Scales | |
continuous | compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value. |
continuous.invert | compute the domain value corresponding to a given range value. |
continuous.domain | set the input domain. |
continuous.range | set the output range. |
continuous.rangeRound | set the output range and enable rounding. |
continuous.clamp | enable clamping to the domain or range. |
continuous.interpolate | set the output interpolator. |
continuous.ticks | compute representative values from the domain. |
continuous.tickFormat | format ticks for human consumption. |
continuous.nice | extend the domain to nice round numbers. |
continuous.copy | create a copy of this scale. |
d3.scaleLinear | create a quantitative linear scale. |
d3.scalePow | create a quantitative power scale. |
pow | compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value. |
pow.invert | compute the domain value corresponding to a given range value. |
pow.exponent | set the power exponent. |
pow.domain | set the input domain. |
pow.range | set the output range. |
pow.rangeRound | set the output range and enable rounding. |
pow.clamp | enable clamping to the domain or range. |
pow.interpolate | set the output interpolator. |
pow.ticks | compute representative values from the domain. |
pow.tickFormat | format ticks for human consumption. |
pow.nice | extend the domain to nice round numbers. |
pow.copy | create a copy of this scale. |
d3.scaleSqrt | create a quantitative power scale with exponent 0.5. |
d3.scaleLog | create a quantitative logarithmic scale. |
log | compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value. |
log.invert | compute the domain value corresponding to a given range value. |
log.base | set the logarithm base. |
log.domain | set the input domain. |
log.range | set the output range. |
log.rangeRound | set the output range and enable rounding. |
log.clamp | enable clamping to the domain or range. |
log.interpolate | set the output interpolator. |
log.ticks | compute representative values from the domain. |
log.tickFormat | format ticks for human consumption. |
log.nice | extend the domain to nice round numbers. |
log.copy | create a copy of this scale. |
d3.scaleIdentity | create a quantitative identity scale. |
d3.scaleTime | create a linear scale for time. |
time | compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value. |
time.invert | compute the domain value corresponding to a given range value. |
time.domain | set the input domain. |
time.range | set the output range. |
time.rangeRound | set the output range and enable rounding. |
time.clamp | enable clamping to the domain or range. |
time.interpolate | set the output interpolator. |
time.ticks | compute representative values from the domain. |
time.tickFormat | format ticks for human consumption. |
time.nice | extend the domain to nice round times. |
time.copy | create a copy of this scale. |
d3.scaleUtc | create a linear scale for UTC. |
Sequential Scales | |
d3.scaleSequential | create a sequential scale. |
sequential.interpolator | set the scale’s output interpolator. |
Diverging Scales | |
d3.scaleDiverging | create a diverging scale. |
diverging.interpolator | set the scale’s output interpolator. |
Quantize Scales | |
d3.scaleQuantize | create a uniform quantizing linear scale. |
quantize | compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value. |
quantize.invertExtent | compute the domain values corresponding to a given range value. |
quantize.domain | set the input domain. |
quantize.range | set the output range. |
quantize.nice | extend the domain to nice round numbers. |
quantize.ticks | compute representative values from the domain. |
quantize.tickFormat | format ticks for human consumption. |
quantize.copy | create a copy of this scale. |
d3.scaleQuantile | create a quantile quantizing linear scale. |
quantile | compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value. |
quantile.invertExtent | compute the domain values corresponding to a given range value. |
quantile.domain | set the input domain. |
quantile.range | set the output range. |
quantile.quantiles | get the quantile thresholds. |
quantile.copy | create a copy of this scale. |
d3.scaleThreshold | create an arbitrary quantizing linear scale. |
threshold | compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value. |
threshold.invertExtent | compute the domain values corresponding to a given range value. |
threshold.domain | set the input domain. |
threshold.range | set the output range. |
threshold.copy | create a copy of this scale. |
Ordinal Scales | |
d3.scaleOrdinal | create an ordinal scale. |
ordinal | compute the range value corresponding to a given domain value. |
ordinal.domain | set the input domain. |
ordinal.range | set the output range. |
ordinal.unknown | set the output value for unknown inputs. |
ordinal.copy | create a copy of this scale. |
d3.scaleImplicit | a special unknown value for implicit domains. |
d3.scaleBand | create an ordinal band scale. |
band | compute the band start corresponding to a given domain value. |
band.domain | set the input domain. |
band.range | set the output range. |
band.rangeRound | set the output range and enable rounding. |
band.round | enable rounding. |
band.paddingInner | set padding between bands. |
band.paddingOuter | set padding outside the first and last bands. |
band.padding | set padding outside and between bands. |
band.align | set band alignment, if there is extra space. |
band.bandwidth | get the width of each band. |
band.step | get the distance between the starts of adjacent bands. |
band.copy | create a copy of this scale. |
d3.scalePoint | create an ordinal point scale. |
point | compute the point corresponding to a given domain value. |
point.domain | set the input domain. |
point.range | set the output range. |
point.rangeRound | set the output range and enable rounding. |
point.round | enable rounding. |
point.padding | set padding outside the first and last point. |
point.align | set point alignment, if there is extra space. |
point.bandwidth | returns zero. |
point.step | get the distance between the starts of adjacent points. |
point.copy | create a copy of this scale. |