paranormal investigation

attacks news photographer inside haunted Pennsylvania home

HANOVER, Penn. A local Pennsylvania news crew went to do a report on a so called "haunted" house which was to be featured this weekend on a national TV show, and ended up getting much more than they bargained for.

A local news station in Central Pennsylvania,FOX 43, , went inside the home in Hanover, York County, which homeowner DeAnna Simpson and her family have lived in for seven years. This home however, is different from others on the block because the people who live there say it is severely haunted, with multiple entities, including ghosts and something Simpson refers to as the "Shadow man."

The family didn't realize Suede Applique 140mm the house was haunted until after they moved in and say it will be difficult for them to move when the time comes because of the stigma that surrounds it.

"We put everything into this house," Simpson told FOX 43. "And we do want to move, but we would have to list it at such a price where we could recoup what we put in."

The house was to be featured on the Travel Channel Saturday on a show called, "The Dead Files." Simpson says the crew turned up evidence of many "grisly" deaths which took place in the home.

We did not spring from nothingness, thats the whole point, there was an incredibly long period of time in which nature with the laws of physics slowly built up the complexity of creatures and thier neural networks. Anybody who owns a dog or cat knows they have personalities and has no doubt seen them capable of working out simple problems. Our abilities are just a step beyond this. The human spirit has free will and doesn always choose to go directly to Lord you speak of, immediately after exiting the deceased body. Some are fearful of judgement, and some are confused by the traumatic passing of their physical body. Demons are NOT the only possibility, in fact true demon hauntings are uncommon. Whitney, however, is right to warn about Ouija boards. They are NOT harmless. To use a Ouija board is to turn on a porch light in darkness, and you will have NO control over who comes through the door.

Please do not mess around with Ouija boards. They are very bad and will bring evil into your homes. It is a gateway and I am not playing around. Do your research. My professor has his PhD in Anthropology and teaches a class about the paranormal and supernatural. I have seen and heard things you can not explain and if you don know what you doing then please stay away from this stuff and again do not play with Ouija boards. Because of Ouija boards people have died and are becoming possessed by entities. I know how this sounds, but I am a very logical, skeptical person who would never post this unless I knew it to be true. Please listen to my warning and be smart.

My wife, son and myself have experienced pokes on and off throughout the years in our home in Boston. I witnessed a silhouette of a woman sitting at the kitchen table one evening as well things take place after 2am. The most freightening thing that happened was randomly waking up from a sleep (2:37am) and feeling something about 20 lbs walking on foot of the bed taking about 4 steps, including between my legs. We did call a paranormal investigation team as clearly something is going on there were dozens of voices caught on audio recordings direct Black Leather Applique 140mm answers to specific questions. We have never felt by whatever it is Black Patent leather Architek 120mm in the house as it seems playful and not malicious although Black Leather Armadillo Bride 120mm the main reason we have not moved is this entity(s) is very intermittent with activity. One thing I have learned is do not instigate or antagonize these entities. I would occasionally joke and tease them (being funny to spook my wife) and like clockwork, they respond that very night letting us know they were acknowledged earlier. I wouldn believe any of this if I didn experience it myself people? Dimensional? I have no idea, but what I do know is something is in our home that science does not have an answer for, and science at one time thought the sun revolved around earth is always learning.






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