翻译:《Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML》序







我担心人们是怎样学做网站的,并且我知道这些对于初学者来说是很难理解的。同样,我也担心许多专业人士仍用低等的技术来对待客户。这也是我为什么如此兴奋地为大家介绍David SchultzCraig Cook著作的这本《Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML》:流行的指导和介绍他们多年的项目经验,让你学会如何构建现代、符合标准、不杂乱的HTMLCSSXHTML甚至Javascript网站—完美的介绍。

    你将发现大量的很实用的例子。象我这样对尖端的编码比较坚持己见的人,给我留下深刻印象的是书中所有的HTML代码(你将从中学到)都经过严格验证。David Craig确保所有的代码在各种浏览器下都能正确地运行。


Simon Collison

Beginning CSS Web Development》的作者,  2006年末



In 1999, I bought a book about the web. This brave and still relatively new world had caught my interest, and the pocket-sized Rough Guide to the Internet featured four or so pages of rudimentary HTML. After about three hours I had built a web page and linked to another one. This first web page looked awful, but I was excited. Later that day I somehow managed to upload it to a domain, and I realized I had created a website—an actual website.

So naive was I back then that I assumed I’d need to leave my home computer on in order for other web users to see my pages! How amazed I was at work the next day when I successfully called my little website up in front of the boss.

So, I decided to buy another book, called Learn HTML in a Weekend. It was a very long weekend. This and other preliminary books taught me a lot, but much of it badly; my code was littered with font tags, frames, and tables for layout. CSS had not really taken hold back then.

In the beginning, we used HTML to do all the hard work because we didn’t know any better. This difficult, limiting, and weighty approach to building websites was born out of HTML’s generosity, it being a rich language with early specifications offering rather too much scope for abuse. I can accept that now, but I’m unsure why so many recent books still preoccupy the reader with ill-advised and outdated techniques that can be achieved much better and more easily with web standards.

I care about how people learn to build websites, and I know it can be impenetrable for beginners. Equally, I worry that many professionals are still ripping off clients with shoddy workmanship. This is why I’m so happy to introduce this book. David Schultz and Craig Cook understand that building websites is a craft, and with Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML: Modern Guide and Reference they bring you years of experience condensed into an enjoyable, carefully structured reference focused on responsible, powerful HTML, CSS, XHTML and even JavaScript—the perfect introductory package.

You’ll find a wealth of practical examples that you can actually use. As a stickler for top-notch code, I’m especially impressed that everything within validates as HTML Strict (which you’ll learn more about soon) and that David and Craig have ensured all methods work cross-browser and will stand up to whatever twists and turns the Internet takes next.

You are embarking upon a great adventure, but you have in your hands the best possible map and two expert guides to hold your hand. Soon you’ll reach your destination and will be waxing lyrical to anyone who’ll listen about your grasp of web standards, wondering why the old boys still work with their outdated methods. Mighty explorers, this book will tell you all you need to know.

Simon Collison

Author of Beginning CSS Web Development, Apress 2006


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