

    在STL的思想中,容器和算法是彼此独立设计的,再通过某种方式使它们连接;而迭代器是使算法独立于使用的容器类型,即迭代器是连接算法和容器的方法。由于迭代器是一种行为类似指针的对象,也就说迭代器是一种广义指针,即迭代器对解除引用操作(operator*)和访问成员操作(operator->)进行重载。然而要对这两个操作符进行重载,对容器内部对象的数据类型和存储结构有所了解,于是在 STL 中迭代器的最终实现都是由容器本身来实现的,每种容器都有自己的迭代器实现。本文介绍的不是针对某种特定的容器。在迭代器的设计中,一个最重要的编程技巧那就是Traits技术了,有关Traits编程技术》在前面博文中已经介绍了。



   在SGI STL中根据读写和访问方式,在源码中迭代器大致可分为五类:

  1. 输入迭代器input_iterator:只读,且只能一次读操作,支持操作:++p,p++,!=,==,=*p,p->
  2. 输出迭代器output_iterator:只写,且只能一次写操作,支持操作:++p,p++
  3. 正向迭代器forward_iterator:可多次读写,支持输入输出迭代器的所有操作;
  4. 双向迭代器bidirectional_iterator:支持正向迭代器的所有操作,且支持操作:--p,--p
  5. 随机访问迭代器random_access_iterator:除了支持双向迭代器操作外,还支持:p[n],p+n,n+p,p-n,p+=n,p-=n,p1-p2,p1<p2,p1>p2,p1>=p2,p1<=p2

/*This program is in the file of stl_iterator_base.h form line 42 to 92*/
struct input_iterator_tag {};
struct output_iterator_tag {};
struct forward_iterator_tag : public input_iterator_tag {};
struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : public forward_iterator_tag {};
struct random_access_iterator_tag : public bidirectional_iterator_tag {};

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> struct input_iterator {
  typedef input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                value_type;
  typedef _Distance          difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*               pointer;
  typedef _Tp&               reference;

struct output_iterator {
  typedef output_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef void                value_type;
  typedef void                difference_type;
  typedef void                pointer;
  typedef void                reference;

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> struct forward_iterator {
  typedef forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                  value_type;
  typedef _Distance            difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*                 pointer;
  typedef _Tp&                 reference;

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> struct bidirectional_iterator {
  typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                        value_type;
  typedef _Distance                  difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*                       pointer;
  typedef _Tp&                       reference;

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> struct random_access_iterator {
  typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                        value_type;
  typedef _Distance                  difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*                       pointer;
  typedef _Tp&                       reference;



template <class _Iterator>
struct iterator_traits {
  typedef typename _Iterator::iterator_category iterator_category; //迭代器类型
  typedef typename _Iterator::value_type        value_type;//迭代器所指对象的类型
  typedef typename _Iterator::difference_type   difference_type;//两个迭代器之间的距离
  typedef typename _Iterator::pointer           pointer;//指针
  typedef typename _Iterator::reference         reference;//引用

    通过 Traits技术 我们可以获得迭代器的相关类型的信息iterator_traits<…>::…,下面给出Traits技术的相关源码:

/*为用户自行开发的迭代器提供方便,用户自行开发的迭代器最后继承该iterator class,以便使用Traits技术*/
template <class _Category, class _Tp, class _Distance = ptrdiff_t,
          class _Pointer = _Tp*, class _Reference = _Tp&>
struct iterator {
  typedef _Category  iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp        value_type;
  typedef _Distance  difference_type;
  typedef _Pointer   pointer;
  typedef _Reference reference;
#endif /* __STL_USE_NAMESPACES */


template <class _Iterator>
struct iterator_traits {
  typedef typename _Iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
  typedef typename _Iterator::value_type        value_type;
  typedef typename _Iterator::difference_type   difference_type;
  typedef typename _Iterator::pointer           pointer;
  typedef typename _Iterator::reference         reference;

template <class _Tp>
struct iterator_traits<_Tp*> {
  typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                         value_type;
  typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*                        pointer;
  typedef _Tp&                        reference;

template <class _Tp>
/*针对原生指针const Tp*生成的Traits偏特化版本*/
struct iterator_traits<const _Tp*> {
  typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                         value_type;
  typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;
  typedef const _Tp*                  pointer;
  typedef const _Tp&                  reference;

    在迭代器中,为了能够在编译时确定函数调用,应用了函数重载。因为五种迭代器操作能力是不同的,例如random acess iterator是操作能力最强的,可以在O(1)时间操作指定位置,而这个用其他的迭代器可能需要O(n)。所以为了提高效率,使用迭代器类型最匹配的算法函数去调用:

  1. 首先通过traits技术获得迭代器类型iterator_category
  2. 在函数调用时生成相应迭代器类型的临时对象作为实参传递,编译器就会调用相应的重载函数。
    为了重载函数识别, SGI STL 有对应的 5 种迭代器标识类:继承是为了可以使用传递调用,当不存在某种迭代器类型匹配时编译器会依据继承层次向上查找进行传递。

struct input_iterator_tag {};
struct output_iterator_tag {};
struct forward_iterator_tag : public input_iterator_tag {};
struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : public forward_iterator_tag {};
struct random_access_iterator_tag : public bidirectional_iterator_tag {};
    例如下面是 advance() 函数的调用,针对不同的迭代器类型,对函数进行重载:

template <class _InputIter, class _Distance>
inline void __advance(_InputIter& __i, _Distance __n, input_iterator_tag) {
  while (__n--) ++__i;

template <class _BidirectionalIterator, class _Distance>
inline void __advance(_BidirectionalIterator& __i, _Distance __n, 
                      bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
  __STL_REQUIRES(_BidirectionalIterator, _BidirectionalIterator);
  if (__n >= 0)
    while (__n--) ++__i;
    while (__n++) --__i;

template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Distance>
inline void __advance(_RandomAccessIterator& __i, _Distance __n, 
                      random_access_iterator_tag) {
  __STL_REQUIRES(_RandomAccessIterator, _RandomAccessIterator);
  __i += __n;

template <class _InputIterator, class _Distance>
inline void advance(_InputIterator& __i, _Distance __n) {
  __STL_REQUIRES(_InputIterator, _InputIterator);
  __advance(__i, __n, iterator_category(__i));

SGI STL迭代器完整源码剖析



// This file contains all of the general iterator-related utilities.
// The internal file stl_iterator.h contains predefined iterators, 
// such as front_insert_iterator and istream_iterator.

#include <concept_checks.h>

struct input_iterator_tag {};
struct output_iterator_tag {};
struct forward_iterator_tag : public input_iterator_tag {};
struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : public forward_iterator_tag {};
struct random_access_iterator_tag : public bidirectional_iterator_tag {};

// The base classes input_iterator, output_iterator, forward_iterator,
// bidirectional_iterator, and random_access_iterator are not part of
// the C++ standard.  (They have been replaced by struct iterator.)
// They are included for backward compatibility with the HP STL.

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> struct input_iterator {
  typedef input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                value_type;
  typedef _Distance          difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*               pointer;
  typedef _Tp&               reference;

struct output_iterator {
  typedef output_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef void                value_type;
  typedef void                difference_type;
  typedef void                pointer;
  typedef void                reference;

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> struct forward_iterator {
  typedef forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                  value_type;
  typedef _Distance            difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*                 pointer;
  typedef _Tp&                 reference;

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> struct bidirectional_iterator {
  typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                        value_type;
  typedef _Distance                  difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*                       pointer;
  typedef _Tp&                       reference;

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> struct random_access_iterator {
  typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                        value_type;
  typedef _Distance                  difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*                       pointer;
  typedef _Tp&                       reference;


/*为用户自行开发的迭代器提供方便,用户自行开发的迭代器最后继承该iterator class,以便使用Traits技术*/
template <class _Category, class _Tp, class _Distance = ptrdiff_t,
          class _Pointer = _Tp*, class _Reference = _Tp&>
struct iterator {
  typedef _Category  iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp        value_type;
  typedef _Distance  difference_type;
  typedef _Pointer   pointer;
  typedef _Reference reference;
#endif /* __STL_USE_NAMESPACES */


template <class _Iterator>
struct iterator_traits {
  typedef typename _Iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
  typedef typename _Iterator::value_type        value_type;
  typedef typename _Iterator::difference_type   difference_type;
  typedef typename _Iterator::pointer           pointer;
  typedef typename _Iterator::reference         reference;

template <class _Tp>
struct iterator_traits<_Tp*> {
  typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                         value_type;
  typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;
  typedef _Tp*                        pointer;
  typedef _Tp&                        reference;

template <class _Tp>
/*针对原生指针const Tp*生成的Traits偏特化版本*/
struct iterator_traits<const _Tp*> {
  typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef _Tp                         value_type;
  typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;
  typedef const _Tp*                  pointer;
  typedef const _Tp&                  reference;

// The overloaded functions iterator_category, distance_type, and
// value_type are not part of the C++ standard.  (They have been
// replaced by struct iterator_traits.)  They are included for
// backward compatibility with the HP STL.

// We introduce internal names for these functions.

template <class _Iter>
inline typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category
__iterator_category(const _Iter&)
  typedef typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category _Category;
  return _Category();

template <class _Iter>
inline typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::difference_type*
__distance_type(const _Iter&)
  return static_cast<typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::difference_type*>(0);

template <class _Iter>
inline typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::value_type*
__value_type(const _Iter&)
  return static_cast<typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::value_type*>(0);

template <class _Iter>
inline typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category
iterator_category(const _Iter& __i) { return __iterator_category(__i); }

template <class _Iter>
inline typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::difference_type*
distance_type(const _Iter& __i) { return __distance_type(__i); }

template <class _Iter>
inline typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::value_type*
value_type(const _Iter& __i) { return __value_type(__i); }

#define __ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__i) __iterator_category(__i)
#define __DISTANCE_TYPE(__i)     __distance_type(__i)
#define __VALUE_TYPE(__i)        __value_type(__i)

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline input_iterator_tag 
iterator_category(const input_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  { return input_iterator_tag(); }

inline output_iterator_tag iterator_category(const output_iterator&)
  { return output_iterator_tag(); }

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline forward_iterator_tag
iterator_category(const forward_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  { return forward_iterator_tag(); }

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline bidirectional_iterator_tag
iterator_category(const bidirectional_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  { return bidirectional_iterator_tag(); }

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline random_access_iterator_tag
iterator_category(const random_access_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  { return random_access_iterator_tag(); }

template <class _Tp>
inline random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category(const _Tp*)
  { return random_access_iterator_tag(); }

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline _Tp* value_type(const input_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  { return (_Tp*)(0); }

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline _Tp* value_type(const forward_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  { return (_Tp*)(0); }

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline _Tp* value_type(const bidirectional_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  { return (_Tp*)(0); }

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline _Tp* value_type(const random_access_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  { return (_Tp*)(0); }

template <class _Tp>
inline _Tp* value_type(const _Tp*) { return (_Tp*)(0); }

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline _Distance* distance_type(const input_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  return (_Distance*)(0);

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline _Distance* distance_type(const forward_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  return (_Distance*)(0);

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline _Distance* 
distance_type(const bidirectional_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  return (_Distance*)(0);

template <class _Tp, class _Distance> 
inline _Distance* 
distance_type(const random_access_iterator<_Tp, _Distance>&)
  return (_Distance*)(0);

template <class _Tp>
inline ptrdiff_t* distance_type(const _Tp*) { return (ptrdiff_t*)(0); }

// Without partial specialization we can't use iterator_traits, so
// we must keep the old iterator query functions around.  

#define __ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__i) iterator_category(__i)
#define __DISTANCE_TYPE(__i)     distance_type(__i)
#define __VALUE_TYPE(__i)        value_type(__i)


template <class _InputIterator, class _Distance>
inline void __distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
                       _Distance& __n, input_iterator_tag)
  while (__first != __last) { ++__first; ++__n; }

template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Distance>
inline void __distance(_RandomAccessIterator __first, 
                       _RandomAccessIterator __last, 
                       _Distance& __n, random_access_iterator_tag)
  __STL_REQUIRES(_RandomAccessIterator, _RandomAccessIterator);
  __n += __last - __first;

template <class _InputIterator, class _Distance>
inline void distance(_InputIterator __first, 
                     _InputIterator __last, _Distance& __n)
  __STL_REQUIRES(_InputIterator, _InputIterator);
  __distance(__first, __last, __n, iterator_category(__first));

template <class _InputIterator>
inline typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type
__distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, input_iterator_tag)
  typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type __n = 0;
  while (__first != __last) {
    ++__first; ++__n;
  return __n;

template <class _RandomAccessIterator>
inline typename iterator_traits<_RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type
__distance(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last,
           random_access_iterator_tag) {
  __STL_REQUIRES(_RandomAccessIterator, _RandomAccessIterator);
  return __last - __first;

template <class _InputIterator>
inline typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type
distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) {
  typedef typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::iterator_category 
  __STL_REQUIRES(_InputIterator, _InputIterator);
  return __distance(__first, __last, _Category());


template <class _InputIter, class _Distance>
inline void __advance(_InputIter& __i, _Distance __n, input_iterator_tag) {
  while (__n--) ++__i;

#if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && (_MIPS_SIM != _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
#pragma set woff 1183

template <class _BidirectionalIterator, class _Distance>
inline void __advance(_BidirectionalIterator& __i, _Distance __n, 
                      bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
  __STL_REQUIRES(_BidirectionalIterator, _BidirectionalIterator);
  if (__n >= 0)
    while (__n--) ++__i;
    while (__n++) --__i;

#if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && (_MIPS_SIM != _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
#pragma reset woff 1183

template <class _RandomAccessIterator, class _Distance>
inline void __advance(_RandomAccessIterator& __i, _Distance __n, 
                      random_access_iterator_tag) {
  __STL_REQUIRES(_RandomAccessIterator, _RandomAccessIterator);
  __i += __n;

template <class _InputIterator, class _Distance>
inline void advance(_InputIterator& __i, _Distance __n) {
  __STL_REQUIRES(_InputIterator, _InputIterator);
  __advance(__i, __n, iterator_category(__i));



// Local Variables:
// mode:C++
// End:

SGI STL__type_traits技术


  1. 是否具备non-trivial default ctor?
  2. 是否具备non-trivial copy ctor?
  3. 是否具备non-trivial assignment operator?
  4. 是否具备non-trivial dtor?
  5. 是否为POD(plain old data)型别?

template <class _Tp>
struct __type_traits { 
   typedef __true_type     this_dummy_member_must_be_first;
                   /* Do not remove this member. It informs a compiler which
                      automatically specializes __type_traits that this
                      __type_traits template is special. It just makes sure that
                      things work if an implementation is using a template
                      called __type_traits for something unrelated. */

   /* The following restrictions should be observed for the sake of
      compilers which automatically produce type specific specializations 
      of this class:
          - You may reorder the members below if you wish
          - You may remove any of the members below if you wish
          - You must not rename members without making the corresponding
            name change in the compiler
          - Members you add will be treated like regular members unless
            you add the appropriate support in the compiler. */

   typedef __false_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __false_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __false_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __false_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __false_type    is_POD_type;

struct __true_type {

struct __false_type {
             bool, char, short, int, long, float, double 等基本的数据类型及其相应的指针类型的这些特性都定义为__true_type,这意味着,这些对基本类型进行构造、析构、拷贝、赋值等操作时,都是使用系统函数进行的。而除了这些类型之外的其他类型,除非用户指定了它的这些特性为 __true_type ,默认都是 __false_type 的,不能直接调用系统函数来进行内存配置或赋值等,而需要调用该类型的构造函数、拷贝构造函数等。下面是整个 __type_traits 源码剖析:

#ifndef __TYPE_TRAITS_H
#define __TYPE_TRAITS_H

#ifndef __STL_CONFIG_H
#include <stl_config.h>

This header file provides a framework for allowing compile time dispatch
based on type attributes. This is useful when writing template code.
For example, when making a copy of an array of an unknown type, it helps
to know if the type has a trivial copy constructor or not, to help decide
if a memcpy can be used.

The class template __type_traits provides a series of typedefs each of
which is either __true_type or __false_type. The argument to
__type_traits can be any type. The typedefs within this template will
attain their correct values by one of these means:
    1. The general instantiation contain conservative values which work
       for all types.
    2. Specializations may be declared to make distinctions between types.
    3. Some compilers (such as the Silicon Graphics N32 and N64 compilers)
       will automatically provide the appropriate specializations for all


//Copy an array of elements which have non-trivial copy constructors
template <class T> void copy(T* source, T* destination, int n, __false_type);
//Copy an array of elements which have trivial copy constructors. Use memcpy.
template <class T> void copy(T* source, T* destination, int n, __true_type);

//Copy an array of any type by using the most efficient copy mechanism
template <class T> inline void copy(T* source,T* destination,int n) {
   copy(source, destination, n,
        typename __type_traits<T>::has_trivial_copy_constructor());

struct __true_type {

struct __false_type {

template <class _Tp>
struct __type_traits { 
   typedef __true_type     this_dummy_member_must_be_first;
                   /* Do not remove this member. It informs a compiler which
                      automatically specializes __type_traits that this
                      __type_traits template is special. It just makes sure that
                      things work if an implementation is using a template
                      called __type_traits for something unrelated. */

   /* The following restrictions should be observed for the sake of
      compilers which automatically produce type specific specializations 
      of this class:
          - You may reorder the members below if you wish
          - You may remove any of the members below if you wish
          - You must not rename members without making the corresponding
            name change in the compiler
          - Members you add will be treated like regular members unless
            you add the appropriate support in the compiler. */

   typedef __false_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __false_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __false_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __false_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __false_type    is_POD_type;

// Provide some specializations.  This is harmless for compilers that
//  have built-in __types_traits support, and essential for compilers
//  that don't.
#ifndef __STL_NO_BOOL

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<bool> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

#endif /* __STL_NO_BOOL */

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<char> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<signed char> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned char> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

#ifdef __STL_HAS_WCHAR_T

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<wchar_t> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

#endif /* __STL_HAS_WCHAR_T */

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<short> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned short> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<int> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned int> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<long> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned long> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

#ifdef __STL_LONG_LONG

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<long long> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned long long> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

#endif /* __STL_LONG_LONG */

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<float> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<double> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<long double> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

template <class _Tp>
struct __type_traits<_Tp*> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;


__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<char*> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<signed char*> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned char*> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<const char*> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<const signed char*> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<const unsigned char*> {
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_default_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_copy_constructor;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_assignment_operator;
   typedef __true_type    has_trivial_destructor;
   typedef __true_type    is_POD_type;


// The following could be written in terms of numeric_limits.  
// We're doing it separately to reduce the number of dependencies.

template <class _Tp> struct _Is_integer {
  typedef __false_type _Integral;

#ifndef __STL_NO_BOOL

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<bool> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

#endif /* __STL_NO_BOOL */

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<char> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<signed char> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<unsigned char> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

#ifdef __STL_HAS_WCHAR_T

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<wchar_t> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

#endif /* __STL_HAS_WCHAR_T */

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<short> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<unsigned short> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<int> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<unsigned int> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<long> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<unsigned long> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

#ifdef __STL_LONG_LONG

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<long long> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct _Is_integer<unsigned long long> {
  typedef __true_type _Integral;

#endif /* __STL_LONG_LONG */

#endif /* __TYPE_TRAITS_H */

// Local Variables:
// mode:C++
// End:


  1. Traits编程技法对迭代器加以规范,获得了对象的类型相关信息,从而使得算法可以通过类型信息来优化效率。
  2. 使用重载函数来解决if-else条件在编译时期和运行时期的不同步,使其能在编译时期确认调用哪个函数。
  3. SGItraits进行扩展,使得所有类型都满足traits编程规范,这样SGI STL算法可以通过__type_traits获取类型信息后。



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