云看纪录片 <英语发展史 the adventure of English>第二集



cease doing(to do)的区别

cease to do 长时间,甚至永远停做某事。 cease doing短时间停止做某事。

 在北方,得益于与丹麦语的接触,英语语法逐渐简化, more plurals were being formed by adding an "s".古英语的“namen”变成“namens”. 更多介词代替词缀,词序排列也越发固定。英语变化着,until the time came for it to resume(重新开始;回复地位) centre satge.  

It was she, more than any other, who patronised the poets and troubadours(行吟乐师)whose verses and songs created the romantic image of the Middle Ages as age of chivalry(骑士精神).

The word "chivalry" came to mean a whole modle of ideals and behaviour infused with honour and altruism(利他主义), one that prescribed how to act towards one's leige lord, and his fair crule ladies.Ideas had shifted and words with them.

It was in Eleanor’s reign that French writers brought the stories of Arthur and his knights, out of the history books and into poetry, cultivating a language far richer and subtler than the one that the first Norman settlers had spoken and written.

The poets rhapsodized about Eleanor, celebrating her as the most beautiful woman in the world, pouring out the impossible longing for the perfect woman that was at the heart of the cult of courtly love.

The poetry of affairs of the heart had come to England, singing of pain and joy, and beginning a line in literature that tuns through Shakespeare’s sonnets and the great Romantic poets to today’s three-minute pop lyrics.

#oh! My love~~~~~#

Meanwhile, England’s native inhabitants were singing their own songs about things in their less exalted condition, things  concerned them every day.They song in their own language__English.  没有法语单词,一脉相承的古英语


英语史纪录片第二集精彩片段 ~一条贯穿其中的文学脉络

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily. One day, she went for a walk in the park and stumbled upon a beautiful butterfly. She felt immense joy and wonder as she watched it flutter about, dancing in the sunlight. She followed it through the park, feeling a sense of adventure and excitement. As she continued to follow the butterfly, she noticed a group of boys laughing and throwing rocks at it. She felt a sudden surge of anger and disgust towards them. She ran over and scolded them, telling them that they should never harm a living creature. She felt a sense of righteousness and empowerment as she defended the butterfly. However, as she continued on her walk, she received a call from her mother telling her that her grandfather had passed away. She felt a wave of sadness and grief wash over her. The joy and wonder she had felt earlier were replaced with emptiness and despair. She sat on a bench and cried, feeling a sense of hopelessness and loss. Just then, a kind stranger sat down beside her and offered her a listening ear. They talked about her grandfather and shared stories about loved ones they had lost. Lily felt a sense of comfort and gratitude towards the stranger, knowing that she wasn't alone in her grief. She left the park feeling a sense of closure and acceptance. The same park, the same butterfly, but three vastly different emotions experienced by Lily. Joy, anger, and sadness all shaped her experience that day, highlighting the power of emotions in our lives.




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