Interactive Python:Mini-project #8 - RiceRocks (Asteroids)

这是一个使用Python进行交互式编程的迷你项目,介绍如何开发RiceRocks游戏(类似Asteroids)。内容涵盖游戏开发的三个阶段:1) 多个岩石的生成与碰撞检测;2) 岩石与飞船碰撞后的消除和生命值减少;3) 导弹发射、生命周期管理和导弹与岩石的碰撞。项目包括精灵(Sprite)类的扩展,实现碰撞检测、游戏循环以及游戏状态管理等核心功能。

An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python 

Mini-project description - RiceRocks (Asteroids)

For our last mini-project, we will complete the implementation of RiceRocks , an updated version of Asteroids ,  that we began last week.  You may start with either your code or the  program template  which includes a full implementaiton of Spaceship and will be released immediately after the deadline for the Spaceship mini-project (by making the preceding link live).  If you start with your own code, you should add the splash screen image that you dismiss with a mouse click before starting this mini-project.  We strongly recommend using Chrome for this mini-project since Chrome's superior performance will become apparent when you program attempts to draw dozens of sprites.

Mini-project development process

At the end of this project, your game will have multiple rocks and multiple missiles.  You will lose a life if your ship collides with a rock and you will score points if your missile collides with a rock. You will keep track of the score and lives remaining and end the game at the proper time.  You may optionally add animated explosions when there is a collision.

Phase one -  Multiple rocks

For this phase, you will keep a set of rocks and spawn new rocks into this set.  This requires the following steps:

  1. Remove a_rock and replace it with rock_group. Initialize the rock group to an empty set. Modify your rock spawner to create a new rock (an instance of a Sprite object) and add it to rock_group.
  2. Modify your rock spawner to limit the total number of rocks in the game at any one time. We suggest you limit it to 12. With too many rocks the game becomes less fun and the animation slows down significantly.
  3. Create a helper function process_sprite_group. This function should take a set and a canvas and call the update and draw methods for each sprite in the group.
  4. Call the process_sprite_group function on rock_group in the draw handler.
Phase two - Collisions

For this phase, you will detect collisions between the ship and a rock. Upon a collision, the rock should be destroyed and the player should lose a life. To implement ship-rock collisions, you need to do the following:

  1. Add a collide method to the Sprite class. This should take an other_object as an argument and return True if there is a collision or False otherwise. For now, this other object will always be your ship, but we want to be able to use this collide method to detect collisions with missiles later, as well. Collisions can be detected using the radius of the two objects. This requires you to implement methods get_position and get_radius on both the Sprite and Ship classes.
  2. Implement a group_collide helper function. This function should take a set group and an a sprite other_object and check for collisions between




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