OMG um0-300 Exam

Exam Number/Code : um0-300 Exam Name : omg-certified uml professional advanded exam Questions and Answers : 134 Q&As Update Time: 2010-04-15


1. In the exhibit, how many links are created by default when an instance of A is created?
A. two
B. four
C. eight
D. none
Answer: B
2. What characteristics of components best enable them to be used to represent diverse and "large-scale" aspects of
information processing environments?
A. black-box semantics
B. ports, parts, and interfaces
C. duality of association ends and attributes
D. ownership of potentially large numbers of model elements
Answer: D
3. What is the correct interpretation for the multiplicities in the exhibit?
A. each Company has one Job, where each Job has one employee
B. each Job is for one employer and one employee, each Company has any number of employees and each Person
has any number of employers
C. each Person has at most one Job for any number of Company objects and each Company has at most one Job for
any number of Person objects
D. each Job has any number of employers and any number of employees, each Company has any number of
employees, and each Person has any number of employers
Answer: B
4. What is a power type?
A. classifier containing a very large number of instances
B. classifier whose instances are objects of another classifier
C. classifier whose instances are operations of another classifier
D. classifier whose instances are subclasses of another classifier
Answer: D
5. How is a power type indicated in a diagram?
A. as a classifier labeled <>
B. as an association line labeled <>
C. as a generalization set labeled <>
C. as a generalization set labeled <>
D. as a generalization set labeled with a colon followed by a classifier name
E. as a generalization set labeled with a colon followed by the label <>
Answer: D
6. Which situations would result in errors when executing a ReclassifyObjectAction on an object? (Choose two)
A. No new classifiers are supplied.
B. A new classifier is an abstract class.
C. The old and new classifiers are identical.
D. All classifiers are removed from the object.
E. A new classifier already classifies the object.
F. An old classifier does not already classify the object.
Answer: BD
7. What is NOT possible when a classifier receives a request via one of its ports?
A. A new port is created on the classifier.
B. A behavior. of the classifier is invoked.
C. The request is forwarded to a part of the classifier.
D. The request does not trigger any behavior. and is not forwarded.
E. The port routes the request to one of a number of parts depending on the content of the request.
Answer: A
8. What does the composite structure notation show in the exhibit?
A. p is a hidden port.
B. p is a behavior. port.
C. p is a port providing a system service.
D. p is a port on a part of composite C, which is not shown.
Answer: A
9. Which action can continue to be enabled after it executes?
A. ReplyAction
B. ReadExtentAction
C. AcceptEventAction
D. BroadcastSignalAction
E. StartOwnedBehaviorAction
Answer: C
10. An employee inadvertently removed all of the ownedMembers of the new BoosterMotor component from his
company's development repository. The next day, the manager was unable to find some pieces of the BoosterMotor
component's specification. What pieces could the manager no longer find? (Choose two)
A. failure mode use cases
B. the component repository
C. test scripts for the rocket sled simulation
D. the launch assembly housing the BoosterMotor
E. the component's isIndirectlyInstantiated attribute
Answer: AC
11. Which action does NOT require classifiers as static inputs?
A. ReadExtentAction
B. CreateObjectAction
C. ReclassifyObjectAction
D. StartOwnedBehaviorAction
E. ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction
Answer: D
12. By what means can a design document be associated with the component it describes? (Choose three)
A. import
B. inheritance
C. ownership
D. dependency
E. power types
F. association end subsets
Answer: ACD
13. What does a port specification on a trigger do?
A. send a request to a port
B. create a new port after a classifier has been instantiated
C. restrict the trigger to events arriving through a specific port
D. delay the creation of the parts of an encapsulated classifier until a specified request is received
Answer: C
14. When a component is deleted, what happens to objects in a component's namespace?
A. objects are deleted
B. objects continue to exist
C. only those objects that participate in shared aggregations are retained
D. contents of the component's namespace are promoted to its superclass
Answer: A
15. What is wrong with the collaboration occurrence shown in the exhibit?
A. The <> keywords are missing.
B. The <> keyword is missing.
C. Client and Server role names should be underlined.
D. Role bindings should be represented by dashed lines.
E. The collaboration occurrence name should be underlined.
Answer: D
16. What happens to the exception from a RaiseExceptionAction when used in a model that has no exception
parameters declared?
A. ignored
B. handled by a default handler
C. appended to an exception log
D. sent to the "ExceptionManager" object
E. propagated to an enclosing protected node, if any
Answer: E
17. Which stereotype is used on a dashed arrow joining an instance value to a constructor?
A. <>
B. <>
C. <>
D. <>
E. <>
Answer: C
18. A ReplyAction always follows what action?
A. ReadExtentAction
B. AcceptCallAction
C. AcceptEventAction
D. CreateLinkObjectAction
E. StartOwnedBehaviorAction
Answer: B
19. What does a collaboration occurrence describe?
A. a particular aspect of a collaboration
B. an object that is an instance of a collaboration
C. a collaboration that contains a set of actual instances (as opposed to roles)
D. the instantiation of the pattern specified by the corresponding collaboration
Answer: D
20. An association class possesses the properties of which elements? (Choose two)
A. class
B. interface
C. constraint
D. expression
E. association
Answer: AE


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