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翻译 ajax 文件上传 文件名_创建基于Ajax的文件上传器

ajax 文件上传 文件名I got one interesting theme. How to upload files without refreshing whole page during submitting. Hope this will interesting to you. Lets check 2 methods – using ordinary iframes and exte...

2020-08-06 13:13:49 413


PHP AJAX Calendar The php calendar is an integral part of many websites, frequently, this is one of numerous jQuery calendar plugins, but it can also be implemented using php. Today I will show you h...

2020-08-06 12:43:48 277

翻译 学习外来词

带有外来语的日语句子Learning Foreign Words Do you think that learning new foreign words is tedious? Each of us could face with learning of new languages. Sure, it can be tiresome especially if you try to remem...

2020-08-06 12:33:18 296

翻译 函数式编程 返回函数_函数式编程–如何用PHP编写函数式代码

函数式编程 返回函数Functional Programming – How to Write Functional Code in PHP Functional programming can be defined in simple terms as a programming paradigm that do not change the state of a program instead...

2020-08-06 12:22:34 257

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤5

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 5 Today – the first article in 2013. We are about to finish our Pinterest like script. In our fifth lesson I prepared next things: like and repin functional...

2020-08-06 12:12:52 168

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤4

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 4 Welcome our friends and sorry for the delay, I had to do a lot of things in real life. But in any case, I am glad to give you our fourth lesson where we c...

2020-08-06 11:41:09 422

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤6

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 6 Several our readers asked us to implement an infinite scroll for our Pinterest script, thus I decided to implement it today. I made some research, and cam...

2020-08-06 11:31:27 121

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤3

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 3 I hope you’re looking forward to a new lesson. For today I prepared few important changes. For the first – this is a new login and registration system for...

2020-08-06 11:21:13 311

翻译 使用Jcrop(jQuery)在运行时裁剪图像

Today we use jcrop api. During browsing the Internet I noticed one new good plugin which we can use to work with images. This is JCrop plugin, it can help us to perform different effect with images (a...

2020-08-06 10:40:44 208

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤2

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 2 Today I would like to introduce our second turorial where we are creating own Pinterest-like script. For today I prepared next interesting features: html5...

2020-08-06 10:30:55 195

翻译 php调试xdebug_PHP调试和分析– Xdebug

php调试xdebugPHP Debugging and Profiling – Xdebug When we are talking about web development, PHP surely one of the most popular languages in the world. Its popularity can be judged from the fact that al...

2020-08-06 10:21:03 256

翻译 搜索或添加rss feed_如何轻松制作自己的RSS Feed

搜索或添加rss feedHow to Easily Make your own RSS feed using PHP + SQL 如何使用PHP + SQL轻松制作自己的RSS feed RSS Feed is an important part of a website/blog to attract and bring back users and make them permanent ...

2020-08-06 10:10:34 461

翻译 web开发编码_Web开发中的编码约定

web开发编码Coding conventions in web development Today I would like to share with you a grain of my experience and we’ll talk about coding conventions. Every person who writes code for a long time, someho...

2020-08-06 08:36:26 162

翻译 DataTables –来自Ajax的数据,就地编辑

DataTables – Data from Ajax, Edit in Place Quite often, when it comes to tabular data and the need to put them on the screen in a convenient form with various additional features, we can seriously co...

2020-08-06 07:37:19 228

翻译 如何轻松制作PHP Shoutbox应用程序

Today I will tell you about creating easy Shoutbox application using our existed login system. This will useful and simple solution. We will able to shout something with our logged members. We will us...

2020-08-06 06:57:35 222

翻译 php 聊天程序redis_如何轻松制作PHP聊天应用程序

php 聊天程序redisHow to Easily Make Chat application with PHP + SQL 如何使用PHP + SQL轻松创建聊天应用程序 Today I will tell you about creating simple Chat application using our existing login system. This will be usef...

2020-08-06 06:38:51 472

翻译 php创建按钮_使用PHP创建Microsoft登录按钮

php创建按钮Creating a Microsoft Login Button using PHP 使用PHP创建Microsoft登录按钮 In this tutorial I will show you how to create a Microsoft login button for your website using PHP. To start with, let’s answer...

2020-08-06 06:08:58 1337

翻译 了解PHP中的CodeIgniter框架的基本要素

Understanding the nuts and bolts of CodeIgniter framework in PHP 了解PHP中的CodeIgniter框架的基本要素 If you’re an avid PHP lover then I’m sure you must have definitely heard about the Codelgniter framework. We...

2020-08-06 05:27:53 484

翻译 内容组织上的票数

redis 哨兵 票数Content organization on the number of votes Quite often, we have the task to display any content (from the database) on the screen, many may argue that this is quite simple and trite. This ...

2020-08-06 05:18:18 200

翻译 matlab中等高图_高图– jQuery的更深入实践

matlab中等高图Highcharts – deeper practice for real statistics Everyone of us can face with a situation, when we need to handle with some statistics. Me too, I was going to make a short review on how to b...

2020-08-06 04:19:13 448

翻译 如何使用GD库在PHP中创建验证码

php gd 验证码How to create captcha in PHP using GD library Today I will tell you about very important thing – captcha protection. Usually this is very important to prevent automated sign-ups in your regi...

2020-08-06 03:50:25 206

翻译 涵盖Magento模块开发的步骤

magento 模块化开发Magento connect. Modules are an integral part of Magento. These nifty little tools play an important role in solving a variety of tasks within the Magento platform with minimal efforts. C...

2020-08-06 03:12:03 302

翻译 ajax即时聊天程序_如何轻松制作AJAX风格PHP聊天应用程序

ajax即时聊天程序How to Easily Make “Ajaxy” Chat application with PHP + SQL + jQuery 如何使用PHP + SQL + jQuery轻松制作“ Ajaxy”聊天应用程序 Today I will tell you about another chat system. After making old-style chat des...

2020-08-06 02:40:37 277

翻译 使用Juicebox创建平面设计的相册

Creating a flat design photo gallery using Juicebox Today we will create another photo gallery using Juicebox. This is one of the numerous galleries, however, it has its own features and advantages. ...

2020-08-06 02:00:20 614

翻译 如何使用Digg Api通过XSLT轻松显示Digg帖子

digg btHow to Easily display Digg posts via XSLT using Digg Api 如何使用Digg Api通过XSLT轻松显示Digg帖子 As we know, Digg become very popular last time, so why not use it for our purposes? I decided to investiga...

2020-08-06 01:10:30 387

翻译 最好的WordPress技巧和技巧开发人员可以在其中工作

wordpress汉化技巧Hacks and Tricks WordPress tutorial: while WordPress happens to be the most hotly pursued CMS platform of all, you do need to branch out of the defaults to make your WordPress website gai...

2020-08-05 23:59:29 363

翻译 如何使用Akismet保护任何网站免受垃圾邮件的侵害

Akismet – spam protection. Today we will continue PHP lessons. And today we will talk about spam protection. I think every one have own website, and every one faced with appearing of unwanted content ...

2020-08-05 20:46:08 449

翻译 php 创建临时id_使用PHP创建ID3标签阅读器

php 创建临时idID3 Tags Reader with PHP Today we will work with PHP again. Today’s tutorial will tell you about how you can use PHP to obtain ID3 meta info from music files (mp3). The easiest way to save i...

2020-08-05 20:06:58 352

翻译 php phar_Phar – PHP归档实践

php pharHow to work with zip archives in PHP. Today we will continue PHP lessons. I guess you noticed that due your project become larger – the more and more files it contain. Sometimes it comes to th...

2020-08-05 19:57:23 178

翻译 php apc缓存_如何在PHP中使用APC缓存

php apc缓存APC caching with PHP PHP APC tutorial. Today I have another interesting article for PHP. We will talking about caching, and practice of using caching in php. I will make review of APC caching...

2020-08-05 19:37:51 254

翻译 如何使用XPath解析网页

Parsing pages with XPath. Today I will tell you how you can make parsers of remote HTML pages (in PHP). In this article I will show you how to perform xpath queries to Web pages. XPath – a query langu...

2020-08-05 19:16:59 2491

翻译 服务器大小端测试_如何在服务器端调整图像大小

服务器大小端测试How to Resize images on Server Side I found this amazing small little image resizing code which will resize and display images quickly. All resizing i done on server side. 如何在服务器端调整图像大小我发现了这个令...

2020-08-05 18:28:32 182

翻译 新的很棒的jQuery照片库– Skitter

New Great jQuery Photo Gallery – Skitter Building photo gallery with Skitter. Today we will continue overviews of available photo galleries. Next gallery is Skitter. This is jQuery gallery. This galle...

2020-08-05 16:37:45 268

翻译 md5加密和sha1加密_sha1,md5,其他加密技术以及如何

md5加密和sha1加密Today we will talk about cryptography. As we know, cryptography – the set of methods to ensure confidentiality and authenticity of information. Cryptography is even science. Encryption can...

2020-08-05 15:46:49 354

翻译 php注册成功动画_在PHP中创建外观现代的动画登录系统

php注册成功动画>Login system with PHP. Today we will continue PHP lessons, and our article will about creating modern php login system. Possible you already saw similar ways to display login forms, and t...

2020-08-05 14:36:12 546

翻译 使用jQuery创建Ajaxy链式选择

AJAX chained selects with jQuery. Today we will talk about creating dependent (chained) selects for your projects. This can be any related elements at your website. As example dependent fields to sele...

2020-08-05 13:53:18 355

翻译 jquery创建a_使用SmartGallery(jQuery)创建有吸引力的照相馆

jquery创建aCreating photo gallery using SmartGallery (jQuery) Today we continue our overview of available photo galleries. The next gallery is SmartGallery. This is light-weight gallery that allows us t...

2020-08-05 12:51:19 143

翻译 图像处理库 gd_使用PHP和GD对图像进行水印处理

图像处理库 gdImage watermark with PHP and GD. Today is interesting tutorial for PHP. I will show you how to use GD library. And, main task today is adding watermark to image and generate result as PNG imag...

2020-08-05 12:30:55 303

翻译 jquery 滑块_如何使用jQuery创建动画图库(滑块工具)

jquery 滑块Slider kit tutorial. Today we continue overviews of available photo galleries. Next gallery will Slider Kit. This is free jQuery photo gallery. This gallery have 4 different views (standard, ...

2020-08-05 11:12:59 276

翻译 xslt 转换乱码_如何使用XSLT转换轻松显示Delicious书签

xslt 转换乱码Delicious bookmarks with XSLT. Today we will create application which will show our Delicious bookmarks. We will use XSLT transformation to parse XML provided by Delicious. I will using my pr...

2020-08-05 11:03:41 213



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