dhh basecamp_Facebook和Basecamp Turn 5:对您来说意味着更多?

dhh basecamp


February 4th, 2004 was an important day in the history of the recent Internet. On that day not one, but two very successful and very important web sites were launched: Facebook, the social network that has recently become the world’s largest, and Basecamp, the software as a service project management application whose success has arguably inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of small web development shops to launch SaaS apps.

2004年2月4日是最近的互联网历史上重要的一天。 在那一天,不是一个而是两个非常成功且非常重要的网站启动了: Facebook (最近已成为世界上最大的社交网络)和Basecamp (软件即服务项目管理应用程序)的成功可以说启发了数百个。数以千计的小型Web开发商店启动SaaS应用程序。

That means that today is the fifth birthday for each site. Making it to five years is accomplishment enough, but each of these companies has managed to also come to dominate their given fields (social networking and web based project management). On the 37signals blog, founder Jason Fried wrote about the birthday and how Basecamp got its start. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg similarly wrote about his company’s birthday on the Facebook blog.

这意味着今天是每个站点的第五个生日。 达到五年已经足够了,但是这些公司中的每一个都已经成功地占领了它们的特定领域(社交网络和基于Web的项目管理)。 在37signals博客上,创始人Jason Fried 写下了生日以及Basecamp如何开始的信息。 Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)同样在Facebook博客上写了关于他公司生日的文章。

I use both Facebook and Basecamp every day, and it got me thinking, which is more important to me, which will be more important to the history of the Internet?


Facebook allows me to share and to connect with friends and colleagues easily on a daily basis. Yesterday, I had a conversation over Facebook with a distant cousin whom I haven’t seen in years. That ability to stay connected with the people who have been part of my life — both now and in the past — is one that wasn’t really available five or ten years ago before the rise of social networks. It’s something that has likely had a profound effect on human social interaction.

Facebook使我每天都可以轻松地与朋友和同事共享和联系。 昨天,我在Facebook上与我多年未见的堂兄进行了交谈。 与现在或过去的我生活中的人们保持联系的能力,是在社交网络兴起之前的五到十年才真正实现的。 这可能对人类的社会互动产生了深远的影响。

Basecamp, on the other hand, has vastly simplified my ability to stay organized and collaborate with teams, especially distributed teams. I’ve used Basecamp at 5 separate jobs and to stay organized in numerous side projects. For many people, myself included, Basecamp has changed the way we work for the better and made project management more simple, more intuitive, and more personal.

另一方面,Basecamp极大地简化了我保持团队和与团队(尤其是分布式团队)进行协作的能力。 我曾在5个不同的工作岗位上使用过Basecamp,并在许多附带项目中保持井井有条。 对于许多人(包括我自己),Basecamp改变了我们改善工作的方式,并使项目管理更简单,更直观,更个性化。

But both Facebook and Basecamp mean more to the web than just that.


Facebook, as we’ve written in the past here, is trying to become the whole Internet. They’re spreading their tentacles far and wide in an attempt to become embedded into the very fabric of the Internet. Hyperbole? Perhaps, but that’s how I think they’re positioning themselves. Mark Zuckerberg talks about Facebook as a utility that promotes sharing, but really, they’re building an alternate web that knows everything about you. In fact, they might even know what you’re feeling.

正如我们过去在这里所写的那样,Facebook正试图成为整个互联网 。 他们正在四处传播自己的触角,以试图融入互联网的结构。 夸张? 也许吧,但这就是我认为他们在定位自己的方式。 马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)谈到Facebook是促进共享的实用程序,但实际上,他们正在建立一个了解您的所有信息的备用网站。 实际上,他们甚至可能知道您的感受

When you take all that into account, Facebook really could legitimately become the most important site on the web that’s not called Google.


Meanwhile, it could be argued that Basecamp launched a software revolution. It was not the first software as a service app, nor was it probably the first to use the freemium business model. But it was one of the first to provide widely publicized validation of both. The success of Basecamp, which made possible the success of 37signals’ other web applications, was an important turning point in the history of software development, at least in my opinion. Perhaps the reason was less about the actual success, and more about the company’s willingness to write about it so openly on their blog. Basecamp’s successes and failures, the thought and care that went into decisions about its design, development, and business were shared freely and publicly on the company blog, and that proved to be inspirational to a new generation of software developers.

同时,可以说Basecamp引发了软件革命。 它不是第一个使用软件即服务的应用程序,也不是第一个使用免费增值业务模型的公司。 但这是第一个同时广泛提供这两种验证的公司之一。 至少在我看来,Basecamp的成功使37signals其他Web应用程序的成功成为可能,这是软件开发历史上的重要转折点。 也许原因不是真正的成功,而是公司愿意在他们的博客上如此公开地写关于它的原因。 Basecamp的成功和失败,决定其设计,开发和业务的思想和关怀在公司博客上自由和公开地分享,并被证明对新一代软件开发人员具有启发性。

Further, from the original Basecamp code, a web development framework called Ruby on Rails was extracted. Rails has grown in popularity, inspired similar frameworks for other scripting languages, and an entire cottage industry has grown up around it to provide hosting, support, and development tools.

此外,从原始的Basecamp代码中提取了一个名为Ruby on Rails的Web开发框架。 Rails变得越来越流行,启发了其他脚本语言的类似框架,并且围绕它发展了整个家庭手工业,以提供托管,支持和开发工具。

So which milestone birthday is more important to you, today? Let us know in the comments.

那么,今天哪个里程碑生日对您来说更重要? 让我们在评论中知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/facebook-and-basecamp-turn-5-which-means-more-to-you/

dhh basecamp





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