A Process Flow Diagram - PFD - (or System Flow Diagram - SFD) shows relationships between major components in a system. A PFD also tabulate process design values for the components in different operating modes, typical minimum, normal and maximum values. A PFD does not show minor components, the piping systems, piping ratings and designations.
A Process Flow Diagram - PFD - should include:
- process piping
- major equipment symbols, names and identification numbers
- control, valves and valves that affect operation of the system
- interconnection with other systems
- major bypass and recirculation lines
- system ratings and operational values as minimum, normal and maximum flow, temperature and pressure
- composition of fluids
A Process Flow Diagrams - PFD - should not include:
- pipe classes
- pipe line numbers
- minor bypass lines
- isolation and shutoff valves
- maintenance vents and drains
- relief and safety valves
- code class information
Related documents:
A process flow diagram illustrates behavior, in a representational format,
over time.
Informal process diagram
Indicates the relationship and order of actions
Shows major interface states
Helps to visualize the “whole”, as well asproximity to the whole
Abstracts logical relationships in favor oflinearity
Formal process flow diagram
Indicates logical decision points
Articulates major decision points, and paths inand out of those points
Can be used by engineers as an input intocoding and architecture development
Is generally comprehensive