

1. 介绍:

2. 数据类型定义(Type Definitions)

typedef long i32;
    typedef unsigned long u32;
    typedef unsigned long long u64;
    dictionary GPUColor {
        required float r;
        required float g;
        required float b;
        required float a;
    dictionary GPUOrigin3D {
        u32 x = 0;
        u32 y = 0;
        u32 z = 0;
    dictionary GPUExtent3D {
        required u32 width;
        required u32 height;
        required u32 depth;


3. 缓冲区(Buffers)

typedef u32 GPUBufferUsageFlags;
    interface GPUBufferUsage {
        const u32 NONE = 0;
        const u32 MAP_READ = 1;
        const u32 MAP_WRITE = 2;
        const u32 TRANSFER_SRC = 4;
        const u32 TRANSFER_DST = 8;
        const u32 INDEX = 16;
        const u32 VERTEX = 32;
        const u32 UNIFORM = 64;
        const u32 STORAGE = 128;
    dictionary GPUBufferDescriptor {
        required u64 size;
        required GPUBufferUsageFlags usage;
    interface GPUBuffer {
        Promise<ArrayBuffer> mapReadAsync();
        Promise<ArrayBuffer> mapWriteAsync();
        void unmap();
        void destroy();


4. 纹理(Textures)

enum GPUTextureDimension {

enum GPUTextureFormat {
    /* Normal 8 bit formats */
    /* Normal 16 bit formats */
    /* Packed 16 bit formats */
    /* Normal 32 bit formats */
    /* Packed 32 bit formats */
    /* Normal 64 bit formats */
    /* Normal 128 bit formats */
    /* Depth and Stencil formats */

typedef u32 GPUTextureUsageFlags;

interface GPUTextureUsage {
    const u32 NONE = 0;
    const u32 TRANSFER_SRC = 1;
    const u32 TRANSFER_DST = 2;
    const u32 SAMPLED = 4;
    const u32 STORAGE = 8;
    const u32 OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT = 16;

dictionary GPUTextureDescriptor {
    required GPUExtent3D size;
    u32 arrayLayerCount = 1;
    u32 mipLevelCount = 1;
    u32 sampleCount = 1;
    GPUTextureDimension dimension = "2d";
    required GPUTextureFormat format;
    required GPUTextureUsageFlags usage;

// Texture view
enum GPUTextureViewDimension {

enum GPUTextureAspect {

dictionary GPUTextureViewDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureFormat format;
    required GPUTextureViewDimension dimension;
    required GPUTextureAspect aspect;
    u32 baseMipLevel = 0;
    u32 mipLevelCount = 1;
    u32 baseArrayLayer = 0;
    u32 arrayLayerCount = 1;

interface GPUTextureView {

interface GPUTexture {
    GPUTextureView createView(GPUTextureViewDescriptor desc);
    GPUTextureView createDefaultView();

    void destroy();

Unorm就是normalized + 无符号
Snorm就是normalized + 带符号

5. 采样(Samplers)

enum GPUAddressMode {

enum GPUFilterMode {

enum GPUCompareFunction {

dictionary GPUSamplerDescriptor {
    GPUAddressMode addressModeU = "clamp-to-edge";
    GPUAddressMode addressModeV = "clamp-to-edge";
    GPUAddressMode addressModeW = "clamp-to-edge";
    GPUFilterMode magFilter = "nearest";
    GPUFilterMode minFilter = "nearest";
    GPUFilterMode mipmapFilter = "nearest";
    float lodMinClamp = 0;
    float lodMaxClamp = 0xffffffff; // TODO: What should this be? Was Number.MAX_VALUE.
    GPUCompareFunction compareFunction = "never";

interface GPUSampler {


6. 绑定和排布(Binding and Layout)

typedef u32 GPUShaderStageFlags;

interface GPUShaderStageBit {
    const u32 NONE = 0;
    const u32 VERTEX = 1;
    const u32 FRAGMENT = 2;
    const u32 COMPUTE = 4;

enum GPUBindingType {
    // TODO other binding types

dictionary GPUBindGroupLayoutBinding {
    required u32 binding;
    required GPUShaderStageFlags visibility;
    required GPUBindingType type;

dictionary GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
    required sequence<GPUBindGroupLayoutBinding> bindings;

interface GPUBindGroupLayout {

dictionary GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor {
    required sequence<GPUBindGroupLayout> bindGroupLayouts;

interface GPUPipelineLayout {

dictionary GPUBufferBinding {
    required GPUBuffer buffer;
    u64 offset = 0;
    required u64 size;

typedef (GPUSampler or GPUTextureView or GPUBufferBinding) GPUBindingResource;

dictionary GPUBindGroupBinding {
    required u32 binding;
    required GPUBindingResource resource;

dictionary GPUBindGroupDescriptor {
    required GPUBindGroupLayout layout;
    required sequence<GPUBindGroupBinding> bindings;

interface GPUBindGroup {


7. Shader模块

// Note: While the choice of shader language is undecided,
// GPUShaderModuleDescriptor will temporarily accept both
// text and binary input.
typedef (ArrayBuffer or DOMString) ArrayBufferOrDOMString;

dictionary GPUShaderModuleDescriptor {
    required ArrayBufferOrDOMString code;

interface GPUShaderModule {


8. 管线创建

// RasterizationState
enum GPUFrontFace {

enum GPUCullMode {

dictionary GPURasterizationStateDescriptor {
    required GPUFrontFace frontFace;
    GPUCullMode cullMode = "none";

    i32 depthBias = 0;
    float depthBiasSlopeScale = 0;
    float depthBiasClamp = 0;

// BlendState
enum GPUBlendFactor {

enum GPUBlendOperation {

typedef u32 GPUColorWriteFlags;
interface GPUColorWriteBits {
    const u32 NONE = 0;
    const u32 RED = 1;
    const u32 GREEN = 2;
    const u32 BLUE = 4;
    const u32 ALPHA = 8;
    const u32 ALL = 15;

dictionary GPUBlendDescriptor {
    GPUBlendFactor srcFactor = "one";
    GPUBlendFactor dstFactor = "zero";
    GPUBlendOperation operation = "add";

dictionary GPUColorStateDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureFormat format;

    required GPUBlendDescriptor alphaBlend;
    required GPUBlendDescriptor colorBlend;
    GPUColorWriteFlags writeMask = GPUColorWriteBits.ALL;

enum GPUStencilOperation {

dictionary GPUStencilStateFaceDescriptor {
    GPUCompareFunction compare = "always";
    GPUStencilOperation failOp = "keep";
    GPUStencilOperation depthFailOp = "keep";
    GPUStencilOperation passOp = "keep";

dictionary GPUDepthStencilStateDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureFormat format;

    boolean depthWriteEnabled = false;
    GPUCompareFunction depthCompare = "always";

    required GPUStencilStateFaceDescriptor stencilFront;
    required GPUStencilStateFaceDescriptor stencilBack;

    u32 stencilReadMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    u32 stencilWriteMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;

// Vertex Input

enum GPUIndexFormat {

// Vertex formats
// The name of the format specifies the data type of the component, the number of
// values, and whether the data is normalized.
//     uchar = unsigned 8-bit value
//     char = signed 8-bit value
//     ushort = unsigned 16-bit value
//     short = signed 16-bit value
//     half = half-precision 16-bit floating point value
//     float = 32-bit floating point value
//     uint = unsigned 32-bit integer value
//     int = signed 32-bit integer value
// If no number of values is given in the name, a single value is provided.
// If the format has the "-bgra" suffix, it means the values are arranged as
// blue, green, red and alpha values.

enum GPUVertexFormat {

enum GPUInputStepMode {

dictionary GPUVertexAttributeDescriptor {
    u64 offset = 0;
    required GPUVertexFormat format;
    required u32 shaderLocation;

dictionary GPUVertexBufferDescriptor {
    required u64 stride;
    GPUInputStepMode stepMode = "vertex";
    required sequence<GPUVertexAttributeDescriptor> attributeSet;

dictionary GPUVertexInputDescriptor {
    GPUIndexFormat indexFormat = "uint32";
    required sequence<GPUVertexBufferDescriptor?> vertexBuffers;

可控制(GPURasterizationStateDescriptor)光栅化的顺逆指针顺序,CullFace的模式,深度信息的控制,Blend的合并模式(GPUBlendFactor),操作方式(GPUBlendOperation)。还有Stencil的操作,还有送入Vertex Shader中的类似Position,Normal,UV等等的格式,字节数等。其中要强调的是,很多格式是从webgl2才开始有的,比如half2和half4。

9. 管线描述(Pipeline Descriptors)

dictionary GPUPipelineStageDescriptor {
    required GPUShaderModule module;
    required DOMString entryPoint;
    // TODO other stuff like specialization constants?

dictionary GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
    required GPUPipelineLayout layout;


10. 计算管线(Compute Pipeline)

dictionary GPUComputePipelineDescriptor : GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
    required GPUPipelineStageDescriptor computeStage;

interface GPUComputePipeline {


11. 渲染管线(Render Pipeline)

enum GPUPrimitiveTopology {

dictionary GPURenderPipelineDescriptor : GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
    required GPUPipelineStageDescriptor vertexStage;
    GPUPipelineStageDescriptor? fragmentStage = null;

    required GPUPrimitiveTopology primitiveTopology;
    required GPURasterizationStateDescriptor rasterizationState;
    required sequence<GPUColorStateDescriptor> colorStates;
    GPUDepthStencilStateDescriptor? depthStencilState = null;
    required GPUVertexInputDescriptor vertexInput;

    // Number of MSAA samples
    u32 sampleCount = 1;
    // TODO other properties

interface GPURenderPipeline {


12. 命令记录(Command Recording)

interface GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
    void endPass();

    // Allowed in both compute and render passes
    void setBindGroup(u32 index, GPUBindGroup bindGroup, optional sequence<u64> dynamicOffsets);

interface GPURenderPassEncoder : GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
    void setPipeline(GPURenderPipeline pipeline);
    void setBlendColor(GPUColor color);
    void setStencilReference(u32 reference);

    // The default viewport is (0.0, 0.0, w, h, 0.0, 1.0), where w and h are the dimensions of back buffer
    void setViewport(float x, float y, float width, float height, float minDepth, float maxDepth);

    // The default scissor rectangle is (0, 0, w, h), where w and h are the dimensions of back buffer.
    // Width and height must be greater than 0. Otherwise, an error will be generated.
    void setScissorRect(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height);

    void setIndexBuffer(GPUBuffer buffer, u64 offset);
    void setVertexBuffers(u32 startSlot, sequence<GPUBuffer> buffers, sequence<u64> offsets);

    void draw(u32 vertexCount, u32 instanceCount, u32 firstVertex, u32 firstInstance);
    void drawIndexed(u32 indexCount, u32 instanceCount, u32 firstIndex, i32 baseVertex, u32 firstInstance);

    // TODO add missing commands

interface GPUComputePassEncoder : GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
    void setPipeline(GPUComputePipeline pipeline);
    void dispatch(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z);

    // TODO add missing commands

enum GPULoadOp {

enum GPUStoreOp {

dictionary GPURenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureView attachment;
    GPUTextureView? resolveTarget = null;

    required GPULoadOp loadOp;
    required GPUStoreOp storeOp;
    GPUColor clearColor = {r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0};

dictionary GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureView attachment;

    required GPULoadOp depthLoadOp;
    required GPUStoreOp depthStoreOp;
    required float clearDepth;

    required GPULoadOp stencilLoadOp;
    required GPUStoreOp stencilStoreOp;
    u32 clearStencil = 0;

dictionary GPURenderPassDescriptor {
    required sequence<GPURenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor> colorAttachments;
    GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor? depthStencilAttachment = null;

dictionary GPUBufferCopyView {
    required GPUBuffer buffer;
    u64 offset = 0;
    required u32 rowPitch;
    required u32 imageHeight;

dictionary GPUTextureCopyView {
    required GPUTexture texture;
    u32 mipLevel = 0;
    u32 arrayLayer = 0;
    GPUOrigin3D origin = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0};

interface GPUCommandBuffer {

interface GPUCommandEncoder {
    GPURenderPassEncoder beginRenderPass(GPURenderPassDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUComputePassEncoder beginComputePass();

    // Commands allowed outside of "passes"
    void copyBufferToBuffer(
        GPUBuffer src,
        u64 srcOffset,
        GPUBuffer dst,
        u64 dstOffset,
        u64 size);

    void copyBufferToTexture(
        GPUBufferCopyView source,
        GPUTextureCopyView destination,
        GPUExtent3D copySize);

    void copyTextureToBuffer(
        GPUTextureCopyView source,
        GPUBufferCopyView destination,
        GPUExtent3D copySize);

    void copyTextureToTexture(
        GPUTextureCopyView source,
        GPUTextureCopyView destination,
        GPUExtent3D copySize);

    GPUCommandBuffer finish();

dictionary GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor {
    //TODO: reusability flag?


13. 栅栏(Fence)

dictionary GPUFenceDescriptor {
    u64 initialValue = 0;

interface GPUFence {
    u64 getCompletedValue();
    Promise<void> onCompletion(u64 completionValue);


14. 队列(Queues)

interface GPUQueue {
    void submit(sequence<GPUCommandBuffer> buffers);

    GPUFence createFence(GPUFenceDescriptor descriptor);
    void signal(GPUFence fence, u64 signalValue);


15. 画布渲染和交换链(Canvas Rendering and Swap Chain)

interface GPUCanvasContext {
    // Calling configureSwapChain a second time invalidates the previous one,
    // and all of the textures it’s produced.
    GPUSwapChain configureSwapChain(GPUSwapChainDescriptor descriptor);

    Promise<GPUTextureFormat> getSwapChainPreferredFormat(GPUDevice device);

dictionary GPUSwapChainDescriptor {
    required GPUDevice device;
    required GPUTextureFormat format;
    GPUTextureUsageFlags usage = GPUTextureUsage.OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT;

interface GPUSwapChain {
    GPUTexture getCurrentTexture();


16. 设备(Device)

dictionary GPUExtensions {
    boolean anisotropicFiltering = false;

dictionary GPULimits {
    u32 maxBindGroups = 4;

// Device
interface GPUDevice {
    readonly attribute GPUExtensions extensions;
    readonly attribute GPULimits limits;
    readonly attribute GPUAdapter adapter;

    GPUBuffer createBuffer(GPUBufferDescriptor descriptor);
    (GPUBuffer, ArrayBuffer) createBufferMapped(GPUBufferDescriptor descriptor);
    Promise<(GPUBuffer, ArrayBuffer)> createBufferMappedAsync(GPUBufferDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUTexture createTexture(GPUTextureDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUSampler createSampler(GPUSamplerDescriptor descriptor);

    GPUBindGroupLayout createBindGroupLayout(GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUPipelineLayout createPipelineLayout(GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUBindGroup createBindGroup(GPUBindGroupDescriptor descriptor);

    GPUShaderModule createShaderModule(GPUShaderModuleDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUComputePipeline createComputePipeline(GPUComputePipelineDescriptor descriptor);
    GPURenderPipeline createRenderPipeline(GPURenderPipelineDescriptor descriptor);

    GPUCommandEncoder createCommandEncoder(GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor descriptor);

    GPUQueue getQueue();

dictionary GPUDeviceDescriptor {
    GPUExtensions extensions;
    GPULimits limits;

    // TODO are other things configurable like queues?

interface GPUAdapter {
    readonly attribute DOMString name;
    readonly attribute GPUExtensions extensions;
    //readonly attribute GPULimits limits; Don’t expose higher limits for now.

    // May reject with DOMException  // TODO: DOMException("OperationError")?
    Promise<GPUDevice> requestDevice(GPUDeviceDescriptor descriptor);

enum GPUPowerPreference {

dictionary GPURequestAdapterOptions {
    GPUPowerPreference? powerPreference;

interface GPU {
    // May reject with DOMException  // TODO: DOMException("OperationError")?
    Promise<GPUAdapter> requestAdapter(optional GPURequestAdapterOptions options);

partial interface Navigator {
    [SameObject] readonly attribute GPU gpu;

partial interface WorkerNavigator {
    [SameObject] readonly attribute GPU gpu;

包含了创建和获取所有buffer, extensions,textures,shaders等的操作封装。

17. 致命错误(Fatal Errors)

interface GPUDeviceLostInfo {
    readonly attribute DOMString message;

partial interface GPUDevice {
    readonly attribute Promise<GPUDeviceLostInfo> lost;


18. 错误范畴(Error Scopes)

enum GPUErrorFilter {

interface GPUOutOfMemoryError {};

    Constructor(DOMString message)
interface GPUValidationError {
    readonly attribute DOMString message;

typedef (GPUOutOfMemoryError or GPUValidationError) GPUError;

partial interface GPUDevice {
    void pushErrorScope(GPUErrorFilter filter);
    Promise<GPUError?> popErrorScope();


19. 测量记录(Telementry)

    Constructor(DOMString type, GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit gpuUncapturedErrorEventInitDict),
interface GPUUncapturedErrorEvent : Event {
    readonly attribute GPUError error;

dictionary GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit : EventInit {
    required GPUError error;

// TODO: is it possible to expose the EventTarget only on the main thread?
partial interface GPUDevice : EventTarget {
    attribute EventHandler onuncapturederror;


20. Debugging助手

partial interface GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
    void pushDebugGroup(DOMString groupLabel);
    void popDebugGroup();
    void insertDebugMarker(DOMString markerLabel);

interface mixin GPUDebugLabel {
    attribute DOMString label;

GPUBindGroup includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUBindGroupLayout includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUBuffer includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUCommandBuffer includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUCommandEncoder includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUComputePipeline includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUFence includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUPipelineLayout includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUProgrammablePassEncoder includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUQueue includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPURenderPipeline includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUSampler includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUShaderModule includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUTexture includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUTextureView includes GPUDebugLabel;

partial dictionary GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor {
    DOMString label;

partial dictionary GPUFenceDescriptor {
    DOMString label;

partial dictionary GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
    DOMString label;

partial dictionary GPUShaderModuleDescriptor {
    DOMString label;


IDL 目录(IDL Index)(IDL = Interface description language)

typedef long i32;
typedef unsigned long u32;
typedef unsigned long long u64;

dictionary GPUColor {
    required float r;
    required float g;
    required float b;
    required float a;

dictionary GPUOrigin3D {
    u32 x = 0;
    u32 y = 0;
    u32 z = 0;

dictionary GPUExtent3D {
    required u32 width;
    required u32 height;
    required u32 depth;

typedef u32 GPUBufferUsageFlags;

interface GPUBufferUsage {
    const u32 NONE = 0;
    const u32 MAP_READ = 1;
    const u32 MAP_WRITE = 2;
    const u32 TRANSFER_SRC = 4;
    const u32 TRANSFER_DST = 8;
    const u32 INDEX = 16;
    const u32 VERTEX = 32;
    const u32 UNIFORM = 64;
    const u32 STORAGE = 128;

dictionary GPUBufferDescriptor {
    required u64 size;
    required GPUBufferUsageFlags usage;

interface GPUBuffer {
    Promise<ArrayBuffer> mapReadAsync();
    Promise<ArrayBuffer> mapWriteAsync();
    void unmap();

    void destroy();

enum GPUTextureDimension {

// Texture formats
// The name of the format specifies the order of components, bits per component, and data type for
// the component.
//     r, g, b, a = red, green, blue, alpha
//     unorm = unsigned normalized
//     snorm = signed normalized
//     uint = unsigned int
//     sint = signed int
//     float = floating point
// If the format has the "-srgb" suffix, then sRGB gamma compression and decompression are
// applied during the reading and writing of color values in the pixel.
// Compressed texture formats are provided by extensions. Their naming should follow the
// convention here, with the texture name as a prefix. e.g. "etc2-rgba8unorm".

enum GPUTextureFormat {
    /* Normal 8 bit formats */
    /* Normal 16 bit formats */
    /* Packed 16 bit formats */
    /* Normal 32 bit formats */
    /* Packed 32 bit formats */
    /* Normal 64 bit formats */
    /* Normal 128 bit formats */
    /* Depth and Stencil formats */

typedef u32 GPUTextureUsageFlags;

interface GPUTextureUsage {
    const u32 NONE = 0;
    const u32 TRANSFER_SRC = 1;
    const u32 TRANSFER_DST = 2;
    const u32 SAMPLED = 4;
    const u32 STORAGE = 8;
    const u32 OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT = 16;

dictionary GPUTextureDescriptor {
    required GPUExtent3D size;
    u32 arrayLayerCount = 1;
    u32 mipLevelCount = 1;
    u32 sampleCount = 1;
    GPUTextureDimension dimension = "2d";
    required GPUTextureFormat format;
    required GPUTextureUsageFlags usage;

// Texture view
enum GPUTextureViewDimension {

enum GPUTextureAspect {

dictionary GPUTextureViewDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureFormat format;
    required GPUTextureViewDimension dimension;
    required GPUTextureAspect aspect;
    u32 baseMipLevel = 0;
    u32 mipLevelCount = 1;
    u32 baseArrayLayer = 0;
    u32 arrayLayerCount = 1;

interface GPUTextureView {

interface GPUTexture {
    GPUTextureView createView(GPUTextureViewDescriptor desc);
    GPUTextureView createDefaultView();

    void destroy();

enum GPUAddressMode {

enum GPUFilterMode {

enum GPUCompareFunction {

dictionary GPUSamplerDescriptor {
    GPUAddressMode addressModeU = "clamp-to-edge";
    GPUAddressMode addressModeV = "clamp-to-edge";
    GPUAddressMode addressModeW = "clamp-to-edge";
    GPUFilterMode magFilter = "nearest";
    GPUFilterMode minFilter = "nearest";
    GPUFilterMode mipmapFilter = "nearest";
    float lodMinClamp = 0;
    float lodMaxClamp = 0xffffffff; // TODO: What should this be? Was Number.MAX_VALUE.
    GPUCompareFunction compareFunction = "never";

interface GPUSampler {

typedef u32 GPUShaderStageFlags;

interface GPUShaderStageBit {
    const u32 NONE = 0;
    const u32 VERTEX = 1;
    const u32 FRAGMENT = 2;
    const u32 COMPUTE = 4;

enum GPUBindingType {
    // TODO other binding types

dictionary GPUBindGroupLayoutBinding {
    required u32 binding;
    required GPUShaderStageFlags visibility;
    required GPUBindingType type;

dictionary GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
    required sequence<GPUBindGroupLayoutBinding> bindings;

interface GPUBindGroupLayout {

dictionary GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor {
    required sequence<GPUBindGroupLayout> bindGroupLayouts;

interface GPUPipelineLayout {

dictionary GPUBufferBinding {
    required GPUBuffer buffer;
    u64 offset = 0;
    required u64 size;

typedef (GPUSampler or GPUTextureView or GPUBufferBinding) GPUBindingResource;

dictionary GPUBindGroupBinding {
    required u32 binding;
    required GPUBindingResource resource;

dictionary GPUBindGroupDescriptor {
    required GPUBindGroupLayout layout;
    required sequence<GPUBindGroupBinding> bindings;

interface GPUBindGroup {

// Note: While the choice of shader language is undecided,
// GPUShaderModuleDescriptor will temporarily accept both
// text and binary input.
typedef (ArrayBuffer or DOMString) ArrayBufferOrDOMString;

dictionary GPUShaderModuleDescriptor {
    required ArrayBufferOrDOMString code;

interface GPUShaderModule {

// RasterizationState
enum GPUFrontFace {

enum GPUCullMode {

dictionary GPURasterizationStateDescriptor {
    required GPUFrontFace frontFace;
    GPUCullMode cullMode = "none";

    i32 depthBias = 0;
    float depthBiasSlopeScale = 0;
    float depthBiasClamp = 0;

// BlendState
enum GPUBlendFactor {

enum GPUBlendOperation {

typedef u32 GPUColorWriteFlags;
interface GPUColorWriteBits {
    const u32 NONE = 0;
    const u32 RED = 1;
    const u32 GREEN = 2;
    const u32 BLUE = 4;
    const u32 ALPHA = 8;
    const u32 ALL = 15;

dictionary GPUBlendDescriptor {
    GPUBlendFactor srcFactor = "one";
    GPUBlendFactor dstFactor = "zero";
    GPUBlendOperation operation = "add";

dictionary GPUColorStateDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureFormat format;

    required GPUBlendDescriptor alphaBlend;
    required GPUBlendDescriptor colorBlend;
    GPUColorWriteFlags writeMask = GPUColorWriteBits.ALL;

enum GPUStencilOperation {

dictionary GPUStencilStateFaceDescriptor {
    GPUCompareFunction compare = "always";
    GPUStencilOperation failOp = "keep";
    GPUStencilOperation depthFailOp = "keep";
    GPUStencilOperation passOp = "keep";

dictionary GPUDepthStencilStateDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureFormat format;

    boolean depthWriteEnabled = false;
    GPUCompareFunction depthCompare = "always";

    required GPUStencilStateFaceDescriptor stencilFront;
    required GPUStencilStateFaceDescriptor stencilBack;

    u32 stencilReadMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    u32 stencilWriteMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;

// Vertex Input

enum GPUIndexFormat {

// Vertex formats
// The name of the format specifies the data type of the component, the number of
// values, and whether the data is normalized.
//     uchar = unsigned 8-bit value
//     char = signed 8-bit value
//     ushort = unsigned 16-bit value
//     short = signed 16-bit value
//     half = half-precision 16-bit floating point value
//     float = 32-bit floating point value
//     uint = unsigned 32-bit integer value
//     int = signed 32-bit integer value
// If no number of values is given in the name, a single value is provided.
// If the format has the "-bgra" suffix, it means the values are arranged as
// blue, green, red and alpha values.

enum GPUVertexFormat {

enum GPUInputStepMode {

dictionary GPUVertexAttributeDescriptor {
    u64 offset = 0;
    required GPUVertexFormat format;
    required u32 shaderLocation;

dictionary GPUVertexBufferDescriptor {
    required u64 stride;
    GPUInputStepMode stepMode = "vertex";
    required sequence<GPUVertexAttributeDescriptor> attributeSet;

dictionary GPUVertexInputDescriptor {
    GPUIndexFormat indexFormat = "uint32";
    required sequence<GPUVertexBufferDescriptor?> vertexBuffers;

dictionary GPUPipelineStageDescriptor {
    required GPUShaderModule module;
    required DOMString entryPoint;
    // TODO other stuff like specialization constants?

dictionary GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
    required GPUPipelineLayout layout;

dictionary GPUComputePipelineDescriptor : GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
    required GPUPipelineStageDescriptor computeStage;

interface GPUComputePipeline {

enum GPUPrimitiveTopology {

dictionary GPURenderPipelineDescriptor : GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
    required GPUPipelineStageDescriptor vertexStage;
    GPUPipelineStageDescriptor? fragmentStage = null;

    required GPUPrimitiveTopology primitiveTopology;
    required GPURasterizationStateDescriptor rasterizationState;
    required sequence<GPUColorStateDescriptor> colorStates;
    GPUDepthStencilStateDescriptor? depthStencilState = null;
    required GPUVertexInputDescriptor vertexInput;

    // Number of MSAA samples
    u32 sampleCount = 1;
    // TODO other properties

interface GPURenderPipeline {

interface GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
    void endPass();

    // Allowed in both compute and render passes
    void setBindGroup(u32 index, GPUBindGroup bindGroup, optional sequence<u64> dynamicOffsets);

interface GPURenderPassEncoder : GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
    void setPipeline(GPURenderPipeline pipeline);
    void setBlendColor(GPUColor color);
    void setStencilReference(u32 reference);

    // The default viewport is (0.0, 0.0, w, h, 0.0, 1.0), where w and h are the dimensions of back buffer
    void setViewport(float x, float y, float width, float height, float minDepth, float maxDepth);

    // The default scissor rectangle is (0, 0, w, h), where w and h are the dimensions of back buffer.
    // Width and height must be greater than 0. Otherwise, an error will be generated.
    void setScissorRect(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height);

    void setIndexBuffer(GPUBuffer buffer, u64 offset);
    void setVertexBuffers(u32 startSlot, sequence<GPUBuffer> buffers, sequence<u64> offsets);

    void draw(u32 vertexCount, u32 instanceCount, u32 firstVertex, u32 firstInstance);
    void drawIndexed(u32 indexCount, u32 instanceCount, u32 firstIndex, i32 baseVertex, u32 firstInstance);

    // TODO add missing commands

interface GPUComputePassEncoder : GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
    void setPipeline(GPUComputePipeline pipeline);
    void dispatch(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z);

    // TODO add missing commands

enum GPULoadOp {

enum GPUStoreOp {

dictionary GPURenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureView attachment;
    GPUTextureView? resolveTarget = null;

    required GPULoadOp loadOp;
    required GPUStoreOp storeOp;
    GPUColor clearColor = {r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0};

dictionary GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor {
    required GPUTextureView attachment;

    required GPULoadOp depthLoadOp;
    required GPUStoreOp depthStoreOp;
    required float clearDepth;

    required GPULoadOp stencilLoadOp;
    required GPUStoreOp stencilStoreOp;
    u32 clearStencil = 0;

dictionary GPURenderPassDescriptor {
    required sequence<GPURenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor> colorAttachments;
    GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor? depthStencilAttachment = null;

dictionary GPUBufferCopyView {
    required GPUBuffer buffer;
    u64 offset = 0;
    required u32 rowPitch;
    required u32 imageHeight;

dictionary GPUTextureCopyView {
    required GPUTexture texture;
    u32 mipLevel = 0;
    u32 arrayLayer = 0;
    GPUOrigin3D origin = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0};

interface GPUCommandBuffer {

interface GPUCommandEncoder {
    GPURenderPassEncoder beginRenderPass(GPURenderPassDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUComputePassEncoder beginComputePass();

    // Commands allowed outside of "passes"
    void copyBufferToBuffer(
        GPUBuffer src,
        u64 srcOffset,
        GPUBuffer dst,
        u64 dstOffset,
        u64 size);

    void copyBufferToTexture(
        GPUBufferCopyView source,
        GPUTextureCopyView destination,
        GPUExtent3D copySize);

    void copyTextureToBuffer(
        GPUTextureCopyView source,
        GPUBufferCopyView destination,
        GPUExtent3D copySize);

    void copyTextureToTexture(
        GPUTextureCopyView source,
        GPUTextureCopyView destination,
        GPUExtent3D copySize);

    GPUCommandBuffer finish();

dictionary GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor {
    //TODO: reusability flag?

dictionary GPUFenceDescriptor {
    u64 initialValue = 0;

interface GPUFence {
    u64 getCompletedValue();
    Promise<void> onCompletion(u64 completionValue);

interface GPUQueue {
    void submit(sequence<GPUCommandBuffer> buffers);

    GPUFence createFence(GPUFenceDescriptor descriptor);
    void signal(GPUFence fence, u64 signalValue);

interface GPUCanvasContext {
    // Calling configureSwapChain a second time invalidates the previous one,
    // and all of the textures it’s produced.
    GPUSwapChain configureSwapChain(GPUSwapChainDescriptor descriptor);

    Promise<GPUTextureFormat> getSwapChainPreferredFormat(GPUDevice device);

dictionary GPUSwapChainDescriptor {
    required GPUDevice device;
    required GPUTextureFormat format;
    GPUTextureUsageFlags usage = GPUTextureUsage.OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT;

interface GPUSwapChain {
    GPUTexture getCurrentTexture();

dictionary GPUExtensions {
    boolean anisotropicFiltering = false;

dictionary GPULimits {
    u32 maxBindGroups = 4;

// Device
interface GPUDevice {
    readonly attribute GPUExtensions extensions;
    readonly attribute GPULimits limits;
    readonly attribute GPUAdapter adapter;

    GPUBuffer createBuffer(GPUBufferDescriptor descriptor);
    (GPUBuffer, ArrayBuffer) createBufferMapped(GPUBufferDescriptor descriptor);
    Promise<(GPUBuffer, ArrayBuffer)> createBufferMappedAsync(GPUBufferDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUTexture createTexture(GPUTextureDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUSampler createSampler(GPUSamplerDescriptor descriptor);

    GPUBindGroupLayout createBindGroupLayout(GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUPipelineLayout createPipelineLayout(GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUBindGroup createBindGroup(GPUBindGroupDescriptor descriptor);

    GPUShaderModule createShaderModule(GPUShaderModuleDescriptor descriptor);
    GPUComputePipeline createComputePipeline(GPUComputePipelineDescriptor descriptor);
    GPURenderPipeline createRenderPipeline(GPURenderPipelineDescriptor descriptor);

    GPUCommandEncoder createCommandEncoder(GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor descriptor);

    GPUQueue getQueue();

dictionary GPUDeviceDescriptor {
    GPUExtensions extensions;
    GPULimits limits;

    // TODO are other things configurable like queues?

interface GPUAdapter {
    readonly attribute DOMString name;
    readonly attribute GPUExtensions extensions;
    //readonly attribute GPULimits limits; Don’t expose higher limits for now.

    // May reject with DOMException  // TODO: DOMException("OperationError")?
    Promise<GPUDevice> requestDevice(GPUDeviceDescriptor descriptor);

enum GPUPowerPreference {

dictionary GPURequestAdapterOptions {
    GPUPowerPreference? powerPreference;

interface GPU {
    // May reject with DOMException  // TODO: DOMException("OperationError")?
    Promise<GPUAdapter> requestAdapter(optional GPURequestAdapterOptions options);

partial interface Navigator {
    [SameObject] readonly attribute GPU gpu;

partial interface WorkerNavigator {
    [SameObject] readonly attribute GPU gpu;

interface GPUDeviceLostInfo {
    readonly attribute DOMString message;

partial interface GPUDevice {
    readonly attribute Promise<GPUDeviceLostInfo> lost;

enum GPUErrorFilter {

interface GPUOutOfMemoryError {};

    Constructor(DOMString message)
interface GPUValidationError {
    readonly attribute DOMString message;

typedef (GPUOutOfMemoryError or GPUValidationError) GPUError;

partial interface GPUDevice {
    void pushErrorScope(GPUErrorFilter filter);
    Promise<GPUError?> popErrorScope();

    Constructor(DOMString type, GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit gpuUncapturedErrorEventInitDict),
interface GPUUncapturedErrorEvent : Event {
    readonly attribute GPUError error;

dictionary GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit : EventInit {
    required GPUError error;

// TODO: is it possible to expose the EventTarget only on the main thread?
partial interface GPUDevice : EventTarget {
    attribute EventHandler onuncapturederror;

partial interface GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
    void pushDebugGroup(DOMString groupLabel);
    void popDebugGroup();
    void insertDebugMarker(DOMString markerLabel);

interface mixin GPUDebugLabel {
    attribute DOMString label;

GPUBindGroup includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUBindGroupLayout includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUBuffer includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUCommandBuffer includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUCommandEncoder includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUComputePipeline includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUFence includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUPipelineLayout includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUProgrammablePassEncoder includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUQueue includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPURenderPipeline includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUSampler includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUShaderModule includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUTexture includes GPUDebugLabel;
GPUTextureView includes GPUDebugLabel;

partial dictionary GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor {
    DOMString label;

partial dictionary GPUFenceDescriptor {
    DOMString label;

partial dictionary GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
    DOMString label;

partial dictionary GPUShaderModuleDescriptor {
    DOMString label;



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