OMG um0-200 Exam

Exam Number/Code : um0-200 Exam Name : omg-certified uml professional intermediate exam Questions and Answers : 154 Q&As Update Time: 2010-04-09

1. What interface restrictions does a port have?
A. multiple required interfaces or multiple provided interfaces
B. multiple provided interfaces and multiple required interfaces
C. equal numbers of provided interfaces and required interfaces
D. exactly one provided interface or exactly one required interface
E. exactly one required interface and exactly one provided interface
Answer: B

2. What best describes the distinction between a delegation connector and an assembly connector?
A. A delegation connector can be used to model the internals of a component, while an assembly connector cannot.
B. Assembly connectors provide white box views of components, while delegation connectors provide black box
C. An assembly connector connects two components while a delegation connector connects the internal contract of a
component with its external parts.
D. An assembly connector connects the required interface or required port of one component with the provided
interface or provided port of another component, while a delegation connector connects the external contract of a
component with its internal parts.
Answer: D

3. Which list contains only connectable elements?
A. port and connector end
B. behavior, port and property
C. connector end, port and part
D. property, port, and parameter
E. behavior, connector end, and port
Answer: D

4. To what does an internal structure of a class refer?
A. the inheritance structure of that class
B. the set of nested classifiers of that class
C. the set of structural features of that class
D. class and associations owned by that class
E. the decomposition of that class in terms of interconnected parts
Answer: E

5. Refer to the exhibit. How many interfaces does the CustomerService component make visible to its clients?
5. Refer to the exhibit. How many interfaces does the CustomerService component make visible to its clients?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
Answer: D

6. What does the composite structure notation in the exhibit mean?
A. Class C has internal structure.
B. Object c1 is a kind of component.
C. Port p is connected to an object called F.
D. Port p realizes the features defined by interface F.
E. Port p requires the features defined by interface F.
Answer: E

7. Which must be true in order to use a delegation connector to connect two components?
A. The components must have complex ports.
B. One component must be a subtype of the other.
C. The components must be related to each other via a dependency.
D. One component must be part of the internal realization of the other component.
Answer: D

8. What is NOT true about a roles and role bindings?
A. A role binding is an association.
B. The same object may play roles in multiple collaborations.
C. A role binding maps a connectable element to a role in a collaboration occurrence.
D. The same connectable element may be bound to multiple roles in a single collaboration occurrence.
E. A role typed by an interface specifies a set of features required by a participant in a collaboration.
Answer: A

9. How can the internals of a component be presented?
A. using a complex component connector
B. component provides port or a component requires port
C. in a compartment of the component box or a component requires port
D. in a compartment of the component box or via boxes nested within the component box
Answer: D

10. A component may legally participate in which relationship(s)?
A. dependencies
B. associations and generalizations
C. dependencies and generalizations
D. dependencies, associations, and generalizations
Answer: D

11. Assume component A provides an interface P and requires an interface R. In order for a component B to be
substituted for component A, what must be true?
A. Components must be related to each other via a dependency.
B. The interface that A requires must be type conformant with respect to the interface that B provides.
C. The interface that B requires must be type conformant with respect to the interface that A provides.
D. The interface that B requires must be type conformant with respect to the interface that A requires, and the
interface that B provides must be type conformant with respect to the interface that A provides.
Answer: D

12. Which is true of a provided interface associated with a port?
A. represents an interface that must be defined within the classifier that owns the port
B. identifies the services that the object owning the port expects of objects connected via that port
C. identifies the services that the object owning the port can offer to other objects connected via that port
D. represents an interface that must be defined in the same package in which the classifier owning the port is defined
Answer: C

13. What is an invocation action on a port used for?
A. sending a message to that port
B. receiving a message on that port
C. creating a link and attach it to that port
D. relaying the invocation via links connected to that port
E. invoking the behavior. of the classifier that owns the port
Answer: D

14. What is NOT a purpose of a port owned by a classifier?
A. serves as an end point for connectors
B. specifies an association to the classifier
C. hides the internals of that classifier from other classifiers
D. provides a distinct point of interaction between the classifier and its environment
Answer: B

15. Refer to the exhibit. What is the significance of the fact that the Administration interface symbol extends
downward rather than leftward?
A. There is no significance.
B. The interface cannot be provided via a port.
C. The interface does not require a delegation connector.
D. The interface is not publicly visible on the component.
E. The interface is the primary interface for the component.
F. The interface is the primary provided interface for the component.
Answer: A

16. An encapsulated classifier is characterized by which fact?
A. has an encapsulation shell
B. can own one or more ports
C. hides information from other classifiers
D. acts as a package and can own one or more classifiers
Answer: B

17. What most accurately describes the semantics modeled by the exhibit?
A. HeaderGenerator and LineItemGenerator realize Invoicer.
B. Invoicer realizes HeaderGenerator and LineItemGenerator.
C. HeaderGenerator and LineItemGenerator are Invoicer ports.
D. An Invoicer component is composed of a HeaderGenerator component and a LineItemGenerator component.
Answer: A

18. What best describes the semantics modeled by the exhibit?
A. This is an illegal diagram.
B. The OrderEntity component is part of the internals of the Invoicer component.
C. The Invoicer has a complex connector that connects the GenerateInvoice interface with the Order interface.
D. The Invoicer has a complex port that provides the interface GenerateInvoice and requires the interface Order.
Answer: D

19. What does the composite structure exhibit show?
A. The diagram is not valid.
B. The two F interfaces must come from different packages.
C. Requests for behavioral features of interface F through ports p1 and p2 can be distinguished.
D. Requests for behavioral features of interface F through ports p1 and p2 will always result in the same behavior.
Answer: C

20. What statements are true about a composite structure? (Choose two)
A. Collaborations are structured classifiers.
B. A structured classifier is also an encapsulated classifier.
C. Structured classifiers cannot contain instances of structured classifiers.
D. Destroying an instance of a structured classifier normally destroys instances of its parts.
E. The behavior. of a structured classifier must be completely defined through the collaboration of owned or referenced
Answer: AD

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