

According to new research from SecTheory using Firefox in combination with popular addons like NoScript and Adblock Plus was enough to significantly reduce power consumption. Using third party and built-in monitoring tools, SecTheory took a look at the top 100 web sites according to Alexa and monitored their power consumption on the client end, as measured by amperage drawn by the CPU while visiting the site, using both Internet Explorer 7.0 and Firefox 3.0.4 on an average Windows machine. Both the browsers and the system were fully patched, and Javascript was on, Java, Flash and Silverlight were installed.

根据SecTheory的最新研究,结合使用Firefox和流行的插件(如NoScriptAdblock Plus )足以显着降低功耗。 通过使用第三方和内置的监视工具,SecTheory根据Alexa考察了排名前100位的网站,并使用Internet Explorer和Internet Explorer监视了客户端在其上的功耗(以CPU在访问该站点时消耗的安培数来衡量) 7.0和Firefox 3.0.4,通常是Windows计算机。 浏览器和系统都进行了全面修补,并启用了Javascript,并安装了Java,Flash和Silverlight。

The results were rather illuminating. According to the research, the biggest drains on power were Flash and AJAX elements on pages, and Flash advertising was the worst offender. “While other technologies can and did cause power spikes, they caused issues far less often than Flash, making it the least “green” technology we came across,” according to researcher Robert Hansen. “However, JavaScript, Java, VBScript and Silverlight all easily could have caused problems, and they should not be discounted as possible culprits for power consumption.”

结果颇具启发性。 根据研究,最大的耗电是页面上的Flash和AJAX元素,而Flash广告是最糟糕的违规者。 研究人员罗伯特·汉森(Robert Hansen)表示:“虽然其他技术确实会造成电源尖峰,但它们造成问题的频率却远低于闪存,这使它成为我们遇到的最不环保的技术。” “但是,JavaScript,Java,VBScript和Silverlight都容易造成问题,因此不应将它们作为功耗的罪魁祸首。”

Based on those results, SecTheory wondered if blocking the main culprits of power waste — JavaScript and Flash advertising — might have an affect on overall power consumption. They repeated their test on the ten worst offenders out of the Alexa Top 100 using Firefox but with the NoScript and Adblock Plus plugins installed (with those ten sites whitelisted and blacklisted respectively).

基于这些结果,SecTheory想知道阻止主要的电力浪费罪魁祸首-JavaScript和Flash广告-是否可能对总体功耗产生影响。 他们使用Firefox,但安装了NoScript和Adblock Plus插件(分别将这十个站点列入白名单和黑名单),对Alexa前100名中十名最严重的违规者进行了重复测试。

The results are below.


Average across entire Alexa 100 in Internet Explorer 7.00.41448.852
Average across entire Alexa 100 in Firefox
Average for top 10 power abusers in Internet Explorer 7.00.47455.932
Average for top 10 power abusers in Firefox
Average for top 10 power abusers in Firefox 3.0.4 with NoScript and Adblock Plus0.38245.076
浏览器 安培数 瓦数
Internet Explorer 7.0中整个Alexa 100的平均值 0.414 48.852
Firefox 3.0.4中整个Alexa 100的平均值 0.406 47.908
Internet Explorer 7.0中排名前10位的电力滥用者的平均值 0.474 55.932
Firefox 3.0.4中十大功耗滥用者的平均值 0.481 56.758
带有NoScript和Adblock Plus的Firefox 3.0.4中排名前十的功耗滥用者的平均值 0.382 45.076

“Given that the normal idling power consumption was between .36 and .39, the fact that Firefox with NoScript and Adblock Plus scored .382 Amps (45.076 Watts), it showed how significant dynamic client side technologies and advertisements are to overall power usage of the average consumer,” says Hansen.

“鉴于正常的空载功耗在0.36到0.39之间,带有NoScript和Adblock Plus的Firefox得分为0.382安培(45.076瓦),这一事实表明动态客户端技术和广告对的总功耗有多么重要。普通消费者。”汉森说。

While Hansen admits that this isn’t scientific research — only one computer and a limited set of web sites was used, and variance in the amperage over time makes the measurements in exact — he does feel that it provides “enough evidence to point to clear areas of power consumption in every day web applications.”


According to Hansen, there appears to be a way to surf the web more “greenly” by employing client side software meant to block the bits of web pages that consume the most power. “Reducing the amount of client side scripting that runs within the browser, returning the browser to a static page while not viewing the page or closing the browser when not in use, and using power save modes built into the operating system” are clear ways to reduce power consumption while surfing, says Hansen. Though, he reminds users that unplugging devices when not in use is the best way to conserve power.

汉森认为,似乎存在一种通过采用客户端软件来更“绿色”地浏览网页的方法,该软件旨在阻止功耗最大的网页片段。 “减少浏览器中运行的客户端脚本的数量,在不查看页面的情况下将浏览器返回静态页面,或者在不使用浏览器时关闭浏览器,以及使用操作系统内置的省电模式”是明确的方法汉森说,减少冲浪时的功耗。 不过,他提醒用户,不用时拔掉设备的电源是节省电能的最佳方法。

Hansen hopes that his paper will serve as a starting point for more rigorous scientific inquiry into how to “green” web surfing.


Given Google’s commitment to the environment this could just be one more reason for adding extensions to Chrome. Google specifically tagged Adblock as one of the extensions it hopes to add to Chrome, even though it makes the majority of its revenue via ads.

鉴于Google 对环境承诺,这可能只是向Chrome添加扩展程序的又一个原因。 Google专门将Adblock标记为它希望添加到Chrome的扩展程序之一,即使它通过广告获得了大部分收入。

(Note: though the paper didn’t specifically look at other browsers, it would follow that using JavaScript and ad blocking addons with other browsers would likely have the same effect.)


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/use-firefox-save-the-planet/





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