On leveraging other’s brain


时间有限信息太多,我们总是希望可以更有效地利用别人的智慧。胡凯同学最近做了一个有趣的应用来收集ThoughtWorkers读过的书,他跟我说这样可以更好地利用别人的大脑,通过自己信任的人来帮助过滤不值得一读的书。我觉得这个很好,但是并不总是work。比如之前我看到《Talent is overrated》这本书,我感觉写得一般新意不多(因为同类的书我已经看过几本),而熊桑却觉得很好,并且很敏锐地发现了其中可以借鉴的部分,有些甚至成为我们能力建设的指导方针和一些新的service offering的开端。那么如果他在这件事上信任了我的判断,那么我们将错失很多。于是我想问的问题是,我到底可以相信哪些智慧?


为了回答这个问题,我需要借用一下Rodger Martin提出的知识漏斗(knowledge funnel)。它代表了我们处理知识的三个阶段:mystery, heuristic和algorithm。

mystery的知识属于未知领域,我们甚至无法了解这个问题本身是什么问题。这个领域有时候也被称作wicked problem。典型的问题比如“如何成得到最好的设计”,“怎么获得美满的婚姻”,甚至一些看上去不那么难回答的问题实际上也属于这类问题,比如“下一个客户从哪来”,“如何让业务增长十倍”。这类问题中的每个问题都是独特的问题,就好像并不是所有企业都能做大十倍,而且做大过程中的方式也不一定相同。再比如对于某个项目有效的手法,对别的项目不一定适用,都是一个道理,有时候又被称作艺术。


从mystery转向algorithm就需要heuristic,我如何把一个未知的问题转化为已知的algorithm,或者我是能够去除掉mystery中的复杂性用简单的algorithm来解决它。或是说,你能否把艺术工程化或者流程化,去掉其中的文艺范。推理,发散,类比等等的都是这个阶段需要的技能。大凡革命性的飞跃,都源自把mystery变成algorithm(目前看来design thinking是个不错的heuristic方法)。

那么在之前的情况下,到底熊桑做了什么呢?我觉得是他做了个很好的heuristic。这里的mystery是如何保持professional service firm的竞争力。那么对于professional service firm,什么是真正的differentiator ——人的能力;那么对于人的能力的管理,或者说有多快地可以提供人的能力,可能会是psf的核心竞争力。那么我们怎么才可以提高人的能力?那本书给了个algorithm,对于能力的培养可以通过刻意练习实现。于是一个mystery某种程度上说被揭开了:原来可以通过刻意练习,保持professional service firm的竞争力。我想他当时一定是激动地发抖吧,如果是我一定会的。

这里我们看到了heuristic的强大,产生的尽是一些观念上的变革。但是它却是难以直接利用的,原因很简单啊,因为它自己就是个mystery。如果有一天我们把它也algorithm化了,我估计人类就走到尽头了吧,matrix就该成真的了,想想就可怕啊! 所以,我还是老老实实地想想怎么利用别人总结的algorithm好了。


Thank you for your question. As an AI language model, I am programmed to provide responses on various topics based on the information available to me. Here is an article on smart city management: Smart City Management: Innovating for a Sustainable Future The rapid urbanization and population growth have led to several challenges in the management of cities. With the emergence of new technologies, the concept of smart cities has become a viable solution to many of these urban issues. Smart city management aims to leverage technology to improve the quality of life and promote sustainable development. One of the critical components of smart city management is the integration of data-driven decision-making processes. The use of sensor networks and other advanced technologies can provide insights into city operations, enabling officials to optimize resource allocation and identify areas for improvement. The data collected from various sources such as traffic monitoring, energy consumption, and air quality monitoring can be analyzed and translated into actionable insights. Smart city management is not only about the implementation of advanced technologies but also about the involvement of citizens in the decision-making processes. Citizen engagement is crucial to enable effective governance and bring transparency to policy-making. With the use of social media and other digital platforms, citizens can provide feedback and actively participate in urban planning. Another critical aspect of smart city management is the promotion of sustainable practices. This includes the implementation of energy-efficient solutions, green infrastructure, and waste management systems. By promoting eco-friendly policies, cities can reduce their carbon footprint and create a healthier living environment for citizens. The implementation of smart city management can lead to several benefits. These include increased efficiency in resource management, improved quality of life, and reduced environmental impact. For instance, traffic congestion in cities can be reduced by leveraging real-time traffic data to optimize traffic flow. Similarly, energy efficiency solutions can lead to substantial cost savings and reduce the carbon footprint of cities. In conclusion, smart city management is a holistic approach to urban planning that leverages technology, citizen participation, and sustainable practices. By integrating these three elements, cities can become more efficient, livable, and sustainable. With the growing concerns about climate change, smart city management is becoming increasingly important in creating a better future for our cities and the planet as a whole.




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