

Apple has decided to wait until early 2021 before introducing iPhone and iPad privacy settings that will give users much more control over how their personal information is tracked, so as to give developers more time to make further changes and prepare for them.


In short, iOS 14 users will be able to decide whether to allow apps to monitor our online activities, and one imagines that the vast majority of us will say no thanks. Great news, but why have we had to wait so long to be able to do so? What Apple is saying is that until now, any app we installed on our phones and tablets was systematically spying on us, surveilling what we were doing not just within the confines of the app, but clocking any website we visited, as though this were somehow normal and acceptable. I don’t know about you, but I prefer my internet to offer the same kinds of privacy guarantees as real life does.

简而言之,iOS 14用户将能够决定是否允许应用程序监视我们的在线活动,并且有人认为我们绝大多数人会说不,谢谢。 好消息,但是为什么我们要等那么久才能做到呢? 苹果公司所说的是,直到现在,我们在手机和平​​板电脑上安装的任何应用程序都在系统地监视着我们,不仅在应用程序范围内监视我们正在做的事情,而且还对我们访问的任何网站进行计时,好像是某种原因正常且可以接受。 我不认识你,但是我更喜欢我的互联网提供与现实生活一样的隐私保护

Apple’s new operating system attempts to provide those guarantees. The code that identifies your device (IDFA) will not be shared with advertisers if you specifically say that you don’t want it to be, something that, logically, is of great concern to companies like Facebook that make a living from advertising. Unsurprisingly, Facebook and its empire of evil has accused Apple of exercising a monopoly over user information, claiming that it will lose half its revenue. Bring it on: that revenue was amassed by systematically violating our privacy.

苹果的新操作系统试图提供这些保证。 如果您明确地说自己不想成为设备的标识代码( IDFA ),则广告客户不会共享该代码,从逻辑上讲,对于像Facebook这样的靠广告谋生的公司来说,这是一个备受关注的问题。 毫不奇怪,Facebook及其邪恶帝国指责苹果用户信息实行垄断,声称苹果将损失一半的收入。 继续吧:系统地侵犯了我们的隐私,从而增加了收入。

For Apple this is a win-win, further consolidating its oft-stated position on privacy as a fundamental right, while garnering public support for hitting the parasites that live off our online data. Does this mean that some companies will go under? Yes, and good riddance to them. For users, this change looks like the best idea since bread came sliced

对于苹果公司而言,这是双赢的局面,进一步巩固了其常态 隐私是一项基本权利,同时获得公众的支持,以打击生活在我们在线数据中的寄生虫。 这是否意味着某些公司会倒闭? 是的,对他们很好。 对于用户而言,此更改似乎是最好的主意,因为将面包切成薄片……

Sure, we know Apple isn’t protecting our privacy out of the goodness of its heart: this is its selling point. But so far, over the years, Apple has looked after my information, unlike Facebook, whose ascent represents one of humanity’s biggest mistakes. My only regret is that although Apple hopes to sell some 75 million devices this fall with the new operating system, for the moment, most people around the world will not be free to make the choice Apple is offering, meaning that online privacy will be the preserve of the relatively wealthy. At least for now: if the privacy option on iPhones proves popular, we won’t have to wait long for other platforms to follow suit. Over in Googleland, Chrome, the planet’s most popular browser, says it will no longer support third-party cookies from 2022, which will further deprive Facebook of revenue.

当然,我们知道Apple不会出于保护自己的隐私而保护自己:这是它的卖点。 但是到目前为止,多年来,苹果公司一直在照顾我的信息,与Facebook不同,Facebook的上升代表了人类最大的错误之一。 我唯一的遗憾是,尽管苹果希望在今年秋天通过新操作系统出售约7500万台设备,但目前,全世界大多数人仍无法自由选择苹果提供的选择,这意味着在线隐私将是相对富裕的保存。 至少到目前为止:如果iPhone的隐私选项被证明很受欢迎,那么我们就不必等很久了,其他平台也将效仿。 在Googleland上,全球最受欢迎的浏览器Chrome表示,它将不再支持2022年以后的第三方Cookie ,这将进一步剥夺Facebook的收入。

A world in which we have more control over what companies know about us is definitely a better world. If the company making that happen has a relatively wealthier customer base than other manufacturers, so be it: Apple has been setting trends for years, and others have followed. The same will happen with privacy settings. If I have to buy Apple products in the meantime, again, so be it. Call me a fanboy, but if Apple then manages to build on these principles and move beyond payment, search or verification toward an identity system, I’m more than happy to listen to what Tim Cook has to say.

我们可以更好地控制公司对我们的了解的世界绝对是一个更好的世界。 如果实现这一目标的公司拥有比其他制造商更丰富的客户基础,那就可以了:苹果多年来一直在树立趋势,而其他公司也紧随其后。 隐私设置也会发生同样的情况。 如果在此期间我必须同时购买Apple产品,那就顺其自然。 称我为狂热分子,但如果苹果随后设法建立在这些原则的基础上,并超越了支付,搜索或验证的身份系统,那么我很乐意听蒂姆·库克的讲话。

In the meantime, I await with bated breath to read what Facebook and the other parasites that making a living from so-called targeted advertising have to say about us finally gaining control over our privacy options. And as I do, I will slowly lift my right hand from the keyboard, turn it over, and while looking straight into the camera of my computer, extend my middle finger. For once, I hope ‘they’ really are spying on me.

同时,我屏住呼吸等待阅读Facebook和其他寄生虫,这些寄生虫以所谓的定向广告为生,不得不说关于我们最终获得对我们隐私选项的控制权。 然后,我将缓慢地从键盘上抬起右手,将其翻转,然后直视计算机的摄像头,同时伸出中指。 一次,我希望“他们”真的在监视我。

This article was previously published on Forbes.


(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/could-apples-new-iphone-operating-system-really-halve-facebook-s-revenue-i-hope-so-75fe12a31410






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