


A day after the release of Apple’s iPhone application store, that was the question that Jason Fried over at 37signals asked. “Most [apps in the iPhone App Store] are $10 or less with the bulk at under $5. If that’s where the market settles out, developers who planned on making a living selling iPhone software may be in for market whiplash,” he wrote after sharing some early data on the price distribution of applications in the app store. To make money on $5-10 applications requires serious volume, said Fried. But he might actually have been wrong — it looks like there is room for developers to make a living developing low cost iPhone apps afterall.

苹果iPhone应用程序商店发布的第二天,这就是37signals的Jason Fried提出的问题。 “大多数[iPhone App Store中的应用]售价为$ 10或更低,而大部分售价为$ 5以下。 如果那是市场稳定下来的地方,那些打算靠卖iPhone软件为生的开发商可能会受到市场的鞭策。” 在分享一些有关应用商店中应用价格分布的早期数据后写道 。 弗里德说,要想在5到10美元的申请上赚钱,就需要大量资金。 但是他实际上可能是错的-毕竟,似乎有足够的空间让开发人员以开发低成本iPhone应用程序为生。

Of course, “make a living” is completely subjective and I chimed in with a comment to that effect. If US$40,000 is enough to live comfortably — and it is in many parts of the US, especially rural areas — then 4,000 $10 apps per year gets you to that point, I said in my comment. That’s a pretty modest number of sales given the large number of iPhone users that Apple estimates by year’s end. Someone later chimed in that because Apple takes a 30% cut, my numbers were a bit off (4,000 sales at $10 actually equals about $28,000 in the developer’s pocket), but even so, given the relatively low barrier to entry, a single developer very likely could scratch out a modest living with a couple of moderately popular iPhone applications. And let’s not forget that in many non-Western countries, $28,000 per year is a very comfortable living (again — “make a living” is open to interpretation).

当然,“谋生”完全是主观的,对此我发表了评论。 我在评论中说,如果40,000美元足以让人们过上舒适的生活(在美国许多地方,尤其是在农村地区),那么每年4,000台价格为10美元的应用程序将使您达到这一点。 鉴于苹果公司估计到年底iPhone数量众多,这笔交易的销售量很小。 后来有人吹毛求疵,因为苹果采取了30%的削减措施,我的数字有所下降(4,000美元的销售价格实际上是10美元,相当于开发者的口袋里的28,000美元),但是即使如此,鉴于进入门槛相对较低,单个开发者非常可能会消除一些适度流行的iPhone应用程序带来的微不足道的生活。 而且请不要忘记,在许多非西方国家,每年28,000美元的生活是非常舒适的(同样,“谋生”是有待解释的)。

Numbers released over the past week seem to confirm that, and then some. Ars Technica reports that developer Eliza Block’s crossword puzzle application 2 Across, which sells for $5.99, is being downloaded at a rate that puts about $2,000 per day in Block’s pocket.

过去一周发布的数字似乎证实了这一点,然后又有所证实。 Ars Technica报告称 ,开发人员Eliza Block的填字游戏应用程序2 Across的售价为5.99美元,其下载速度每天约为Block口袋中的2,000美元。

“With the sales volume that 2 Across has been seeing, even a $0.99 application would be bringing in around $300 per day,” writes Ars reporter Justin Berka. $300 per day is a six figure income (calculated over a seven day week) — that’s definitely a pretty good living for a single developer, especially given the likely time investment for a $0.99 application.

Ars记者贾斯汀·伯卡(Justin Berka)写道:“凭借2 Across的销售量,即使是0.99美元的申请,每天也能带来300美元左右的收入。” 每天$ 300是六位数的收入(以一周7天计算),对于单个开发人员来说绝对是不错的生活,尤其是考虑到$ 0.99的申请可能要花时间。

Software developer Tap Tap Tap, who also released some sales data according to Ars Technica, said that they sold 3,546 copies of their applications, Where To? (which sells for $2.99) and Tipulator (which sells for $0.99) for a combined 7 day total download revenue of $9,896. After Apple’s cut, the Tap Tap Tap team took in $6,927 — or about a grand a day. Again, not bad at all given the likely relatively low development costs.

根据Ars Technica的数据,软件开发商Tap Tap Tap也发布了一些销售数据。该公司表示,他们出售了3,546份应用程序副本,《何去何从? (售价为2.99美元)和Tipulator(售价为0.99美元),共7天的下载总收入为9,896美元。 苹果裁员后,Tap Tap Tap团队赚了6,927美元-大约一天。 同样,考虑到相对较低的开发成本,这一点也不差。

As Ars points out, since the App store hasn’t been open very long, these sales numbers will almost definitely drop and level off. But if the report on TechCrunch this morning can be believed, and Apple is expecting to sell 40 million iPhones per year, there could be a huge market for iPhone applications. If a developer can get just one half of one percent of those 40 million users to buy a $0.99 application, that’s $198,000. After Apple takes their cut, that’s just under $140,000.

正如Ars指出的那样,由于App Store的开业时间不长,因此这些销售数字几乎肯定会下降并趋于平稳。 但是,如果可以相信今天上午TechCrunch上报告 ,并且苹果公司希望每年售出4000万部iPhone,那么iPhone应用程序可能会有巨大的市场。 如果开发人员仅能从这四千万用户中的一半购买0.99美元的应用程序,那就是198,000美元。 在苹果裁员之后,这将近14万美元。

It seems almost a guarantee that we’ll be minting our first iPhone App Store millionaire before long.

几乎可以肯定的是,不久之后我们将铸就第一位iPhone App Store百万富翁。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/can-you-make-a-living-as-an-iphone-developer/






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