The gadget snap

The gadget snap is responsible for defining and manipulating the system properties which are specific to one or more devices that will usually look similar to one another from an implementation perspective. This snap must necessarily be produced and signed by the device brand, which is defined via the model assertion. The brand knows where and how that device will be used, and designs the gadget snap accordingly.

For example, the brand may know that the device is actually a special VM to be used on a particular cloud, or it may know that it is going to be manufactured in a particular factory. The gadget snap may encode the mechanisms for device initialization - key generation and identity certification - as well as particular processes for the lifecycle of the device, such as factory resets. It is perfectly possible for different models to share a gadget snap.

Canonical publishes some reference gadget snaps as well as gadget snaps for main Canonical models such as official Ubuntu Core VMs on various certified public clouds, as well as general purpose computing images for popular physical devices like the 64-bit x86 PC and Raspberry Pi 2 and 3.

Setup files

In addition to traditional snap metadata, the gadget snap also holds some setup files fundamental to the initialization and lifecycle of the device:

  • meta/snap.yaml - Traditional snap details, with type: gadget explicitly defined.
  • meta/gadget.yaml - Gadget-specific information. See below.
  • grub.conf - Required grub configuration when using this bootloader.
  • u-boot.conf - Required u-boot configuration when using this bootloader.
  • cloud.conf - Optional cloud-init 19 configuration; cloud-init is disabled if missing.

Sample configuration files may be found in the reference gadget snaps.


The meta/gadget.yaml file contains the basic metadata for gadget-specific functionality, including a detailed specification of which structure items composed an image. The latter is used both by snapd and by ubuntu-image when creating images for these devices.

The following specification defines what is supported in gadget.yaml:

# Define the format of this file. The default and latest format is zero.
# Clients reading this file must reject it the format is greater than
# the supported one. (optional)
format: <int>

# Default configuration options for defined snaps, applied on installation.
# The snap ID may be discovered via the snap info command.
# Since 2.33 snap ID can be the "system" nick to cover the system
# configuration. (optional)
    <snap id>:
        <key>: <value>

# Interface connection instructions for plugs and slots of seeded
# snaps to connect at first boot. snap IDs can be the "system"
# nick as well. Omitting "slot" in an instruction is allowed
# and equivalent then to: slot: system:<plug>
# (since 2.34) (optional)
   -  plug: <plug snap id>:<plug>
      slot: <slot snap id>:<slot>
# If device-tree is specified, `dtbs/<filename>` must exist in kernel or
# gadget snap (depends on origin) and `snap_device_tree_origin` and
# and `snap_device_tree` are made available for u-boot and grub. (optional)
device-tree: <filename>

# Defines where the device tree is. Defaults to gadget. (optional)
device-tree-origin: kernel

# Volumes defining the structure and content for the images to be written
# into one ore more block devices of the gadget device. Each volume in
# in the structure represents a different image for a "disk" in the device.
# (optional)

  # Name of volume and output image file. Must match [a-z-]+. (required)
  <volume name>:

    # 2-digit hex code for MBR disk ID or GUID for GPT disk id. (optional)
    id: <id>
    # Bootloader in the volume. Required in one volume. (required/optional)
    bootloader: grub | u-boot

    # Which partitioning schema to use. Defaults to gpt. (optional)
    schema: mbr | gpt | mbr,gpt

    # Structure defines layout of the volume, including partitions,
    # Master Boot Records, or any other relevant content. (required)
      - # Structure value is a list.

        # Structure item name. There's an implementation-specific constraint
        # on the maximum length. The maximum length of a partition name
        # for GPT is 36 characters in the UTF-16 character set. (optional)
        name: <name>

        # GPT unique partition id, disallowed on MBR volumes. (optional)
        id: <id>

        # Role defines a special role for this item in the image. (optional)
        # Must be either unset, or one of:
        #   mbr - Master Boot Record of the image.
        #   system-boot - Partition holding the boot assets.
        #   system-data - Partition holding the main operating system data.
        # A structure with role:system-data must either have an implicit
        # file system label, or 'writable'.
        role: mbr | system-boot | system-data

        # Type of structure. May be specified as a two-hex-digit MBR partition
        # type, a GPT partition type GUID, or both on hybrid schemas.  The
        # special value `bare` says to not create a disk partition for this
        # structure. (required)
        type: <mbr type> | <gpt guid> | <mbr type>,<gpt guid> | bare

        # Size for structure item. Maximum of 446 for the mbr role. (required)
        size: <bytes> | <bytes/2^20>M | <bytes/2^30>G

        # The offset from the beginning of the image. Defaults to right after
        # prior structure item. (optional)
        offset: <bytes> | <bytes/2^20>M | <bytes/2^30>G

        # Offset of this structure element (in units of 512-byte sectors) is
        # written to the provided position within the volume in LBA48 pointer
        # format (32-bit little-endian). This position may be specified as a
        # byte-offset relative to the start of another named structure item.
        # (optional)
        offset-write: [<name>+]<bytes> |
                      [<name>+]<bytes/2^20>M |

        # Filesystem type. Defaults to none. (optional)
        filesystem: none | vfat | ext4

        # Filesystem label. Defaults to name of structure item. (optional)
        filesystem-label: <label>

        # Content to be copied from gadget snap into the structure. This
        # field takes a list of one of the following formats. (required)

            # Copy source (relative to gadget base directory) into filesystem
            # at target (relative to root). Directories must end in a slash.
            - source: <filename> | <dir>/  # (required)
              target: <filename> | <dir>/  # (required)

            # Dump image (relative to gadget base directory) of the raw data
            # as-is into the structure at offset. If offset is omitted it
            # defaults to right after prior content item. If size is omitted,
            # defaults to size of contained data.
            - image: <filename>                                 # (required)
              offset: <bytes> | <bytes/2^20>M | <bytes/2^30>G   # (optional)
              offset-write: (see respective item above)         # (optional)
              size: <bytes> | <bytes/2^20>M | <bytes/2^30>G     # (optional)

prepare-device hook

The optional prepare-device hook will be called on the gadget at the start of the device initialization process, after the gadget snap has been installed. The hook will also be called if this process is retried later from scratch in case of initialization failures.

The device initialization process is for example responsible of setting the serial identification of the device through an exchange with a device service. The prepare-device hook can for example redirect this exchange and dynamically set options relevant to it.

One must ensure that registration.proposed-serial is set to a value unique across all devices of the brand and model and that it does not contain a /. It is going to be used as the “serial number” (a string, not necessarily a number) part of the identification in case the device service supports setting it or requires it, as is the case with the serial-vault.



# optionally set the url of the service
snapctl set device-service.url="https://device-service"
# set optional extra HTTP headers for requests to the service
snapctl set device-service.headers='{"token": "TOKEN"}'

# set an optional proposed serial identifier, depending on the service
# this can end up being ignored;
# this might need to be obtained dynamically
snapctl set registration.proposed-serial="DEVICE-SERIAL"

# optionally pass details of the device as the body of registration request,
# the body is text, typically YAML;
# this might need to be obtained dynamically
snapctl set registration.body='mac: "00:00:00:00:ff:00"'

Creating the gadget.yaml

Just building the bootloader binaries is indeed not enough to create a bootable image, the binaries need to go in the right place, the bootloader will need to know where the devicetree file can be found and a working image should also have a proper partition table. For this purpose we will need to create a gadget.yaml file with the right information.

We create a gadget.yaml file in the source tree and tell the system that the devicetree file is called am335x-boneblack and that it gets shipped by the kernel snap.

device-tree: am335x-boneblack
device-tree-origin: kernel

Now we add a “volume:” entry that tells the system about the bootloader type (grub or u-boot) and defines which type of partition table we want (either “gpt” for a GUID partiton table or “mbr” for an msdos type one).

    bootloader: u-boot
    schema: mbr

(Note that in newer versions of the ubuntu-image tool the –ouput option to give your image a meaningful name has been deprecated, instead the name of the volume from the gadget snap is used now. To give your image a more meaningful name you might want to change “disk:” above to something else like “beagleboneblack:” to get a beagleboneblack.img file)

The last bit we need to do is to give our volume a “structure:”, i.e. a partition table but also info where to write the raw bootloader bits (MLO and u-boot.img).

Looking a the elinux wiki [3] how to create a bootable SD card for the beaglebone black we find lines like:

dd if=MLO of=/dev/sdX count=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc bs=128k
dd if=u-boot.img of=/dev/sdX count=2 seek=1 conv=notrunc bs=384k

For writing the bootloader blobs into the right place ubuntu-image will not just use dd so we need to translate the lines into proper entries for the volume structure. Lets take a closer look. The MLO line tells us dd will use 128k (131072 bytes) sized blocks (bs=), it will use 1 block offset from the start of the card (seek=1) and will reserve one block for the MLO payload in use (count=1). and indeed there is no filesystem in use, it will be written “bare”.
This gives us the first entry in the volume structure.

      - name: mlo
        type: bare
        size: 131072
        offset: 131072
          - image: MLO

The u-boot.img dd command uses a block size of 384k (393216 bytes), one block offset from the start of the image and reserves two blocks as possible size for the u-boot.img binary and will also write the binary raw into place (type: bare).

      - name: u-boot
        type: bare
        size: 786432
        offset: 393216
          - image: u-boot.img

Currently every UbuntuCore u-boot image expects to find the bootloader configuration, kernel, initrd and devicetree file in a vfat partition (type: 0C) called system-boot. To have enough wiggle room we’ll make that partition 128M big that will leave enough space for even gigantic kernel binaries or initrd’s. The ubuntu-image tool will put our uboot.env file from the start into that partition.

       - name: system-boot
         type: 0C
         filesystem: vfat
         filesystem-label: system-boot
         size: 128M

The final gadget.yaml file will now look like:

device-tree: am335x-boneblack
device-tree-origin: kernel
    bootloader: u-boot
    schema: mbr
      - name: mlo
        type: bare
        size: 131072
        offset: 131072
          - image: MLO
      - name: u-boot
        type: bare
        size: 786432
        offset: 393216
          - image: u-boot.img
      - name: system-boot
        type: 0C
        filesystem: vfat
        filesystem-label: system-boot
        size: 128M

As you can see building a gadget snap is fairly easy and only requires four files (snapcraft.yaml, gadget.yaml, uboot.patch and to have in a github tree that you can then have auto-built on In subsequent posts i will explain the patch and files in more detail. I will also describe the setup of default interfaces a gadget can provide as well as how to set some system defaults from the gadget.yaml file. If you want to take a look at the full source tree used for the above example, go to [1].

Documentation of the gadget snap syntax can be found at [2]. The dd commands used as input for the gadget.yaml file can be found at [3] and documentation how to build an image out of a gadget snap is at [4]. If you have any questions feel free to ask at [5] (i recommmend using the “device” category).


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