int) bool {
			if lines[i].RunWait != lines[j].RunWait {
				return lines[i].RunWait < lines[j].RunWait
			if lines[i].Start.Equal(lines[j].Start) {
				return lines[i].ID.ID.String() < lines[j].ID.ID.String()
			return lines[i].Start.Before(lines[j].Start)

		workerHostnames := map[uuid.UUID]string{}

		wst, err := nodeApi.WorkerStats(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return xerrors.Errorf("getting worker stats: %w", err)

		for wid, st := range wst {
			workerHostnames[wid] = st.Info.Hostname

		tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 2, 4, 2, ' ', 0)
		_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(tw, "ID\tSector\tWorker\tHostname\tTask\tState\tTime\n")

		for _, l := range lines {
			state := "running"
			if l.RunWait > 0 {
				state = fmt.Sprintf("assigned(%d)", l.RunWait-1)
			if l.RunWait == -1 {
				state = "ret-wait"
			dur := "n/a"
			if !l.Start.IsZero() {
				dur = time.Now().Sub(l.Start).Truncate(time.Millisecond * 100).String()

			_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",

		return tw.Flush()

127 上查看存储

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner storage list
        [####                                              ] 370.2 GiB/3.637 TiB 9%
        Unsealed: 0; Sealed: 0; Caches: 0; Reserved: 0 B
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal Store
        Local: /date/miner

        [                                                  ] 67.74 GiB/3.637 TiB 1%
        Unsealed: 0; Sealed: 0; Caches: 0; Reserved: 32 GiB
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal 
        URL: (latency: 1.3ms)

        [######*                                           ] 513.4 GiB/3.491 TiB 14%
        Unsealed: 0; Sealed: 0; Caches: 0; Reserved: 32 GiB
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal 
        URL: (latency: 1.5ms)


var storageListCmd = &cli.Command{
	Name:  "list",
	Usage: "list local storage paths",
	Flags: []cli.Flag{
		&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "color"},
	Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
		color.NoColor = !cctx.Bool("color")

		nodeApi, closer, err := lcli.GetStorageMinerAPI(cctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer closer()
		ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)

		st, err := nodeApi.StorageList(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		local, err := nodeApi.StorageLocal(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		type fsInfo struct {
			sectors []stores.Decl
			stat    fsutil.FsStat

		sorted := make([]fsInfo, 0, len(st))
		for id, decls := range st {
			st, err := nodeApi.StorageStat(ctx, id)
			if err != nil {
				sorted = append(sorted, fsInfo{ID: id, sectors: decls})

			sorted = append(sorted, fsInfo{id, decls, st})

		sort.Slice(sorted, func(i, j int) bool {
			if sorted[i].stat.Capacity != sorted[j].stat.Capacity {
				return sorted[i].stat.Capacity > sorted[j].stat.Capacity
			return sorted[i].ID < sorted[j].ID

		for _, s := range sorted {

			var cnt [3]int
			for _, decl := range s.sectors {
				for i := range cnt {
					if decl.SectorFileType&(1<<i) != 0 {

			fmt.Printf("%s:\n", s.ID)

			pingStart := time.Now()
			st, err := nodeApi.StorageStat(ctx, s.ID)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("\t%s: %s:\n", color.RedString("Error"), err)
			ping := time.Now().Sub(pingStart)

			usedPercent := (st.Capacity - st.Available) * 100 / st.Capacity

			percCol := color.FgGreen
			switch {
			case usedPercent > 98:
				percCol = color.FgRed
			case usedPercent > 90:
				percCol = color.FgYellow

			var barCols = int64(50)
			set := (st.Capacity - st.Available) * barCols / st.Capacity
			used := (st.Capacity - (st.Available + st.Reserved)) * barCols / st.Capacity
			reserved := set - used
			bar := strings.Repeat("#", int(used)) + strings.Repeat("*", int(reserved)) + strings.Repeat(" ", int(barCols-set))

			fmt.Printf("\t[%s] %s/%s %s\n", color.New(percCol).Sprint(bar),
				color.New(percCol).Sprintf("%d%%", usedPercent))
			fmt.Printf("\t%s; %s; %s; Reserved: %s\n",
				color.YellowString("Unsealed: %d", cnt[0]),
				color.GreenString("Sealed: %d", cnt[1]),
				color.BlueString("Caches: %d", cnt[2]),

			si, err := nodeApi.StorageInfo(ctx, s.ID)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			if si.CanSeal || si.CanStore {
				fmt.Printf("Weight: %d; Use: ", si.Weight)
				if si.CanSeal {
					fmt.Print(color.MagentaString("Seal "))
				if si.CanStore {
			} else {
				fmt.Print(color.HiYellowString("Use: ReadOnly"))

			if localPath, ok := local[s.ID]; ok {
				fmt.Printf("\tLocal: %s\n", color.GreenString(localPath))
			for i, l := range si.URLs {
				var rtt string
				if _, ok := local[s.ID]; !ok && i == 0 {
					rtt = " (latency: " + ping.Truncate(time.Microsecond*100).String() + ")"

				fmt.Printf("\tURL: %s%s\n", l, rtt) // TODO; try pinging maybe?? print latency?

		return nil

扇区 0 和 1目前都处于 AP状态,查看磁盘上的文件树

root@lotus_112:/worker/worker2345# tree -sh -D
├── [  27 Nov 24 17:12]  api
├── [  10 Nov 24 17:12]  cache
├── [  19 Nov 24 17:12]  config.toml
├── [  67 Nov 24 17:12]  datastore
│   ├── [  72 Nov 24 17:12]  client
│   │   ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:12]  000000.vlog
│   │   ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:12]  KEYREGISTRY
│   │   ├── [   5 Nov 24 17:12]  LOCK
│   │   └── [  16 Nov 24 17:12]  MANIFEST
│   ├── [ 132 Nov 24 17:12]  metadata
│   │   ├── [ 151 Nov 24 17:51]  000002.log
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:12]  CURRENT
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:12]  CURRENT.bak
│   │   ├── [   0 Nov 24 17:12]  LOCK
│   │   ├── [ 930 Nov 24 17:12]  LOG
│   │   └── [  41 Nov 24 17:12]  MANIFEST-000003
│   └── [  92 Nov 24 17:12]  staging
│       ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:12]  000000.vlog
│       ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:12]  KEYREGISTRY
│       ├── [   5 Nov 24 17:12]  LOCK
│       └── [  16 Nov 24 17:12]  MANIFEST
├── [  10 Nov 24 17:12]  keystore
├── [ 357 Nov 24 17:12]  myscheduler.json
├── [   0 Nov 24 17:12]  repo.lock
├── [  10 Nov 24 17:12]  sealed
├── [ 106 Nov 24 17:12]  sectorstore.json
├── [  74 Nov 24 17:12]  storage.json
├── [ 136 Nov 24 17:12]  token
└── [  33 Nov 24 17:51]  unsealed
    └── [ 32G Nov 24 17:58]  s-t085415-1

8 directories, 22 files
root@lotus_113:/worker/worker2345# tree -sh -D
├── [  27 Nov 24 17:44]  api
├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  cache
├── [  19 Nov 24 17:44]  config.toml
├── [  67 Nov 24 17:44]  datastore
│   ├── [  92 Nov 24 17:44]  client
│   │   ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:44]  000000.vlog
│   │   ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:44]  KEYREGISTRY
│   │   ├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  LOCK
│   │   └── [  16 Nov 24 17:44]  MANIFEST
│   ├── [ 132 Nov 24 17:44]  metadata
│   │   ├── [ 151 Nov 24 17:51]  000002.log
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:44]  CURRENT
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:44]  CURRENT.bak
│   │   ├── [   0 Nov 24 17:44]  LOCK
│   │   ├── [ 929 Nov 24 17:44]  LOG
│   │   └── [  41 Nov 24 17:44]  MANIFEST-000003
│   └── [  92 Nov 24 17:44]  staging
│       ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:44]  000000.vlog
│       ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:44]  KEYREGISTRY
│       ├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  LOCK
│       └── [  16 Nov 24 17:44]  MANIFEST
├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  keystore
├── [ 357 Nov 24 17:44]  myscheduler.json
├── [   0 Nov 24 17:44]  repo.lock
├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  sealed
├── [ 106 Nov 24 17:44]  sectorstore.json
├── [  74 Nov 24 17:44]  storage.json
├── [ 136 Nov 24 17:44]  token
└── [  33 Nov 24 17:51]  unsealed
    └── [ 32G Nov 24 17:59]  s-t085415-0

8 directories, 22 files
root@lotus_127:/date/miner# tree -sh -D
├── [  32 Nov 24 17:08]  api
├── [  10 Nov 24 16:26]  cache
├── [1.3K Nov 24 16:40]  config.toml
├── [  67 Nov 24 15:45]  datastore
│   ├── [  72 Nov 24 17:07]  client
│   │   ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:07]  000000.vlog
│   │   ├── [  28 Nov 24 15:45]  KEYREGISTRY
│   │   ├── [   5 Nov 24 17:07]  LOCK
│   │   └── [  16 Nov 24 17:07]  MANIFEST
│   ├── [ 198 Nov 24 17:07]  metadata
│   │   ├── [ 130 Nov 24 16:25]  000002.ldb
│   │   ├── [ 771 Nov 24 16:51]  000005.ldb
│   │   ├── [ 422 Nov 24 17:07]  000008.ldb
│   │   ├── [ 491 Nov 24 17:51]  000009.log
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:07]  CURRENT
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:07]  CURRENT.bak
│   │   ├── [   0 Nov 24 15:45]  LOCK
│   │   ├── [2.3K Nov 24 17:07]  LOG
│   │   └── [ 422 Nov 24 17:07]  MANIFEST-000010
│   └── [  92 Nov 24 17:07]  staging
│       ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:07]  000000.vlog
│       ├── [  28 Nov 24 15:45]  KEYREGISTRY
│       ├── [   5 Nov 24 17:07]  LOCK
│       └── [  16 Nov 24 17:07]  MANIFEST
├── [  10 Nov 24 16:26]  data-transfer
├── [ 175 Nov 24 17:08]  journal
│   ├── [3.6K Nov 24 16:46]  lotus-journal-2020-11-24T162639+0800.ndjson
│   ├── [3.6K Nov 24 16:53]  lotus-journal-2020-11-24T165319+0800.ndjson
│   └── [5.9K Nov 24 17:46]  lotus-journal-2020-11-24T170858+0800.ndjson
├── [  78 Nov 24 16:26]  keystore
│   ├── [  86 Nov 24 16:26]  MF2XI2BNNJ3XILLQOJUXMYLUMU
│   └── [ 130 Nov 24 15:45]  NRUWE4BSOAWWQ33TOQ
├── [   0 Nov 24 17:07]  repo.lock
├── [  10 Nov 24 16:26]  sealed
├── [ 105 Nov 24 15:45]  sectorstore.json
├── [  67 Nov 24 15:45]  storage.json
├── [ 136 Nov 24 16:26]  token
└── [  10 Nov 24 16:26]  unsealed

10 directories, 28 files

AP 结束,开始P1

root@lotus_127:/date/miner# lotus-miner sealing jobs
ID        Sector  Worker    Hostname   Task  State    Time
bd92197a  1       8f2512ff  lotus_112  PC1   running  21.3s
c75a1da8  0       702ab704  lotus_113  PC1   running  16.1s
root@lotus_112:/worker/worker2345# tree -sh -D
├── [  27 Nov 24 17:12]  api
├── [  33 Nov 24 18:02]  cache
│   └── [  43 Nov 24 18:02]  s-t085415-1
│       └── [ 64G Nov 24 18:02]  sc-02-data-tree-d.dat
├── [  19 Nov 24 17:12]  config.toml
├── [  67 Nov 24 17:12]  datastore
│   ├── [  72 Nov 24 17:12]  client
│   │   ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:12]  000000.vlog
│   │   ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:12]  KEYREGISTRY
│   │   ├── [   5 Nov 24 17:12]  LOCK
│   │   └── [  16 Nov 24 17:12]  MANIFEST
│   ├── [ 132 Nov 24 17:12]  metadata
│   │   ├── [ 614 Nov 24 18:02]  000002.log
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:12]  CURRENT
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:12]  CURRENT.bak
│   │   ├── [   0 Nov 24 17:12]  LOCK
│   │   ├── [ 930 Nov 24 17:12]  LOG
│   │   └── [  41 Nov 24 17:12]  MANIFEST-000003
│   └── [  92 Nov 24 17:12]  staging
│       ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:12]  000000.vlog
│       ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:12]  KEYREGISTRY
│       ├── [   5 Nov 24 17:12]  LOCK
│       └── [  16 Nov 24 17:12]  MANIFEST
├── [  10 Nov 24 17:12]  keystore
├── [ 357 Nov 24 17:12]  myscheduler.json
├── [   0 Nov 24 17:12]  repo.lock
├── [  33 Nov 24 18:02]  sealed
│   └── [ 32G Nov 24 18:02]  s-t085415-1
├── [ 106 Nov 24 17:12]  sectorstore.json
├── [  74 Nov 24 17:12]  storage.json
├── [ 136 Nov 24 17:12]  token
└── [  33 Nov 24 17:51]  unsealed
    └── [ 32G Nov 24 18:02]  s-t085415-1

9 directories, 24 files
root@lotus_113:/worker/worker2345# tree -sh -D
├── [  27 Nov 24 17:44]  api
├── [  25 Nov 24 18:02]  cache
│   └── [  35 Nov 24 18:02]  s-t085415-0
│       └── [ 64G Nov 24 18:03]  sc-02-data-tree-d.dat
├── [  19 Nov 24 17:44]  config.toml
├── [  67 Nov 24 17:44]  datastore
│   ├── [  92 Nov 24 17:44]  client
│   │   ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:44]  000000.vlog
│   │   ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:44]  KEYREGISTRY
│   │   ├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  LOCK
│   │   └── [  16 Nov 24 17:44]  MANIFEST
│   ├── [ 132 Nov 24 17:44]  metadata
│   │   ├── [ 614 Nov 24 18:02]  000002.log
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:44]  CURRENT
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:44]  CURRENT.bak
│   │   ├── [   0 Nov 24 17:44]  LOCK
│   │   ├── [ 929 Nov 24 17:44]  LOG
│   │   └── [  41 Nov 24 17:44]  MANIFEST-000003
│   └── [  92 Nov 24 17:44]  staging
│       ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:44]  000000.vlog
│       ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:44]  KEYREGISTRY
│       ├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  LOCK
│       └── [  16 Nov 24 17:44]  MANIFEST
├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  keystore
├── [ 357 Nov 24 17:44]  myscheduler.json
├── [   0 Nov 24 17:44]  repo.lock
├── [  33 Nov 24 18:02]  sealed
│   └── [ 32G Nov 24 18:02]  s-t085415-0
├── [ 106 Nov 24 17:44]  sectorstore.json
├── [  74 Nov 24 17:44]  storage.json
├── [ 136 Nov 24 17:44]  token
└── [  33 Nov 24 17:51]  unsealed
    └── [ 32G Nov 24 18:02]  s-t085415-0


root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner sealing jobs
ID        Sector  Worker    Hostname   Task  State    Time
bd92197a  1       8f2512ff  lotus_112  PC1   running  37m36.2s
c75a1da8  0       702ab704  lotus_113  PC1   running  37m31s

113 观察扇区0 cache目录文件


0-1层 19分钟   1-2层 27分钟

112 观察扇区1 cache目录文件


0-1层 17分钟,1-2层 21分钟,2-3层 20分钟

127上查看sealing workers

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner sealing workers
Worker 702ab704-901d-4e1b-b969-3a9388d7454d, host lotus_113
        CPU:  [||||||||||||||||                                                ] 1/4 core(s) in use
        RAM:  [|||||||||||||||                                                 ] 24% 125.4 GiB/503.8 GiB
        VMEM: [||||||||||||||||                                                ] 26% 133.4 GiB/511.8 GiB
        GPU: GeForce RTX 3080, not used
        Types: [ precommit/1,precommit/2,unseal,addpiece,commit/1,commit/2,fetch,finalize, ]
        P1Max: 7 P2Max: 1 C2Max: 1 DiskHoldMax: 0 APDiskHoldMax: 0 BindAP: false BindP1: false BindP2: false
        Tasks: [ Running:     | Preparing:     | Capacity:  5 AP   7 P1   1 P2   1 C2  | DiskUsed: 16 APDiskUsed: 1 ]
Worker 8f2512ff-5f6a-4645-aa4f-7f1c80a54760, host lotus_112
        CPU:  [||||||||||||||||                                                ] 1/4 core(s) in use
        RAM:  [|||||||||||||||                                                 ] 24% 125.4 GiB/503.8 GiB
        VMEM: [||||||||||||||||                                                ] 26% 133.4 GiB/511.8 GiB
        GPU: GeForce RTX 3080, not used
        Types: [ precommit/2,unseal,addpiece,commit/1,commit/2,fetch,finalize,precommit/1, ]
        P1Max: 7 P2Max: 1 C2Max: 1 DiskHoldMax: 0 APDiskHoldMax: 0 BindAP: false BindP1: false BindP2: false
        Tasks: [ Running:     | Preparing:     | Capacity:  5 AP   7 P1   1 P2   1 C2  | DiskUsed: 16 APDiskUsed: 1 ]
Worker b195b128-2fdf-4b87-b707-a3ea5430fb74, host lotus_127
        CPU:  [                                                                ] 0/48 core(s) in use
        RAM:  [|                                                               ] 2% 10.45 GiB/503.7 GiB
        VMEM: [|                                                               ] 2% 10.45 GiB/503.7 GiB
        GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, not used
        GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, not used
        Types: [ fetch,unsealread,commit/1,finalize, ]
        P1Max: 0 P2Max: 1 C2Max: 1 DiskHoldMax: 0 APDiskHoldMax: 0 BindAP: false BindP1: true BindP2: false
        Tasks: [ Running:     | Preparing:     | Capacity:     | DiskUsed: 0 APDiskUsed: 0 ]

查看 miner info

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner info
Full node: [sync ok]
Miner: f085415
Sector Size: 32 GiB
Byte Power:   0 B / 1.055 EiB (0.0000%)
Actual Power: 0  / 1.05 Ei (0.0000%)
        Committed: 0 B
        Proving: 0 B
Below minimum power threshold, no blocks will be won
Deals: 0, 0 B
        Active: 0, 0 B (Verified: 0, 0 B)

Miner Balance: 0 FIL
        PreCommit:   0 FIL
        Pledge:      0 FIL
        Vesting:     0 FIL
        Available:   0 FIL
Worker Balance: 2.711997653711966296 FIL
Market (Escrow):  0 FIL
Market (Locked):  0 FIL

Expected Seal Duration: 24h0m0s

        Total: 2
        PreCommit1: 2

比较 112和113的密封速度

112  密封一层 需要20分钟

113  密封一层 需要27分钟


112 htop


113 htop


113 上 0扇区文件


112 上 1扇区文件


-----------------------------------2020-11-25  星期三------------------------------


昨天 112上跑的扇区1,113上跑的扇区0,112上速度比较快,但应该是最终失败了,113上的0扇区成功完成。


127 上查看 lotus-miner info,信息解读在信息里面注释

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner info
Full node: [sync slow (52s behind)]
Miner: f085415  # 矿工号
Sector Size: 32 GiB  # 扇区大小  
Byte Power:   0 B / 1.068 EiB (0.0000%) # 字节能量,算力,密封的扇区总大小以及全网占比  
Actual Power: 0  / 1.07 Ei (0.0000%) # 实际算力
        Committed: 32 GiB # 已提交的算力 
        Proving: 0 B # 以证明的算力
Below minimum power threshold, no blocks will be won # 低于最小算力阈值,不能出块
Deals: 0, 0 B  # 订单量
        Active: 0, 0 B (Verified: 0, 0 B) # 已激活验证的订单量

Miner Balance: 0.368571146750810506 FIL  #矿工的总余额
        PreCommit:   0.10488498073156947 FIL  # 预提交质押
        Pledge:      0.220646829234548252 FIL # 扇区质押
        Vesting:     0 FIL
        Available:   0.043039336784692784 FIL # 有效余额
Worker Balance: 2.343420739714275956 FIL # 工人余额
Market (Escrow):  0 FIL  # 第三方托管金额
Market (Locked):  0 FIL  # 锁定金额

Expected Seal Duration: 24h0m0s  # 预计密封时间

Sectors:  # 扇区信息
        Total: 2  # 总数
        Proving: 1 # 证明中
        Committing: 1 # 提交中

Miner Balance = PreCommit + Pledge + Vesting + Available

查看 127 miner路径下的文件 

root@lotus_127:/date/miner# tree -sh -D
├── [  32 Nov 24 17:08]  api
├── [  53 Nov 25  1:22]  cache
│   ├── [  10 Nov 25  1:22]  fetching
│   └── [4.0K Nov 25  1:22]  s-t085415-0
│       ├── [  64 Nov 25  1:22]  p_aux
│       ├── [9.1M Nov 25  1:22]  sc-02-data-tree-r-last-0.dat
│       ├── [9.1M Nov 25  1:22]  sc-02-data-tree-r-last-1.dat
│       ├── [9.1M Nov 25  1:22]  sc-02-data-tree-r-last-2.dat
│       ├── [9.1M Nov 25  1:22]  sc-02-data-tree-r-last-3.dat
│       ├── [9.1M Nov 25  1:22]  sc-02-data-tree-r-last-4.dat
│       ├── [9.1M Nov 25  1:22]  sc-02-data-tree-r-last-5.dat
│       ├── [9.1M Nov 25  1:22]  sc-02-data-tree-r-last-6.dat
│       ├── [9.1M Nov 25  1:22]  sc-02-data-tree-r-last-7.dat
│       └── [1.1K Nov 25  1:22]  t_aux
├── [1.3K Nov 24 16:40]  config.toml
├── [  67 Nov 24 15:45]  datastore
│   ├── [  72 Nov 24 17:07]  client
│   │   ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:07]  000000.vlog
│   │   ├── [  28 Nov 24 15:45]  KEYREGISTRY
│   │   ├── [   5 Nov 24 17:07]  LOCK
│   │   └── [  16 Nov 24 17:07]  MANIFEST
│   ├── [ 198 Nov 24 17:07]  metadata
│   │   ├── [ 130 Nov 24 16:25]  000002.ldb
│   │   ├── [ 771 Nov 24 16:51]  000005.ldb
│   │   ├── [ 422 Nov 24 17:07]  000008.ldb
│   │   ├── [561K Nov 25 13:15]  000009.log
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:07]  CURRENT
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 24 17:07]  CURRENT.bak
│   │   ├── [   0 Nov 24 15:45]  LOCK
│   │   ├── [2.3K Nov 24 17:07]  LOG
│   │   └── [ 422 Nov 24 17:07]  MANIFEST-000010
│   └── [  92 Nov 24 17:07]  staging
│       ├── [  20 Nov 24 17:07]  000000.vlog
│       ├── [  28 Nov 24 15:45]  KEYREGISTRY
│       ├── [   5 Nov 24 17:07]  LOCK
│       └── [  16 Nov 24 17:07]  MANIFEST
├── [  10 Nov 24 16:26]  data-transfer
├── [ 175 Nov 24 17:08]  journal
│   ├── [3.6K Nov 24 16:46]  lotus-journal-2020-11-24T162639+0800.ndjson
│   ├── [3.6K Nov 24 16:53]  lotus-journal-2020-11-24T165319+0800.ndjson
│   └── [ 72K Nov 25 13:16]  lotus-journal-2020-11-24T170858+0800.ndjson
├── [  78 Nov 24 16:26]  keystore
│   ├── [  86 Nov 24 16:26]  MF2XI2BNNJ3XILLQOJUXMYLUMU
│   └── [ 130 Nov 24 15:45]  NRUWE4BSOAWWQ33TOQ
├── [   0 Nov 24 17:07]  repo.lock
├── [  53 Nov 25  1:22]  sealed
│   ├── [  10 Nov 25  1:22]  fetching
│   └── [ 32G Nov 25  1:22]  s-t085415-0
├── [ 105 Nov 24 15:45]  sectorstore.json
├── [  67 Nov 24 15:45]  storage.json
├── [ 136 Nov 24 16:26]  token
└── [  10 Nov 24 16:26]  unsealed

13 directories, 39 files

113  1扇区上跑完C2,又跑1扇区的P1了,这是为什么?看 113上的worker日志

2020-11-25T13:13:45.714 INFO bellperson::groth16::prover > prover time: 2320.337593677s
2020-11-25T13:13:48.587 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > snark_proof:finish
2020-11-25T13:13:48.587 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > verify_seal:start: SectorId(1)
2020-11-25T13:13:48.587 INFO filecoin_proofs::caches > trying parameters memory cache for: STACKED[34359738368]-verifying-key
2020-11-25T13:13:48.587 INFO filecoin_proofs::caches > found params in memory cache for STACKED[34359738368]-verifying-key
2020-11-25T13:13:48.587 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > got verifying key (34359738368) while verifying seal
2020-11-25T13:13:48.603 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > verify_seal:finish: SectorId(1)
2020-11-25T13:13:48.603 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > seal_commit_phase2:finish: SectorId(1)
2020-11-25T13:13:48.603 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > seal_commit_phase2: finish
2020-11-25T13:15:48.023+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/worker_local.go:153      acquired sector {{85415 1} 3} (e:1; a:0): {{0 0} /worker/worker2345/unsealed/s-t085415-1  }
2020-11-25T13:15:48.025+0800    INFO    stores  stores/local.go:608     remove /worker/worker2345/sealed/s-t085415-1
2020-11-25T13:15:51.091+0800    INFO    stores  stores/local.go:608     remove /worker/worker2345/cache/s-t085415-1
2020-11-25T13:16:10.463+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/worker_local.go:153      acquired sector {{85415 1} 3} (e:1; a:6): {{0 0} /worker/worker2345/unsealed/s-t085415-1 /worker/worker2345/sealed/s-t085415-1 /worker/worker2345/cache/s-t085415-1}
2020-11-25T13:16:10.463 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > seal_pre_commit_phase1: start
2020-11-25T13:16:10.463 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > seal_pre_commit_phase1:start: SectorId(1)
2020-11-25T13:16:47.414 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > building merkle tree for the original data
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > verifying pieces
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 INFO filecoin_proofs::pieces > verifying 1 pieces
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::proof > replicate_phase1
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::graph > using parent_cache[1073741824 / 1073741824]
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::cache > parent cache: opening /var/tmp/filecoin-parents/v28-sdr-parent-e1fa5d5b811ddbd118be3412c4a8c329156b8b8acc72632bca459455b5a05a13.cache, verify enabled: false
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::proof > multi core replication
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > create labels
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::cores > checked out core group 0
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > binding core in main thread
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::cores > allowed cpuset: 0
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::cores > binding to 0
2020-11-25T13:18:23.488 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::memory_handling > initializing cache
2020-11-25T13:18:35.450 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > Layer 1
2020-11-25T13:18:35.450 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > Creating labels for layer 1
2020-11-25T13:18:35.450 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > PRODUCER NOT READY! 1
2020-11-25T13:18:35.450 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > binding core in producer thread 2
2020-11-25T13:18:35.450 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > created label runner
2020-11-25T13:18:35.451 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > PRODUCER NOT READY! 513
2020-11-25T13:18:35.451 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > binding core in producer thread 1
2020-11-25T13:18:35.451 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > created label runner
2020-11-25T13:18:35.451 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > binding core in producer thread 0
2020-11-25T13:18:35.451 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > PRODUCER NOT READY! 1281
2020-11-25T13:18:35.451 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::cores > allowed cpuset: 1
2020-11-25T13:18:35.452 DEBUG storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::cores > binding to 1
2020-11-25T13:18:35.452 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::multi > created label runner

看一下miner对应时间段的日志,验证出错了,链上的sealed CID 不匹配,提交检查验证,无效的证明。

2020-11-25T13:13:00.351+0800    INFO    rpc     go-jsonrpc@v0.1.2-0.20201008195726-68c6a2704e49/client.go:346   rpc output message buffer       {"n": 2}
2020-11-25T13:13:48.614+0800    WARN    sectors storage-sealing/checks.go:169   on-chain sealed CID doesn't match!
2020-11-25T13:13:48.614 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > verify_seal: start
2020-11-25T13:13:48.614 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > verify_seal:start: SectorId(1)
2020-11-25T13:13:48.614 INFO filecoin_proofs::caches > trying parameters memory cache for: STACKED[34359738368]-verifying-key
2020-11-25T13:13:48.614 INFO filecoin_proofs::caches > found params in memory cache for STACKED[34359738368]-verifying-key
2020-11-25T13:13:48.614 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > got verifying key (34359738368) while verifying seal
2020-11-25T13:13:48.634 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > verify_seal:finish: SectorId(1)
2020-11-25T13:13:48.634 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > verify_seal: finish
2020-11-25T13:13:48.635+0800    WARN    sectors storage-sealing/fsm.go:507      sector 1 got error event sealing.SectorCommitFailed: commit check error: invalid proof (compute error?)
2020-11-25T13:13:48.647+0800    WARN    sectors storage-sealing/checks.go:169   on-chain sealed CID doesn't match!
2020-11-25T13:13:48.647 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > verify_seal: start
2020-11-25T13:13:48.647 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > verify_seal:start: SectorId(1)
2020-11-25T13:13:48.647 INFO filecoin_proofs::caches > trying parameters memory cache for: STACKED[34359738368]-verifying-key
2020-11-25T13:13:48.647 INFO filecoin_proofs::caches > found params in memory cache for STACKED[34359738368]-verifying-key
2020-11-25T13:13:48.647 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > got verifying key (34359738368) while verifying seal
2020-11-25T13:13:48.667 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > verify_seal:finish: SectorId(1)
2020-11-25T13:13:48.667 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > verify_seal: finish
2020-11-25T13:13:48.668+0800    INFO    sectors storage-sealing/states_failed.go:26     CommitFailed(1), waiting 59.331995268s before retrying
2020-11-25T13:14:00.270+0800    INFO    rpc     go-jsonrpc@v0.1.2-0.20201008195726-68c6a2704e49/client.go:346   rpc output message buffer       {"n": 2}




注意余额变化: 0.1154 + 0.1154 + 0.1378 = 0.3686

得到结论:PreCommitSector + PreCommitSector + ProveCommitSector 预提交扇区质押和提交扇区证明质押 加起来等于矿工账号的总余额,

其中一部分用于质押 0.3255 ,


质押比例是 88%,后续观察看看怎么释放的......



root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner sealing jobs
ID        Sector  Worker    Hostname   Task  State    Time
afb0502a  1       702ab704  lotus_113  PC1   running  2h21m47s
be345d2b  2       8f2512ff  lotus_112  PC1   running  38m18.8s

 113 接了扇区 3 的 AP

root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner sealing jobs
ID        Sector  Worker    Hostname   Task  State    Time
afb0502a  1       702ab704  lotus_113  PC1   running  2h24m18.9s
be345d2b  2       8f2512ff  lotus_112  PC1   running  40m50.7s
be4e81c9  3       702ab704  lotus_113  AP    running  53.8s

113 1和3扇区P1数据  


昨天从IDC拖回两台矿机服务器,包括112,所以112退出了本集群,那就追踪127 miner和113 worker。


root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner info
Full node: [sync ok]
Miner: f085415
Sector Size: 32 GiB
Byte Power:   32 GiB / 1.106 EiB (0.0000%)
Actual Power: 32 Gi / 1.11 Ei (0.0000%)
        Committed: 32 GiB
        Proving: 32 GiB
Below minimum power threshold, no blocks will be won
Deals: 0, 0 B
        Active: 0, 0 B (Verified: 0, 0 B)

Miner Balance: 0.263686166019241036 FIL
        PreCommit:   0 FIL
        Pledge:      0.220646829234548252 FIL
        Vesting:     0 FIL
        Available:   0.043039336784692784 FIL
Worker Balance: 1.650123503981364189 FIL
Market (Escrow):  0 FIL
Market (Locked):  0 FIL

Expected Seal Duration: 24h0m0s

        Total: 4
        Proving: 1
        PreCommit1: 1
        Removed: 1
        SealPreCommit1Failed: 1



通过跟踪观察,f085415矿工账号的余额有变化:之前是0.3686,现在是0.2637,其中可用余额0.0430没变化,质押余额减少 0.3255-0.2206 = 0.1049


命令行 lotus-miner info 前后对比发现,PreCommit质押的 0.10488变成0了,看看这是为什么?0.10488这个钱去哪里了呢?被惩罚了吗?

Worker Balance 原来 2.3434  现在 1.6501:资金流向



root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner storage list
        [######                                            ] 452.9 GiB/3.637 TiB 12%
        Unsealed: 0; Sealed: 1; Caches: 1; Reserved: 0 B
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal Store
        Local: /date/miner

        [###################                               ] 1.354 TiB/3.491 TiB 38%
        Unsealed: 1; Sealed: 1; Caches: 1; Reserved: 0 B
        Weight: 10; Use: Seal 
        URL: (latency: 1.4ms)

        Error: do request: Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host:
        Error: fsstat: path not found:
root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner sealing jobs
ID        Sector  Worker    Hostname  Task  State    Time
be345d2b  2       8f2512ff            PC1   running  69h12m23.9s
root@lotus_127:~# lotus-miner sectors list
ID  State                 OnChain  Active  Expiration                    Deals  
0   Proving               YES      YES     1816552 (in 1 year 24 weeks)  CC     
2   PreCommit1            NO       NO      n/a                           CC     
3   SealPreCommit1Failed  NO       NO      n/a                           CC     

127上 0 扇区密封完成的证明数据,在cache下 s-t085415-0/p_aux t_aux,然后8个9.1M的sc-02-data-tree-r-last-x.dat文件,这写是计算完成的mkertree文件

127 上 0扇区的密封完的数据文件在:sealed目录下:s-t085415

127 上查看扇区状态,扇区1已被删除,2和3仍然处于 P1状态,没有上链,没有激活

扇区 1 的数据还在,跑到C2的第1层,扇区3重新跑P1了,


root@lotus_127:/date/miner# lotus-miner sectors update-state --really-do-it 1 Removed
root@lotus_127:/date/miner# lotus-miner sectors update-state --really-do-it 2 Removed


重启127上的miner和113上的worker,在看看: jobs 扇区2变成了 ret-wait,扇区3还是跑P1


2020-11-28T16:53:17.006+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 1 queued; 4 open windows
2020-11-28T16:53:17.012+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-28T16:53:17.012+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: [[2 3]]
2020-11-28T16:53:17.012+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:785     SCHED try assign sqi:0 sector 2 to window 2
2020-11-28T16:53:17.013+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:792     SCHED ASSIGNED sqi:0 sector 2 task seal/v0/precommit/1 to window 2
2020-11-28T16:53:17.013+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:367      assign worker sector 2
2020-11-28T16:53:17.013+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 4 open windows
2020-11-28T16:53:17.013+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-28T16:53:17.013+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []
2020-11-28T16:53:17.016+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:277      task done       {"workerid": [77,143,212,168,107,241,64,123,181,183,248,2,164,38,196,172]}
2020-11-28T16:53:17.017+0800    WARN    advmgr  sector-storage/manager_calltracker.go:149       canceling started (not running) work %sseal/v0/precommit/1([[{"ID":{"Miner":85415,"Number":2},"ProofType":8},"wGGBQBhh0ZLTvpjwhPcYEqQW1w99sWfXxcZcDksGb4U=",[{"Size":34359738368,"PieceCID":{"/":"baga6ea4seaqao7s73y24kcutaosvacpdjgfe5pw76ooefnyqw4ynr3d2y6x2mpq"}}]]])
2020-11-28T16:53:17.017+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 4 open windows
2020-11-28T16:53:17.017+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-28T16:53:17.017+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []
2020-11-28T16:53:17.018+0800    WARN    sectors storage-sealing/fsm.go:507      sector 2 got error event sealing.SectorSealPreCommit1Failed: seal pre commit(1) failed: storage call error 0: failed to acquire sector {85415 2} from remote(1): sector not found
2020-11-28T16:53:17.020+0800    INFO    sectors storage-sealing/states_failed.go:26     SealPreCommit1Failed(2), waiting 59.979693702s before retrying
2020-11-28T16:54:17.002+0800    ERROR   evtsm   go-statemachine@v0.0.0-20200925024713-05bd7c71fbfe/machine.go:83        Executing event planner failed: running planner for state Removed failed:*Sealing).plan
  - didn't expect any events in state Removed, got [{User:{}}]:

127上查看扇区列表,sectors list 扇区2没了 

127上设置接单真实数据 开始密封前的等待时间

lotus-miner sectors set-seal-delay 15

127 压两个新扇区,miner日志

2020-11-28T17:08:03.386+0800    WARN    advmgr  sector-storage/manager.go:321   stub NewSector
2020-11-28T17:08:03.387+0800    INFO    sectors storage-sealing/garbage.go:17   Pledge {{85415 4} 8}, contains []
2020-11-28T17:08:03.387+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 1 queued; 4 open windows
2020-11-28T17:08:03.391+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-28T17:08:03.391+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: [[2 3]]
2020-11-28T17:08:03.391+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:785     SCHED try assign sqi:0 sector 4 to window 2
2020-11-28T17:08:03.391+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:792     SCHED ASSIGNED sqi:0 sector 4 task seal/v0/addpiece to window 2
2020-11-28T17:08:03.391+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:367      assign worker sector 4
2020-11-28T17:08:03.391+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 4 open windows
2020-11-28T17:08:03.392+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-28T17:08:03.392+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []
2020-11-28T17:08:03.392+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:277      task done       {"workerid": [77,143,212,168,107,241,64,123,181,183,248,2,164,38,196,172]}
2020-11-28T17:08:03.392+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 4 open windows
2020-11-28T17:08:03.393+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-28T17:08:03.393+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []
2020-11-28T17:08:05.791+0800    WARN    advmgr  sector-storage/manager.go:321   stub NewSector
2020-11-28T17:08:05.792+0800    INFO    sectors storage-sealing/garbage.go:17   Pledge {{85415 5} 8}, contains []
2020-11-28T17:08:05.792+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 1 queued; 4 open windows
2020-11-28T17:08:05.797+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-28T17:08:05.797+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: [[2 3]]
2020-11-28T17:08:05.797+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:785     SCHED try assign sqi:0 sector 5 to window 2
2020-11-28T17:08:05.797+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:792     SCHED ASSIGNED sqi:0 sector 5 task seal/v0/addpiece to window 2
2020-11-28T17:08:05.797+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:367      assign worker sector 5
2020-11-28T17:08:05.797+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 4 open windows
2020-11-28T17:08:05.797+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-28T17:08:05.797+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []
2020-11-28T17:08:05.798+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched_worker.go:277      task done       {"workerid": [77,143,212,168,107,241,64,123,181,183,248,2,164,38,196,172]}
2020-11-28T17:08:05.798+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:676     SCHED 0 queued; 4 open windows
2020-11-28T17:08:05.798+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:770     SCHED windows: [{allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]} {allocated:{memUsedMin:0 memUsedMax:0 gpuUsed:false cpuUse:0 preCommit1Used:0 preCommit2Used:0 commit2Used:0 apUsed:0 cond:<nil>} todo:[]}]
2020-11-28T17:08:05.798+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/sched.go:771     SCHED Acceptable win: []

127 查看jobs 

127 查看 sealing workers

113 查看worker日志

2020-11-28T17:22:08.151 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > generate_data_commitment: start
2020-11-28T17:22:08.151 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > compute_comm_d:start
2020-11-28T17:22:08.151 INFO filecoin_proofs::pieces > verifying 8192 pieces
2020-11-28T17:22:08.153 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > compute_comm_d:finish
2020-11-28T17:22:08.153 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > generate_data_commitment: finish
2020-11-28T17:22:08.180+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/worker_local.go:153      acquired sector {{85415 4} 8} (e:1; a:0): {{0 0} /worker/worker2345/unsealed/s-t085415-4  }
2020-11-28T17:22:08.185+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/worker_local.go:153      acquired sector {{85415 4} 8} (e:1; a:6): {{0 0} /worker/worker2345/unsealed/s-t085415-4 /worker/worker2345/sealed/s-t085415-4 /worker/worker2345/cache/s-t085415-4}
2020-11-28T17:22:08.185 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > seal_pre_commit_phase1: start
2020-11-28T17:22:08.185 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > seal_pre_commit_phase1:start: SectorId(4)
2020-11-28T17:22:13.029 INFO filecoin_proofs::api > generate_piece_commitment:start
2020-11-28T17:22:13.109 INFO filecoin_proofs::api > generate_piece_commitment:finish
2020-11-28T17:22:13.116 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > generate_data_commitment: start
2020-11-28T17:22:13.116 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > compute_comm_d:start
2020-11-28T17:22:13.116 INFO filecoin_proofs::pieces > verifying 8192 pieces
2020-11-28T17:22:13.118 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > compute_comm_d:finish
2020-11-28T17:22:13.118 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > generate_data_commitment: finish
2020-11-28T17:22:13.143+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/worker_local.go:153      acquired sector {{85415 5} 8} (e:1; a:0): {{0 0} /worker/worker2345/unsealed/s-t085415-5  }
2020-11-28T17:22:13.148+0800    DEBUG   advmgr  sector-storage/worker_local.go:153      acquired sector {{85415 5} 8} (e:1; a:6): {{0 0} /worker/worker2345/unsealed/s-t085415-5 /worker/worker2345/sealed/s-t085415-5 /worker/worker2345/cache/s-t085415-5}
2020-11-28T17:22:13.148 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > seal_pre_commit_phase1: start
2020-11-28T17:22:13.148 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > seal_pre_commit_phase1:start: SectorId(5)
2020-11-28T17:22:53.728 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > building merkle tree for the original data
2020-11-28T17:22:54.407 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > building merkle tree for the original data

113 查看文件目录

root@lotus_113:/worker/worker2345# tree -shD
├── [  27 Nov 28 16:37]  api
├── [  79 Nov 28 17:22]  cache
│   ├── [ 111 Nov 28 17:31]  s-t085415-3
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:00]  sc-02-data-layer-1.dat
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:31]  sc-02-data-layer-2.dat
│   │   └── [ 64G Nov 28 16:40]  sc-02-data-tree-d.dat
│   ├── [  43 Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-4
│   │   └── [ 64G Nov 28 17:30]  sc-02-data-tree-d.dat
│   └── [  35 Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-5
│       └── [ 64G Nov 28 17:30]  sc-02-data-tree-d.dat
├── [  19 Nov 24 17:44]  config.toml
├── [  67 Nov 24 17:44]  datastore
│   ├── [  92 Nov 28 16:37]  client
│   │   ├── [  20 Nov 28 16:30]  000000.vlog
│   │   ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:44]  KEYREGISTRY
│   │   ├── [   5 Nov 28 16:37]  LOCK
│   │   └── [  16 Nov 28 16:37]  MANIFEST
│   ├── [ 198 Nov 28 16:37]  metadata
│   │   ├── [4.6K Nov 25 17:17]  000004.ldb
│   │   ├── [ 979 Nov 28 15:34]  000007.ldb
│   │   ├── [ 470 Nov 28 16:37]  000010.ldb
│   │   ├── [7.9K Nov 28 17:22]  000011.log
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 28 16:37]  CURRENT
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 28 16:37]  CURRENT.bak
│   │   ├── [   0 Nov 24 17:44]  LOCK
│   │   ├── [2.7K Nov 28 16:37]  LOG
│   │   └── [ 597 Nov 28 16:37]  MANIFEST-000012
│   └── [  92 Nov 28 16:37]  staging
│       ├── [  20 Nov 28 16:30]  000000.vlog
│       ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:44]  KEYREGISTRY
│       ├── [   5 Nov 28 16:37]  LOCK
│       └── [  16 Nov 28 16:37]  MANIFEST
├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  keystore
├── [ 357 Nov 24 17:44]  myscheduler.json
├── [   0 Nov 28 16:37]  repo.lock
├── [ 102 Nov 28 17:22]  sealed
│   ├── [ 32G Nov 25 17:19]  s-t085415-1
│   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 16:38]  s-t085415-3
│   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-4
│   └── [ 32G Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-5
├── [ 106 Nov 24 17:44]  sectorstore.json
├── [  74 Nov 24 17:44]  storage.json
├── [ 136 Nov 28 16:37]  token
└── [  99 Nov 28 17:08]  unsealed
    ├── [  10 Nov 24 23:28]  fetching
    ├── [ 32G Nov 25 15:50]  s-t085415-3
    ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-4
    └── [ 32G Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-5

12 directories, 36 files

root@lotus_113:/worker# ls
filecoin-parents  worker2345  worker2345.old
root@lotus_113:/worker# cd worker2345
root@lotus_113:/worker/worker2345# tree -shD
├── [  27 Nov 28 16:37]  api
├── [  79 Nov 28 17:22]  cache
│   ├── [ 213 Nov 28 18:57]  s-t085415-3
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:00]  sc-02-data-layer-1.dat
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:31]  sc-02-data-layer-2.dat
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 18:00]  sc-02-data-layer-3.dat
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 18:29]  sc-02-data-layer-4.dat
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 18:57]  sc-02-data-layer-5.dat
│   │   └── [ 64G Nov 28 16:40]  sc-02-data-tree-d.dat
│   ├── [ 145 Nov 28 18:50]  s-t085415-4
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:53]  sc-02-data-layer-1.dat
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 18:22]  sc-02-data-layer-2.dat
│   │   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 18:50]  sc-02-data-layer-3.dat
│   │   └── [ 64G Nov 28 17:30]  sc-02-data-tree-d.dat
│   └── [ 125 Nov 28 18:48]  s-t085415-5
│       ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:51]  sc-02-data-layer-1.dat
│       ├── [ 32G Nov 28 18:19]  sc-02-data-layer-2.dat
│       ├── [ 32G Nov 28 18:48]  sc-02-data-layer-3.dat
│       └── [ 64G Nov 28 17:30]  sc-02-data-tree-d.dat
├── [  19 Nov 24 17:44]  config.toml
├── [  67 Nov 24 17:44]  datastore
│   ├── [  92 Nov 28 16:37]  client
│   │   ├── [  20 Nov 28 16:30]  000000.vlog
│   │   ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:44]  KEYREGISTRY
│   │   ├── [   5 Nov 28 16:37]  LOCK
│   │   └── [  16 Nov 28 16:37]  MANIFEST
│   ├── [ 198 Nov 28 16:37]  metadata
│   │   ├── [4.6K Nov 25 17:17]  000004.ldb
│   │   ├── [ 979 Nov 28 15:34]  000007.ldb
│   │   ├── [ 470 Nov 28 16:37]  000010.ldb
│   │   ├── [7.9K Nov 28 17:22]  000011.log
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 28 16:37]  CURRENT
│   │   ├── [  16 Nov 28 16:37]  CURRENT.bak
│   │   ├── [   0 Nov 24 17:44]  LOCK
│   │   ├── [2.7K Nov 28 16:37]  LOG
│   │   └── [ 597 Nov 28 16:37]  MANIFEST-000012
│   └── [  92 Nov 28 16:37]  staging
│       ├── [  20 Nov 28 16:30]  000000.vlog
│       ├── [  28 Nov 24 17:44]  KEYREGISTRY
│       ├── [   5 Nov 28 16:37]  LOCK
│       └── [  16 Nov 28 16:37]  MANIFEST
├── [   6 Nov 24 17:44]  keystore
├── [ 357 Nov 24 17:44]  myscheduler.json
├── [   0 Nov 28 16:37]  repo.lock
├── [  79 Nov 28 17:36]  sealed
│   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 16:38]  s-t085415-3
│   ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-4
│   └── [ 32G Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-5
├── [ 106 Nov 24 17:44]  sectorstore.json
├── [  74 Nov 24 17:44]  storage.json
├── [ 136 Nov 28 16:37]  token
└── [  99 Nov 28 17:08]  unsealed
    ├── [  10 Nov 24 23:28]  fetching
    ├── [ 32G Nov 25 15:50]  s-t085415-3
    ├── [ 32G Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-4
    └── [ 32G Nov 28 17:22]  s-t085415-5

12 directories, 44 files

评论 7




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


