WORDBOOK - ForeverStrong Cheng - YongQiang Cheng

WORDBOOK - ForeverStrong Cheng - YongQiang Cheng

long short-term memory,LSTM:长短期记忆
recurrent neural network,RNN:循环神经网络
recursive neural network,RvNN:递归神经网络
deep neural network,DNN:深度神经网络
artificial intelligence,AI:人工智能
machine intelligence,MI:机器智能
digital signal processor,DSP:数字信号处理器
digital signal processing,DSP:数字信号处理
user interface,UI:用户界面
user experience,UX:用户体验
central processing unit,CPU:中央处理器
graphics processing unit,GPU:图形处理器
natural language processing,NLP:自然语言处理
natural language programming,NLP:自然语言程序设计
neuro-linguistic programming,NLP:神经语言程序学
proof of concept,PoC:概念证明,概念验证
multilayer perceptron,MLP:多层感知器,多层感知机
natural intelligence,NI:自然智能
machine learning,ML:机器学习
integrated development environment,IDE:集成开发环境
Open Computing Language,OpenCL:开放计算语言
Android Open Source Project,AOSP:Android 开放源代码项目
Extensible Markup Language,XML:可扩展标记语言
hardware abstraction layer,HAL:硬件抽象层
Internet Engineering Task Force,IETF:国际互联网工程任务组
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,CVPR:IEEE 国际计算机视觉与模式识别会议
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,ICCV:IEEE 国际计算机视觉大会
European Conference on Computer Vision,ECCV:欧洲计算机视觉国际会议
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE [I triple E]:电气和电子工程师协会
independent component analysis,ICA:独立成分分析
information and communication technology,ICT:信息和通信技术
application program interface,API:应用程序接口
operating system,OS:操作系统
convolutional neural network,CNN or ConvNet:卷积神经网络
shift invariant or space invariant artificial neural networks,SIANN
information technology,IT:信息技术
visual processing unit,VPU:视觉处理单元
vision processing unit,VPU:视觉处理单元
you only look once,YOLO
tensor processing unit,TPU
application-specific integrated circuit,ASIC [ˈeɪsɪk]:专用集成电路,特定用途集成电路
integrated circuit (an IC, microchip, silicon chip, computer chip, or chip):集成电路
personal computer,PC:个人计算机

neural processing unit,NPU:神经网络处理器
artificial neural networks,ANN:人工神经网络
random forests or random decision forests:随机森林,随机决策森林
intelligence processing unit,IPU:智能处理单元
Exynos (from the Greek words exypnos meaning smart and prasinos meaning green), is a series of ARM-based system-on-chips developed by Samsung Electronics’ System LSI division and manufactured by Samsung Electronics’ Foundry division. Exynos 由 Exypnos 和 Prasinos 两个希腊语单词组合而来,分别代表智能与环保。
semantic segmentation:语义分割
instance segmentation:实例分割
semantic [sɪˈmæntɪk]:adj. 语义的
instance ['ɪnstəns]:n. 实例,例子,事例 v. 举…为例
panoramic segmentation:全景分割
graphical user interface,GUI [ɡuːiː]:图形用户界面,图形用户接口
Community Enterprise Operating System,CentOS [sɛnt.ɑːs]:社区企业操作系统
High-level Graphical User Interface,HighGUI:高级图形用户接口
cloud computing:云计算
on-premises software,on-premise,on-prem:本地部署
principal component analysis,PCA:主成分分析
Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux.
public relations,PR:公共关系,公关
Domain Name System,DNS:域名系统
fast Fourier transform,FFT:快速傅立叶变换
discrete Fourier transform,DFT:离散傅立叶变换
discrete-time Fourier transform,DTFT:离散时间傅立叶变换
instruction set architecture,ISA:指令集体系结构
Internet of Things,IoT:物联网
frequently asked questions,FAQ:常见问答
questions and answers,Q&A:问与答
Jetson Development Pack,JetPack
root file system,rootfs
Jetson Development Pack for Linux for Tegra,JetPack L4T
Common Visual Data Foundation,CVDF
Tsinghua University Press,TUP:清华大学出版社
International Standard Book Number,ISBN:国际标准书号
Standard Book Numbering,SBN:标准图书编号
Cataloging in Publication or Cataloguing in Publication,CIP:图书在版编目
Posts & Telecom Press:人民邮电出版社
China Machine Press:机械工业出版社
Dallas [ˈdæləs]:达拉斯
Manhattan [mæn’hætn]:曼哈顿
Chicago [ʃɪ’kɑ:gəʊ]:芝加哥
Portland [ˈpɔ:tlənd]:波特兰
Compute Unified Device Architecture,CUDA:统一计算设备架构
Portable Operating System Interface,POSIX:可移植性操作系统接口
Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial,UFLDL Tutorial

Latin [ˈlætɪn]:adj. 拉丁语的,拉丁人的 n. 拉丁语,拉丁人
trial and error ['traɪəl ænd 'erə]:试错法,反复试验,从失败中找到解决办法,试差法
All rights reserved. 版权所有。
estimated time of arrival,ETA:预计到港时间,预计到达时间,估计到达时间
estimated time of departure,ETD:预计离港时间,预计离开时间,估计离开时间
Cornell University:康奈尔大学
Carnegie Mellon University,CMU:卡耐基-梅隆大学
complex programmable logic device,CPLD:复杂可编程逻辑器件
current working directory,CWD
office automation,OA:办公自动化
customer relationship management,CRM:客户关系管理
user identifier,user ID or UID:
universally unique identifier,UUID:通用唯一识别码
globally unique identifier,GUID:全局唯一标识符
unique identifier,UID:唯一识别符
Georgia Institute of Technology,Georgia Tech:佐治亚理工学院
Publishing House of Electronics Industry:电子工业出版社
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press:上海交通大学出版社
memory management unit,MMU:内存管理单元
bounding box left:coordinate of the top-left corner of the pedestrian bounding box
bounding box top:coordinate of the top-left corner of the pedestrian bounding box
bounding box width:width in pixels of the pedestrian bounding box
bounding box height:height in pixels of the pedestrian bounding box
left:left coordinate of the bounding box as a ratio of overall image width.
top:top coordinate of the bounding box as a ratio of overall image height.
width:width of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall image width.
height:height of the bounding box as a ratio of the overall image height.
China Electric Power Press:中国电力出版社
Open Source Computer Vision Library,OpenCV:开源计算机视觉库
Embedded Vision / Vector Engine,EVE:嵌入式视觉引擎
true positive,TP:真正例
false positive,FP:假正例
false negative,FN:假反例
true negative,TN:真反例
receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC curve:受试者工作特征曲线,感受性曲线
true positive rate,TPR:真阳性概率,真阳率,真正例率
false positive rate,FPR:假阳性概率,假阳率,假正例率
region of interest,ROI:感兴趣区域
standard input,stdin:标准输入
standard output,stdout:标准输出
standard error,stderr:标准错误
University of Pennsylvania,UPenn:宾夕法尼亚大学
virtual reality,VR:虚拟现实
augmented reality,AR:增强现实

mixed reality or hybrid reality,MR:混合现实
field-programmable gate array,FPGA:现场可编程门阵列
hardware description language,HDL:硬件描述语言
Java Platform, Standard Edition,Java SE
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition,Java EE
Java Platform, Micro Edition,Java ME
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition,J2EE
Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition,J2ME
Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition,J2SE
Preboot eXecution Environment,PXE or pixie:预启动执行环境,预执行环境
In computing, just-in-time (JIT) compilation (dynamic translation or run-time compilations) is a way of executing computer code that involves compilation during execution of a program - at run time - rather than before execution.
just-in-time compilation,JIT compilation:即时编译
ahead-of-time compilation,AOT compilation:提前编译,预先编译
Common Intermediate Language,CIL:公共中间语言,通用中间语言
Microsoft Foundation Class Library,MFC:Microsoft 基本类库
object-oriented programming,OOP:面向对象编程,面向对象程序设计
Parallel Patterns Library,PPL:并行模式库
Standard Template Library,STL:标准模板库
Common Language Runtime,CLR:公共语言运行时
Common Language Infrastructure,CLI:通用语言基础结构
Microsoft Intermediate Language,MSIL:Microsoft 中间语言
Java virtual machine,JVM:Java 虚拟机
Java Runtime Environment,JRE:Java 运行环境
Java Development Kit,JDK:Java 语言的软件开发工具包
Jazelle DBX (Direct Bytecode eXecution) is an extension that allows some ARM processors to execute Java bytecode in hardware as a third execution state alongside the existing ARM and Thumb modes.
Direct Bytecode eXecution,DBX :直接字节码执行
Jazelle RCT (Runtime Compilation Target) is a different technology and is based on ThumbEE mode and supports ahead-of-time (AOT) and just-in-time (JIT) compilation with Java and other execution environments.
Jazelle Runtime Compilation Target,Jazelle RCT:运行时间编译器目标
weight / weights:权重
weight [weɪt]:n. 重量,分量,重物,砝码 v. 在…上加重量,使负重,(用重物) 固定,使加权
bias / biases:偏置
bias ['baɪəs]:adv. 偏 n. 偏见,偏向,偏心,偏爱 v. 使有偏见,使偏心,使偏向 adj. 斜的,偏动的
weight decay:权重衰减
regularization [ˌregjʊlərɪ’zeɪʃən]:n. 正规化,调整,合法化
regularization parameter:正则化参数
L2 regularization:L2 正则化
activation function:激活函数,激励函数,响应函数
linear function:线性函数
loss function or cost function:损失函数或代价函数
hidden layer [ˈhɪdn ˈleiə]:隐蔽层,隐含层或隐层
input layer:输入层

output layer:输出层
global variable:全局变量
local variable:局部变量
pooling layer:池化层,汇合层
average pooling:平均池化
max pooling:最大池化
time-series classification,TSC:时间序列分类
gated recurrent units,GRUs:门控循环神经元,门限循环单元
Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms.
public limited company,PLC:公开有限公司
Pearson Public Limited Company,Pearson PLC
Pearson Education is a British-owned education publishing and assessment service to schools and corporations, as well for students directly.
Pearson Education Group:培生教育出版集团
Google Brain is a deep learning artificial intelligence research team at Google.
Starting in 2011, Google Brain built DistBelief as a proprietary machine learning system based on deep learning neural networks.
iOS (iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc.
United States of America,USA:美利坚合众国
United States (U.S. or US) or America:美国
United Nations,UN:联合国
convolution [,kɒnvə’luːʃ(ə)n]:n. 卷积,回旋,盘旋,卷绕
model ['mɒdl]:n. 模型,典型,模范,模特儿,样式 vt. 模拟,塑造,模仿 vi. 做模型,做模特儿 adj. 模范的,作模型用的
backbone ['bækbəʊn]:n. 脊骨,脊柱,支柱,骨气,毅力,书脊,聚合分子主链,主干网
truncate [trʌŋ’keɪt; 'trʌŋ-]:v. 截断,删节,把…截成平面 adj. 截形的,截短的
ablative ['æblətɪv]:adj. 易烧蚀的,夺格的,消融的 n. 夺格,烧蚀材料
learning rate [ˈlə:niŋ reit]:学习率,学习速率,学习因子
The Boeing Company,Boeing:波音,波音公司
passenger boarding bridge,PBB:旅客登机桥
aspect ratio [ˈæspekt reɪʃiəʊ]:宽高比
fully convolution network,FCN:全卷积网络
fully convolutional network,FCN:全卷积网络
fully-connected layer:全连接层
deconvolution layer:反卷积层,解卷积层
dilated convolution:空洞卷积,扩张卷积
pretrained / pre-trained:预训练的
receptive field:感受野
local receptive field:局部感受野
ablative analysis:销蚀分析,消融分析,去除实验
ablation experiment:销蚀分析,消融分析,去除实验
online hard example mining,OHEM:在线难例挖掘,困难样本挖掘
hard example mining:难分样本挖掘
hard example:难分样本
backbone network:骨干网络

region proposal:候选区域
feature map:特征图,特征映射
layer ['leɪə(r)]:n. 层,层次,表层,阶层 v. 把…分层堆放
anchor box:锚框
fine-tune:v. 精密 (仔细) 调校,仔细 (妥贴) 安排
gradient descent:梯度下降法,最速下降法
training error:训练误差
generalization error:泛化误差
empirical error:经验误差
convolutional layer:卷积层
feature engineering:特征工程
model validation:模型验证
Online Judge,OJ:在线的判题系统
Delta Air Lines, Inc.,Delta:达美航空公司,达美航空,三角洲航空,德尔塔航空
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich,Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich,ETH Zurich:苏黎世联邦理工学院,瑞士联邦理工学院
light imaging, detection, and ranging or light detection and ranging,Lidar, LIDAR, LiDAR and LADAR:激光探测与测量,激光雷达
dashboard [ˈdæʃbɔ:d]:n. 仪表板,仪表盘,仪表的控制盘,挡泥板
sign in:签到,登记,当你归还某项借出的物品时,在名单上签字以获得入场资格
sign up:注册,报名,签约
sign out:登出,退出,注销
International Air Transport Association,IATA:国际航空运输协会
software as a service,SaaS:软件即服务
early stopping:早停,提前终止
chain rule:链式法则
pre-requisite [p’ri:r’ekwɪzɪt]:n. 首要事,必要事 adj. 首要的,必须的
partial [ˈpɑːʃl]:adj. 局部的,偏爱的,不公平的
derivative [dɪ’rɪvətɪv]:n. 衍生物,派生词,衍生字,派生物,导数 adj. 模仿他人的,缺乏独创性的
partial derivative:偏导数,偏微商
multivariate function:多元函数
dropout ['drɒpaʊt]:n. 辍学者,退学者,拒绝传统社会的人
Dropout is a regularization technique patented by Google for reducing overfitting in neural networks by preventing complex co-adaptations on training data.
etcd is a distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system.
unsupervised layer-wise training:无监督逐层训练
weight sharing:权重共享
feature learning:特征学习
representation learning:表示学习
linear separability:线性可分性
The Arduino Due is a microcontroller board based on the Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 CPU.
vector processor or array processor:向量处理器或阵列处理器

backpropagation through time,BPTT
connectionist temporal classification,CTC
echo state network,ESN:回声状态网络
Elman and Jordan networks or simple recurrent networks (SRN)
Bayes error rate:贝叶斯误差
shared weights:共享权值
squashing function:压缩函数,挤压函数
Chinese Depository Receipt,CDR:中国存托凭证
quality assurance [ˈkwɔliti əˈʃuərəns],QA:质量保证
United States dollar (sign: $; code: USD),US$, dollar, U.S. dollar or American dollar:美元
as soon as possible,ASAP
initial public offering,IPO:首次公开发售,初次公开发行股票,首期上市股票
as early as possible,AEAP
Microsoft Corporation,MS:微软公司、美国微软公司
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago,TTIC
Stanford University,Leland Stanford Junior University,the Farm:斯坦福大学,小利兰·斯坦福大学
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,UNC,UNC Chapel Hill,the University of North Carolina or Carolina:北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校
Person of Interest,PoI
forward collision warning,FCW:向前碰撞警告
lane departure warning system,LDWS:车道偏离预警系统
lane departure warning,LDW:车道偏离预警
linear regression:线性回归
logistic regression, logistic model or logit model:评定模型,分类评定模型,逻辑回归
No Starch Press is an American publishing company, specializing in technical literature often geared towards the geek, hacker, and DIY subcultures.
crash course [kræʃ kɔː(r)s]:速成班,速成课
A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming:Python编程从入门到实践
Cisco Certified Network Associate,CCNA:思科认证网络工程师
Cisco Certified Network Professional,CCNP:思科认证网络高级工程师
matplotlib is a plotting library for the Python programming language and its numerical mathematics extension NumPy.
NumPy ([ˈnʌmpaɪ] or [ˈnʌmpi]) is a library for the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays.
Pygame is a cross-platform set of Python modules designed for writing video games.
Django ([ˈdʒæŋɡoʊ]) is a free and open-source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-template (MVT) architectural pattern.
A command-line interface or command language interpreter (CLI), also known as command-line user interface, console user interface and character user interface (CUI), is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user (or client) issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines). A program which handles the interface is called a command language interpreter or shell.
File Transfer Protocol,FTP:文件传输协议
very long instruction word,VLIW:超长指令字
GitHub, Inc. is a United States-based global company that provides hosting for software development version control using Git.
Git ([ɡɪt]) is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.

technical specifications,TS:技术规范
American National Standards Institute,ANSI [ˈænsi]:美国国家标准协会,美国国家标准化组织
optical character recognition or optical character reader,OCR:光学字符识别
Association of C and C++ Users,ACCU
conditional compilation:条件编译
Addison-Wesley is a publisher of textbooks and computer literature. It is an imprint of Pearson PLC, a global publishing and education company.
Microsoft Visual C++,MSVC
Rich Site Summary,RDF Site Summary,Really Simple Syndication,RSS:简易信息聚合,丰富站点摘要,聚合内容
cycles per instruction,clock cycles per instruction,clocks per instruction,CPI:指令平均时钟周期数
reduced instruction set computer,RISC [ɹɪsk]:精简指令集计算机
complex instruction set computer,CISC:复杂指令集计算机
complex instruction set computing,CISC [ˈsɪsk]:精简指令集计算
complex instruction set computing,CISC:复杂指令集计算
single instruction stream, single data stream,SISD:单指令流单数据流
single instruction, single data,SISD:单指令流单数据流
single instruction, multiple data,SIMD:单指令流多数据流
multiple instruction, single data,MISD:多指令流单数据流
multiple instruction, multiple data,MIMD:多指令流多数据流
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard,FHS:文件系统目录标准,文件系统层次结构标准
logical volume manager,LVM:逻辑卷管理
access control list,ACL:访问控制列表
master boot record,MBR:主引导记录
redundant array of inexpensive disks, or redundant array of independent disks,RAID:立冗余磁盘阵列
GNU nano is a text editor for Unix-like computing systems or operating environments using a command line interface.
GNU General Public License,GNU GPL,GPL:GNU 通用公共许可证
GNU Free Documentation License,GNU FDL,GFDL:GNU 自由文档许可证
GNU Lesser General Public License,LGPL:GNU 较宽松公共许可证
Free Software Foundation,FSF:自由软件基金会
Message Passing Interface,MPI:消息传递接口
high performance computer,HPC:高性能计算机
high performance computing,HPC:高性能计算
random-access memory,RAM [ræm]:随机存取存储器
read-only memory,ROM:只读存储器
dynamic random-access memory,DRAM:动态随机存取存储器
static random-access memory,static RAM or SRAM:静态随机存取存储器
non-volatile memory,nonvolatile memory,NVM or non-volatile storage:非易失性存储器
Acorn RISC Machine,Advanced RISC Machine,ARM:进阶精简指令集机器,高级精简指令微处理器
paged memory management unit,PMMU:分页内存管理单元
arithmetic logic unit,ALU:运算器,算术逻辑装置
non-maximum suppression,NMS:非极大值抑制
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition,MLPR:机器学习与模式识别
International Patent Classification,IPC:国际专利分类
simultaneous localization and mapping,SLAM:即时定位与地图构建,同步定位与建图
concurrent mapping and localization,CML:并发建图与定位
Pacific Time Zone,PT:太平洋时区

Pacific Standard Time,PST:太平洋标准时间
Pacific Daylight Time,PDT:太平洋夏令时间
Central Time Zone,CT:中部时区
Central Standard Time,CST:中部标准时间
Central Daylight Time,CDT:中部夏令时间
Eastern Time Zone,ET:东部时区
Eastern Standard Time,EST:东部标准时间
Eastern Daylight Time,EDT:东部夏令时间
Coordinated Universal Time,UTC:协调世界时,世界统一时间,世界标准时间,国际协调时间
daylight saving time (DST),daylight savings time,summer time:夏时制,夏令时
Chinese University of Hong Kong,CUHK:香港中文大学
California Institute of Technology,Caltech:加州理工学院,加州理工
chief executive officer,CEO:首席执行官
chief technology officer,chief technical officer,CTO:首席技术官,企业内技术最高负责人
chief operating officer,chief operations officer,COO:首席营运官
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung Galaxy (SAMSUNG Galaxy, Samsung GALAXY) is a series of mobile computing devices designed, manufactured and marketed by Samsung Electronics.
GIGA-BYTE Technology Co., Ltd.:技嘉科技股份有限公司
Company Limited,Co., Ltd.
limited liability company,LLC:有限责任公司
professional limited liability company,PLLC
private limited company,PLC:私人有限公司,非上市公司
public limited company,PLC:公开有限公司
attention [ə’tenʃ(ə)n]:n. 注意,关注,注意力,关心 int. 注意,立正
attention mechanism:注意力机制
data annotation:数据标注
vein [veɪn]:n. 静脉,矿脉,纹理,风格 v. 使有筋脉
fulfil [fʊl’fɪl]:v. 履行,实现,符合,具备
overlap [.əʊvə(r)'læp]:v. 交叠,使部分重叠,(时间上) 部分重叠,(范围方面) 部分重叠 n. (范围方面的) 重叠部分,重叠量,交接时期
vertical ['vɜː(r)tɪk(ə)l]:n. 垂直线,垂直位置 adj. 竖的,垂直的,直立的,纵向的
horizontal [.hɒrɪ’zɒnt(ə)l]:n. 水平线,水平面,横线,水平位置 adj. 水平的,与地面平行的,横的
throughout [θru:'aʊt]:prep. 遍及,各处,自始至终,贯穿整个时期 adv. 全部,自始至终,到处,彻头彻尾
rare earth elements,REEs:稀土元素
depth-first search,DFS:深度优先搜索
breadth-first search,BFS:广度优先搜索,宽度优先搜索,横向优先搜索
preorder traversal:前序遍历
inorder traversal:中序遍历
postorder traversal:后序遍历
frame rate or frames per second,FPS:每秒帧数
advanced driver-assistance systems,ADAS:高级驾驶员辅助系统
system on a chip or system on chip,SoC or SOC:单片系统,片上系统



以下是对网易有道词典单词本进行爬虫并存入Excel的Python代码: ```python import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import openpyxl # 定义爬虫函数 def spider(url): # 发送请求 response = requests.get(url) # 解析HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') # 获取单词 words = soup.select('.wordbook-wordlist .wordbook-word-item .wordbook-word')[1:] # 获取词性和释义 meanings = soup.select('.wordbook-wordlist .wordbook-word-item .wordbook-word-item-meanings')[1:] # 存储单词及其词性和释义 wordbook = [] for i in range(len(words)): word = words[i].get_text().strip() meaning = meanings[i].get_text().strip() wordbook.append([word, meaning]) return wordbook # 定义保存到Excel函数 def save_to_excel(wordbook, filename): # 创建Excel文件 workbook = openpyxl.Workbook() # 获取第一个sheet sheet = workbook.active # 写入表头 sheet.cell(row=1, column=1, value='单词') sheet.cell(row=1, column=2, value='词性和释义') # 写入单词及其词性和释义 for i in range(len(wordbook)): word = wordbook[i][0] meaning = wordbook[i][1] sheet.cell(row=i+2, column=1, value=word) sheet.cell(row=i+2, column=2, value=meaning) # 保存Excel文件 workbook.save(filename) # 测试代码 if __name__ == '__main__': wordbook_url = 'http://dict.youdao.com/wordbook/wordlist' response = requests.get(wordbook_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') # 获取单词本链接 wordbook_links = soup.select('.wordbook-wrap .wordbook-title .wordbook-title-name a') for link in wordbook_links: href = link['href'] title = link.get_text().strip() # 爬取单词本 wordbook = spider(href) # 保存到Excel save_to_excel(wordbook, f'{title}.xlsx') ``` 这段代码将爬取网易有道词典单词本页面的单词及其对应的词性和释义,然后将其保存到Excel文件。使用时,将代码复制到Python文件,修改`wordbook_url`为单词本页面的链接,然后运行脚本即可。注意要安装所需的库,如`requests`、`beautifulsoup4`和`openpyxl`等。




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