Angelo talks about trade down

"The key to drafting is filing your needs. Unfortunately, the players we targeted at 49 did not fall to us and we weren't in a position that we were able to move up. We just didn't have enough to be an attractive candidate. Rather than put a square peg in a round hole . we really looked at this part of the draft hard. Fortynine we had to get a little luck.

"I had Bobby [DePaul] call around to see if we could move down. We were able to facilitate a trade that I feel is good for us. We feel we can Logan Mankins Authentic Jersey still get some good football players.

"We were looking at a receiver, a defensive player as well. We were looking at Robiskie and there were a couple other receivers just not Robiskie. We didn't want to manufacture a player. It didn't fall the way we wanted it to fall. We just didn't get luck at 49. That's not to say we won't have a good draft [Sunday]. It's not like we missed gold. There were no guarantees."

Whatever. I felt there were lots of goot players available at this slot, far more than we desrved, due to apocalyptically bad drafting by a lot of teams (Browns, Raiders and Bills spring to mind). Michael Johnson was still available. Why not get him as a new toy for Rod Marinelli? Will Moore was a decent safety prospect. Loadholt and Unger were available and could have solidifed the future of the Oline. Christ allmighty, Protect the QB is probably hanging himself right now. Duke Robinson was available too.

I'm going to say the same thing here that I said elsewhere: Calm down, people. There are still good prospects available for our picking. In fact, one of the most highly touted receiver prospects, Juaquin Iglesias, wasn't picked up yet. Our first Third Round pick is at 68, and he may still be available.

Furthermore, Angelo is pretty good when it comes to getting talent in the mid to later Rounds, and the offense is already very different from last year's. The Oline has improved substantially, and for the first time in decades, we have a proven stud QB. I'll repeat that: For the first time in decades, we have a proven STUD QB! A better offense can stay on the field longer, and thus keep the defense off the field longer. And with an improved Oline, we can expect Forte (and perhaps Kevin Jones, who has now completely healed from his surgery,) to be even better. And Cutler has been reunited with a friend from Vandy in Earl Bennett. He helped Earl out in college, and even threw to Earl at his Pro Day. You cannot teach chemistry, and these two have it. Expect big things from Earl this year.

Angelo may not have made the sexy moves, but he got more picks, and there are still intriguing people available. So once again, chill.

So Massaquoi was a smokescreen, and the Bears did not view him as a player worthy of the 49 pick. We all said a lot of the same things leading up to the draft. If we get Ogletree in the 3rd plus a Dlineman, Clemons (Or Kevin Barnes from Maryland) and Corvey Irvin in the 4th, it will be a wildly successful trade down for JA. dating myself with that reference, but to see Michael Johnson still on the board at the start of the 3rd round is promising to say the least.

First we make the worst trade in the HISTORY of the Bears by overpaying for marginal improvement at QB, and now this. Somebody stick a fork in our Bears . . . they're done.

This year is one that will be talked about for generations to come . . . how the Bears set the organization back 10 years by WAY OVERPAYING for a QB, then getting fleeced by Seattle. How sad the last couple of weeks have been for our beloved Bears. Lest anyone forget, in a draft Mike Mayock called better than this year's, we have no 1st round pick in 2010 either.

Instead of focusing on our OL, and getting some receivers who can catch consistently, we trade the present and the future for a QB who hasn't had a winning season since high school, an extra 5th round pick (Cutler deal) and an extra 4th round pick (today's insanity).

Tom I agree it was a weak trade by Angelo. The Steelers got better value for there 64th pick than we got for our 49th. 4th round picks do not have much value.

There were some nice players on the board and the Bears dropped the ball a bit, not to bad, but Unger, Martin, Loadholt, Moore, Beatty, Smith, and Marks all could have helped the Bears and most were really good value picks.

One thing to worry about. The Rams pick before the Bears and they need a WR and they like Iglesias.

The Bears will probably look at Brooks Foster in the 5th or Ogletree in the 4th.

We could see a DT, DE, FS, OT. This is classic DT territory for the Bears, maybe Alex Magee or Chris Baker. Or maybe Lang, Johnson in round three.

Still the farther you go down in the draft the harder it is to find starters. Angelo did not help himself with that trade.

Why the all the hate, man? For the record, I haven't missed many Bears games since the late 70's. So, I suffered through my share of bad QB play. That said, Orton is a decent QB who would have been better for us with a decent OL and receivers that didn't keep dropping the ball. Of course, it looks like the receivers were merely taking a cue from management.

Consider: Denver started this whole thing by chasing after Matt Cassel who ended up going to the Chiefs for a 2nd round pick; no starting NFL QB; no sacrifice of next year's draft; a 2nd rounder, PERIOD. We paid way too much. We put all our eggs in one basket and have not yet improved the offense from last year.

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