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原创 ZOJ 3944 People Counting(模拟+暴力)

People CountingTime Limit: 2 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536 KB In a BG (dinner gathering) for ZJU ICPC team, the coaches wanted to count the number of people present at the BG. They did that by havi

2016-04-27 11:12:51 4084

原创 PAT1004福尔摩斯的约会

题目描述 大侦探福尔摩斯接到一张奇怪的字条:“我们约会吧! 3485djDkxh4hhGE 2984akDfkkkkggEdsb s&hgsfdk d&Hyscvnm”。大侦探很 快就明白了,字条上奇怪的乱码实际上就是约会的时间“星期四 14:04”,因为前面两字符串中第1对相同的大写英文字母(大小写有区分)是 第4个字母'D',代表星期四;第2对相同的字符是'E',那是第5个英文字母,代

2016-04-21 21:50:08 1320

原创 POJ 2528 Mayor's posters(离散化+线段树)

Mayor's postersTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 55517 Accepted: 16098DescriptionThe citizens of Bytetown, AB, could not stand that the

2016-04-21 20:39:02 1180

原创 Ubuntu 安装qq2015

1、ctri+alt+t打开控制台2、 输入:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa这是添加wine的库,照提示按 回车 添加稍等一下3、 更新新软件中心输入:sudo apt-get update等待更新完毕后 输入:sudo apt-get install wine1.7

2016-04-14 18:24:22 1072

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 C SDUT 2153 Clockwise(dp+计算几何)

Clockwise Time Limit: 1000ms | Memory limit: 65536K 有疑问?点这里^ 题目描述Saya have a long necklace with N beads, and she signs the beads from 1 to N. Then she fixes them to the wall to show N-1 v

2016-04-12 11:46:49 694

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 J SDUT 2160 Jerry Mouse

Jerry MouseTime Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述Kudo and Saya are good friends, and they are always together.But today, since Saya is not here (Where is S

2016-04-11 21:09:13 626

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 I SDUT 2159 Ivan comes again!(STL-set)

Ivan comes again!Time Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述The Fairy Ivan gave Saya three problems to solve (Problem F). After Saya finished the first problem

2016-04-11 21:06:53 534

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 H SDUT 2158 Hello World!(穷举)

Hello World!Time Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述We know that Ivan gives Saya three problems to solve (Problem F), and this is the first problem.“We nee

2016-04-11 21:03:54 1120

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 G SDUT 2157 Greatest Number(暴力枚举)

Greatest NumberTime Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述Saya likes math, because she think math can make her cleverer.One day, Kudo invited a very simple game

2016-04-11 20:59:10 459

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 F SDUT 2156 Fairy tale

Fairy taleTime Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述It is said that in a school’s underground, there is a huge treasure which can meet any desire of the owner.

2016-04-11 20:53:44 1073

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 E SDUT 2155 Emergency(最短路)

EmergencyTime Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述Kudo’s real name is not Kudo. Her name is Kudryavka Anatolyevna Strugatskia, and Kudo is only her nickname.

2016-04-11 20:50:43 434

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 D SDUT 2154 Shopping

ShoppingTime Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述Saya and Kudo go shopping together.You can assume the street as a straight line, while the shops are some poi

2016-04-11 20:47:42 429

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 C SDUT 2153 Clockwise

ClockwiseTime Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述Saya have a long necklace with N beads, and she signs the beads from 1 to N. Then she fixes them to the wall to show N-1

2016-04-11 20:46:04 393

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 B SDUT 2152 Balloons(简单的BFS)

BalloonsTime Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述Both Saya and Kudo like balloons. One day, they heard that in the central park, there will be thousands of

2016-04-11 20:40:59 379

原创 山东省第一届ACM省赛 A SDUT 2151 Phone Number(暴力)

Phone NumberTime Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^题目描述We know that if a phone number A is another phone number B’s prefix, B is not able to be called. For an e

2016-04-11 20:37:28 599

原创 poj1061 青蛙的约会(扩展欧几里得)

题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1061题目大意:中文题,不解释方法:设t为A青蛙和B青蛙的跳的次数,k为绕地球绕的圈数则得出公式:(x+m*t)- (y+n*t)= k*L化简得:(x-y)+(m-n)*t = k*L    化简:(m-n)*t - k*L = y-x(由扩展欧几里得定理可知:存在x0,y0使得a*x0+b*y0=gcd(a,b

2016-04-05 21:26:18 565

原创 poj 1151 Atlantis(计算几何 扫描线)


2016-04-05 17:10:29 455





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