Rework/Return process --102 vs 122 vs 161

In SAP solution, there are lots of way to do return/rework. let's try to review the common movement type to return to vendor.


-----&gtwhat is the basic difference among them.

102 is the reversal off mvt 101 ie GR for PO.. most ly done when a user does the GR for PO by mistake and wants to reverse it.

122/161 is actually done when the goods are returned to the vendor. ie they no longer remain in the companys stock but are returned tothe vendor..
Both the functionalities and purpose is same
Solution: where as 122 Movement type is with refernce to Materials document GR made and 161 Movement Type is With reference to Return Purchase order(tick feild 'RE' on PO item level, with reference with return PO, the system would automatically set movement type to 161 during GR).

The material document with which you posted the goods receipt,In this case, the items are assigned with the movement type 122 (return delivery to vendor).

The purchase order that is linked with the goods receipt,In this case, choose movement type 161

Now let's focus on the difference between 122/161 for details.

-----&gtwhere and which scenarios we can use these ?

Many times during Initial upload of the Stock happens then in that some of the materials you want to send it back to Vendor due to various reasons then you don't have any reference material document to send it back using 122 movt type then
in that case you need to create PO and use 161 movt for sending back materials even if excise is also their then you can send it through Excise cycle
And many times in one Material document you have posted GRS then for a particular materials only need to send it back to vendor then also you can use 161 movt type.

Solution effect:

-----&gtwhat result we will get after posting with these movements?
Posting wise not much difference, from accounting point of view, GR/IR clearing account is debited,stock or consumption account is credited.
-----&gt which reference docs we have to use for postings these and impacts on current stock situation
-----&gt How it will effect on material valution in case Material with MAV price?

for 122 and 161 changes may happens

In short word, the process is ---&gt

1)101(GR)->102(Reverse in case of wrong GR)

2)101(GR)->122(with reference with material document in case of real return delivery)

3)101(GR)->161(with reference with return PO in case of no material document exist)

in case of other scnarios we might need to use others, e.g. 103(GR without value to block stock type)->124(rerurn delivery from block stock type)...

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