start from 09June
[@more@]Question: PO中带入物料主数据价格的问题(急)
在Access Sequence中改了一下,我改的0002的总价,在Info Record前面添加了权值和表。但是在PO创建后,仍然抓不到物料主数据中的价格,我用的标准价。仍然会抓Info Record中的价格。
Answer: 正如楼上的人说的,直接在info record里面维护价格等于valuation price就好了,因即使你添加了表什么的,你还是要用MEK1去maintian 相关的 condition record呀。
如果要直接取得相关的valuation price作为PO price,我想你可以写routine来做到,取消PB00,直接在PBXX里面写相关的formula routine(cal type)取得单价。
又或者通过refer PR,用copy control的方式取得PR valuation price(material price)
又或者创建authorization requirement(通过adopt to price),然后assign给用户 parameter ,这样相关的用户创建PO时候,可以直接取得PR的valuation price...
Question: 请问MRP组的用途?
今天学习发现 SAFETY STOCK PARTIALLY AVAILABLE 这个百分比是在 MRP组中设置的,原来MRP组中有很多设置内容,很想知道MRP组的设置跟什么有关系?我们原来没有MRP组的,但如果为了考虑这个安全库存水平设置 MRP组,会否带来其它影响?请高手指点指点。谢谢!
Answer: ... a114084/content.htm
An MRP group is an object which you can use to assign common control parameters to a group of materials for planning and organizational purposes.
You can use MRP groups if planning per plant is too superficial for your business needs and you want to assign control parameters that deviate from the plant definition to specific material groups. For example, the creation indicator for purchase requisitions, schedule lines, planning horizons and so on.
Now go back to your question, for SAFETY STOCK PARTIALLY AVAILABLE setting, what I understanding is if you input some value on it on the material group via OPPR, say the safe stock you set is 10, and you input 10% on share of safety stock, then system you can use 1(10*10%) from safe stock to do deliver...
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