Apache solr 和 ES比较


Apache Solr vs Elasticsearch

The Feature Smackdown


FeatureSolr 6.2.1ElasticSearch 5.0
Binary API  SolrJ TransportClient, Thrift (through a plugin)
JMX support ES specific stats are exposed through the REST API
Official client libraries JavaJava, Groovy, PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, .NET, Javascript Official list of clients
Community client libraries PHP, Ruby, Perl, Scala, Python, .NET, Javascript, Go, Erlang, ClojureClojure, Cold Fusion, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, .NET, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, Scala, Smalltalk, Vert.x Complete list
3rd-party product integration (open-source)Drupal, Magento, Django, ColdFusion, Wordpress, OpenCMS, Plone, Typo3, ez Publish, Symfony2, Riak (via Yokozuna)Drupal, Django, Symfony2, Wordpress, CouchBase
3rd-party product integration (commercial)DataStax Enterprise Search, Cloudera Search, Hortonworks Data Platform, MapRSearchBlox, Hortonworks Data Platform, MapR etc Complete list
OutputJSON, XML, PHP, Python, Ruby, CSV, Velocity, XSLT, native JavaJSON, XML/HTML (via plugin)



FeatureSolr 6.2.1ElasticSearch 5.0
Master-slave replication Only in non-SolrCloud. In SolrCloud, behaves identically to ES. Not an issue because shards are replicated across nodes.
Integrated snapshot and restoreFilesystemFilesystem, AWS Cloud Plugin for S3 repositories, HDFS Plugin for Hadoop environments, Azure Cloud Plugin for Azure storage repositories



FeatureSolr 6.2.1ElasticSearch 5.0
Data ImportDataImportHandler - JDBC, CSV, XML, Tika, URL, Flat File[DEPRECATED in 2.x] Rivers modules - ActiveMQ, Amazon SQS, CouchDB, Dropbox, DynamoDB, FileSystem, Git, GitHub, Hazelcast, JDBC, JMS, Kafka, LDAP, MongoDB, neo4j, OAI, RabbitMQ, Redis, RSS, Sofa, Solr, St9, Subversion, Twitter, Wikipedia
ID field for updates and deduplication
Partial Doc Updates  with stored fields with _source field
Custom Analyzers and Tokenizers 
Per-field analyzer chain 
Per-doc/query analyzer chain 
Index-time synonyms  Supports Solr and Wordnet synonym format
Query-time synonyms  especially via hon-lucene-synonyms Technically, yes, but practically no because multi-word/phrase query-time synonyms are not supported. See ES docs and hon-lucene-synonyms blog for nuances.
Multiple indexes 
Near-Realtime Search/Indexing 
Complex documents 
Schemaless  4.4+
Multiple document types per schema  One set of fields per schema, one schema per core
Online schema changes  Schemaless mode or via dynamic fields. Only backward-compatible changes.
Apache Tika integration 
Dynamic fields 
Field copying  via multi-fields
Hash-based deduplication  Murmur plugin or ER plugin



FeatureSolr 6.2.1ElasticSearch 5.0
Lucene Query parsing 
Structured Query DSL  Need to programmatically create queries if going beyond Lucene query syntax.
Span queries  via SOLR-2703
Spatial/geo search 
Multi-point spatial search 
Faceting  Top N term accuracy can be controlled with shard_size
Advanced Faceting  New JSON faceting API as of Solr 5.x blog post
Geo-distance Faceting
Pivot Facets 
More Like This
Boosting by functions 
Boosting using scripting languages 
Push Queries JIRA issue Percolation. Distributed percolation supported in 1.0
Field collapsing/Results grouping 
Query Re-Ranking  via Rescoring or a plugin
Index-based Spellcheck  Phrase Suggester
Wordlist-based Spellcheck 
Query elevation workaround
Intra-index joins  via parent-child query via has_children and top_children queries
Inter-index joins  Joined index has to be single-shard and replicated across all nodes.
Resultset Scrolling  New to 4.7.0 via scan search type
Filter queries  also supports filtering by native scripts
Filter execution order  local params and cache property
Alternative QueryParsers  DisMax, eDisMax query_string, dis_max, match, multi_match etc
Negative boosting  but awkward. Involves positively boosting the inverse set of negatively-boosted documents.
Search across multiple indexes it can search across multiple compatible collections
Result highlighting
Custom Similarity 
Searcher warming on index reload  Warmers API
Term Vectors API



FeatureSolr 6.2.1ElasticSearch 5.0
Pluggable API endpoints 
Pluggable search workflow  via SearchComponents
Pluggable update workflow  via UpdateRequestProcessor
Pluggable Analyzers/Tokenizers
Pluggable QueryParsers 
Pluggable Field Types
Pluggable Function queries
Pluggable scoring scripts
Pluggable hashing 
Pluggable webapps  [site plugins DEPRECATED in 5.x] blog post
Automated plugin installation  Installable from GitHub, maven, sonatype or elasticsearch.org



FeatureSolr 6.2.1ElasticSearch 5.0
Self-contained cluster  Depends on separate ZooKeeper server Only Elasticsearch nodes
Automatic node discovery ZooKeeper internal Zen Discovery or ZooKeeper
Partition tolerance The partition without a ZooKeeper quorum will stop accepting indexing requests or cluster state changes, while the partition with a quorum continues to function. Partitioned clusters can diverge unless discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes set to at least N/2+1, where N is the size of the cluster. If configured correctly, the partition without a quorum will stop operating, while the other continues to work. See this
Automatic failover If all nodes storing a shard and its replicas fail, client requests will fail, unless requests are made with the shards.tolerant=true parameter, in which case partial results are retuned from the available shards.
Automatic leader election
Shard replication
Automatic shard rebalancing  it can be machine, rack, availability zone, and/or data center aware. Arbitrary tags can be assigned to nodes and it can be configured to not assign the same shard and its replicates on a node with the same tags.
Change # of shards Shards can be added (when using implicit routing) or split (when using compositeId). Cannot be lowered. Replicas can be increased anytime. each index has 5 shards by default. Number of primary shards cannot be changed once the index is created. Replicas can be increased anytime.
Shard splitting
Relocate shards and replicas  can be done by creating a shard replicate on the desired node and then removing the shard from the source node can move shards and replicas to any node in the cluster on demand
Control shard routing  shards or _route_ parameter routing parameter
Pluggable shard/replica assignment Rule-based replica assignment Probabilistic shard balancing with Tempest plugin
ConsistencyIndexing requests are synchronous with replication. A indexing request won't return until all replicas respond. No check for downed replicas. They will catch up when they recover. When new replicas are added, they won't start accepting and responding to requests until they are finished replicating the index.Replication between nodes is synchronous by default, thus ES is consistent by default, but it can be set to asynchronous on a per document indexing basis. Index writes can be configured to fail is there are not sufficient active shard replicas. The default is quorum, but all or one are also available.



FeatureSolr 6.2.1ElasticSearch 5.0
Web Admin interface bundled with Solr Marvel or Kibana apps
VisualisationBanana (Port of Kibana)Kibana
Hosting providersWebSolrSearchifyHosted-SolrIndexDepotOpenSolrgotosolrFoundObjectRocketbonsai.ioIndexistoqbox.ioIndexDepotCompose.ioSematext Logsene
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