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转载 Stock Transfer Using Stock Transport Order

http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/4d/2b90dc43ad11d189410000e829fbbd/frameset.htmStock Transfer Betw...

2011-06-15 16:59:31 89

转载 SD T-code related

T-code Listhttp://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/ERPLO/SD_Business+Process[@more@]ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT ...

2010-06-16 11:12:13 242

转载 Your MM question and My answer (June2010)

start from 09June[@more@]Question: PO中带入物料主数据价格的问题(急)在Access Sequence中改了一下,我改的0002的总价,在Info Record前面添加了权值和表。但是在PO...

2010-06-09 21:19:11 110

转载 Your SD Question & My answer( June)

start from 09June[@more@]Question : DESADV自动发送最近碰见一个问题,在VL01N中创建Delivery Notes的时候,自动发送IDOC?该如何处理呢? 请指教。http://www....

2010-06-09 21:08:48 79

转载 NewGL Basic Overview

New GL Basic Overview [@more@]http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/ERPFI/NewGL+Basic+...

2010-06-09 18:54:29 138

转载 Chinese GAAP

For chinese standardAs reference -- http://www.hartung.com.cn/erp_in_china/chinese_gaap/?n=8-37[@more@]Chinese GAA...

2010-06-09 18:51:38 221

转载 Standard Costing and Variance Analysis Problems & Solution:

The scenario of STD costing and variance analysis.[@more@]http://www.accountingformanagement.com/standard_costing_...

2010-04-10 01:06:07 196

转载 How to create transaction key

If a MM consultant thinks that these predefined Keys will be sufficient to meet the client requirement then he doe...

2010-03-30 13:08:20 118

转载 (ZT)Important SAP Notes on Configuration of MM-FI AAA Posting

What are automatic postings? Postings are made to G/L accounts automatically in the case of Invoice Verification a...

2010-03-30 11:48:22 406

转载 outbound delivery vs inbound delivery

In short word, outbound delivery is decreased stock, inbound delivery is increased stock.[@more@]outbound delivery...

2010-03-28 23:45:31 328

转载 Talks sharing (201003)--Lead like the great conductors from Itay Talgam

I would like to share some nice talks from internet, some is about management, leadership, some is about idea how ...

2010-03-27 09:34:34 193

转载 Account determination and GBB

How come the G/L will automatically showed during PR/PO creation with account assignment category assigned. e.g. K...

2010-03-25 18:21:45 254

转载 Intercomany STO return process

Intercompany STO return process would involve two party receiving plant and supply plant.Normally there are three ...

2010-03-20 13:00:31 120

转载 Rework/Return process --102 vs 122 vs 161

In SAP solution, there are lots of way to do return/rework. let's try to review the common movement type to return...

2010-03-19 17:05:05 149

转载 Leadership Styles

Do you know what is your leadership style?[@more@]The good artical from website:http://www.skagitwatershed.org/~do...

2010-02-26 17:21:30 210

转载 What is strategy development process?

In many big company, the staff always can hear strategy development, for instance, every year, CIO or IT director ...

2010-02-25 23:21:27 183

转载 SAP Difference between Credit memo and subsequent debits/credits

Subsequent Debits/Credits are used in cases where the quantity is in the original invoice is to remain the same.[@...

2009-06-24 21:20:07 212

转载 release step

The PR and external purchasing documents(POs,contracts,scheduling agreements and RFQs) can be set with release pro...

2009-06-23 11:19:15 84

转载 Setting up simple Release Procedure for Purchase Requisitions (转)

Release Procedures (approval) can be used for Purchase Requisitions (PR), Purchase Orders (PO), RFQ's, Outline Agr...

2009-06-23 10:44:38 122

转载 how to set the default value on PO?

Introduce one option related to EVO[@more@]For exmaple, how to set default value of PO‘s InfoUpdate1) OMFIstep 1:t...

2009-06-19 19:48:30 103

转载 Configuration of MRP ---MM CBP

1. Activate MRP for Plant(SPRO)2. Plant Parameters for MRP (SPRO) 3. Carry out over all maintenance for MRP group4...

2009-06-10 21:47:53 75

转载 MRP doesn't run at Plant level

Q:When I tried to execute MRP thru MD01 that is not generate an requirements but if I process MRP by single item M...

2009-06-10 21:00:27 101

转载 MRP 计划边际码(Scheduling Margin Key)--Opening Period

跑MRP的时候,就“创建采购申请”有三种选择,1全为采购申请,2未清期间的采购申请,3全为计划订单。“未清期间”在“计划边际码”中设定(SchedMargin key,IMG:Production -> MRP ->...

2009-06-10 15:31:02 642

转载 How the MRP Planning Run Works --- MM MRP--CBP planning

In consumption-based planning, the following MRP procedures are available: Reorder point procedure Forecast-based ...

2009-06-09 20:23:33 192

转载 Explain About The PO Confirmation Control Key In Detail

The confirmation control key controls the process subsequent to the creation of the PO. E.g. For some important m...

2009-06-07 14:16:28 180

转载 stock Types

Used in the determination of available stock of a material, the Stock Type is the sub-division of inventory at a s...

2009-06-03 23:46:39 301

转载 Valuation Structure

Data on a material is valuated using the following structure:Valuation area Valuation class Valuation category Va...

2009-06-03 21:15:17 62

转载 PO Price determination

PO price determination:Calculation schema( depend on Vendor group/Purchasing group/document type) --&gtConditi...

2009-06-03 17:04:26 91

转载 set up different data screen(masterial master) for different user

1.Define structure of data screens for screen sequence.(OMT3B)2.Maintain order of main screens.(OMT3R)3.Assign scr...

2009-06-03 16:28:25 110

转载 material master物料主数据field selection配置

material master field selection configuration1.Assign fields to field selection group.2.Maintain field selection f...

2009-06-03 15:18:03 131

转载 how to handl price differences in Purchase Order, Goods Receipts and Vendor Invoice

What is the procedure to adopt in case of the following situations when they arise?[@more@]First situation 1) a) ...

2009-06-03 01:33:11 116

转载 陈果“有空来坐坐...”

有空来坐坐[@more@]陈果“有空来坐坐...”朋友越来越多 但是寂寞并不因此而少一点屋子里如果没有朋友来 就感觉自己好象孤零零的 站在十字路口一样窗外车水马龙我的朋友们 想必也在里面穿梭不息吧而生活又不情愿只有一种感觉而已上...

2009-06-03 00:04:35 159

转载 MM-step to create a new material type/valuation cloass//account category reference

if we have to create a new material type or a new valuation classes or a new Account Category Reference or all the...

2009-06-02 19:53:49 127



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