

This article was sponsored by Insightly. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make SitePoint possible.

本文由Insightly赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商。

Customer Relationshop Management (CRM) is essential when running a business. With a large number of customers, you need to be able to properly track communications for sales quotes, projects and so on.

客户关系商店管理(CRM)在开展业务时至关重要。 在拥有大量客户的情况下,您需要能够正确跟踪销售报价,项目等的通信。

When you’re involved in sales, you’re probably going to be on the move when a prospective client reaches out to you. When working with potential customer you want to keep them as “warm” as possible; you don’t want to waste any time in getting back to your office first to browse though your conversation history or quotes. Say hello to mobile CRM. When using a proper tool for managing your contacts you can do it all from your phone or tablet.

当您参与销售时,当潜在客户与您联系时,您可能会变得举步维艰。 与潜在客户合作时,您希望尽可能保持“温暖”; 您不想浪费时间先回到办公室来浏览对话历史记录或报价。 向移动CRM打个招呼。 使用适当的工具来管理联系人时,您可以通过手机或平板电脑完成所有操作。

In this article I’ll take a look at how a mobile CRM can benefit your business, looking specifically at Insightly’s tools. They offer both a free plan and a 14 day free trial of their premium plan so you can try it out yourself right away.

在本文中,我将专门研究Insightly的工具,以了解移动CRM如何使您的业务受益。 他们提供免费计划和保费计划14天免费试用,因此您可以立即尝试一下。

为什么需要移动CRM? (Why would you need a mobile CRM?)

Imagine this: You’re out on the road, and a prospect you’ve been negotiating with for months calls. They want to close the deal on your product, but they want a quick rundown on the various options you offered them, just to be sure.

想象一下:您出门在外,并且与您的潜在客户进行了数月的通话。 他们想与您的产品达成交易,但是他们想快速了解您提供给他们的各种选择。

You know you agreed a certain discount with them, but you’ve forgotten the specific amount. You also pitched them a cross-sell to your product, but you’re not sure which one. What you do know is that you have it all stored in the prospect’s file. But your office is miles away, and the client wants to close right now. You suddenly remember you recently installed a CRM app on your phone.

您知道您同意与他们进行一定折扣,但是您忘记了具体金额。 您还向他们推荐了与您产品交叉销售的产品,但您不确定哪一个。 您所知道的是,所有内容都存储在潜在客户的文件中。 但是您的办公室很远,客户希望立即关闭。 您突然想起您最近在手机上安装了CRM应用程序。

You tell the prospect you’ll call him back in five minutes, and open the app. You check the prospect’s file, check for discount and cross-sell details and call them back. You put your client on the phone’s speaker, and quickly and calmly walk him through all the details.

您告诉潜在客户,您会在五分钟内给他打电话,然后打开该应用程序。 您检查潜在客户的文件,检查折扣和交叉销售的详细信息,然后回电。 您将客户放在电话的扬声器上,然后Swift而冷静地引导他浏览所有细节。

The client is impressed with your professionalism and happily agrees to buy both your initial product as well as the cross-sell offer. You thank your client for doing business with you, move their state from “open” to “won” in the CRM app, and drive home satisfied. Because you don’t need to waste any time at the office, you can relax and take your spouse for dinner to celebrate.

客户对您的专业知识印象深刻,并很高兴地同意购买您的初始产品和交叉销售产品。 您感谢您的客户与您开展业务,在CRM应用程序中将他们的状态从“开放”转移到“赢得”,并使客户满意。 由于您无需在办公室浪费时间,因此您可以放松身心,带上您的配偶共进晚餐庆祝。

It’s pretty clear how a mobile CRM can benefit you and your business. Let’s see how it works.

很明显,移动CRM可以如何使您和您的企业受益。 让我们看看它是如何工作的。

如何设置移动CRM (How to set up a mobile CRM)

Setting up a mobile CRM for your company is easy when you start using Insightly. As mentioned above, they offer both a free plan and a free trial for their paid plan. The free plan is limited to three users and 2500 records, without custom branding, Google Calendar and Contact sync or MailChimp integration.

当您开始使用Insightly时,为您的公司设置移动CRM很容易。 如上所述,他们为付费计划提供免费计划和免费试用 。 该免费计划仅限于三个用户和2500条记录,没有自定义品牌,Google日历和联系人同步或MailChimp集成。

If you’re already using Google Apps I’d advise you to consider the paid plan, since the integration options are quite useful.

如果您已经在使用Google Apps,建议您考虑付费计划,因为集成选项非常有用。

All plans offer features like Contact, Project, Lead and Task management, all covered with automatic backups, better than decent encryption and unlimited support.


And there’s of course mobile access with an app for both iOs and Android. For this article I am using the Android app, on a Galaxy Note 3.

当然,通过iOAndroid应用程序都可以进行移动访问。 对于本文,我将在Galaxy Note 3上使用Android应用。

报名 (Signing up)

To start you need to sign up for a free account or a free 14-day trial. After entering a few details about you and your business, hit the “Next” button. If your account is also used for Google Apps you’ll get the option to connect your Google Account to Insightly right away, in both the free and paid plans. It’s best to make your choice early because once you’ve decided, you can’t easily change to the other option. If you need some advice, Insightly’s helpdesk has detailed rundown of the pros and cons.

首先,您需要注册一个免费帐户或免费的14天试用版。 输入有关您和您的业务的一些详细信息后,单击“下一步”按钮。 如果您的帐户也用于Google Apps,则可以选择在免费和付费计划中立即将您的Google帐户连接到Insightly。 最好尽早做出选择,因为一旦做出决定,就无法轻易更改为其他选择。 如果您需要一些建议,Insightly的服务台将详细介绍其优缺点。


Your options for connecting are:


  • Add to Google Apps: This allows you to use the Gmail gadget for easily adding email conversations to Insightly with a drop-down menu.

    添加到Google Apps :这使您可以使用Gmail小工具轻松地通过下拉菜单将电子邮件对话添加到Insightly。

  • Yes, connect my account: This gives you automated sync with Google Drive, and on the paid plans also Contact and Calendar sync.

    是的,请连接我的帐户 :这样可以自动与Google云端硬盘同步,并且在付费计划中还可以同步联系人和日历。

  • No thanks: This skips the Google Apps integration, but you won’t be able to change it afterwards, as mentioned before.

    不用了,谢谢 :这会跳过Google Apps集成,但是您将无法如后所述更改它。

深入了解设置 (Setting up Insightly)

Once signed up, you need to configure a few parameters to use later. Before you can enter new prospects you need to set up:

注册后,您需要配置一些参数以供以后使用。 在输入新的潜在客户之前,您需要进行以下设置:

  • Categories: Type of contact, like phone or email.

    分类 :联系人类型,例如电话或电子邮件。

  • Pipelines: Your sales funnel, which consists of various stages

    管道 :您的销售渠道,包括各个阶段

  • Stages: Steps in your pipeline, like warming up the lead, discussing prices.

    阶段 :您准备中的步骤,例如热身线索,讨论价格。

  • Activity sets: Group of activities within a stage, like cold-calling or meeting up.

    活动集 :阶段内的一组活动,例如冷召或开会。

  • Activities: Specific tasks or events.

    活动 :特定任务或事件。

This might seem like a lot of work, but it helps you in keeping things organized later on. So be sure to take your time for setting these up.

这似乎是一项艰巨的工作,但它可以帮助您以后将事情保持井井有条。 因此,请务必花些时间进行设置。

Let’s see how this looks in my demo setup. You can add these values yourself by selecting “System settings” in the right-hard corner on top.

让我们看看演示设置中的外观。 您可以通过选择右上角的“系统设置”自行添加这些值。

Set up opportunities

Once this is all set and done (my example is a bit more simple than a real pipeline), you can go and create a new prospect, called an “Opportunity”.


Add new opportunity

移动化 (Going mobile)

Now let’s make it really interesting and dive into the mobile app to see how that works.


Mobile flow

As you can see, all the prospect’s details are there, along with some additional notes I made inside the app. It’s very easy to add notes like “discussed discounts” or “discussed cross-sells” from within the app. You can also close tasks you performed, or add comments. It’s also possible to change opportunity details in the app, like bid amount or probability of closing the deal.

如您所见,所有潜在客户的详细信息都在这里,还有我在应用程序内做的一些其他注释。 在应用程序中添加“讨论的折扣”或“讨论的交叉销售”等注释非常容易。 您也可以关闭您执行的任务,或添加注释。 还可以在应用程序中更改机会详细信息,例如出价金额或达成交易的可能性。

Perhaps the most fun and rewarding detail you can change is the state, when you transform your lead from “Open” into “Won”, after which it’s dinner time!


Chalking up a win

高级功能 (Advanced features)

Insightly comes with a whole range of advanced features which are included in all plans. I’ll highlight a few.

Insightly随附了所有计划中均包含的一系列高级功能。 我将重点介绍一些。

详细报告 (Detailed reporting)

Insightly lets you keep track of your sales funnel, with reports at all stages. One report that I found especially impressive is the “Opportunity Funnel Analysis”. This report is based on the values I’ve configured before (see “Setting up Insightly”). The funnel stages you entered are displayed visually, including the number of prospects in each stage.

通过Insightly,您可以跟踪销售渠道,并获得各个阶段的报告。 我发现特别令人印象深刻的一份报告是“机会渠道分析”。 该报告基于我之前配置的值(请参阅“ Insightly设置”)。 您输入的渠道阶段将以可视方式显示,包括每个阶段中潜在客户的数量。

Analyzing the opportunity funnel

基于网络的联系表 (Web-based contact forms)

Web-to-contact is an easily overlooked feature that is actually very powerful. It allows you to set up a web based form to capture contact information on your site, and import in into Insightly as a Contact right away. It even generates the required HTML code for you. You can also set up selected users to receive these contacts for proper follow-up.

网络联系是一个容易被忽视的功能,实际上非常强大。 它使您可以设置基于Web的表单来捕获站点上的联系信息,并立即作为联系人导入Insightly。 它甚至会为您生成所需HTML代码。 您还可以设置选定的用户以接收这些联系人,以进行适当的跟进。


Evernote整合 (Evernote integration)

I personally love Evernote and use it constantly to organize my ideas, research or products links. Insightly lets you link your Evernote account so you can import you Evernote items in a very convenient way. Just select which items you want to connect to a Contact and they are displayed along with your regular notes.

我个人很喜欢Evernote,并经常使用它来组织我的想法,研究或产品链接。 通过Insightly,您可以链接Evernote帐户,以便以非常方便的方式导入Evernote项目。 只需选择您要连接到联系人的项目,它们就会与常规注释一起显示。

Evernote integration

项目管理 (Project management)

Insightly is not only perfect for managing prospective customers, but also for managing your current customers. Using the same basic principles as the “Opportunity” section, you can set up pipelines, tasks and notes for customers and their projects. You can build detailed pipelines for managing a project, or use your prospect sales funnel on current customers.

Insightly不仅非常适合管理潜在客户,而且还适合管理您的当前客户。 使用与“机会”部分相同的基本原理,可以为客户及其项目设置管道,任务和说明。 您可以建立详细的管道来管理项目,或者在现有客户上使用潜在客户销售渠道。

For the latter, you only need to select one simple checkbox to enable it, which is an enormous time saver. It also allows for uniform reporting. To make it even more convenient you can simply change an “Opportunity” into a “Project” and keep all of its contact history and customer information.

对于后者,您只需选中一个简单的复选框即可启用它,这可以节省大量时间。 它还允许统一报告。 为了更加方便,您可以将“机会”更改为“项目”,并保留其所有联系历史记录和客户信息。

Convert to Project

直接电子邮件地址 (Direct email address)

Insightly provides a unique email address for your general account, and another for each customer/prospect. Everything you send to this email address is connected in Insightly, so you can use it to forward mails to or as a CC/BCC address. You can also give it to you client so they know their emails are saved properly. Combined with automatic backups, this is a surefire way of never risking to lose you conversation history.

Insightly为您的一般帐户提供了一个唯一的电子邮件地址,为每个客户/潜在客户提供了一个唯一的电子邮件地址。 您发送到此电子邮件地址的所有内容都已与Insightly连接,因此您可以使用它转发邮件到CC / BCC地址或作为CC / BCC地址。 您也可以将其提供给您的客户,以便他们知道他们的电子邮件已正确保存。 与自动备份相结合,这是一种永不言败的冒险方式。

Email to Contact

结论 (Conclusion)

Insightly is an incredibly versatile system for managing both your prospects and your customers. Its mobile CRM app allows mobile workers to have access to all their important client data on the move, and keep HQ updated of all their activities.

Insightly是一个功能强大的多功能系统,用于管理您的潜在客户和客户。 它的移动CRM应用程序使移动工作人员可以随时随地访问其所有重要的客户数据,并随时更新总部的所有活动。

It also has more features and integrations than most CRM tools, even in its free plan. But the pricing for the paid plan’s pricing is very fair, starting at $7 per month (when paid annually).

即使在免费计划中,它也具有比大多数CRM工具更多的功能和集成。 但是付费计划的定价非常公平,起价为每月 7美元(每年支付)。

For more information on Insightly, check out their resources page, which includes a ‘Getting Started’ guide in PDF format.

有关Insightly的更多信息,请查看其资源页面 ,其中包括PDF格式的“入门”指南。

Have you had experience with CRMs? What are your top tips for managing customers on the go?

您有CRM的经验吗? 您在旅途中管理客户的主要秘诀是什么?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/keep-sales-funnel-from-leaking-even-move/


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