凡是支持HASH函数,以及相等operator的类型,都可以使用bloom filter index .
Bloom index by default works for int4 and text, but other types with hash function and equality operator could be supported.
Just use opclass interface, for example, for type bigint
create extension bloom; postgres=# select * from pg_opclass where opcname='bigint_ops'; opcmethod | opcname | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype -----------+---------+--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------ (0 rows)
创建bigint的bloom filter index支持。
CREATE OPERATOR CLASS bigint_ops DEFAULT FOR TYPE bigint USING bloom AS OPERATOR 1 = (bigint, bigint), FUNCTION 1 hashint8(bigint); postgres=# select * from pg_opclass where opcname='bigint_ops'; opcmethod | opcname | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype -----------+------------+--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------ 136065 | bigint_ops | 2200 | 10 | 136074 | 20 | t | 0 (1 row)
Now, you can build bloom index for bigint data type.
Data types, which could be supported by bloom index.
查询可以支持bloom filter的类型,HASH函数
凡是支持HASH函数,以及相等operator操作符的类型,都可以使用bloom filter index .
postgres=# select oid,* from pg_am; oid | amname | amhandler | amtype --------+--------+-------------+-------- 403 | btree | bthandler | i 405 | hash | hashhandler | i 783 | gist | gisthandler | i 2742 | gin | ginhandler | i 4000 | spgist | spghandler | i 3580 | brin | brinhandler | i 18204 | rum | rumhandler | i 136050 | bloom | blhandler | i (8 rows)
查询可以支持bloom filter的类型,HASH函数
SELECT oc.opcintype::regtype, p.amproc FROM pg_opclass oc JOIN pg_amproc p ON p.amprocfamily = oc.opcfamily WHERE oc.opcmethod = 405 -- hash am AND oc.opcdefault -- 默认proc for this am -- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/xindex.html Strategies number AND p.amprocnum = 1 AND p.amproclefttype = oc.opcintype AND p.amprocrighttype = oc.opcintype;
opcintype | amproc -----------------------------+---------------- character | hashbpchar "char" | hashchar date | hashint4 anyarray | hash_array real | hashfloat4 double precision | hashfloat8 inet | hashinet smallint | hashint2 integer | hashint4 bigint | hashint8 interval | interval_hash macaddr | hashmacaddr name | hashname oid | hashoid oidvector | hashoidvector text | hashtext time without time zone | time_hash numeric | hash_numeric timestamp with time zone | timestamp_hash time with time zone | timetz_hash timestamp without time zone | timestamp_hash boolean | hashchar bytea | hashvarlena xid | hashint4 cid | hashint4 abstime | hashint4 reltime | hashint4 aclitem | hash_aclitem uuid | uuid_hash pg_lsn | pg_lsn_hash macaddr8 | hashmacaddr8 anyenum | hashenum anyrange | hash_range jsonb | jsonb_hash (34 rows)
postgres=# create table test(id int, c1 int8, c2 int8, c3 int8); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create index idx_test_1 on test using bloom (c1,c2,c3); CREATE INDEX postgres=# set enable_seqscan=off; SET postgres=# explain select * from test where c1=1::int8 and c2=1::int8 and c3=1::int8; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on test (cost=15.73..15.75 rows=1 width=28) Recheck Cond: ((c1 = '1'::bigint) AND (c2 = '1'::bigint) AND (c3 = '1'::bigint)) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_test_1 (cost=0.00..15.73 rows=1 width=0) Index Cond: ((c1 = '1'::bigint) AND (c2 = '1'::bigint) AND (c3 = '1'::bigint)) (4 rows) postgres=# set enable_seqscan =on; SET postgres=# explain select * from test where c1=1::int8 and c2=1::int8 and c3=1::int8; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..9.85 rows=1 width=28) Filter: ((c1 = '1'::bigint) AND (c2 = '1'::bigint) AND (c3 = '1'::bigint)) (2 rows)
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