threadX is a real-time is featured with small code scale,high reliability and easy to use.
In last article, I have mentioned freeRtos which is also a real time os. then what is the difference between threadX and freeRTOS?
1.the system status
threadX has five system status:
1).execution : when a thread is in execution status indicates it occupies the CPU while only one thread can occupy cpu at one time.
2).suspend: when a thread is suspend .it means the thread will never occupied CPU again until it get the source it wait for or another thread open it.
3).ready : when a thread is ready .that means the thread is located in a waiting queue where the CPU will choose one to execute after the CPU finished the current execution thread.
4).terminal:when a thread is terminaled by itself or other will never be execute untill the thread is delete then reinit .
5).complete: a thread is only complete by itself and has the same condition to execute with terminal.
2.the communicaiton between threads
1)semphore:which can function as a flag whatever the value is to triger a event handler or a protection mechinism to protect system source.
2)event flags:
3)queue:it can transfer spefic message from one thread to another. we care most what the message is.
4)mutex:it is also