

When someone mentions the term blogging platform your mind likely brings up thoughts of WordPress, or maybe Blogger.com. It did, didn’t it? While those two platforms have clearly carved out a respectable slice of the world’s blogging population, there remains a void left unfilled. This gap in platforms was largely created by the incredible popularity and growth of the blogging world itself.

当有人提到“博客平台”一词时,您的想法可能会想到WordPress或Blogger.com。 是的,不是吗? 虽然这两个平台显然已经在全球博客人群中占据了可观的份额,但仍然存在空白。 平台之间的这种差距很大程度上是由博客世界本身令人难以置信的普及和增长所造成的。

In the case of WordPress, what started out as a clean framework for publishing to the web has now grown into a full­fledged CMS aimed at tackling entire websites. So what about those folks that still desire a simple and effective way to write to the web without the overhead of a feature rich CMS? Well, as of a few short weeks ago (October 14th to be precise) there’s a new entry in the blogging platform race that hopes to meet your less demanding needs.

以WordPress为例,最初是一个干净的框架,可以将其发布到Web上,现在已经发展成为旨在应对整个网站的全面CMS。 那么,那些仍然希望以简单有效的方式来写Web却又没有功能丰富的CMS开销的人呢? 好吧,就在短短几周前(准确地说是10月14日),博客平台竞赛中有一个新条目,希望能够满足您的要求不高的需求。

专注于写作 (A focus on writing)

This new entrant goes by the stealthy moniker Ghost. A fitting name really, given its unapologetic focus on no­frills web publishing. The pet project of former WordPress UI team member John O’Nolan, Ghost was created out of frustrations with current blog builders. Ghost’s own “About” page says it best when discussing John’s motivations:

这个新进入者是隐身的绰号幽灵 。 考虑到它对nofrills网络发布的关注,它确实是一个合适的名字。 Ghost是前WordPress UI团队成员John O'Nolan的宠物项目,其创建是出于对当前博客构建者的不满。 Ghost自己的“关于”页面在讨论John的动机时说得最好:

“After years of frustration building blogs with existing solutions, he wrote a concept for a fictional platform that would be once more about online publishing rather than building complex websites.”


Forgoing the now ubiquitous use of nested menus with complex site tools, Ghost gives bloggers a spartan array of options. The everpresent main menu contains only four choices: view blog, browse posts, create a new post, and blog settings. Yep, that’s it. Kind of refreshing really.

Ghost不再使用嵌套菜单和复杂的站点工具,而是为博主提供了众多的选择。 永远存在的主菜单仅包含四个选项:查看博客,浏览帖子,创建新帖子和博客设置。 是的,就是这样。 有点令人耳目一新。


优雅的编辑 (Elegant editing)

Clicking on the “Content” option brings up a list of all posts both published and otherwise.



Simply click the edit icon on any given post and you’re whisked away to an elegantly sparse editing view. Inside this view is a double pane window with markup on the left and a live, real­time preview on the right.

只需单击任何给定帖子上的“编辑”图标,您就会被带到一个优雅稀疏的编辑视图。 在该视图内部是一个双窗格窗口,左侧有标记,右侧是实时实时预览。


Markup and HTML can be typed into the left pane and the right pane automatically updates with the converted content in real­time. This works marvelously well and lets you, as the blogger, focus on producing quality content without the distraction of jumping through menus and page previews.

可以在左侧窗格中键入标记和HTML,并且右侧窗格会自动自动使用转换后的内容进行更新。 这非常好用,让您(作为博客作者)专注于生成高质量的内容,而不会分散浏览菜单和页面预览的注意力。

The real usefulness of Ghost’s editing approach lies in the flexibility of the markup language. With the double pane feature you’ve essentially got the power and portability of markup with the aesthetics of a WYSIWYG editor. It’s the best of both worlds.

Ghost的编辑方法的真正有用之处在于标记语言的灵活性。 使用双窗格功能,您从本质上就拥有了所见即所得编辑器的美感和强大的标记功能。 这是两全其美。

As a quick example of the seamless (and productive) combination of the two pane method; to insert an image you would simply create the markdown alt text ![alt image text] as a sort of “placeholder” and then drag and drop the desired image into the designated area. The image is automatically uploaded and placed in the post. Both easy and efficient.

作为两个窗格方法无缝(高效)组合combination插入图像的快速示例,您只需创建markdown替代文本![alt image text]作为一种“占位符”,然后拖放所需的图像进入指定区域。 图片会自动上传并放置在帖子中。 既简单又高效。

简单并不意味着肤浅 (Simple doesn’t mean shallow)

Despite Ghost’s simplistic approach to blogging it retains a surprising penchant for extensibility. The ghost team has set out from the get­go to provide excellent plugin support via official API’s along with easy methods of distribution through their own “Marketplace“.

尽管Ghost的博客写法很简单,但它仍然具有令人惊讶的扩展性。 幽灵团队已经从getgo出发,通过官方API提供出色的插件支持,以及通过自己的“ 市场 ”进行分发的简便方法。

Within the marketplace users will be able to browse and download both paid and free Ghost extensions. In its current form, the Ghost marketplace showcases only themes with plugins coming later on down the road. Also on the way is the highly touted Ghost dashboard which will pull in and present useful analytics. The dashboard will be easily customized with drag and drop widgets to represent the desired data.

在市场中,用户将能够浏览和下载付费和免费的Ghost扩展。 以目前的形式,Ghost市场仅展示主题,其插件随后会陆续推出。 备受吹捧的Ghost仪表板也在路上,它将引入并提供有用的分析。 使用拖放小部件可以轻松自定义仪表板,以表示所需的数据。

Here’s the official mockup:



引擎盖下 (Under the hood)

For the dev types among you, Ghost has been developed as a node app written in JS. This leads to a slightly more complicated installation than its WordPress counterpart, though much of the setup can now be accomplished through automatic installers provided by third parties.

对于其中的开发人员类型,Ghost已开发为用JS编写的节点应用程序。 尽管现在可以通过第三方提供的自动安装程序来完成许多安装工作,但安装起来比WordPress的安装要复杂得多。

By default, Ghost utilizes SQLite3 as the chosen database for storing content though you’re free to choose your own backend by editing the config.js file in the Ghost install directory.


Here’s an example using MySQL as the database:


database: { client: 'mysql', connection: {
host: 'localhost', user: 'ghostUser',
password: 'ghostPass',
database: 'ghostDB', charset: 'utf8'

As of this writing, the only way in which to use Ghost is to install the application yourself. Spend more than five seconds on the Ghost website however and you’ll quickly discover the team’s plans for a much easier and robust deployment.

在撰写本文时,使用Ghost的唯一方法是自己安装应用程序。 但是,在Ghost网站上花费5秒钟以上,您将很快发现团队的计划,以实现更加轻松和强大的部署。

Ghost’s own hosted service is set to debut in the near future. Those that subscribe to the service will reportedly get the “full experience”. According to the Ghost website itself:

Ghost自己的托管服务将在不久的将来首次亮相。 据报道,订阅该服务的用户将获得“完整体验”。 根据Ghost网站本身:

“You’ll need hosting for your blog no matter what, but our service will be the most powerful way of running Ghost ­ and the easiest to get started with. You’ll have the full Ghost software with all bells, whistles, themes, plugins, and some extras that are only available with us (like automatic updates and backups).”

“无论如何,您都需要为博客托管,但是我们的服务将是运行Ghost的最强大方法,也是最容易上手的方法。 您将拥有完整的Ghost软件,其中包括所有铃声,哨子,主题,插件以及一些仅适用于我们的其他功能(例如自动更新和备份)。”

WordPress结束了吗? (The end of WordPress?)

A silly question really, as the two platforms aren’t at odds as much as you might think. As stated briefly above, WordPress sets out to accomplish far more and has a much wider use case. Ghost on the other hand is created to be a simple platform for writing to the web. Nothing more, nothing less.

确实这是一个愚蠢的问题,因为这两个平台的差异并不像您想象的那样大。 如上文所述,WordPress计划完成更多工作,并具有更广泛的用例。 另一方面,Ghost被创建为一个简单的平台,可用于编写Web。 仅此而已。

That being said, the release of Ghost holds great promise for the future of blogging and gives current bloggers ample reason to take a hard look at their own platforms and decide if maybe they could do without all the excess. Should you decide to jump ship or even just test the waters, there’s already an official WordPress plugin capable of migrating your WP posts over to Ghost’s open arms.

话虽如此,Ghost的发布为博客的未来带来了广阔前景,并为当前的博客作者提供了充分的理由来认真研究他们自己的平台,并决定是否可以在没有多余的东西的情况下做到这一点。 如果您决定跳船甚至只是试水,已经有一个官方的WordPress 插件能够将您的WP帖子迁移到Ghost的张开双臂。

Ghost is an open source project, free of charge and can be downloaded from the Ghost website immediately.

Ghost是一个免费的开源项目,可以立即从Ghost 网站下载。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ghost-really-wordpress-killer/






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