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Jean trilled, and then he hung up.Dave checked the time difference to San Francisco and then dialled his parents’ cheap nike air max number. His mother answered on the third ring. “Hello?”“Hi, Mom. It’s me.”“David! I’ve been worried about you. How is everything?”“Well,” Dave hesitated. Putting aside paranoid conspiracy theories about what kind of information the US government could pick out of his phone calls, how much did he want to tell his parents about what had happened? They’d probably understand why he’d done what he’d done, but he could almost guarantee that they wouldn’t approve. That they’d be disappointed in him. And to be fair, he’d probably be disappointed himself, in their place. “Everything’s okay, Mom,” he said at last.“Are you sure? You don’t sound like everything’s okay. What time is it over there?”“It’s just after midday,” he said. “I’ve taken the day off.”“Are you sick?”“Not really. Just a little run down or something. It’s been pretty crazy here.”“And what’s happening with Belinda and that man who’s been bothering you about money?”“Well, I think that really is okay. cheap nike air max 2013 I don’t think he’ll be bothering me anymore.”“You shouldn’t take risks with people like that, David. The last time we spoke, you were planning to come home. Don’t you think that would be the best thing to do?”Dave sighed. “Honestly, Mom, everything’s working out over here. I’m still thinking about it, but I’m fine here for now.”“If you’re sure, David. You know you’re always welcome here, and if there’s anything you need from us, all you have to do is ask.”“I know that, Mom. And I appreciate it. You know that.”He could hear his mother sighing down the phone. “Yes, I know that, David. I just worry about you sometimes. Especially when you tell me things like you did the other week.”“I can understand that. It had me pretty worried too. But everything’s going to be fine now.”“I hope so.”“It is. Really.”“Well, let us know if it isn’t. And keep us in mind if you decide you’ve had enough over there. air max 1 uk We’d love to have you living closer to us again.”“I’d like that too. But I think I need to get my life into order here first. Sort things out with Belinda. I don’t want to have that hanging over my head forever.”“What do you mean ‘sort things out with Belinda’?” his mother asked sharply. “Has something else happened?” “No, Mom. Nothing else has happened. Actually, I was thinking about getting a divorce. Putting all of this stuff behind me once and for all.” He hadn’t been thinking about it until the words were out of his mouth, but as soon as he said it, Dave knew that was what he wanted.“That’s an excellent idea, David! Your father will be so pleased to hear it.”“Well, don’t tell him yet. I haven’t spoken to Belinda yet, and I guess I should do that first.”“Of course.”“I should probably go now. I’ll try to get in and talk to Belinda this week, or early next week. I’ll email you and let you know what happens.”“All right. We’ll be thinking about you. Call us if you need us.”“Thanks, Mom. Love you.”“I love you too, David.”“Bye.” ***“Are you sure about this?” cheap nike air max uk Dave muttered to Liza as they stood in front of 221B Baker St. Liza adjusted the chains on her jacket and rolled her eyes at him. “It’s a bar.

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