wordpress 访问量_为什么WordPress免费? 费用是多少? 什么是渔获量?

wordpress 访问量

One of the most often asked question by our users is “Do I have to pay to use WordPress?”. We tell them that WordPress is a free and open source software, which is usually followed by, “Why is WordPress Free?”.

用户最常提出的问题之一是“使用WordPress是否需要付费?”。 我们告诉他们WordPress是免费的开源软件,通常后面跟着“为什么WordPress免费?”。

In this article, we will discuss why is WordPress free, what’s the cost of running a WordPress site, and what’s the catch?


WordPress is free

WordPress is an open source software. It is free in the sense of freedom not in the sense of free beer. You may ask what is the difference between these two?

WordPress是一个开源软件。 它在自由的意义上是自由的,而不是在免费啤酒的意义上是自由的。 您可能会问这两者有什么区别?

Open source software comes with the freedom for you to use, modify, build upon, and redistribute the software in any way you like without paying any fees.


However, there might be costs involved in other areas. We will discuss the cost of using the open source WordPress software later in this article.

但是,其他领域可能涉及成本。 我们将在本文后面讨论使用开源WordPress软件的成本。

他们为什么不出售WordPress作为软件? (Why Don’t They Sell WordPress as a Software?)

We often get asked, why don’t people and companies behind WordPress sell it? If WordPress is as good as everyone says, then they would obviously make a lot more money by selling it.

我们经常被问到,为什么WordPress背后的人和公司不出售它? 如果WordPress像大家所说的那样好,那么显然他们通过出售WordPress可以赚更多的钱。

This statement would make sense, if a single company or an individual owned WordPress.

如果单个公司或个人拥有 WordPress,则此声明很有意义

WordPress is an open source community project where tens of thousands of talented people have made contributions to make it into a great software that it is today.


There is a core team of developers that lead the project development, but anyone can contribute patches, fix bugs, make features, suggest features, etc.


Furthermore, project leaders change from one version to another. If you get deeply involved in the community, then you can become a core contributor to WordPress as well.

此外,项目负责人从一个版本更改为另一个版本。 如果您深入参与社区,那么您也可以成为WordPress的核心贡献者。

The Philosophy behind Open Source Software


The philosophy behind Open Source software movement is that software are not like other tangible products. Once a software is created, it can be copied many times with little cost.

开源软件运动背后的哲学是软件不同于其他有形产品。 一旦创建了软件,就可以以很少的成本对其进行多次复制。

Let’s take the example of a toy factory. Each toy manufactured has different parts and each part has a cost. The manufacturing cost of these parts can be calculated by the factory to decide a reasonable profit margin for the product.

让我们以一个玩具工厂为例。 制造的每个玩具都有不同的零件,每个零件都有成本。 这些零件的制造成本可以由工厂计算出来,以确定产品的合理利润率。

On the other hand, the cost of creating software and making copies of it is not the same. Some groups believe that with each copy sold, the profit margin of the software becomes more unfair.

另一方面,创建软件和复制软件的成本并不相同。 一些团体认为,每销售一份副本,该软件的利润率就会变得更加不公平。

To understand more about open source software ideals, check out GNU’s Philosophy.


人们如何利用WordPress赚钱? (How Do People Make Money with WordPress?)

The two main profitable parts of any open source software are products and services based on the same open source software.


People often confuse WordPress with WordPress.com, but they’re actually two different things. WordPress (often referred to self-hosted WordPress or WordPress.org) is a free blogging platform and website builder.

人们经常将WordPress与WordPress.com混淆,但实际上它们是两件事。 WordPress(通常称为自托管WordPress或WordPress.org )是免费的博客平台和网站构建器。

Matt Mullenweg, co-founding developer of WordPress, launched a company called Automattic which provides “restricted” free blog hosting service at WordPress.com, and you can pay / upgrade to unlock features and remove ads.

WordPress的联合开发人员Matt Mullenweg创立了一家名为Automattic的公司,该公司在WordPress.com上提供“受限”的免费博客托管服务,您可以付费/升级以解锁功能并删除广告。

However, to get the full power of WordPress on WordPress.com platform, you’ll need to sign up with their WordPress VIP service. This costs over $5000 per month for hosting + $5000 set up fee.

但是,要在WordPress.com平台上发挥WordPress的全部功能,您需要注册其WordPress VIP服务。 每月的托管费用超过$ 5000,另加$ 5000的安装费。

Automattic has raised a total of $317.3M in funding over 7 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Jan 1, 2015 from a Venture round. (Source)

Automattic在7轮融资中总共筹集了3.173亿美元的资金。 他们的最新资金是2015年1月1日从风险投资中筹集的。 ( 来源 )

Other developers have also gone ahead to build successful multi-million dollar businesses around WordPress by creating commercial plugins, commercial themes, and even offering WordPress hosting.

其他开发人员还通过创建商业插件,商业主题,甚至提供WordPress托管 ,成功地围绕WordPress建立了数百万美元的成功业务。

Some examples of successful multi-million dollar WordPress companies are:


Related: See our list of 20 top WordPress companies.

相关:请参阅我们的WordPress 20强公司列表。

Good WordPress developers and consultants also make a comfortable full-time income by building custom websites, applications, and plugins around WordPress for their clients. A lot of them are making over six-figures in annual earnings by themselves.

好的WordPress开发人员和顾问还可以通过为客户构建围绕WordPress的自定义网站,应用程序和插件来获得可观的全职收入。 他们中的许多人自己每年的收入就超过六位数。

WordPress版权免费吗? (Is WordPress Copyright Free?)

No, WordPress is not copyright free. It is licensed in a way that allows everyone to use it, but each contribution made to the software is copyrighted.

不,WordPress不是免费的。 它以允许每个人使用的方式获得许可,但对软件所做的每个贡献均受版权保护。

It is released under GPL, so you are free to use, modify, and redistribute the code. You will have the copyright to modifications you make to the software, not the entire code.

它是在GPL下发布的,因此您可以自由使用,修改和重新分发代码。 您将拥有对软件所做的修改的版权,而不是整个代码的版权。

GPL requires that any derivative work you release or distribute should be licensed under GPL as well. You may have the copyright to do anything you like, your derivative work automatically inherits the GPL license, so others are free to use, modify, and redistribute your code in any way they choose.

GPL要求您发布或分发的任何衍生作品也应获得GPL的许可。 您可能拥有做任何您想做的事情的版权,您的派生作品会自动继承GPL许可,因此其他人可以自由选择使用,修改和重新分发您的代码。

这是否意味着所有高级WordPress主题和插件均已获得许可GPL? (Does this mean that all premium WordPress Themes and Plugins are Licensed GPL?)

According to an official blog post on WordPress.org, themes are GPL too. Images, CSS and Javascript used inside themes and plugins can be excluded, but all PHP and HTML parts of themes and plugins extensively use WordPress functionality thus they are a derivative work therefore are licensed under GPL.

根据WordPress.org上的官方博客文章, 主题也是GPL 。 可以排除主题和插件中使用的图像,CSS和Javascript,但是主题和插件中的所有PHP和HTML部分都广泛使用WordPress功能,因此它们是派生作品,因此获得了GPL许可。

While some folks do not agree with that, most trusted WordPress businesses follow and abide by the community guidelines.


用WordPress发布的内容还继承了GPL? (The Content Published with WordPress also inherits GPL?)

No, you are entitled to license your content any way you like. Unless the content you are publishing is actually a derivative work of WordPress or any other GPL licensed work.

不,您有权按自己喜欢的方式许可您的内容。 除非您发布的内容实际上是WordPress的衍生作品或任何其他GPL许可的作品。

For example, if you are sharing your articles, photos, or any other artwork on your blog, then you own full copyrights of it.


However, if you are writing a blog post showing people how to use a WordPress function with examples, then that particular blog post could be licensed differently. The code used in examples is actually derivative work and automatically inherits the GPL license.

但是,如果您要写一篇博客文章向人们展示如何使用WordPress功能以及示例,那么该博客文章的许可可能会有所不同。 示例中使用的代码实际上是派生作品,并且会自动继承GPL许可。

WordPress商标 (The WordPress Trademark)

The code of WordPress as a software is released under GPL but the words WordPress, WordCamp, and the WordPress logo are registered trademarks owned by the WordPress Foundation.

WordPress的软件代码在GPL下发布,但是WordPress,WordCamp和WordPress徽标是WordPress Foundation拥有的注册商标。

To distinguish between a site or resource that is official or community run, the foundation asks folks to not use “WordPress” in their domain name.

为了区分官方或社区运营的网站或资源,基金会要求人们不要在域名中使用“ WordPress”。

This is the reason why our site is called WPBeginner instead of WordPressBeginner. Any website, training course, or resource that you see has WordPress in their domain name is probably being run by someone who doesn’t know enough about WordPress. This means you probably shouldn’t pay them any of your money


这就是为什么我们的网站被称为WPBeginner而不是WordPressBeginner的原因。 您看到的任何网站,培训课程或资源中都包含WordPress域名的人,可能都是由对WordPress不太了解的人经营的。 这意味着您可能不应该付给他们任何钱

Most legit businesses built around WordPress are aware of the trademark policies, and they respect the rules.


使用WordPress的费用 (Cost of using WordPress)

WordPress as a software is free for you to download and use. However, to use WordPress on the web, you will need WordPress Hosting.

WordPress作为软件是免费的,供您下载和使用。 但是,要在网络上使用WordPress,您将需要WordPress Hosting

You can use WordPress.com to create a free blog, but be aware that there are some differences. See our comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org for more details.

您可以使用WordPress.com创建免费博客,但请注意两者之间存在一些差异。 有关更多详细信息,请参见我们对WordPress.com与WordPress.org的比较。

The cost of using WordPress is relatively minimal and hold true for running any other type of website as well. The only real cost is web hosting ($7.99 per month) and domain name ($14 / year).

使用WordPress的成本相对较低,对于运行任何其他类型的网站也是如此。 唯一的实际成本是虚拟主机(每月$ 7.99)和域名(每年$ 14)。

However WPBeginner users can get a free domain name and 60% off web hosting from Bluehost which means you can start a website for as low as $2.75 per month. Bluehost is an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

但是,WPBeginner用户可以从Bluehost获得免费域名和60%的Web托管折扣,这意味着您可以每月低至2.75美元的价格启动网站。 Bluehost是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。

Related: How to Start a WordPress Blog (Ultimate Guide)

相关: 如何启动WordPress博客(最终指南)

Additional costs could be commercial WordPress themes also known as premium WordPress themes. However, you are not required to use those because there are over 6000+ free WordPress themes that you can use.

额外的费用可能是商业WordPress主题,也称为高级WordPress主题。 但是,您不需要使用这些主题,因为可以使用超过6000多个免费WordPress主题。

People often use commercial plugins, but you are not required to use those as well because there are over 54,000+ free WordPress plugins available.


We have created a detailed guide on how much does it really cost to build a WordPress website with instructions on how to start a website on a budget and save money.

我们已经创建了一份详细的指南, 说明构建WordPress网站实际需要多少费用,并提供有关如何以预算启动网站并节省资金的说明。

We hope that this article answered your questions about WordPress licensing, the costs of running a WordPress site, and the business around WordPress. You may also want to see our list of easy to start online business ideas that actually make money.

我们希望本文回答您有关WordPress许可,WordPress网站运营成本以及WordPress业务的问题。 您可能还希望查看我们的列表,这些列表很容易启动,可以真正赚钱

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/why-is-wordpress-free-what-are-the-costs-what-is-the-catch/

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