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What are we doing today?”“No set plans.”“Good, let's go shopping today. Please let me know when the bodyguards and the cars are ready. I'm going to go freshen up.”“Yes, your highness.”I though it was better if I went shopping when I wasn't expected to do so. cheap air max 90 I didn't think that anyone had gotten hold of my schedule but it was possible.It took fifteen minutes to get everything ready. My two bodyguards at the door accompanied me, Mei, and my translator down to the lobby. Once we got out of the elevator we were met by the other four bodyguards. With my six bodyguards in black suits we got the attention of every single person in the lobby. I ignored all of them. It wasn't my job to look for anyone who was a threat to me. I got in the limo and a few seconds later we took off.“What's your name?” I asked the translator.“Quan, your highness.”“Well, thank you for coming with us. cheap nike air max 90 I appreciate your service very much.”“It is my honor, your highness.”We arrived at an open shopping area and the three of us got out of the limo. I walked down the promenade looking at various shops, the bodyguards not too far from me. I stopped at a shop and walked in. Two bodyguards came in with me, the others staying at the front door. A young woman approached me and spoke to me in Vietnamese. I turned to Quan.“She would like to welcome you to the store. Is there anything she can help you with?”“No, thank you, I'm just looking.”Quan translated for me while I continued to walk the store. They had some nice blouses and I picked a couple to try on. I went to the changing room and Mei accompanied me. I tried on the first. Mei complemented me. I gave her a cross look.“Okay, maybe it's not you type,” she said.The second one I liked a lot. Mei did too. I decided to buy that one. When I was pulling my wallet out of my purse, Quan handed the cashier a credit card. cheap air max uk I had known that was going to happen but I still had to make the effort to pay. It was polite. I shouldn't have naturally expected my expenses to be covered. I thanked Quan.My next stop was a jewelry store. The items were very expensive so I didn't stay there long. I kept walking. I found a little store that sold clothing. The store looked cute. I came out of there with a pair of jeans and a couple of t-shirts. Now I was on a roll. I bought some inexpensive jewelry and a couple more t-shirts before I was done. As I was walking to the limo there was a sudden commotion to the left of me. I looked over to see one man fighting with another one. My bodyguards closed in around me. As another man showed up to the fight, the two men grabbed the third in an arm lock, threw him in a black car and the car took off.“What was that all about?” I asked Mei.“We better get back to the hotel, your highness.”Mei literally pulled me cheap air max uk to the limo. We jumped in the limousine with all my bags and right as we closed the car door, the car took off. I knew we were going back to the hotel but the car was rushing. I didn't see what the hurry was.“Mei, what's going on?”“One of the men who was not in the fight flashed at you and nodded over to the car. He wanted us to leave for some reason.”“I didn't see anyone flash me.”“It's not your job to notice everything around you, your highness.”When we got up to my suite I was asked to wait outside while one of the bodyguards checked every room of the suite.

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