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翻译 我该如何回忆前一个bash命令的参数?
Is there a way in Bash to recall the argument of the previous command? Bash中有没有一种方法可以调出前一个命令的参数?
2020-08-20 17:03:11 1077
翻译 迭代Android游标的最佳方法是什么?
I frequently see code which involves iterating over the result of a database query, doing something
2020-08-20 16:33:10 1150
翻译 bootstrap:使用按钮对齐输入
Why don't buttons and inputs align well in bootstrap? 为什么按钮和输入在引导程序中没有很好地对齐? I tried something simp
2020-08-20 16:03:09 1399
翻译 传递带有方括号的URL以进行卷曲
If I try to pass a URL to curl that contains brackets, it fails with an error: 如果我尝试将包含括号的URL传递给cur
2020-08-20 15:33:08 1082
翻译 通过SQL查询获取特定数据库的所有表名?
I am working on application which can deal with multiple database servers like "MySQL" and "MS SQL
2020-08-20 14:33:06 781
翻译 如何在Vim内部运行终端?
I am used to Emacs, but I am trying out Vim to see which one I like better. 我已经习惯了Emacs,但是我正在尝试Vim,
2020-08-20 12:33:02 1432
翻译 CSS可以检测元素包含的子级数目吗?
I'm probably answering my own question, but I'm extremely curious. 我可能在回答自己的问题,但我很好奇。 I know that
2020-08-20 11:02:59 918
翻译 如何导出VS Code扩展列表
I need to send all my installed extensions to my colleagues, how can I export them? 我需要将所有已安装的扩展程序发
2020-08-20 10:32:58 3865 1
翻译 将项目转换为使用ARC时,“切换案例是否在受保护的范围内”是什么意思?
When converting a project to use ARC what does "switch case is in protected scope" mean? 将项目转换为使用AR
2020-08-20 10:02:57 305
Our client had given me a REST API to which I need to make a PHP call to. 我们的客户给了我一个REST API,我需要对它进
2020-08-20 09:02:55 708
翻译 Access-Control-Allow-Origin通配符子域,端口和协议
I'm trying to enable CORS for all subdomains, ports and protocol. 我正在尝试为所有子域,端口和协议启用CORS。 For exa
2020-08-19 17:32:54 2888
翻译 该项目引用了此计算机上缺少的NuGet软件包
I have an ASP.NET MVC5 application that worked yesterday and now I am getting this error when I try
2020-08-19 16:02:51 1922
翻译 在Javascript中,如何有条件地将成员添加到对象?
I would like to create an object with a member added conditionally. 我想创建一个有条件添加成员的对象。 The simple ap
2020-08-19 13:32:46 405
翻译 如何在php中的字符串末尾删除3个字符?
How can I remove 3 characters at the end of a string in php? 如何在php中的字符串末尾删除3个字符? "abcabcabc" would
2020-08-19 13:02:45 524
翻译 ggplot2条形图中的订购条
I am trying to make a bar graph where the largest bar would be nearest to the y axis and the shorte
2020-08-19 12:32:44 272
翻译 SQLiteOpenHelper onCreate()/ onUpgrade()何时运行?
I have created my tables in my SQLiteOpenHelper onCreate() but receive 我已经在SQLiteOpenHelper onCreat
2020-08-19 12:02:43 648 1
翻译 从文件中读取JSON?
I am getting a bit of headache just because a simple looking, easy statement is throwing some error
2020-08-19 09:32:38 555
翻译 如何在命令行上安装Android SDK Build Tools?
I want to setup the Android dev environment from command line, and encounter the following issue: 我
2020-08-18 17:02:35 1342
翻译 C ++单元测试框架的比较[关闭]
I know there are already a few questions regarding recommendations for C++ unit test frameworks, bu
2020-08-18 15:32:31 740
翻译 如何在OS X上将Python的默认版本设置为3.x?
I'm running Mountain Lion and the basic default Python version is 2.7. 我正在运行Mountain Lion,而基本的默认Pyt
2020-08-18 14:32:28 362
翻译 Xcode“设备锁定”当iPhone解锁时
When I tried to build and run, Xcode said my device was locked. 当我尝试构建和运行时,Xcode表示我的设备已被锁定。 I looke
2020-08-18 13:02:25 1242
翻译 如何重命名SQLite数据库表中的列?
I would need to rename a few columns in some tables in a SQLite database. 我需要在SQLite数据库的某些表中重命名一些列。
2020-08-18 12:02:17 1461
翻译 续订iOS发行证书的正确方法
My distribution certificate is expiring on June 7th, along with all of my provisioning files. 我的发行证
2020-08-18 10:02:08 1537
翻译 如何在Django中管理本地和生产设置?
What is the recommended way of handling settings for local development and the production server? 建
2020-08-18 09:32:07 351
翻译 如何在WPF中获取控件以填充可用空间?
Some WPF controls (like the Button ) seem to happily consume all the availible space in its' contai
2020-08-17 17:32:05 1861
翻译 外键可以为NULL和/或重复吗?
Please clarify two things for me: 请为我澄清两件事: Can a Foreign key be NULL? 外键可以为NULL吗? Can a For
2020-08-17 16:32:03 2661
翻译 如何从APK文件中查看AndroidManifest.xml?
Is it possible to view Androidmanifest.xml file? 是否可以查看Androidmanifest.xml文件? I just changed the
2020-08-17 16:02:03 1101
翻译 Room - Schema导出目录未提供给注释处理器,因此我们无法导出架构
I am using Android Database Component Room 我正在使用Android数据库组件室 I've configured everything, but whe
2020-08-17 14:01:58 1449
翻译 修复GitLab错误:“您不允许将代码推送到此项目的受保护分支”?
I have a problem when I push my codes to git while I have developer access in my project, but every
2020-08-17 13:01:56 7175
翻译 Storyboard登录屏幕的最佳做法,在注销时处理数据清除
I'm building an iOS app using a Storyboard. 我正在使用Storyboard构建iOS应用程序。 The root view controller is a
2020-08-17 12:31:55 359
翻译 为什么我们需要在全球和本地安装gulp?
2 manuals about gulp say that I need to install gulp first globally (with -g flag) and then one mor
2020-08-16 17:01:45 252
翻译 通过命令行删除PostgreSQL数据库[关闭]
I'm trying to drop my database and create a new one through the command line. 我正在尝试删除我的数据库并通过命令行创建一
2020-08-16 16:31:45 1803
翻译 如何终止当前与SQL Server 2005数据库的所有连接?
I want to rename a database, but keep getting the error that 'couldn't get exclusive lock' on the d
2020-08-16 15:01:32 252
翻译 如何在整个目录上运行dos2unix?
I have to convert an entire directory using dos2unix . 我必须使用dos2unix转换整个目录。 I am not able to figure
2020-08-16 14:31:31 969
翻译 Notepad ++设置,用于禁用自动打开以前的文件
How do I stop Notepad++ from loading all files from the past session? 如何停止Notepad ++加载上一个会话中的所有文件?
2020-08-16 14:01:30 1956
翻译 如何向ReactJS组件添加多个类
I am new to ReactJS and JSX and I am having a little problem with the code below. 我是ReactJS和JSX的新手,
2020-08-16 13:31:29 866
翻译 使用Bootstrap 3在AngularJS中表示网格或表格的最佳方法? [关闭]
I am creating an App with AngularJS and Bootstrap 3. I want to show a table/grid with thousands of
2020-08-16 13:01:27 350
翻译 onActivityResult中的requestCode错误
I'm starting a new Activity from my Fragment with 我正在从我的片段开始一个新的活动 startActivityForResult(intent,
2020-08-16 11:01:23 835
翻译 检查数组是否为空或不存在。 JS [重复]
This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: How to check if an array exist, if n
2020-08-16 10:31:22 360
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹