WAITEVENT: "TCP Socket (KGAS)" Reference Note

Subject:  WAITEVENT: "TCP Socket (KGAS)" Reference Note
  Doc ID:  Note:558510.1 Type:  REFERENCE
  Last Revision Date:  19-MAR-2008 Status:  PUBLISHED

"TCP Socket (KGAS)" Reference Note
This is a reference note for the wait event "TCP Socket (KGAS)" which includes the following subsections:
Brief definition
Individual wait details (eg: For waits seen in )
Systemwide wait details (eg: For waits seen in )
Reducing waits / wait times
See Note 61998.1 for an introduction to Wait Events.

Versions:10.2 - Documentation: None
KGAS is a component in the server which handles TCP/IP sockets which is typically used in dedicated connections in 10.2+ by some PLSQL built in packages such as UTL_HTTP and UTL_TCP.
The KGAS interface is not involved in client / server communication but is a layer which may be used when a session on the server makes some outbound TCP/IP call using a PLSQL package such as UTL_HTTP.
Note that this wait event is new in 10gR2. Earlier versions of Oracle doing the same operations would still wait inside KGAS for socket operations but such waits were not instrumented and so did not show up as waits.
Individual Waits:
    P1 = operation
    P2 = Not used
    P3 = Not used

        operation   P1 gives an indication of what
                    operation is being performed.
                    Possible values include:
                         1 Event Post
                         2 Call
                         3 Disconnect
                         4 Receive data
                         5 Send data
                         6 Wait for an event (eg wait for data to arrive)
                         7 Sleep
                         8 Special wait (for single object)
                         9 Special wait (for multiple objects)
                        10 Select operation               

Wait Time:       
    The wait blocks until the current operation completes
    (or times out / errors as appropriate).

Systemwide Waits:
If the TIME spent waiting for this event is significant then it is best to determine which sessions are showing the wait and drill into what those sessions are doing as the wait is usually related to whatever application code is executing .
eg: What part of the application may be using UTL_HTTP or similar and is experiencing waits. This statement can be used to see which sessions may be worth tracing:
  SELECT sid, total_waits, time_waited
    FROM v$session_event
   WHERE event='TCP Socket (KGAS)'
     and total_waits>0
   ORDER BY 3,2

Reducing Waits / Wait times:
The waits incurred depend on what sockets are being opened to which remote end points and for what reason. To help find the origin of the socket operations try:
Check the current SQL / module / action of V$SESSION for sessions that are waiting on the event at the time that they are waiting to try and identify any common area of application code waiting on the event.
Get an ERRORSTACK level 3 dump of some sessions waiting on the event. This should help show the exact PLSQL and C call stacks invoking the socket operation if the dump is taken when the session is waiting. Customers may need assistance from Oracle Support in order to get and interpret such a dump but it can help pinpoint the relevant application code.
Trace sessions incurring the waits including wait tracing to try and place the waits in the context of the code executing around the waits. eg: Use event 10046 level 8 or DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE.
Use DBA_DEPENDENCIES to find any application packages which may ultimately be using UTL_HTTP or UTL_TCP underneath for some operation.
Note that there are no real tunables within Oracle for these waits as they involve the session making a call to some remote TCP/IP socket and typically waiting on data from that source. Once you know what is being called, and why, then you can determine if the response times from that remote source are sensible or not and if not why.
Execute the following SQL from a session on a dedicated connection and then check the resulting trace file to see "TCP Socket (KGAS)" waits:

alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';
select utl_http.request('http://www.oracle.com/') from dual;
Tracing User sessions Note 404833.1

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