
ABC Order
Directions:  Draw a line to connect the dots. Follow the letters in ABC order.

abc Order
DirectionS:  Draw a line to connect the dots,  Fwllow the letters in abc order.

Beginning Consonants Bb, Cc, Dd, Ff
Beginning consonants make the sounds that come at the beginning of words, Consonants are the letters b, c, d, f,g, h, j, k,l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.
Directions: Say the name of each leffer. Say the sound each letter makes. Draw a circle around the lefters that make the beginning sound for each picture. Say the name of someone you know whose name begins with each letter.
bird, caterpillar, dog, fish
boat, cane, donkey, foot
door, fan, car, baby

Beginning Consonants Gg, Hh, Jj, Kk
Directions:  Say the name of each letter,  Say the sound that each lelter makes. Then, trace the letter that makes the beginning sound in the picture. After you finish, look around the room. Name the things that start with the letters Gg, Hh, Jj, and Kk.
goat horse jam kite
hat king goose jacket

Beginning ConSonants Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp
Directions: Say the name of each letter. Say the sound each letter makes. Then, trace the letters. Now, draw a line from each letter to the picture which begins with the letter. After you finish, say the letters Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp again.
lion  mermaid nose  pizzar
mouse puppet  lamb  necklace

Beginning ConSonants Qq, Rr,SS, Tt
Directions: Say the name of each letter. Say the sound that each lefter makes. Then, trace each lefter in the boxes. Color the picture which begins with the sound of the letter.
queen  raccoon  snake  tent
turtle lamb;  quilt lobster;  mouse rose;  six  book;

Beginning Consonants Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz
Directions: Say the name of each letter. Say the sound the lelter makes. Then, trace the letters. Now, draw a line from the letters that match the beginning sound in each picture.
violin, walrus, x-ray, yarn, zebra
zero, valentine, wage, yoyo

DirectionS: Help Meg and Kent and their dog. Sam, get to the magic castle. Trace all of the letters of the alphabet. Then, write the lower case consonant next to the matching upper case lelter on the road to the magic castle. Make the sound for each consonant.
After You finish, draw a picture on another paper of what you think Meg and Sam will find in the magic castle.

Ending ConSonantS b, d, f
Ending consonants are the sounds that come at the end of the words that are not the vowel sounds.
Directions: Say the name of each picture. Then, write b, d, or f to name the ending sound for each picture.
web, knife, sled
crab, bird, leaf
bench, hand, roof

bib,  bed, tub





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