国家职业标准职业编码查询_想提升您的职业? 尝试编码学校


This article was sponsored by Hack Reactor. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who make SitePoint possible.

本文由Hack Reactor赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商。

It probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that we here at SitePoint are pretty keen on this whole “everyone should learn to code” idea. That’s kind of our whole thing.

我们在SitePoint上对整个“每个人都应该学习编码”的想法非常热衷,这可能不足为奇。 这就是我们的全部。

While we’ve been into it for a long time, in recent years the rest of the world seems to have caught up. There are many, many articles, books and presentations arguing that coding is the new literacy, and that it should be taught in primary school along with English and math.

虽然我们已经研究了很长时间,但近年来,世界其他地区似乎已经赶上了。 有许多文章,书籍和演示文稿争辩说编码是一种新的读写能力,应该在小学时将其与英语和数学一起教授。

This is usually presented as an inherently good thing — in a world run by algorithms, being able to “speak computer” is hugely beneficial, arguably essential, and learning code can help with learning to think logically and break down problems to their essence. But there’s also no doubt coding is a good way to earn a living.

通常,这被认为是一种固有的好东西–在一个由算法运行的世界中,能够“讲计算机”是非常有益的,可以说是必不可少的,学习代码可以帮助学习逻辑思考和将问题分解为实质。 但是毫无疑问,编码是一种谋生的好方法。

Right now, competent mid- to senior-level developers are hugely sought-after, with tech firms ready to bend over backwards to court them.


A recent New Yorker article detailed how one gaming company, Scopely, rewards new hires with the following smorgasbord of gifts: USD $11,000 wrapped in bacon, an oil portrait of the hire, and a harpoon gun.

《纽约客》最近发表的一篇文章详细介绍了一家博彩公司Scopely如何用以下杂货礼物奖励新员工:包裹着培根的$ 11,000美元,该员工的油像和鱼叉枪。

Tech companies want the best developers, they want them now, and they’re prepared to pay well for them.


How do you become a part of this club? Well, there are a few options.

您如何成为这个俱乐部的一部分? 好吧,有一些选择。

Depending on how you learn best, or what you want to achieve, you could learn a language by reading up on it in popular books, watching a series of videos on a site like Learnable, reading articles like those on SitePoint, or by diving in and getting your hands dirty on your own, with a bit of trial and error.


But if you want results (and employment) fast, consider a course in the real world.


输入:编码学校 (Enter: Coding Schools)

San Francisco-based start-up Hack Reactor, which has been described as “the Harvard of coding schools”, should definitely be on your shortlist.

旧金山的初创公司Hack Reactor被描述为“ 编码学校的哈佛 ”,绝对应该列入您的候选清单。

Hack Reactor offers an immersive 12-week course in a state-of-the-art classroom setting. Six days a week, 9am to 8pm, you’ll be put through your paces with classes and project-based instruction.

Hack Reactor在最先进的教室环境中提供沉浸式的12周课程。 每周六天,从上午9点到晚上8点,您将掌握上课和基于项目的指导的进度。

The program’s emphasis is on continually learning new skills, approaches and languages, as well as how to collaborate and problem-solve in the real world. While it’s an intense schedule, students’ emotional, physical and social well-being is monitored and emphasized throughout the course.

该计划的重点是不断学习新技能,方法和语言,以及如何在现实世界中进行协作和解决问题。 尽管课程安排很紧张,但在整个课程中都要监控并强调学生的情感,身体和社交幸福感。

This level of intensity requires an investment — standard tuition for the three-month program is $17,780 — but it pays off, with 99% of Hack Reactor graduates achieving employment as mid- to senior-level engineers at an average starting salary of USD $105,000. Grads have gone on to work for major companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Adobe and PayPal.

如此高的强度需要投资—为期三个月的计划的标准学费为17,780美元—但确实有回报,其中99%的Hack Reactor毕业生以中级至高级工程师的身份就职,平均起薪为105,000美元。 毕业生已经在Google,Facebook,Amazon,Adobe和PayPal等主要公司工作

In its quest to build a network of renowned educational programs, Hack Reactor recently acquired MakerSquare, another top-tier bootcamp, with footholds in Austin and San Francisco, as its first “extension school“.

为了建立一个著名的教育计划网络,Hack Reactor最近收购了另一座顶级训练营MakerSquare ,这是第一家“ 推广学校 ”,该基地位于奥斯丁和旧金山。

Classes start every seven weeks onsite in San Francisco or online through Hack Reactor Remote Beta. Apply today.

每七周在旧金山现场上课,或通过Hack Reactor Remote Beta 在线上课。 立即申请

Check out more information about the program here, and maybe you’ll even end up with your own speargun, oil painting, or bundle of bacon-wrapped cash. Good luck!

此处查看有关该程序的更多信息,也许您甚至最终会拥有自己的鱼枪,油画或培根包裹的现金。 祝好运!

Have you considered a coding school? What courses would you focus on?

您考虑过编码学校吗? 您将专注于哪些课程?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/want-to-level-up-career-try-coding-school/






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