关于Word中InsertXML的说明(Word ML)

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【问题】wrod通过InsertXML的方法插入Word ML的时候,word2003和2007-2013的版本效果不一样。
对于一个简单的Word ML来说,2007-2013的版本比word2003多一个换行符。

in Word 2003:
- ending without para mark: inserted as is.
- ending with para mark: inserted without para mark.
- ending with double para mark: inserted without last para mark.
- ending with para mark + single space: inserted without para mark and without the space.
- ending with para mark + double space: inserted as is.
- ending with para mark + any printable char(s) other than space: inserted as is.
in Word 2010:
- ending without para mark: inserted with para mark added at the end.
- ending with para mark: inserted as is.
- ending with double para mark: inserted as is.
- ending with para mark + single space: inserted without space.
- ending with para mark + double space: inserted with para mark added at the end.
- ending with para mark + any printable char(s) other than space: inserted with para mark added at the end.

我以前的解决方案是:插入Word ML,然后判断版本,非2003删除后面的回车。
因为我遇到的情况更复杂一些,涉及到插入域和修改域(Word Field),所以暂时坚持我原来的方案。




 internal static void InsertXML_W14_mimic_W11(this Word.Range range, string text)
      // W11:
      // 1. Last paragraph is inserted with no ending '\r' and target paragraph formatting is retained.
      // 2. Any preceding paragraphs are inserted with ending '\r' and source paragraph formatting is used.
      // W14:
      // All paragraphs are inserted with ending '\r' and source paragraph formatting is used.
      // With W14 range stopped including the inserted text after InsertXML is called.
      // The range of range is now a point before the inserted text.
      // We want to keep W11 behaviour.

      // range.End would move with rng if range includes end of header/footer or body
      Word.Range max_range = range.Duplicate;
      max_range.MoveEnd(Word.WdUnits.wdStory, 1); // End is moved as far as it goes (be it in header/footer or body)
      if (range.End == max_range.End) range.End--;

      Word.Range rng = range.Duplicate;
      rng.InsertAfter("\r#"); // Needed to work out end of range after range.InsertXML()

      // Get hold of target paragraph format.
      // Ie last paragraph in target range or following paragraph if target range ends with '\r'.
      Word.ParagraphFormat pf = rng.Paragraphs.Last.Format.Duplicate;
      // range.End is now equal range.Start (W14 bug, in W11 range.End would be after inserted text).
      // rng is now range.Start + inserted text + "\r" + "#".
      // Due to trailing \r paragraph format for last inserted paragraph is from source instead of target (as it would be with W11).

      // Work out if last paragraph before "#" is not empty (ie not '\r').
      // If so we will apply target paragraph markup to "last" paragraph.
      bool use_target_p_markup_for_last_para
        = rng.Paragraphs.Count > 1
        && (rng.Paragraphs[rng.Paragraphs.Count - 1].Range.Text != "\r" || rng.Paragraphs[rng.Paragraphs.Count - 1].Range.Fields.Count > 0);

      // Remove "\r#" and set range as it would be using W11.
      rng.Start = rng.End - 2;
      range.End = rng.End;
      // Now we should have same range as if W11 had been used with the simple Range.InsertXML only.

      if (use_target_p_markup_for_last_para) range.Paragraphs.Last.Range.ParagraphFormat = pf;

Ribbon XML is used to customize the Ribbon in Microsoft Office applications, including Word. Here is an example of how to create a custom Ribbon using VBA in Word: 1. Open Word and press Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor. 2. In the Project Explorer, right-click on your document project and select Insert > Module. 3. In the new module, write the following code to create a custom Ribbon: ``` Sub AddCustomRibbon() Dim ribbonXML As String ribbonXML = "<customUI xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui'>" _ & "<ribbon>" _ & "<tabs>" _ & "<tab id='CustomTab' label='My Tab'>" _ & "<group id='CustomGroup' label='My Group'>" _ & "<button id='CustomButton' label='My Button' onAction='MyMacro' imageMso='HappyFace'/>" _ & "</group>" _ & "</tab>" _ & "</tabs>" _ & "</ribbon>" _ & "</customUI>" CustomUI = ribbonXML End Sub ``` 4. In the Ribbon XML code, you can customize the tab, group, and button labels and IDs, as well as the onAction and imageMso properties of the button. 5. Save the module and close the Visual Basic Editor. 6. In Word, go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon. 7. In the right-hand column, select Macros and then click the New Group button to create a new group in your custom tab. 8. Select your new group and click the Rename button to give it a name. 9. In the left-hand column, select Macros and then select the macro you created in step 3. 10. Click the Add button to add the macro to your new group. 11. Click OK to close the Options dialog box. 12. Your custom Ribbon should now be visible in Word with your custom tab, group, and button.




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