5 Fansites Q & A Batch

No sooner was outside 51.Q & A batch is already taken care of supplies in the form. of the 5th Fansites batch. This time the honor goes sc2amory.

1) Blizzard, how are you guys attached to the proton charge / mule extra macro-for-money system? world of warcraft gold I know nothing is set in stone at this point, but these mechanics will in all likelihood make wow into the final game? - Voan
This is a mechanic that we would like to keep if possible. Because the game is still not yet in beta phase, there may be tweaks and changes to these mechanics, but we are looking forward to trying wow out themselves players in beta. We will continue testing the macro mechanics internally and we really want to see how the players will adopt these mechanics into their gameplay.
2) With missile barrage and Yamato cannon, Battle Cruisers' can deal with most threats. My question is, how effectively can a Battlecruiser be countered? How well do Hydralisk, Void Ray, work and Vikings vs. Missile barrage? -Camel meat
Zerg Hydralisk are easily the most important ground unit's against air, including Battle Cruisers. Void rays can be a good counter for Protoss battle cruiser, with focused fire and increasing damage over time on its attack. In fighter mode, the Terran Viking does +10 damage against units like the massive battle cruiser.
3) Brood War Mutalisk micromanagement is an important aspect of the Terran vs. Zerg match up Blizzard has been reported to be trying to Implement some form. of the Mutalisk stacking bug. My question is, how well do Terrans deal with stacked Mutalisks now that is no longer irradiate in the game, Medics are higher tier, and a single control group can Consist of much more then the eleven Mutalisks currently in StarCraft: Brood War? - Ursus
The ghost's snipe shot, Which deals 60 damage (and ignores armor) to biological units like the Mutalisk, can be a good defensive ability. The Thor's anti-air attack so has +2 damage against Mutalisk's Light armor. Additionally, the nighthawk's hunter seeker missile gives splash damage, making wow a great counter against Mutalisk stacking, considering wow does damage 150th One missile can effectively 1-shot a whole stack of mutalisks if the zerg player does not try to dodge the missile. Even though players can group up many more than 12 mutalisks in a stack now, with abilities like the Hunter Seeker missile on the field, they may still want to think twice about it.
4) When the enemy flyers Corrupter attack turns into "turrets" does the unit turned effect damage? In other words would a corrupted Mutalisk do any less damage than a cruiser or corrupted Battle Mothership? - Warchamp
Once they are corrupted, corrupted all units will do the same damage.
5) If still the Zerg Infestor uses neural parasite on a unit, that unit will have all upgrades / abilities if the player researched them? - 5c012ch3d
Yes, the para-sited unit will have all upgrades / abilities.
6) Goliath could benefit from the Charon Boosters in SC: BW, However the Goliath is now replaced by the Viking (air mode) as AtA unit. Is there any range increase still going to happen for the Viking, to extend it's range missile like the Goliath, or is wow presumed unnecessary because Vikings can truly fly (And Thus not limited in mobility)? - Scourge
There is currently no range upgrade for the viking. However, vikings can still move in and out combat by shifting modes. In regards to the unit's mobility, vikings will be much better than the original StarCraft's goliath due to its new transformation abilities.
7) When we were told EMP was removed from the Ghost, wow was not Mentioned what, if any, spell / ability would replace it. Can you comment on the current spells and abilities of the Ghost? And EMP is still a Possibility for the game, Whether on the Ghost or any other unit? - Dillinger
The ghost has regained the ability EMP EMP again and now does 100 damage to shields and drains all energy from player's own and enemy units in the targeted area.
8) Can Blizzard give a detailed explanation on how well the new mechanic of the ability hallucination work. It was said that wow can spawn eight probes fake, then how many to other units? Zealots, stalkers, immortals, air units? Can wow be used on allies (Zerg and Terran)? -Spartan198 cabal alz
By using 100 energy, you can spawn one of these sets: 2 zealots, 2 stalkers, an immortal, 2 high templars, an archon, a void ray, a phoenix, a warp prism, or a colossus. You can only spawn Protoss units.

Special thanks to UnKnOwN_86 is as always very quickly opened with the news and even the right thread in the forum. 

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