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转载 各大Oj分类
链接:各大OJ题目分类(转)另外一个POJ分类,转发别人的:初期:一.基本算法: (1)枚举. (poj1753,poj2965) (2)贪心(poj1328,poj2109,poj2586) (3)递归和分治法. (4)递推. (5)构造法.(poj3295) (6)模拟法.(poj1068,poj2632,poj1573,p...
2018-07-23 21:36:02
翻译 ioc实现
目录1、入门、1.、1编写相关类1、2、在applicationContext.xml配置bean,类=对象的创建交给spring实现1.3、测试2.属性注入2.1IOC:Inversion of Control 控制反转. 指的是 对象的创建权反转(交给)给 Spring.作用是实现了程序的解耦合.1、入门、1.、1编写相关类public interfa...
2019-04-16 10:16:35
原创 前端控制器
2019-04-16 08:32:09
原创 P - Towers of Hanoi POJ - 1920
P - Towers of Hanoi POJ - 1920 Surely you have already come across the Towers of Hanoi problem: Wooden disks of different sizes are stacked on three pegs, and initially, all disks are stacked on t...
2018-12-19 23:03:28
转载 typedef用法(C++)
转自知乎的一段解释: 作者:知乎用户链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/29798061/answer/144423125来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 不太想谈#define, 在题主的例子的这种用法里, 它就是个文本替换工具, 预处理器完成的, 无脑替换, 跟word里的replace一模一样, ...
2018-12-07 23:57:49
原创 引用
1、引用:为对象起另外一个名字。引用一旦初始化,引用将和它的初始化对象绑定在一起,无法重新绑定到另外一个对象,注意引用并非是一个对象(通俗:有一个人叫小明,引用就是为小明取个外号叫二狗)int i=2; //有一个人叫小明int j=&i; // 引用时必须初始化。为小明取个外号叫二狗#include <iostream>using namespace std...
2018-12-06 22:27:21
原创 复合类型的声明
1、复杂数组int a[10];(1)int *p[10]; //p是一个数组,含有10个整数指针的数组//这里定义的是一个大小为10的数组,它的名字是p,然后数组中放的是指向int 的指针(int*) ;(2)int (*q)[10] =&a; //q是一个指针,q指向一个含有10个整数的数组。//由括号括起来的部分(*q),可知道q是个指针,然后阅读后面,可知q是...
2018-12-06 22:16:15
原创 作用域运算符::,命名空间namespace
如:#include<iostream>int main(){int i;std::cin>>i;std::cout<<i<<std::endl;return 0;}作用域运算符::用来使用定义在命名空间std中的名字cincin,cout,endl,string等标准库定义的所有名字都在名为std的命名空间(n...
2018-12-04 20:27:44
原创 A Bug's Life POJ - 2492 (并查集)
A Bug's Life POJ - 2492 Background Professor Hopper is researching the sexual behavior of a rare species of bugs. He assumes that they feature two different genders and that they only interact wi...
2018-11-25 19:04:17
翻译 How Many Answers Are Wrong HDU - 3038 (带权并查集)
How Many Answers Are Wrong HDU - 3038TT and FF are ... friends. Uh... very very good friends -________-b FF is a bad boy, he is always wooing TT to play the following game with him. This is a very ...
2018-11-25 16:31:45
原创 H - Increasing Sequences POJ - 1239 (dp好题)
H - Increasing Sequences POJ - 1239Given a string of digits, insert commas to create a sequence of strictly increasing numbers so as to minimize the magnitude of the last number. For this problem, l...
2018-11-19 21:24:14
原创 C++string(字符串)总结
string是在C++标准模板库中的数据类型,string类型的对象用来存放字符串,且不用担心字符串越界问题,头文件为<string>1、定义string对象string 变量名; (1)string s1,s2; //定义对象s1,s2,没有初始化,string s3="hello" //定义对象并初始化cin>>s1>>s2; ...
2018-11-11 16:03:54
原创 炮兵阵地 POJ - 1185 (状态压缩)
炮兵阵地 POJ - 1185 司令部的将军们打算在N*M的网格地图上部署他们的炮兵部队。一个N*M的地图由N行M列组成,地图的每一格可能是山地(用"H" 表示),也可能是平原(用"P"表示),如下图。在每一格平原地形上最多可以布置一支炮兵部队(山地上不能够部署炮兵部队);一支炮兵部队在地图上的攻击范围如图中黑色区域所示: 如果在地图中的灰色所标识的平原上部署一支炮兵部队,则图中...
2018-11-04 15:34:44
原创 Z - Mondriaan's Dream POJ - 2411 _状态压缩(轮廓线dp)
Z - Mondriaan's Dream POJ - 2411 Squares and rectangles fascinated the famous Dutch painter Piet Mondriaan. One night, after producing the drawings in his 'toilet series' (where he had to use his ...
2018-11-04 11:06:52
原创 W - Apple Tree POJ - 2486 (树形dp+背包)
W - Apple Tree POJ - 2486 Wshxzt is a lovely girl. She likes apple very much. One day HX takes her to an apple tree. There are N nodes in the tree. Each node has an amount of apples. Wshxzt starts...
2018-11-03 13:55:24
原创 U - The Lost House POJ - 2057 (树状dp)
U - The Lost House POJ - 2057 One day a snail climbed up to a big tree and finally came to the end of a branch. What a different feeling to look down from such a high place he had never been to be...
2018-11-02 17:17:58
原创 T - Whac-a-Mole POJ - 3034 (动态规划)
T - Whac-a-Mole POJ - 3034 While visiting a traveling fun fair you suddenly have an urge to break the high score in the Whac-a-Mole game. The goal of the Whac-a-Mole game is to… well… whack moles....
2018-10-29 21:50:46
原创 S - Spiderman POJ - 1925 (区间动态规划)
S - Spiderman POJ - 1925 Dr. Octopus kidnapped Spiderman's girlfriend M.J. and kept her in the West Tower. Now the hero, Spiderman, has to reach the tower as soon as he can to rescue her, using hi...
2018-10-28 12:14:07
原创 O - The Troublesome Frog POJ - 1054 (多次剪枝)
In Korea, the naughtiness of the cheonggaeguri, a small frog, is legendary. This is a well-deserved reputation, because the frogs jump through your rice paddy at night, flattening rice plants. In the ...
2018-10-27 19:22:22
原创 I - Post Office POJ - 1160 (动态规划)
I - Post Office POJ - 1160 There is a straight highway with villages alongside the highway. The highway is represented as an integer axis, and the position of each village is identified with a sin...
2018-10-26 22:00:35
原创 G - Brackets Sequence POJ - 1141 (动态规划)
G - Brackets Sequence POJ - 1141 Let us define a regular brackets sequence in the following way: 1. Empty sequence is a regular sequence. 2. If S is a regular sequence, then (S) and [S] are both...
2018-10-26 19:31:44
原创 E - 滑雪 POJ - 1088 (动态规划)
E - 滑雪 POJ - 1088 Michael喜欢滑雪百这并不奇怪, 因为滑雪的确很刺激。可是为了获得速度,滑的区域必须向下倾斜,而且当你滑到坡底,你不得不再次走上坡或者等待升降机来载你。Michael想知道载一个区域中最长底滑坡。区域由一个二维数组给出。数组的每个数字代表点的高度。下面是一个例子 1 2 3 4 516 17 18 19 615 24 25 20 ...
2018-10-25 21:10:35
原创 D - To the Max POJ - 1050 (动态规划)
D - To the Max POJ - 1050 Given a two-dimensional array of positive and negative integers, a sub-rectangle is any contiguous sub-array of size 1*1 or greater located within the whole array. The su...
2018-10-25 19:43:43
原创 C - A decorative fence POJ - 1037 (动态规划)
C - A decorative fence POJ - 1037 Richard just finished building his new house. Now the only thing the house misses is a cute little wooden fence. He had no idea how to make a wooden fence, so he ...
2018-10-24 23:07:32
原创 B - Calendar POJ - 2080 (历法)
B - Calendar POJ - 2080 A calendar is a system for measuring time, from hours and minutes, to months and days, and finally to years and centuries. The terms of hour, day, month, year and century a...
2018-10-23 21:23:59
原创 A - Maya Calendar POJ - 1008 (历法)
A - Maya Calendar POJ - 1008 During his last sabbatical, professor M. A. Ya made a surprising discovery about the old Maya calendar. From an old knotted message, professor discovered that the Maya ...
2018-10-23 20:09:07
原创 Q - Castle Walls POJ - 1794 (求逆序对)
Q - Castle Walls POJ - 1794 Background In medieval times, knights commanded big armies of peasants. When they had to storm a castle they would line up neatly in front of the castle's wall and thr...
2018-10-22 22:10:19
原创 P - Grandpa's Estate POJ - 1228 (凸包)
P - Grandpa's Estate POJ - 1228 Being the only living descendant of his grandfather, Kamran the Believer inherited all of the grandpa's belongings. The most valuable one was a piece of convex poly...
2018-10-22 19:32:15
原创 M - Hypertransmission POJ - 1901 (距离扫描)
M - Hypertransmission POJ - 1901 The president of the Galactic Federation has recently decided that all planets of the galaxy must establish hyper-radio centers to broadcast their programs. To en...
2018-10-21 11:10:42
原创 L - The Fortified Forest POJ - 1873 (凸包+枚举)
L - The Fortified Forest POJ - 1873 Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a king. This king owned a small collection of rare and valuable trees, which had been gathered by his ancestors...
2018-10-20 21:48:46
原创 I - Color Tunnels POJ - 1685 (动态规划)
I - Color Tunnels POJ - 1685 A company producing toys has a complex system to paint its products. To obtain the desired color, the product must be painted by several colors in a specified order. A...
2018-10-19 22:09:26
原创 G - Cowties POJ - 2137 (用dp解决计算几何问题)
G - Cowties POJ - 2137 N cows (3 <= N <= 100) are eating grass in the middle of a field. So that they don't get lost, Farmer John wants to tie them together in a loop so that cow i is attach...
2018-10-16 20:38:07
原创 F - Line of Sight POJ - 2074(简单计算几何)
F - Line of Sight POJ - 2074 An architect is very proud of his new home and wants to be sure it can be seen by people passing by his property line along the street. The property contains various t...
2018-10-16 15:25:59
原创 E - Alignment POJ - 1836
E - Alignment POJ - 1836 In the army, a platoon is composed by n soldiers. During the morning inspection, the soldiers are aligned in a straight line in front of the captain. The captain is not sa...
2018-10-15 21:18:41
原创 S - Wall POJ - 1113 (凸包)
S - Wall POJ - 1113 Once upon a time there was a greedy King who ordered his chief Architect to build a wall around the King's castle. The King was so greedy, that he would not listen to his Archit...
2018-10-07 14:57:13
原创 Q - A Round Peg in a Ground Hole POJ - 1584 (叉积判凸多边形和叉积求面积问题)
Q - A Round Peg in a Ground Hole POJ - 1584 The DIY Furniture company specializes in assemble-it-yourself furniture kits. Typically, the pieces of wood are attached to one another using a wooden pe...
2018-09-27 22:56:09
原创 P - Fishnet POJ - 1408 (计算几何,线段相交,叉积)
P - Fishnet POJ - 1408 A fisherman named Etadokah awoke in a very small island. He could see calm, beautiful and blue sea around the island. The previous night he had encountered a terrible storm an...
2018-09-24 17:40:48
转载 计算几何(多边形面积的计算,线段规范相交模板)
二维平面内线段规范相交的判定摘自 《计算几何》 --谢迪规范相交---两条线段恰有唯一一个不是断点的公共点。可以用解析几何解法1.列直线方程: Ax+By+C=0 判断解的情况 --若无解则平行 --无穷多解,则说明共线 --唯一解 -判断是否分别在两条线段的内部 解析结合解法的问题 1.求解方程需要浮点除法运算 ...
2018-09-24 12:38:40
原创 O - Pipe POJ - 1039 (计算几何好题)
The GX Light Pipeline Company started to prepare bent pipes for the new transgalactic light pipeline. During the design phase of the new pipe shape the company ran into the problem of determining how ...
2018-09-23 22:46:27
原创 E - Biorhythms POJ - 1006 (中国剩余定理)
E - Biorhythms POJ - 1006 (中国剩余定理)Some people believe that there are three cycles in a person's life that start the day he or she is born. These three cycles are the physical, emotional, and intelle...
2018-09-07 20:29:35
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